La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

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44 THE JESUITS ON THE LAKES. [1670-72.safely passed <strong>the</strong>m, <strong>the</strong>y saw an Indian idol on <strong>the</strong>bank, similar to that which Dollier <strong>and</strong> Galine'e foundat Detroit, — being merely a rock, bearing someresemblance to a man, <strong>and</strong> hideously painted. With<strong>the</strong> help <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir attendants, <strong>the</strong>y threw it into <strong>the</strong>river. Dablon expatiates on <strong>the</strong> buffalo, which hedescribes apparently on <strong>the</strong> report <strong>of</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs, as hisdescription is not very accurate. Crossing Winnebago<strong>La</strong>ke, <strong>the</strong> two priests followed <strong>the</strong> river leadingto <strong>the</strong> town <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Mascoutins <strong>and</strong> Miamis, which<strong>the</strong>y reached on <strong>the</strong> fifteenth <strong>of</strong> September. 1 Thesetwo tribes lived toge<strong>the</strong>r within <strong>the</strong> compass <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>same enclosure <strong>of</strong> palisades, — to <strong>the</strong> number, it issaid, <strong>of</strong> more than three thous<strong>and</strong> souls. The missionaries,who had brought a highly colored picture<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>La</strong>st Judgment, called <strong>the</strong> Indians to council<strong>and</strong> displayed it before <strong>the</strong>m; while Allouez, whospoke Algonquin, harangued <strong>the</strong>m on hell,demons,<strong>and</strong> eternal flames. They listened with open ears,beset him night <strong>and</strong> day with questions, <strong>and</strong> invitedhim <strong>and</strong> his companion to unceasing feasts. Theywere welcomed in every lodge, <strong>and</strong> followed everywherewith eyes <strong>of</strong> curiosity, wonder, <strong>and</strong> awe.Dablon overflows with praises <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Miami chief,who was honored by his subjects like a king, <strong>and</strong>1This town was on <strong>the</strong> Neenah or Fox River, above <strong>La</strong>ke Winnebago.The Mascoutins, Fire Nation, or Nation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Prairie, areextinct or merged in o<strong>the</strong>r tribes. See "The Jesuits in <strong>North</strong>America." The Miamis soon removed to <strong>the</strong> banks <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> riverSt. Joseph, near <strong>La</strong>ke Michigan.

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