La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

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522 INDEX.Trinity River, <strong>the</strong>, 413, 424, 434,439, 465.Tronson, AbM, 344, 463."Tsiketo, <strong>La</strong>c" (<strong>La</strong>ke St. Clair),220.Turenne, 17.Two Mountains, <strong>La</strong>ke <strong>of</strong>, 82.Uppicb <strong>La</strong>kes, <strong>the</strong>, see <strong>La</strong>kes,Upper.Ursulines, <strong>the</strong>, 95.Utica, village <strong>of</strong>, 79, 169, 170, 220,239.Vaudrbdil, 276.Vera Cruz, 468, 472.Vermilion River, <strong>the</strong>, 221, 225,226 See also Big VermilionRiver, <strong>the</strong>." Vermilion Sea " (Gulf <strong>of</strong> California),<strong>the</strong>, 15, 38, 74, 480." Vermilion Woods," <strong>the</strong>, 241.Verreau, H., 98.Vicksburg, 300.Victor, town <strong>of</strong>, 21, 140." Vieux, Fort Le," 314.Villermont, Cabart de, letters <strong>of</strong>Beaujeu to, 357-360; letter <strong>of</strong>Tonty to, 454. e^Virginia, 288, 346, 483."Virginia, Sea <strong>of</strong>," 6, 74.Voltaire, 7.Watteau, Melithon, 150.Weas, <strong>the</strong>, join <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>'s colony,316.<strong>West</strong> Indies, <strong>the</strong>, 181, 404, 446, 489.Wild Rice Indians (Menomonies),<strong>the</strong>, 61.William, Fort, 275.William III. <strong>of</strong> Engl<strong>and</strong>, 282.Winnebago <strong>La</strong>ke, 43, 44, 62.Winnebagoes, <strong>the</strong>, Jean Nicolletsent to, 4; quarrel with <strong>the</strong>Hurons, 4 ; location <strong>of</strong>, 42 ; atSaut Ste. Marie, 51.Winona, legend <strong>of</strong>, 271.Winthrop, 213.Wisconsin, shores <strong>of</strong>, 157.Wisconsin River, <strong>the</strong>, 5, 63, 245,265, 266, 272, 278, 477, 478, 480.Wood, Colonel, reaches <strong>the</strong> Mississippi,5.Yanktons, <strong>the</strong>, 260.Yoakum, 470.You, 210.Zenobe (Membra), Fa<strong>the</strong>r, 181.

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