La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

La Salle and the discovery of the great West - North Central ...

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154 LA SALLE ON THE UPPER LAKES. [1679.against him, <strong>the</strong>y took pains to allay hisdistrust bya show <strong>of</strong> welcome.The " Griffin " fired her cannon, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Indiansyelped in wonder <strong>and</strong> amazement. The adventurersl<strong>and</strong>ed in state,<strong>and</strong> marched under arms to <strong>the</strong> barkchapel <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Ottawa village, where <strong>the</strong>y heardmass. <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> knelt before <strong>the</strong> altar, in a mantle<strong>of</strong> scarlet bordered with gold. Soldiers, sailors, <strong>and</strong>artisans knelt around him, — black Jesuits, grayRe*collets, swarthy voyageurs, <strong>and</strong> painted savages ; adevout but motley concourse.As <strong>the</strong>y left <strong>the</strong> chapel, <strong>the</strong>Ottawa chiefs came tobid <strong>the</strong>m welcome, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hurons saluted <strong>the</strong>mwith a volley <strong>of</strong> musketry. They saw <strong>the</strong> " Griffin "at her anchorage, surrounded by more than a hundredbark canoes, like a Triton among minnows.Yet itwas with more wonder than good-will that <strong>the</strong>Indians <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> mission gazed on <strong>the</strong> "floating fort,"for so <strong>the</strong>y called <strong>the</strong> vessel.A deep jealousy <strong>of</strong> <strong>La</strong><strong>Salle</strong>'s designs had been infused into <strong>the</strong>m. Hisown followers, too, had been tampered with. In <strong>the</strong>autumn before, it may be remembered, he had sentfifteen men up <strong>the</strong> lakes to trade for him, with ordersto go <strong>the</strong>nce to <strong>the</strong> Illinois <strong>and</strong> make preparationagainst his coming. Early in <strong>the</strong> summer, Tontyhad been despatched in a canoe from Niagara to lookafter <strong>the</strong>m. 1 It was high time. Most <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> menhad been seduced from <strong>the</strong>ir duty, <strong>and</strong> had disobeyed1 Relation de Tonty, 1684 ; Ibid., 1693. He was orertaken at <strong>the</strong>Detroit by <strong>the</strong> " Griffin."

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