Ali Bani

Ali Bani Ali Bani
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• M. Mohammadi, A. Esmaeili-Sari, A. Riahi-Bakhtiyari, A. Bani (2012).Biomonitoring of total Mercury in the Persian Gulf (Hormoz and Qeshm Islands)using Rock Oyster Saccostrea cucullata. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences,10: 145-155.• Maryam Saemi, Ali Bani, Hossein Khara (2012) Histological examination of gonaddevelopment in the European perch, Perca fluviatilis, in the Anzali wetland. Journalof Animal Environments (In Persian), 3: 123-130.• Mahsa Toorchi, Ali Bani, Hamid Alizadehsabet (2012) Effects of salinity onosmoregulation and plasma cortisol levels of juvenile Caspian trout, Salmo truttacaspius Kessler, 1877. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 28: 130-134.• Parnaz Kashefi, Ali Bani, Ehsan Ebrahimi (2012) Morphometric and meristicvariations between non-reproductive and reproductive kutum females (Rutilus frisiikutum, Kamensky, 1901), in the southwest Caspian Sea. Italian Journal of Zoology,79: 337-343.• H. Mousavi-Sabet, A. Kamali, M. Soltani, A. Bani, H. Rostami (2012) Age, sex ratio,spawning season, gonadosomatic index, and fecundity of Cobitis faridpaki(Actinopterygii, Cobitidae) from the Siahrud River in the southeastern Caspian Seabasin. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences, 10: 15-23.• Shima Bakhshalizadeh, Ali Bani, Shahram Abdolmalaki (2013) Comparativemorphology of the pectoral fin spine of the Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus, theRussian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, and the Starry sturgeon Acipenserstellatus in Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea. Acta Zoologica, 94: 471-477.• Mousavi-Sabet H., Kamali A., Soltani M., Bani A., Esmaeili H. R., KhoshbavarRostami H., Vatandoust S., Moradkhani Z. (2012) Reproductive biology of Cobitiskeyvani (Cobitidae) from the Talar River in the southern Caspian Sea basin. IranianJournal of Fisheries Sciences, 11: 383-393.• Shima Bakhshalizadeh, Shahram Abdolmalaki, Ali Bani. (2012) Aspects of the lifehistory of Acipenser stellatus (Acipenseriformes, Acipenseridae), the starry sturgeon,in Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea. Aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology, 18:103-112.• Mohammad Afraei, Shahram Abdolmaleki, Shaban Najafpour, Ali Bani, RezaPourgholam, Hassan Nasrolahzadeh, Hassan Fazli (2011) The Environmental Effect

on Spawning Time, Length at Maturity and Fecundity of Kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum,Kamensky, 1901) in Southern Part of Caspian Sea, Iran. Iranica Journal of Energy &Environment. 2: 374-381.• Shima Bakhshalizadeh, Ali Bani, Shahram Abdolmalaki, Reza Nahrevar, Rajab Rastin(2011) Age, growth and mortality of the Persian Sturgeon, Acipenser persicus, in theIranian waters of the Caspian Sea. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences, 9:159-167.• Hamed Mousavi, Abolghasem Kamali, Mehdi Soltani, Ali Bani, HamidReza Esmaili,Hosseinali Rostami, Saber Vatandoust, Zeynab Moradkhani (2011) Age, reproduction,and fecundity of a population of Cobitis sp. (Actinopterygii: Cypriniformes:Cobitidae) from the Babolrud River in the southern Caspian Sea basin. ActaIchthyologica, 41: 117-122.• Ali Bani & Ali Haghi (2011) Temporal variations in haematological and biochemicalindices of the Caspian kutum, Rutilus frisii kutum. Ichthyological Research, 58: 126-133.• Milad Kabir & Ali Bani (2010) Determination of cutting point of oviduct inminimally invasive surgical technique in Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) andStarry sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus). International Journal of the Bioflux Society. 4:268-272• Ali Bani & Ashkan Banan (2010) Comparison between Microsurgery and TraditionalEgg Removal from Starry Sturgeon, Acipenser stellatus, Broodstock. Journal of theWorld Aquaculture Society, 41:144-148.• Ali Bani, Natalie Moltschaniwskyj, Neville Pankhurst (2009) Spawning strategy andreproductive biology of sand flathead, Platycephalus bassensis. Cybium, 33: 151-162.• Ali Bani, Mehdi Tabarsa, Bahram Falahatkar, Ashkan Banan (2009) Effects ofdifferent photoperiods on growth, stress and haematological parameters in juvenilegreat sturgeon Huso huso. Aquaculture Research, 40: 1899-1907.• Ali Bani & Natalie Moltschaniwskyj (2008) Spatio-temporal variability inreproductive ecology of sand flathead, Platycephalus bassensis, in three Tasmanianinshore habitats: potential implications for management. Journal of AppliedIchthyology, 24: 555-561.

• M. Mohammadi, A. Esmaeili-Sari, A. Riahi-Bakhtiyari, A. <strong>Bani</strong> (2012).Biomonitoring of total Mercury in the Persian Gulf (Hormoz and Qeshm Islands)using Rock Oyster Saccostrea cucullata. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences,10: 145-155.• Maryam Saemi, <strong>Ali</strong> <strong>Bani</strong>, Hossein Khara (2012) Histological examination of gonaddevelopment in the European perch, Perca fluviatilis, in the Anzali wetland. Journalof Animal Environments (In Persian), 3: 123-130.• Mahsa Toorchi, <strong>Ali</strong> <strong>Bani</strong>, Hamid <strong>Ali</strong>zadehsabet (2012) Effects of salinity onosmoregulation and plasma cortisol levels of juvenile Caspian trout, Salmo truttacaspius Kessler, 1877. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 28: 130-134.• Parnaz Kashefi, <strong>Ali</strong> <strong>Bani</strong>, Ehsan Ebrahimi (2012) Morphometric and meristicvariations between non-reproductive and reproductive kutum females (Rutilus frisiikutum, Kamensky, 1901), in the southwest Caspian Sea. Italian Journal of Zoology,79: 337-343.• H. Mousavi-Sabet, A. Kamali, M. Soltani, A. <strong>Bani</strong>, H. Rostami (2012) Age, sex ratio,spawning season, gonadosomatic index, and fecundity of Cobitis faridpaki(Actinopterygii, Cobitidae) from the Siahrud River in the southeastern Caspian Seabasin. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences, 10: 15-23.• Shima Bakhshalizadeh, <strong>Ali</strong> <strong>Bani</strong>, Shahram Abdolmalaki (2013) Comparativemorphology of the pectoral fin spine of the Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus, theRussian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, and the Starry sturgeon Acipenserstellatus in Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea. Acta Zoologica, 94: 471-477.• Mousavi-Sabet H., Kamali A., Soltani M., <strong>Bani</strong> A., Esmaeili H. R., KhoshbavarRostami H., Vatandoust S., Moradkhani Z. (2012) Reproductive biology of Cobitiskeyvani (Cobitidae) from the Talar River in the southern Caspian Sea basin. IranianJournal of Fisheries Sciences, 11: 383-393.• Shima Bakhshalizadeh, Shahram Abdolmalaki, <strong>Ali</strong> <strong>Bani</strong>. (2012) Aspects of the lifehistory of Acipenser stellatus (Acipenseriformes, Acipenseridae), the starry sturgeon,in Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea. Aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology, 18:103-112.• Mohammad Afraei, Shahram Abdolmaleki, Shaban Najafpour, <strong>Ali</strong> <strong>Bani</strong>, RezaPourgholam, Hassan Nasrolahzadeh, Hassan Fazli (2011) The Environmental Effect

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