METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

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Exhibit III-1FE-PA CompaniesDividend Payouts ($000)2006-2009Met-Ed Penelec Penn Power Combined2006Net Income $(240,195) $84,182 $9,716 $(146,297)Dividend Payout $25,000 $20,000 $597 $45,597% of Net Income NA 23.8% 6.1% NA2007Net Income $95,463 $92,938 $22,404 $210,805Dividend Payout $0 $70,000 $0 $70,000% of Net Income 0.0% 75.3% 0.0% 33.2%2008Net Income $88,033 $88,170 $23,194 $199,397Dividend Payout $0 $90,000 $0 $90,000% of Net Income 0.0% 102.1% 0.0% 45.1%2009Net Income $55,523 $65,388 $20,115 $141,026Dividend Payout $0 $85,000 $50,000 $135,000% of Net Income 0.0% 130.0% 248.6% 95.7%2006-2009Net Income ($1,176) $330,678 $75,429 $404,931Dividend Payout $25,000 $265,000 $50597 $340,597% of Net Income NA 80.1% 67.1% 84.1%Source: Data Request No. AI-6During the four year period 2006-2009, total dividends paid by each of the three<strong>Pennsylvania</strong> operating companies are as follows:• Met-Ed paid dividends of $25 million despite a cumulative net loss of $1.2million.• Penelec paid dividends of $265 million from net income of $330.7 million(i.e., 80.1% of net income was paid as dividends).• Penn Power paid dividends of $50.6 million from net income of $75.4 million(i.e., 67.1 % of net income was paid as dividends). The three FE-PACompanies combined paid dividends of $340.6 million from a combined netincome of $404.9 million (i.e., 84.1% of combined net income was paid asdividends). Note the combined dividend payments were just under the 85%of net income maximum recommended by BWG.FirstEnergy does not have a formal policy in regards to the payment of dividendsby its affiliates. The payment of dividends is reviewed on an ongoing basis by- 23 -

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