Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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1.1 Manual Set • 3in your use of the interface and the Maple language. This manual providesan overview of the functionality of Maple. It describes both the symbolicand numeric capabilities, introducing the available Maple objects, commands,and methods. Particular emphasis is placed on not only findingsolutions, but also plotting or animating results and exporting worksheetsto other formats. More importantly, it presents the philosophy and methodsof use intended by the designers of the system. These simple conceptsallow you to use Maple fully and efficiently.Whereas this book is a guide that highlights features of Maple, theonline help system is a complete reference manual. The Maple help systemis more convenient than a traditional text because it allows you to searchin many ways and is always available. There are also examples that youcan copy, paste, and execute immediately.1.1 Manual SetThere are three other manuals available for Maple, the Maple 8 GettingStarted <strong>Guide</strong>, the Maple 8 Introductory Programming <strong>Guide</strong>, andthe Maple 8 Advanced Programming <strong>Guide</strong>. 1The Maple Getting Started <strong>Guide</strong> contains an introduction to thegraphical user interface and a tutorial that outlines using Maple to solvemathematical problems and create technical documents. In it, there isadditional information for new users about the online help system, NewUser’s Tour, example worksheets, and Waterloo Maple Web site.The Maple Introductory Programming <strong>Guide</strong> introduces the basicMaple programming concepts, such as expressions, data structures, loopingand decisions mechanisms, procedures, input and output, debugging,and Maplets.The Maple Advanced Programming <strong>Guide</strong> extends the basic Mapleprogramming concepts to more advanced topics, such as modules, inputand output, numerical programming, graphics programming, and compiledcode.1 The Student Edition does not include the Maple 8 Introductory Programming <strong>Guide</strong>and the Maple 8 Advanced Programming <strong>Guide</strong>. These programming guides can bepurchased from school and speciality bookstores or directly from Waterloo Maple Inc.

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