La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

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184 FORT CR&VECCEUR. [1680.engage him to say nothing <strong>of</strong> what had passed, <strong>and</strong>,leaving him in excellent humor, repaired, with some<strong>of</strong> his followers, to <strong>the</strong> Illinois camp.Here he found<strong>the</strong> chiefs seated at a feast <strong>of</strong> bear's meat, <strong>and</strong> hetook his place among <strong>the</strong>m on a mat <strong>of</strong> rushes.Aftera pause, he charged <strong>the</strong>m with having deceived himin regard to <strong>the</strong> Mississippi; adding that he knew<strong>the</strong> river perfectly, having been instructedconcerningit by <strong>the</strong> Master <strong>of</strong> Life. He <strong>the</strong>n described itto <strong>the</strong>m with so much accuracy that his astonishedhearers, conceiving that he owed his knowledge to"medicine," or sorcery, clapped <strong>the</strong>irh<strong>and</strong>s to <strong>the</strong>irmouths in sign <strong>of</strong> wonder, <strong>and</strong> confessed that all<strong>the</strong>y had said was but an artifice, inspired by <strong>the</strong>irearnest desire that he should remain among <strong>the</strong>m. 1On this, <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>'s men took heart again; <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>ircourage rose still more when, soon after, a b<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>Chickasa, Arkansas, <strong>and</strong> Osage warriors, from <strong>the</strong>Mississippi, came to <strong>the</strong> camp on a friendly visit,<strong>and</strong> assured <strong>the</strong>French not only that <strong>the</strong> river wasnavigable to <strong>the</strong> sea, but that <strong>the</strong> tribes along itsbanks would give <strong>the</strong>m a warm welcome.<strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> had now good reason to hope that hisfollowers would nei<strong>the</strong>r mutiny nor desert in hisabsence. One chief purpose <strong>of</strong> his intended journeywas to procure <strong>the</strong> anchors, cables, <strong>and</strong> rigging <strong>of</strong>1 Relation des Decouvertes et des Voyages du S r -de la <strong>Salle</strong>, Seigneuret Gouverneur du Fort de Frontenac, au dela des granas <strong>La</strong>cs dela Nouvelle France, faits par ordre de Monseigneur Colbert, 1679, 80et 81. Hennepin gives a story which is not essentially different,except that he makes himself a conspicuous actor in it.

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