METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

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Follow-up Finding and Conclusion No. VI-4 – The FE-PA Companies have hadcircuits that have been consistently showing up on the 5% worst performingcircuit list for two years or longer.The FE-PA Companies should be routinely identifying circuits that have been ontheir 5% worst performing circuits list for one year or in four out of six quarters and striveto reduce the number of circuits that consistently show up on the list. Moreover, inaccordance with 52 Pa Code § 57.195(e) (3), specific remedial efforts taken andplanned for the 5% worst performing circuits should be identified.Beginning in 2006, distribution circuits were ranked based on each circuit’scontribution to the EDC’s overall SAIDI. The FE-PA Companies use SAIDI as ameasure of circuit performance where SAIDI is a measure of the total customer minutesof distribution outages on the circuit. The FE-PA Companies discontinued the use ofCRI in determining their 5% worst performing circuits because the EDCs found thatranking worst performing circuits based on CRI did not necessarily align with the worstperforming circuits based on a SAIDI analysis.In the existing quarterly reports to the PUC, the FE-PA Companies provide a listof the top 5% of circuits based on a rolling 12-month period that have the highest SAIDI.The list includes the name of the substation that was affected, remedial action plannedor taken, status of remedial work, date remedial work was completed and the number ofquarters that the circuit has appeared on the list. Exhibit VI-7 provides a list of the topthree circuits in each FE-PA Company’s service territory that have shown up on the 5%worst performing circuits list and the number of quarters that they have been on the listin the past three and a half years (i.e., from January 2007 to June 2010).Exhibit VI-7FirstEnergy <strong>Pennsylvania</strong> CompaniesWorst Performing CircuitsJanuary 2007-June 2010Company Substation CircuitMet-EdPenelecPenn PowerSource: Data Request No. ER-13Number of ConsecutiveQuartersNorth Bangor 00826-3 14Shawnee 00895-3 14Walker 00865-3 8Warren South 00220-41 14Union City 00206-43 14Erie South 00259-31 14Hartstown W-126 12Mercer W-167 9Canal W-104 8- 42 -

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