La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

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856 A NEW ENTERPRISE. [1684.that M. deParassy, commissary's clerk, with whomhe has <strong>of</strong>ten quarrelled, is paid by his enemies todefeat his undertaking ;<strong>and</strong> many o<strong>the</strong>r things withwhich I will not trouble you. . . ."He pretends that I am only to comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>sailors, <strong>and</strong> have no authority over <strong>the</strong> volunteer<strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> hundred soldiers who are to takepassage in <strong>the</strong> ' Joly; ' <strong>and</strong> that <strong>the</strong>y are not torecognize or obey me in any way during <strong>the</strong>voyage. . . ." He has covered <strong>the</strong> decks with boxes <strong>and</strong> chests<strong>of</strong> such prodigious size that nei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> cannon nor<strong>the</strong> capstan can be worked."<strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> drew up a long list <strong>of</strong> articles, denning<strong>the</strong> respective rights <strong>and</strong> functions <strong>of</strong> himself <strong>and</strong>Beaujeu, to whom he presented it for signature.Beaujeu demurred at certain military honorsdem<strong>and</strong>ed by <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>, saying that if a marshal <strong>of</strong>France should come on board his ship, he wouldhave none left to <strong>of</strong>fer him. The point was referredto <strong>the</strong> naval intendant; <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> articles <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> treatyhaving been slightly modified, Beaujeu set his nameto it. "By this," he says, "you can judge better <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> character <strong>of</strong> M. de la <strong>Salle</strong> than by all I can say.He is a man who wants smoke [form <strong>and</strong> ceremony].I will give him his fill <strong>of</strong> it, <strong>and</strong>, perhaps, more thanhe likes."I am bound to an unknown country, to seekwhat is about as hard to find as <strong>the</strong> philosopher'sstone. It vexes me, Monseigneur, that you should

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