METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

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FIRSTENERGY PENNSYLVANIA COMPANIESMANAGEMENT EFFICIENCY INVESTIGATIONSUMMARY OF JANUARY 2007 MANAGEMENT AUDIT RECOMMENDATIONS ANDSTAFF’S FOLLOW-UP FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS<strong>Public</strong> <strong>Utility</strong> CommissionBureau of Audit’sPrior RecommendationsOriginallyTargetedCompletionDateMEIFindingNumberStaff’s Follow-upFindingsand ConclusionsAs of January 31, 2011Staff’sFollow-upRecommendationVIII. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS- 11 -IX. SUPPORT SERVICESVIII-1The FE-PA Companies havedeveloped and maintaincomprehensive emergencyresponse, physical security,cyber security and businesscontinuity plans.None.Improve inventory turnover ratesand eliminate excess inventory.March 2008 IX-1 The FE-PA Companies haveimproved inventory turnoverrates and reduced total inventorylevels.None.FirstEnergy should develop andimplement formal access controlprocedures that include a formalconsolidated Access AuthorizationForm. Security and access controlreview should include anexamination and verification of theinitial access authorized forselected users.February 2007 IX-2 FirstEnergy has developed andimplemented formal accesscontrol procedures which includean examination and verificationof the initial access authorizedfor selected users.None.Exhibit II-1Page 6 of 12

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