SUMMER READING ASSIGNMENT **for incoming grade 5 students**

SUMMER READING ASSIGNMENT **for incoming grade 5 students**

SUMMER READING ASSIGNMENT **for incoming grade 5 students**

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<strong>SUMMER</strong> <strong>READING</strong> <strong>ASSIGNMENT</strong><strong>**for</strong> <strong>incoming</strong> <strong>grade</strong> 5 <strong>students**</strong>Welcome to fifth <strong>grade</strong>! To be prepared for this school year, everyupcoming fifth <strong>grade</strong>r will be required to read two books this summerfrom the fifth <strong>grade</strong> summer reading list that is attached to thisassignment. All of the books listed have a common theme –STANDING UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT!Assignment:• Select TWO books from the attached list. Use the levels as a guide.• Log your reading minutes on the Red Raider Reading Log.• Select ONE book to complete the writing assignment. The topic of your writing piece is to prove thetheme “Standing up for what is right.” You will write how the book‘s theme is proven by writing aboutwhy standing up for what is right is its theme. As you practiced in school, you should use examplesfrom the text to prove your theme. Remember to use your writing stems (As proof, In the text itstates, In the story, etc)• Your responses can be handwritten or typed.• Your response will be collected during the first week of school and <strong>grade</strong>d using the rubric attached.Your participation in summer reading has its rewards! You will come to fifth <strong>grade</strong> prepared and ready tolearn. AND, you will be included in the Summer Reading Celebration this fall!!But, if you want EVEN more……..• The Keyport Public Library and our school have partnered with local businesses to offer anystudent who finishes FIVE books a prize!! Just bring in your summer reading logs that showyour completion to the Keyport Public Library on Wednesday or Thursday mornings between10 and 12 or during any Keyport Summer Reading Nights ( July 10 th and August 7 th from 6-8)and receive your certificate.• Barnes and Noble will give a FREE book to any student who logs and reads 8 books thissummer! Use the log attached, and when you’re finished, bring it to Barnes and Noble inHolmdel and select your free book from the options available.• AND if you’re REALLY motivated (and we hope you are!), sign – up for the Summer ReadingClub by June 30 th at the Keyport Public Library. Then, get your packet on July 1 st and read tenbooks by the end of the challenge to attend the Sundae Party in August. Top three readers ineach age group (4-6, 7-10, and 11-13) will also receive a Barnes and Noble gift card!

Grade 5 Summer Reading“Standing Up for What’s Right”Author Title Guided ReadingLevelAndrew Clements Frindle R 40DRA LevelLunch Money R 40Carl Haissan Hoot W 60Flush W 60Kate DeCamilloBecause of WinnDixieR 40The Tale ofDespereauxU 50Roald Dahl The BFG U 50Matilda S 40Rick Riordan 39 Clues Series R-W 40-50+

Common Core Standards:Rubric for Summer Reading Assignment(Students Entering Grade 5)CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and whendrawing inferences from the text.CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.2 Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text.CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.4.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons andinformation.CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.4.1a Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure inwhich related ideas are grouped to support the writer’s purpose.CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.4.1c Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e.g., for instance, in order to, in addition).CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.4.1d Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.Approaching Standards (C) Meeting Standards(B) Exceeding Standards(A)• Response may lack anopening and/or closing.• Response contains anopening and closing• Response contains anopening and closing• Response makes little to statement.statement.no attempt to citetextual evidence tosupport theme.• Response cites textualevidence to supporttheme.• Response cites multiplepieces of textualevidence and• Response shows only a • Response shows anexplanation of evidence.minimal understandingof the task.understanding of thetask.• Response is organizedwith use of transitional• Response contains• Response is organizedwords and/or phrases.incomplete or incorrectsentence structure.and uses transitionsbetween ideas.• Response extendsunderstanding of the• Response is minimal ordisorganized.• Sentence structureerrors are few, and don’ttask with the use of anextension.• Patterns of mechanicalinterfere with meaning. • Sentence structure• errors evident.• No consistent pattern ofmechanical errors.contains few, if anyerrors.• Very few, if any, errors inmechanics.Name: _________________________________

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