METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

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old excess inventory. Spare inventory items are retained, but if an item is slow movingand the Company is not sure why it is still in inventory, then it becomes a candidate forbeing designated as obsolete. The write-offs resulting from the annual reviewsconducted during 2006 through 2009 are shown in Exhibit IX-4.CombinedFE-PA CompaniesSource: February 2010 Implementation PlanExhibit IX-4FE-PA CompaniesObsolete Inventory Write-offs2006 – 20092006 2007 2008 2009Total2006-2009$66,775 $151,170 $71,907 $21,763 $311,615FirstEnergy did not establish an incentive goal based on maintaining improvedinventory turnover rates as suggested by BWG. Instead, the Company bases itsincentive goal on inventory levels. The FE-PA Companies’ inventory goals, for 2007through 2010 are shown in Exhibit IX-5.Exhibit IX-5FE-PA CompaniesInventory Level Incentive Goals ($Millions)2007 – 2010Company 2007 2008 2009 2010Met-Ed $11.4 $10.9 $10.7 $10.7Penelec $17.0 $14.5 $14.2 $14.2Penn Power* $14.6 $13.8 $12.8 $38.8* Penn Power inventory was included in the inventory level incentive goals for Ohio Edison-Penn Power in 2007 – 2009, and in the overall inventory level incentive goal for theWestern Distribution Center (Ohio Edison-Penn Power, Cleveland Electric Illuminating, andToledo Edison) for 2010.Source: Data Request No. SS-9In regards to storerooms where the annual issues are less than the year-endinventory balance (i.e., inventory turnover is less than 1.0), the General Manager,Energy Delivery Warehousing & Logistics indicated that these line shop storeroomsprobably include substation inventory. For example, the Indiana Storeroom had anending inventory balance of $317,095 at December 31, 2009, while annual issues werejust $246,922. FirstEnergy indicated that the working inventory at this location might beonly $50,000 to $70,000. FirstEnergy indicated that it aggressively targeted a reductionin line shop storeroom inventory to increase the inventory turnover rate.Inventory should be managed to achieve an acceptable inventory turnover ratewhile minimizing the risk of stock outs that would adversely affect service levels.Considering that transformers are included in the working inventory for the FE-PA- 57 -

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