La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

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1681.] ILLINOIS ALLIES. 287Forest <strong>and</strong> most <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> men, keeping with him hisold attendant Hunaut.Going out in quest <strong>of</strong> pineleaves,— a decoction <strong>of</strong> which was supposed to beuseful in cases <strong>of</strong> snow-blindness, — this man discovered<strong>the</strong> fresh tracks <strong>of</strong> Indians, followed <strong>the</strong>m,<strong>and</strong> found a camp <strong>of</strong> Outagamies, or Foxes, from <strong>the</strong>neighborhood <strong>of</strong> Green Bay. From <strong>the</strong>m he heardwelcome news. They told him that Tonty was safeamong <strong>the</strong> Pottawattamies, <strong>and</strong> that Hennepin hadpassed through <strong>the</strong>ir country on his return fromamong <strong>the</strong> Sioux. 1A thaw took place ; <strong>the</strong> snow melted rapidly ; <strong>the</strong>rivers were opened; <strong>the</strong> blind men began to recover;<strong>and</strong> launching <strong>the</strong> canoes which <strong>the</strong>y had draggedafter <strong>the</strong>m, <strong>the</strong> party pursued <strong>the</strong>ir way by water.They soon met a b<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> Illinois. <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> gave<strong>the</strong>m presents, condoled with <strong>the</strong>m on <strong>the</strong>ir losses,<strong>and</strong> urged <strong>the</strong>m to make peace <strong>and</strong> alliance with <strong>the</strong>Miamis. Thus, he said, <strong>the</strong>y could set <strong>the</strong> Iroquoisat defiance ; for he himself, with his Frenchmen <strong>and</strong>his Indian friends, would make his abode among<strong>the</strong>m, supply <strong>the</strong>m with goods, <strong>and</strong> aid <strong>the</strong>m todefend <strong>the</strong>mselves. They listened, well pleased,promised to carry his message to <strong>the</strong>ir countrymen,<strong>and</strong> furnished him with a large supply <strong>of</strong> corn. 2Meanwhile he had rejoined <strong>La</strong> Forest, whom he now1 Relation des Decouvertes. Compare Lettre de <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> (Margry,ii. 144).2 This seems to have been taken from <strong>the</strong> secret repositories, orcaches, <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ruined town <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Illinois.

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