A Handbook of Rice Seedborne Fungi TW Mew and P ... - IRRI books

A Handbook of Rice Seedborne Fungi TW Mew and P ... - IRRI books

A Handbook of Rice Seedborne Fungi TW Mew and P ... - IRRI books

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Table 4. Germination (%) <strong>of</strong> untreated <strong>and</strong> treated seeds using paper towel <strong>and</strong> in-soil germination methods (400seeds each; r<strong>and</strong>omized complete block design).Normal a Abnormal Dead seedsVarieties Paper In-soil Paper In-soil Paper In-soiltowel test towel test towel testUntreatedIR62 79.7 ab 91.7 a 16.0 a 5.3 a 4.3 a 3.0 bSARBON 65.3 b 75.7 ab 20.3 a 12.0 a 14.3 a 12.3 abC22 94.0 a 84.0 ab 4.3 b 10.3 a 1.7 a 5.7 abBS1-10 68.0 b 72.7 b 18.3 a 11.0 a 13.7 a 16.3 aHot-water treatmentIR62 86.7 a 85.3 a 5.0 b 7.7 b 8.3 b 7.0 bSARBON 46.3 b 50.3 c 19.7 a 10.3 b 34.0 a 39.3 aC22 92.3 a 94.3 a 5.0 b 4.0 b 2.7 b 1.7 bBS1-10 76.3 a 67.7 b 13.7 ab 25.0 a 10.0 a 7.3 baIn a column under each treatment, means followed by a common letter are not significantly different at the 5% level by Duncan’s multiple rangetest.Relationship between seedborne inoculum<strong>and</strong> disease development in the fieldIn determining the importance <strong>of</strong> a seedborne pathogen,it is essential to relate inoculum production <strong>and</strong>the efficiency <strong>of</strong> the secondary spread to the inoculumthreshold <strong>and</strong> disease severity after establishment.For a monocyclic disease, initial infectionshould be closely related to the initial inoculum providedby the seed. For a polycyclic disease, a lowlevel <strong>of</strong> seedborne inoculum is adequate to begininfection from the seedbed to the main field, <strong>and</strong> increasedisease intensity if climatic or crop-growingconditions are favorable. For instance, in rice blastcaused by P. oryzae with low detection <strong>and</strong> infectionfrequencies, seed-carried inoculum is more importantin temperate or subtropical environments than ina tropical lowl<strong>and</strong> environment. In the former environments,the likelihood <strong>of</strong> seed-carried inoculumbeginning an infection <strong>and</strong> producing a sufficientamount <strong>of</strong> inoculum for secondary infection is higher(Ou 1985).Inoculum level <strong>and</strong> inoculum thresholdsIn seed health testing for certification, the inoculumthreshold <strong>of</strong> seedborne pathogens is defined as theamount <strong>of</strong> seed infection or infestation that can causea disease in the field under conducive conditions <strong>and</strong>lead to economic losses (Kuan 1988). We believethat this should mean a minimal amount <strong>of</strong> seed infectionor infestation. In principle <strong>and</strong> as Gabrielson(1988) indicated, one infected seed may give rise toone infected plant, but, under field conditions, this ishardly the case. The values <strong>of</strong> the inoculum thresholdfor different crop-pathogen combinations in differentcountries vary widely (Gabrielson 1988).Our experience with rice has shown that thepotential <strong>of</strong> a seedborne pathogen to cause a diseaseis determined by the type <strong>of</strong> pathogen in relation tothe crop growth environment. Under conditions in awet-bed nursery for rice seedlings, the likelihood <strong>of</strong> afungal pathogen beginning an infection appears lessthan under tropical conditions. Perhaps this is because<strong>of</strong> the microbial competition or antagonism.On the other h<strong>and</strong>, if the level <strong>of</strong> seedborne inoculumis high (we have not had it quantified), then the probability<strong>of</strong> it causing infection is also high. As one infectedseed begins one disease focus <strong>and</strong> this focalpoint exp<strong>and</strong>s, the probability <strong>of</strong> infection increases.In reality, disease establishment is affected by inoculumdensity <strong>and</strong> the crop cultivation environment.The more infected seeds there are (inoculum level),the higher the probability <strong>of</strong> having an infection.We have monitored detection levels <strong>of</strong> seedbornefungal pathogens from imported seed lots byplanting them in the field after seed treatment forpostentry plant quarantine observation. Diseases observedwere not related to seedborne pathogens(Table 2). Pathogens from harvested seeds fromthese plants were detected, but we are not surewhether these fungal pathogen populations were thesame as those carried by the original seed or if theycame from other sources in the field.9

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