METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

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In 2009, the residential customer cost per meter read for Met-Ed, Penelec, andPenn Power was $0.70, $0.94, and $0.63, respectively, as shown on Exhibit XI-8,compared with $0.74, $0.82, and $0.75, respectively, in 2005. The FE-PA Companiesrerouted a total of 977,797 meters in 2008 and 2009, 671,560 meters in 2008 and306,237 meters in 2009, utilizing the rerouting capabilities of the FieldNet system (seeExhibit XI-9 for EDC breakdown). Reportedly, the rerouting project and adjustments tothe FE-PA Companies routes caused the residential customer cost per meter read toincrease from $0.81 in 2007 to $0.84 in 2008. FirstEnergy indicated that the reroutingat first caused inefficiencies (i.e., productivity decreases) until the meter readersbecame familiar with the new routes. However, as shown in Exhibit XI-8, the residentialcustomer cost per meter read decreased as intended to $0.79 in 2009.Exhibit XI-8FE-PA CompaniesResidential Customer Cost Per Meter Read2007-2009Operating Company 2007 2008 2009Met-Ed $0.72 $0.75 $0.70Penelec $0.98 $1.03 $0.94Penn Power $0.59 $0.62 $0.63Totals $0.81 $0.84 $0.79Source: Data Request Response CS-9, Attachment BExhibit XI-9FE-PA CompaniesNumber of Residential Customer Meter Reading Routes Rerouted2008-2009Operating Company 2008 2009Met-Ed 103,048 176,253Penelec 568,512 57,451Penn Power 0 72,533Totals 671,560 306,237Source: Data Request Response CS-9, Attachment AOn August 14, 2009, the FE-PA Companies filed a Joint Petition with theCommission requesting approval of FirstEnergy’s Smart Meter TechnologyProcurement and Installation Plan. The Plan outlines the FE-PA Companies’ strategiesand programs in order to implement and deploy smart meters in accordance with Act129. The FE-PA Companies submitted a single comprehensive plan that applies to allthree EDCs. The FE-PA Companies’ long-term plan anticipates a 15-year full scaledeployment of smart metering across their service territories. The FE-PA Companies’plan to utilize the first 24 months (“Assessment Period”) of the 30-month grace periodauthorized by the Commission to create a business plan resulting in the submission of adeployment plan to the Commission. At the end of the Assessment Period, the FE-PA- 84 -

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