The ISSP & Pathways Commission Report - Government of ...

The ISSP & Pathways Commission Report - Government of ...

The ISSP & Pathways Commission Report - Government of ...

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instruction). However, swirling around such tangible changes in policy and approachwas a different view <strong>of</strong> special education: inclusion. As outlined in the history <strong>of</strong>special education, inclusion did not appear at any one point in this history butrather evolved from factors such as differing interpretations <strong>of</strong> least restrictiveenvironments, mounting criticism <strong>of</strong> special education practices and a society thatwas becoming increasingly supportive <strong>of</strong> diversity issues. In fact, the call for ablended curriculum that arose from the school reform movement echoed thecriticisms that had been mounting for years.Hockenbury, Kauffman and Hallahan (2000), attempt to organize this criticism intoseven emergent themes, saying that special education:1. has become a place [placement option] that should becomea service;2. is now a separate system but should be an integratedsystem;3. identifies and stigmatizes students but should be <strong>of</strong>feredwithout labels;4. has no particularly effective methods and could be replacedby good general education;5. returns few students to general education but should returnmost;6. has changed incrementally but should be radically reformed;7. is needed now but should not be needed if generaleducation is reformed (p.4).Fuchs and Fuchs (1995) add to this list by questioning the research base uponwhich special education practices are built. <strong>The</strong>y call for more research into specialFocusing on Students:A <strong>Report</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>ISSP</strong> & <strong>Pathways</strong> <strong>Commission</strong>193

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