Microsoft Dynamics CRM In Government

Microsoft Dynamics CRM In Government

Microsoft Dynamics CRM In Government

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<strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong><strong>In</strong> <strong>Government</strong>Mirad MaglicTechnology Strategist<strong>Microsoft</strong> Corporation

Citizen Expectations = Customer Expectations“I want my local government toknow who I am and to keep trackof my enquiries”“I want access to citizen servicesand information in a way thatsuits me, at a time of mychoosing”“ I don’t expect to have to visit mylocal government offices to getthe answer to a question or solve aproblem”“ I don’t expect to have to “hold” orbe passed from department todepartment when I telephone”

<strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> Suite

xRM Solution Examples in <strong>Government</strong>Flexibility to fit the unique requirements of multiple groups/departments

<strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> ArchitectureWebRole Tailored ApplicationsCitizen


Account ManagementA focused and coordinated approach to themanagement of existing customers and theadditional revenue opportunities they affordLead Management Components• Activity management• Query and Search• Contract management• Data quality controls• Contact management• Relationship tracking<strong>Microsoft</strong> Advantage• Complete view of allproducts andinteractions• Easy access to contractsand renewal dates• Complex relationshipmapping and tracking

Lead ManagementFrom capture to tracking to evaluation toqualification to conversion and automaticdistribution.Lead Management Components• Qualification and Scoring• Routing and Assignment• Conversion• Lead capture and import• Monitoring of leads• Prospecting<strong>Microsoft</strong> Advantage• Automatic association ofincoming emails to leads• Effortless conversion ofleads/responses toopportunities• Seamlessly integratedwith marketingcapabilities

Opportunity ManagementEnd-to-end management of opportunities withseamless integration to MS Office and strongworkflow helps sales reps. close the dealLead Management Components• Products and pricing• Workflow and rules• Quote to Order• Deal tracking• Competitive intelligence• Task management<strong>Microsoft</strong> Advantage• Seamless tracking of allassociatedcommunications• Robust workflow forrepeatable bestpractices• ComprehensiveQuote/<strong>In</strong>voice/Orderfunctionality

Territory Management and PlanningComplete set of features/tools for salesplanning, territory management andresource allocationLead Management Components• Quota capabilities• Task assignment and routing• Resource Manager• Territory definition• Territory association• Groups and permissions<strong>Microsoft</strong> Advantage• Resource Center idealfor sharing bestpractices• Robust role and groupbasedpermissionmanagement• Strong globalcapabilities for teamselling


Planning and BudgetingComprehensive capabilities for designing,defining and re-using of marketingcampaigns and programsPlanning and Budgeting Components• Campaign definition• Campaign templates• Product catalogs• Target list• Campaign budget management• Workflow based approvals<strong>Microsoft</strong> Advantage• Campaign templates foreasy re-use• <strong>In</strong>tuitive tracking ofestimated vs. actualcosts for easy ROIanalysis• Product catalogs andprice lists allow for offercustomization

Data and List ManagementSeamless management of customer dataand lists and the intuitive segmentationof that dataData and List Management Components• Data import/export• Data cleansing• Query tools• Data views• List management• Activity association<strong>Microsoft</strong> Advantage• Data cleansing toolsgeared for thebusiness user• Easy manipulation oflists and views for bettersegmentation• Workflow for triggers onexternal data sources

Campaign ManagementEasy execution of campaigns and seamlesstracking of all related communications, andtasks for increased follow-up and resultsCampaign Management Components• Quick Campaign Wizard• Bulk operation support• Offer management• Collateral management• Email templates• Outlook integration<strong>Microsoft</strong> Advantage• Closed-loop campaignmanagement• Seamless tracking ofcommunications between Outlookand <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong>• New campaigns just a “Next”button away

Response and Lead ManagementEnd-to-end management of responses viaguided wizards and automated conversionand follow-up of those responsesResponse & Lead Management Components• Response tracking• Multi channel comms support• Workflow (i.e. response scoring)• Email tracking• Response conversion• Lead management<strong>Microsoft</strong> Advantage• Response conversion one click away• Seamless connection to leadmanagement enables appropriatefollow-up• Powerful rules for response andlead scoring


Case Management and SchedulingSophisticated set of features to create, manageand resolve cases via multiple channels as wellas schedule field service.Case Management and Scheduling Components• Multi-channel <strong>In</strong>cident Mngmt. • Services & Resources• Communications & Activities ManagementManagement• Global Scheduling &• Routing & EscalationOptimization<strong>Microsoft</strong> Advantage• Easy-to-use casemanagementfunctionality includingcreation, editing,dispatch, tracking andresolution.• Optimize usage of fieldpersonnel, fleet, tools,parts and resources

<strong>In</strong>teraction and Knowledge ManagementComplete interaction management capabilitiesincluding Knowledge Management and ServiceLevel Agreements.<strong>In</strong>teraction and Knowledge Management Components• Flexible <strong>In</strong>teraction Framework •KB Article Authoring,• Contextual User Experience Review and Publishing• Knowledge Base• SLA and SupportContracts<strong>Microsoft</strong> Advantage• Customizable agent desktopsurfacing <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong><strong>CRM</strong> through browser,<strong>Microsoft</strong> Office Outlook,SharePoint or custom UI• Fully integrated KnowledgeBase including authoring andpublishing capabilities.• Robust email supportincluding auto-response andauto promotion of emails tocases.

Customer Service ScenariosFollowthe-SunGlobalSupportWorld-ClassContactCenterClosed-LoopServiceProcessesQuick ServiceCampaignsTotal QualityManagementEnablemanagementof cases to behanded offacross teamsin multipletime zonesDeploy worldclasscontactcenters thatsupportmultipleshifts andremoteagentsUse workflowto driveconsistencyand real-timevisibility intoevery stage ofserviceprocessesManageproductsupport issuessimply andeasilyfrom contact toresolutionAllow allservicemetrics tobe easilytracked andanalyzed todrive processimprovement


Reporting & AnalysisManage and improve performance• Monitor sales and serviceperformance in real time• Identify source of businessproblems with detailed drilldowns• Share business strategy andperformance with rest of theorganization

Reporting & AnalysisEnable faster reporting and decision-making with• Easier ad-hoc reporting enablesfaster business decision making• Reduce dependency on IT andlower reporting costs• Deliver business insight to allemployees through familiarOffice applications

<strong>CRM</strong> for <strong>Government</strong>

<strong>CRM</strong> for <strong>Government</strong> OrganisationsState and local government and federal agencies can serve citizens andbusinesses more effectively with <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> services forgovernment.• Deliver timely, high-quality service that focuses on citizens’ needs.• Automate processes to improve efficiency and reduce costs.• Use technology to support collaboration and decision making acrossdepartments and agencies.

<strong>CRM</strong> for <strong>Government</strong>: Business <strong>In</strong>telligenceWith access to real-time information and analysis, government agencies ororganizations can use <strong>CRM</strong> tools to identify trends, evaluate citizeninteractions with departments and agencies, and create strategies toenhance service and—at the same time—reduce costs.• Centralized client records to remove the barriers to cross-agencycollaboration.• Use automatic workflows to increase employee effectiveness.• Easily schedule follow-up appointments and use alerts for proactivenotification.• Provide mobile access to constituent and case information, so workers inthe field can be more productive.

<strong>CRM</strong> for <strong>Government</strong>: Case ManagementSocial service agencies and related organizations are faced with growingcaseloads and shrinking budgets. <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> casemanagement tools help your agency increase its efficiency and reducecosts with streamlined processes and greater access to your critical data—all in one place.• Centralized client records to remove the barriers to cross-agencycollaboration.• Use automatic workflows to increase employee effectiveness.• Easily schedule follow-up appointments and use alerts for proactivenotification.• Provide mobile access to constituent and case information, so workers inthe field can be more productive.

<strong>CRM</strong> for <strong>Government</strong>: Contact CentreImprove citizens’ ability to contact your agency—and your agency’sresponse time—with the <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> Contact Center/311solution for call centre, routing, and <strong>CRM</strong> integration. The faster yourresponse, the greater value your agency can deliver to the communitiesyou serve.• Use electronic tools, such as interactive voice response (IVR) incombination with contact-centre agents to speed issue resolution ofphone inquiries.• Give knowledge workers the ability to work within <strong>Microsoft</strong> OfficeOutlook to review prior contacts and update records when responding toe-mail requests.• Take advantage of a reporting dashboard to sort and report incidents bycontact type (Web, phone, or e-mail) or by case type, case severity, orother key data to help ensure timely service.Read more about the <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> Contact Center/311 Solution.

<strong>CRM</strong> for <strong>Government</strong>: Constituent ManagementManaging your constituents’ interactions with your organization is criticalto your effectiveness. Because <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> looks and acts likean extension of <strong>Microsoft</strong> Office Outlook, your employees will find it easyto use, so they can respond quickly to citizen needs.• Provide highly secure, role-based access to constituent data.• Give employees relevant constituent information from one, centralizedlocation.• Track constituent inquiries and requests, regardless of channel.• Target key messages to specific audiences and within specific geographicareas.• Automate workflows to improve service.• Get powerful analysis and reporting tools to simplify the identification ofneeds and problems and proactively address them.

<strong>CRM</strong> for <strong>Government</strong>: Field <strong>In</strong>spection<strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> helps personnel work from almost anywherewith highly secure access to constituent data and case managementcapabilities. They can gather site information, including photography, andresolve issues quickly with a history of an individual’s agency interactions.• Give field personnel the ability to track applications, licensing, permits,and other relevant data from remote sites.• Collect, compile, and organize data from the field or remote offices andthen synchronize it with other organizational software.• Automate code enforcement at various levels of government.• <strong>In</strong>tegrate with geographic information systems such as <strong>Microsoft</strong> VirtualEarth and ESRI to display case information on maps.

<strong>CRM</strong> for <strong>Government</strong>: Funds ManagementFederal, state, and local agencies and educational institutions can simplifyfunds management—from acquisition to expenditure—with the <strong>Microsoft</strong>Stimulus360 solution. By manipulating data from various sources in ahighly secure environment, it’s easier to analyze the results of fundedprograms.• Track key performance indicators (KPIs)—such as job creation by city,county, and state—as well as related metrics, to determine the effects offunding.• Visualize data in rich KPI dashboards and interactive maps.• Use pre-populated content including legislative and regulatory links,report templates, and newsfeeds.• Improve governance and transparency through automatic capture ofactions in a workflow history.Read more about the <strong>Microsoft</strong> Stimulus360 Solution.

<strong>CRM</strong> for <strong>Government</strong>: Grants ManagementToday, many government agencies find it challenging to manage theapproval, distribution, and tracking of grants with fewer personnel andlimited resources. With <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong>, however, you canstreamline your grant management tasks to stay on time and withinbudget.• Set up a standardized, electronic system that simplifies grant processing andhelps ensure compliance with legislative directives.• Easily process and track payments through transparent integration with yourback-end financial systems.• Automatically send notifications for grant-application status changes to replacetime-consuming manual processes.• Generate task lists automatically for each stage of the grant process.• Evaluate and track solicitations so that distributions are awarded to the mostdeservingapplicants.• Work from within <strong>Microsoft</strong> Office Outlook for ease of use and productivity.Read more about the <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> Grants Management Solution

<strong>CRM</strong> for <strong>Government</strong>: Personnel ManagementBecause your employees put your organization’s mission into action,effective personnel management is vital to your success. <strong>Microsoft</strong><strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> helps ensure that your staff have the training and supportthey need, and that your organization’s human resources are efficientlydeployed.• Manage personnel, mission, budgeting, acquisition, inventory, training, publicaffairs, cases, and multiple business applications.• Provide offline data access and mobility options that help employees stay up-todateand keep projects moving even when they are away from the office.• Get powerful reporting and analysis tools that make it easy to manage cases andidentify problems at a glance.• Create automated workflows for personnel processes to reduce administrativetasks.• Help secure your data with by defining levels of access to applications and data,based on job roles.Read more about <strong>Microsoft</strong> productivity solutions for government.

<strong>CRM</strong> for <strong>Government</strong>: Task Management<strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> offers both a powerful and flexible way tomanage tasks and processes. At a time when managing governmentoperations is more complex than ever, <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> gives youthe ability to manage diverse tasks with fewer resources in less time.• Automate manual processes for such areas as logistics, personnelevaluations, information requests, and awards and decorations.• Give authorized personnel visibility into all data appropriate to theirroles.• Maintain an easy-to-follow audit trail that demonstrates accountabilityfrom beginning to end.• Create consistent processes and quality standards to improve workflows.• Get advanced reporting metrics for deeper data analysis.Read more about the <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> Task Management Solution.

<strong>CRM</strong> for <strong>Government</strong>:Correspondence ManagementNew economic stimulus programs are placing added pressures on government agencies to bemore accountable and transparent in their actions. At the same time, these agencies areexpected to be more efficient with smaller budgets and less resources. Customizablesolutions built on <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> that address some of your most pressing needswill get you on the road to improved accountability, transparency, and efficiency in a hurry.Allowing your agency or department to get a 360 degree view of all the organizations andindividuals with whom you connect is critical for governmental organizations.• Keep track of addresses, activities and correspondence around contacts.• Use powerful search tools to quickly find the information you want.• Build Ad-hoc reports around your organizational activities.• Everything you need to manage relationships with those both inside andoutside of your organization available in one secure place.Read more about the <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong>Correspondence Management solution .

<strong>CRM</strong> for Health and Social Services

<strong>CRM</strong> for Health and Social ServicesHealth and social services organizations can reduce inefficiencies, optimizecare plans, and improve financial management with <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong><strong>CRM</strong>.• Get a 360-degree view of each client, whether your organization servesfamily, children, the elderly, people with disabilities, or other clients.• Automate processes and systems to reduce administrative burdens.• Remove barriers to cross-agency collaboration and coordination ofservices.

<strong>CRM</strong> for Health and Social Services:Case ManagementBy connecting systems and automating manual processes with <strong>Microsoft</strong><strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong>, health and social service agencies can improve casemanagement. They can gain a unified view of the client across multipleprograms to coordinate service delivery and become more efficient.• Give your caseworkers a centralized repository of client data from avariety of systems.• Track data in real-time to better assess the effectiveness of care deliveryand to manage follow-up activities.• Provide caseworkers with convenient scheduling tools that are fullyintegrated with <strong>Microsoft</strong> Office Outlook.• Set up automated reminders for follow-up activities.• Offer remote data access and the ability to easily upload caseinformation to maximize the time that caseworkers spend in the field.

<strong>CRM</strong> for Health and Social Services:Client SupportImprove your clients’ experience and ease administrative burdens with<strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong>. Streamline complex and cumbersome processesthat typically involve multiple programs and disparate technologies andregulations.• Create automated workflows with convenient links to application formsacross multiple programs to improve client assessment and make iteasier to determine eligibility.• Use the health and social services marketing campaign tools to reach outto clients’ families in programs for adoptions, treatment of substanceabuse, and others.• Distribute informational client mailings and track responses to evaluatetheir effectiveness, and automate follow-up to ease administration.

<strong>CRM</strong> for Health and Social Services:Program ManagementMake it easier to manage and assess your programs with <strong>Microsoft</strong><strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong>. Provide managers and executives with visual tools to trackprogress, help ensure regulatory compliance, and improve the delivery ofservices to further success.• Set up processes to streamline procedures and help maintain compliance withregulatory guidelines.• Make process and policy guidelines accessible in central document libraries.• Give executives real-time views of daily activities with dashboards that show theprogress of customizable key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess results andhelp secure funding.• <strong>In</strong>tegrate front-end client and case coordination applications with back-endsystems to create formalized workflows between agencies and maximize yourcurrent IT infrastructure.• Create marketing campaigns to increase community awareness and to recruitcapable volunteers, track responses, and automate follow-up.

<strong>CRM</strong> for Education

<strong>CRM</strong> for EducationSchools and universities can improve efficiency and get more from theirexisting resources with <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong>.• Get a 360-degree view of your school, district, university, or campus withtools for educators and administrators.• Drive higher levels of efficiency with workflow tools for productivity andcollaboration.• Make informed decisions with easy access to real-time information witha solution that is easy to deploy and manage.

<strong>CRM</strong> for Education:Alumni and Donor ManagementGet the tools that your institution needs for more effective fundraising anddevelopment. With <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong>, you can gain insights aboutyour donors to help you boost contributions and build long-lastingrelationships.• Provide a complete view of individual donors, including past interactionswith your institution.• Identify top alumni donors to better target communications to them.• Automate communications to key donors and the community tostrengthen these vital connections.• Analyze fundraising campaigns and identify trends to further refine yourefforts and help increase contributions.

<strong>CRM</strong> for Education:General AdministrationControlling administrative costs is an enormous challenge for educationalinstitutions. Now, <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> makes that challenge easierwith efficiencies gained through automation and access to real-timeinformation.• Use built-in tools to automate processes for workflows and for collaboration withother institutions.• Tailor <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> for your needs with intuitive, Web-based designtools to modify forms, data fields, and relationships.• Get in-depth views of various operations including transportation, food services,and asset management, and use the information to increase your efficiency.• <strong>In</strong>crease productivity with a familiar interface that works like other <strong>Microsoft</strong>productivity software, so little training is required and adoption is quick.• Create sophisticated reports on your organization’s performance—without theneed for IT assistance.

<strong>CRM</strong> for Education:CommunicationsCommunications are critical to every educational institution, but withtoday’s lean budgets and limited resources, it can be difficult to keep yourkey audiences informed. With <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong>, however, yourcommunications can help you build stronger relationships with yourcommunity.• Automatically distribute communications to parents and the communityto increase awareness of key events and achievements.• Help reduce the need for extensive e-mail communications betweendistance-learning students and teachers through a quick consolidation ofinformation.• Have student records—such as attendance, curriculum, discipline, andextracurricular activities—readily at hand so you can respond quicklywhen parents or others contact you.

<strong>CRM</strong> for Education:Student <strong>In</strong>formation SystemsGain a comprehensive view of each student and streamline themanagement of records and processes with <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong>.Reduce your administrative workload and get insights into schoolperformance to help you serve students better.• Centralize the management of student records such as attendance,curriculum, discipline, and extracurricular activities to provide acomplete view of every student.• Take advantage of real-time visibility into student data and classroom orschool performance to proactively address potential issues before theybecome problems.• Automate processes and communications to reduce administrative tasksand, at the same time, help ensure that student privacy is protected.

<strong>CRM</strong> for Education:Faculty and Staff Management<strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> is a fast, flexible, and affordable solution thathelps you achieve higher levels of efficiency with tools that can help you,your faculty, and your staff manage day-to-day activities and make moreinformed decisions.• Eliminate paper processes for managing the teacher certification processand other career-related activities.• Provide faculty, administrators, and staff with mobile access to takeadvantage of tools and information at any time, from almost anywherewith advanced data synchronization and mobility features.• Simplify the management of substitute teachers and staff with easy,visual scheduling and a centralized view of calendars and resources.

<strong>CRM</strong> for Education:Recruiting and RetentionWhether you want to attract and retain outstanding educators or bringmore students to your school, college, or university, <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong><strong>CRM</strong> makes it easier to target your audience, track responses, and analyzeresults, as well as monitor performance.• Take advantage of the out-of-the-box capabilities of <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong><strong>CRM</strong> to prospect for and recruit qualified educators and students.• Track event attendance and measure the success of marketing orinformational campaigns within <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong>.• Give administrators the ability to evaluate school, department, or facultyperformance with real-time information and trending analysis.

<strong>Dynamics</strong> Public SectorBetter Together:<strong>Microsoft</strong> Stack + <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong>

<strong>Microsoft</strong>’s LOB Desktop StrategyLOB Applications – <strong>CRM</strong>, ERP, and xRM (custom)ProductivityApplicationsMessaging &CollaborationEnterpriseData Mgt.DeveloperToolsOperatingSystems38% of <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong><strong>CRM</strong> deployments lead toOffice upgrades69% of new <strong>Microsoft</strong><strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> customerspurchase new SQL Server76% of new <strong>Microsoft</strong><strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> customerspurchase Windows Server

Better Together with <strong>Microsoft</strong> TechnologiesLeverage standard user and team productivitytools for improved user adoption and productivityRequiredBetter TogetherLeverage business intelligencetools to gain additional insightLeverage common developmentand management tools to easilyextend and manage <strong>Dynamics</strong><strong>CRM</strong>Leverage common platform and integrationtools to reduce workload and ensureconsistency

An Application Platform for <strong>Government</strong>Outlook, Web & MobileClientsCitizen &StakeholderOutreachCase & <strong>In</strong>cidentManagementRich AnalyticsReporting &DashboardsConfigurableSchema, Formsand Workflow<strong>In</strong>ter AgencyCoordinationGrantsManagementCitizenServiceManagementTaskManagement<strong>In</strong>tegrate withexistingLOB Systems

SharePoint and <strong>CRM</strong> are ComplementaryEach enable different parts of process to different audiencesExternal Process Audience(<strong>In</strong>ternal Organization, External)SharePointBroadcastPublishSocialEngagementAccess/SearchCollaborateUnstructured & Semi-Structured Data(<strong>In</strong>formation, Content, Documents, Lists)<strong>In</strong>tegrate & Extend(BCS, Web-Parts, Enterprise Search…)<strong>CRM</strong><strong>In</strong>ternalProcessAudience(Business Units,Departments, Teams)Manage / ViewBusiness ProcessAutomationAct / <strong>In</strong>teractStructuredRelationalData(Data About BusinessEntity “Noun” BeingManaged)

Why SharePoint + <strong>CRM</strong> Together?Differences Are Good - Complementary Strengths Work Better TogetherBreadth of CapabilitiesUnstructured DataBroadcast &PublishBusiness ProcessAutomationRelational DataSharePointNotSharePointAND or<strong>CRM</strong><strong>CRM</strong>External AudiencesAccess & SearchQuery & Analyze<strong>In</strong>ternal Audiences

Even Better TogetherAdd in.NET Extensibility and <strong>Microsoft</strong> Office Usability and To Round Out the LOB App PlatformBreadth of CapabilitiesUnstructured DataExternal AudiencesBroadcast & PublishSharePointAccess & SearchExtensibility.NETANDOfficeFamiliarity / UsabilityBusiness ProcessAutomation<strong>CRM</strong>Query & AnalyzeRelational Data<strong>In</strong>ternal Audiences

SharePoint and <strong>CRM</strong> are ComplementaryCombined strengths cover broad business needsSharePointUnstructured &Semi-structuredDataSocialEngagement &Collaboration<strong>In</strong>formationEvolution &Storage<strong>In</strong>formal RulesEnterpriseSearchAcross Teams& DomainsStructuredRelationalData<strong>In</strong>teractions,Activities &Tasks<strong>In</strong>formationGeneration &AnalyticsFormalizedProcessesData Query &FilterWithin Teams& Domains<strong>CRM</strong>

Some Customer Examples

trafficPOINT@Police.HuTraffic ticketing solution on CSPLaw of Objective ResponsibilityExternal evidence collectionHandling arrears in paymentof fines (w. Local Gov.)Establish Centralised EvidenceProcessing and Fine Collection• Severe fines (increased by up 6 times!• Tracking the responsible vehicle owner• The road owners are eligible to collectevidences but the ticketing remains in thehands of the Police• Pilot with 200 fix speed cameras until Q3and additional 500 in two years• Establish an independent police office ofEvidence Processing and Fine Collection... Ongoing development<strong>CRM</strong> Requirements:• Handling arrears in payment of fines;• Connected e-administration to theMunicipal Notary offices• <strong>In</strong>tegration to license plate numberrecognition• TP Mobile ergonomic improvement• Functional workflow and systemdesign for the end-to-end process in anew independent police organization.

Some Customer ExamplesLocal <strong>Government</strong> Citizen Service Centers – UK, Portugal, Netherlands,Finland, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Ireland, Mexico, US, China...Ministry of State for Administrative Development, EgyptMinistry of Finance (Tax Office), BelgiumUS Department of AgricultureDepartment of Works and Pensions, UKMaccabi , Health Management Organisation, IsraelUS Air ForceDepartment for Children, Schools and Families, UKTertiary Education Commission, New ZealandSwiss Parliament, Austrade, Spanish Tourism, Pensions Regulator, LondonDevelopment Agency, Paris Airports, Munich Messe, CDU Party, ...

<strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> in the Contact Center<strong>In</strong>teraction Channels360° ViewComposite UIReporting &AnalyticsPhoneCC AppsWirelessAgentsSupervisorsManagersExecutivesWeb Self-ServiceEmailChatPSTNVPNand<strong>In</strong>ternetCTIPBX/ACDBranchesRetail Stores & Dealers<strong>Government</strong> OfficesIVRERPLOB AppsLegacy Apps

Some Customer ExamplesLocal <strong>Government</strong> Citizen Service Centers – UK, Portugal, Netherlands,Finland, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Ireland, Mexico, US, China...Ministry of State for Administrative Development, EgyptMinistry of Finance (Tax Office), BelgiumDepartment of Agriculture , USDepartment of Works and Pensions, UKMaccabi , Health Management Organisation, IsraelUS Air ForceDepartment for Children, Schools and Families, UKTertiary Education Commission, New ZealandSwiss Parliament, Austrade, Spanish Tourism, Pensions Regulator, LondonDevelopment Agency, Paris Airports, Munich Messe, CDU Party, ...

USDA Natural Resource Conservation ServiceA central location for all customer interactionsConservation ContractManagementEmbedded Mapsand Imagery• Land Units• Conservation Practices• Customer Files stored in SharePoint• Cross department collaboration (NRCS, FSA, etc…)• Analysis by State, County, Watershed, Service Center, etc…

Some Customer ExamplesLocal <strong>Government</strong> Citizen Service Centers – UK, Portugal, Netherlands,Finland, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Ireland, Mexico, US, China...Ministry of State for Administrative Development, EgyptMinistry of Finance (Tax Office), BelgiumDepartment of Agriculture , USDepartment of Works and Pensions, UKMaccabi , Health Management Organisation, IsraelUS Air ForceDepartment for Children, Schools and Families, UKTertiary Education Commission, New ZealandSwiss Parliament, Austrade, Spanish Tourism, Pensions Regulator, LondonDevelopment Agency, Paris Airports, Munich Messe, CDU Party, ...

Some Customer ExamplesLocal <strong>Government</strong> Citizen Service Centers – UK, Portugal, Netherlands,Finland, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Ireland, Mexico, US, China...Ministry of State for Administrative Development, EgyptMinistry of Finance (Tax Office), BelgiumDepartment of Agriculture , USDepartment of Works and Pensions, UKMaccabi , Health Management Organisation, IsraelUS Air ForceDepartment for Children, Schools and Families, UKTertiary Education Commission, New ZealandSwiss Parliament, Austrade, Spanish Tourism, Pensions Regulator, LondonDevelopment Agency, Paris Airports, Munich Messe, CDU Party, ...

Mapping of <strong>In</strong>formation SystemsCompensationSystemHRPurchasingAnd MedicinesPharmacySystemAccidentsSalariesClicks<strong>In</strong>terfacesLabsPara-medical(physiotherapy,Dietician)Doctor’sportalPurchaseSystemAssetManagementPharmacyNursingSystemCheck of<strong>In</strong>teractionsMaccabiOnlineEconomyAndMaintenanceHospitalEligibilitySystemRelationsMedicineDoctor’sclinicServicesuppliersPublicRequestsSupportSystemsRadiologyAnd RTIRiskAssessmentCompaniesAndbillingAppointmentSchedulingOthersCash RegisterSystemHospitalControlPhysician’sControl

Some Customer ExamplesLocal <strong>Government</strong> Citizen Service Centers – UK, Portugal, Netherlands,Finland, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Ireland, Mexico, US, China...Ministry of State for Administrative Development, EgyptMinistry of Finance (Tax Office), BelgiumDepartment of Agriculture , USDepartment of Works and Pensions, UKMaccabi , Health Management Organisation, IsraelUS Air ForceDepartment for Children, Schools and Families, UKTertiary Education Commission, New ZealandSwiss Parliament, Austrade, Spanish Tourism, Pensions Regulator, LondonDevelopment Agency, Paris Airports, Munich Messe, CDU Party, ...

UK Department of Children, Schools and Families(DCSF)<strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong> v3 Vetting andBarring Case Management and Listing system•Produces the “Lists” of confirmed and barred individuals andprovides data securely to <strong>Government</strong> Third Parties (CRB,Disclosure Scotland and General Teaching Councils Englandand Wales).•Provides teams with case management functionality toprocess a referral and recommend to Home Office andDepartment of Health that a referred individual should beconfirmed or barred.•Brings work of the six current systems together on a singlesystem, <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>CRM</strong>.•Enables Vetting and Barring teams to follow a single businessprocess across all three schemes, List 99, PoCA and PoVA, forthe first time.• Enables Home Office and Department of Health officials torecord their final recommendation, directly into <strong>CRM</strong>.•Designed to be flexible and adaptable, considering futureplans for the Vetting and Barring scheme.•Solution went Live April 3rd 2007 for 90 users (rising to 120)

UK Local & Regional <strong>Government</strong> Public Sector<strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>CRM</strong>: Global Customer BaseUK <strong>Government</strong> Agencies Public SectorFinancial ServicesProfessional ServicesManufacturingPublic SectorRetail &HospitalityHealth & LifeSciencesTravel &Entertainment


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