Microsoft Dynamics CRM In Government

Microsoft Dynamics CRM In Government Microsoft Dynamics CRM In Government


Some Customer Examples

trafficPOINT@Police.HuTraffic ticketing solution on CSPLaw of Objective ResponsibilityExternal evidence collectionHandling arrears in paymentof fines (w. Local Gov.)Establish Centralised EvidenceProcessing and Fine Collection• Severe fines (increased by up 6 times!• Tracking the responsible vehicle owner• The road owners are eligible to collectevidences but the ticketing remains in thehands of the Police• Pilot with 200 fix speed cameras until Q3and additional 500 in two years• Establish an independent police office ofEvidence Processing and Fine Collection... Ongoing developmentCRM Requirements:• Handling arrears in payment of fines;• Connected e-administration to theMunicipal Notary offices• Integration to license plate numberrecognition• TP Mobile ergonomic improvement• Functional workflow and systemdesign for the end-to-end process in anew independent police organization.

trafficPOINT@Police.HuTraffic ticketing solution on CSPLaw of Objective ResponsibilityExternal evidence collectionHandling arrears in paymentof fines (w. Local Gov.)Establish Centralised EvidenceProcessing and Fine Collection• Severe fines (increased by up 6 times!• Tracking the responsible vehicle owner• The road owners are eligible to collectevidences but the ticketing remains in thehands of the Police• Pilot with 200 fix speed cameras until Q3and additional 500 in two years• Establish an independent police office ofEvidence Processing and Fine Collection... Ongoing development<strong>CRM</strong> Requirements:• Handling arrears in payment of fines;• Connected e-administration to theMunicipal Notary offices• <strong>In</strong>tegration to license plate numberrecognition• TP Mobile ergonomic improvement• Functional workflow and systemdesign for the end-to-end process in anew independent police organization.

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