METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

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have equipment in good condition to meet the demands of summer and would avoid theneed for shutdown authorization from third parties during peak summer months.Staff’s Follow-up Recommendation – Strive to correct major deficiencies withinseven days and deficiencies within 30 days; and submit, as an appendix to theAnnual Reliability Report to the Commission, a list of deficiencies and majordeficiencies not corrected within their respective time frames and the reasonsthey have not been corrected in a timely manner.Prior Recommendation – Conduct a follow-up review at the end of 2006 to review thestatus of the installation of Penelec’s Ampere/Ampere-Demand meters.Prior Situation – The 2004 Reliability Settlement Agreement required the FE-PACompanies to install permanent ampere/ampere-demand meters in their distributionsubstations in order to gather peak load data for planning purposes by year-end 2007.Permanent ampere/ampere-demand meters are used for monitoring substationtransformers and maximizing transmission line capacity. The meters can alsoautomatically collect and store monthly demand data for all three phases in adistribution line which would help Penelec operate its system in an efficient manner. Asof January 31, 2006, Penn Power had completed its installation of all planned meterswhile Met-Ed had installed all but three planned meters, with the remaining three metersexpected to be installed by the end of 2006. Penelec had installed just 336 of 1,375planned meters (24.4%) and estimated that 535 more meters would be installed by theend of 2006. Penelec planned to install its remaining 504 meters in 2007.Follow-up Finding and Conclusion No. VI-3 – Penelec installed all but twoAmpere/Ampere-Demand meters by the end of 2007 as agreed to in the 2004Reliability Settlement Agreement; and the last of the installations was completedby June 10, 2010.Penelec had planned to install 1,375 permanent ampere/ampere-demand metersbut the number was modified in 2007 to 1,112 due to various reasons. The original listincluded installation of 191 demand meters on line step down transformers that werenot in distribution substations and which were not required under the ReliabilitySettlement Agreement. Seventy-one meters included circuits with existing revenuemetering therefore additional metering installations were not necessary as the existingmetering met the requirement. Also, the original list counted one circuit twice resultingin a duplicate record. Exhibit VI-6 lists the number of ampere/ampere-demand metersthat were installed each year from 2004-2010.Two required meter installations were completed after the 2007 deadline. Onewas completed in January 2008 and was delayed due to replacement of a substationbreaker. The final meter was installed in June 2010. Penelec had a temporary meter- 40 -

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