La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

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222 TONJY AND THE IROQUOIS. [1880.<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> long arched structure; <strong>and</strong>, as to each fire<strong>the</strong>re are two families, <strong>the</strong> place is somewhat crowdedwhen all are present. But now <strong>the</strong>re is breathingroom, for many are in <strong>the</strong> fields. A squaw sitsweaving a mat <strong>of</strong> rushes; a warrior, naked excepthis moccasins, <strong>and</strong> tattooed with fantastic devices,binds a stone arrow-head to its shaft, with <strong>the</strong> freshsinews <strong>of</strong> a buffalo. Some lie asleep, some sit staringin vacancy, some are eating, some are squatted inlazy chat around a fire. The smoke brings water toyour eyes; <strong>the</strong> fleas annoy you; small unkemptchildren, naked asyoung puppies, crawl about yourknees <strong>and</strong> will not be repelled. You have seenenough ;you rise <strong>and</strong> go out again into <strong>the</strong> sunlight.It is, if not a peaceful, at least a languid scene. Afew voices break <strong>the</strong> stillness, mingled with <strong>the</strong>joyous chirping <strong>of</strong> crickets from <strong>the</strong> grass. Youngmen lie flat on <strong>the</strong>ir faces, basking in <strong>the</strong> sun; agroup <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir elders are smoking around a buffaloskinon which <strong>the</strong>y have just been playing a game <strong>of</strong>chance with cherry-stones. A lover <strong>and</strong> his mistress,perhaps, sit toge<strong>the</strong>r under a shed <strong>of</strong> bark,without uttering a wcarcL Not far <strong>of</strong>f is <strong>the</strong> graveyard,where lie <strong>the</strong> dead <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> village, some buriedin <strong>the</strong> earth, some wrapped in skins <strong>and</strong> laid al<strong>of</strong>t onscaffolds, above <strong>the</strong> reach <strong>of</strong> wolves. In <strong>the</strong> cornfieldsaround, you see squaws at <strong>the</strong>ir labor, <strong>and</strong>children driving <strong>of</strong>f intruding birds; <strong>and</strong> your eyeranges over <strong>the</strong>meadows beyond, spangled with <strong>the</strong>yellow blossoms <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> resin-weed <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Rudbeckia,

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