Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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1 Introduction to MapleMaple is a Symbolic Computation System or Computer Algebra System.Maple manipulates information in a symbolic or algebraic manner.Other conventional mathematical programs require numerical values forall variables. In contrast, Maple maintains and manipulates the underlyingsymbols and expressions, and evaluates numerical expressions.You can use these symbolic capabilities to obtain exact analytical solutionsto many mathematical problems, including integrals, systems ofequations, differential equations, and problems in linear algebra. Complementingthe symbolic operations are a large set of graphics routines forvisualizing complicated mathematical information, numerical algorithmsfor providing estimates and solving problems where exact solutions donot exist, and a complete and comprehensive programming language fordeveloping custom functions and applications.Maple’s extensive mathematical functionality is most easily accessedthrough its advanced worksheet-based graphical interface. A worksheetis a flexible document for exploring mathematical ideas and for creatingsophisticated technical reports. Users of Maple have found countless waysto utilize the Maple language and worksheets.Engineers and professionals in industries as diverse as agriculture andaerospace use Maple as a productivity tool, replacing many traditionalresources such as reference books, calculators, spreadsheets, and programminglanguages such as FORTRAN. These users easily produce answers toa wide range of day-to-day mathematical problems, creating projectionsand consolidating their computations into professional technical reports.Researchers in many fields find Maple to be an essential tool for theirwork. Maple is ideal for formulating, solving, and exploring mathematicalmodels. Its symbolic manipulation facilities greatly extend the range ofproblems you can solve.Instructors use Maple to present lectures. Educators in high schools,1

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