La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

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1687.] SCHEMES OF ESCAPE. 447<strong>the</strong>ir solitary camp-fire but <strong>the</strong> means <strong>of</strong> escapingfrom <strong>the</strong> villanous company into which <strong>the</strong>y werethrown. They saw no resource but to find <strong>the</strong>Mississippi, <strong>and</strong> thus make <strong>the</strong>ir way to Canada, — aprodigious undertaking in <strong>the</strong>ir forlorn condition ; norwas <strong>the</strong>re any probability that <strong>the</strong> assassins wouldpermit <strong>the</strong>m to go. These, on <strong>the</strong>ir part, were besetwith difficulties.They could not return to civilizationwithout manifest peril <strong>of</strong> a halter; <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>ironly safety was to turn buccaneers or savages.Duhaut, however, still held to his plan <strong>of</strong> going backto Fort St. Louis; <strong>and</strong> Joutel <strong>and</strong> his companions,who with good reason stood in daily fear <strong>of</strong> him,devised among <strong>the</strong>mselves a simple artificeto escapefrom his company. The elder Cavelier was to tellhim that <strong>the</strong>y were too fatigued for <strong>the</strong> journey, <strong>and</strong>wished to stay among <strong>the</strong> Cenis ; <strong>and</strong> to beg him toallow <strong>the</strong>m a portion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> goods, for which Cavelierwas to give his note <strong>of</strong> h<strong>and</strong>. The old priest, whoma sacrifice <strong>of</strong> truth even on less important occasionscost no <strong>great</strong> effort, accordingly opened <strong>the</strong> negotiation,<strong>and</strong> to his own astonishment <strong>and</strong> that <strong>of</strong> hiscompanions, gained <strong>the</strong> assent <strong>of</strong> Duhaut. Theirjoy, however, was short; for Ruter, <strong>the</strong> Frenchsavage, to whom Joutel had betrayed hisintention,when inquiring <strong>the</strong> way to <strong>the</strong> Mississippi, told it toDuhaut, who on this changed front <strong>and</strong> made <strong>the</strong>ominous declaration that he <strong>and</strong> his men would alsogo to Canada. Joutel <strong>and</strong> his companions were nowfilled with alarm; for <strong>the</strong>re was no likelihood that

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