Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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3.8 The Maple Packages • 95[basis, convexhull , cterm, define_zero, display, dual ,feasible, maximize, minimize, pivot, pivoteqn, pivotvar,ratio, setup, standardize]Say you want to maximize the expression w> w := -x+y+2*z;w := −x + y + 2 zsubject to the constraints c1, c2, and c3.> c1 := 3*x+4*y-3*z c2 := 5*x-4*y-3*z c3 := 7*x +4*y+11*z maximize(w, {c1,c2,c3});In this case, no answer means that Maple cannot find a solution. You canuse the feasible command to determine if the set of constraints is valid.> feasible({c1,c2,c3});trueTry again, but this time place an additional restriction on the solution.> maximize(w, {c1,c2,c3}, NONNEGATIVE);{z = 1 2 , y = 49 8 , x = 0}

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