METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

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The number of union and non-union employees at each of the FE-PA Companiesduring 2007 to 2009 is summarized in Exhibit X-5. From 2007 to 2008 staffing levelsincreased at the FE-PA Companies. The majority of this increase was in the non-uniongroup which, for the most part, includes supervisors and managers. Union staffing,which would include line workers, increased slightly from 2007 to 2008. In 2009 anearly retirement program was offered resulting in a drop in the number of employees ateach of the FE-PA Companies.Exhibit X-5FE-PA CompaniesNumber of Union and Non-Union Employees2007 – 20092007 2008 2009Met-EdUnion 535 536 509Non-Union 173 187 149Totals 708 723 658PenelecUnion 638 644 616Non-Union 299 319 261Totals 937 963 877Penn PowerUnion 166 164 147Non-Union 51 50 47Totals 217 214 194Source: Data Request HR-11The FE-PA Companies’ number of line worker straight time hours, overtimehours, and the percentage of overtime hours to straight time hours from 2006 through2009 are shown on Exhibits X-6 through X-8. It should be noted that the straight timehours in the exhibits do not include any non-work hours such as vacation, holidays, sicktime, etc. At each of the FE-PA Companies, overtime as a percentage of straight timeincreased consistently from 2006 through 2008 but dropped in 2009. The 2009decrease in overtime was mainly attributed to 2009 being a relatively better year interms of reliability performance. The FE-PA Companies did not experience as manymajor storms as they did in previous years and there weren’t as many reliability issueswhich led to less usage of line workers and hence a reduction in overtime hours during2009.- 66 -

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