METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY - Pennsylvania Public Utility ...

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FIRSTENERGY PENNSYLVANIA COMPANIESMANAGEMENT EFFICIENCY INVESTIGATIONSUMMARY OF JANUARY 2007 MANAGEMENT AUDIT RECOMMENDATIONS ANDSTAFF’S FOLLOW-UP FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS<strong>Public</strong> <strong>Utility</strong> CommissionBureau of Audit’sPrior RecommendationsOriginallyTargetedCompletionDateMEIFindingNumberStaff’s Follow-upFindingsand ConclusionsAs of January 31, 2011Staff’sFollow-upRecommendationVI. ELECTRIC RELIABILITY (CONT.)- 9 -Conduct a follow-up review at theend of 2006 to review the status ofthe installation of Penelec’sAmpere/Ampere-Demand meters.March 2007 VI-3 Penelec installed all but twoAmpere/Ampere-Demand metersby the end of 2007 as agreed toin the 2004 Reliability SettlementAgreement; and the last of theinstallations was completed byJune 10, 2010.None.As a supplement to the existingquarterly reports provided to thePAPUC, list and describe remedialactions planned or taken for anycircuit that appears on the list of5% Worst Performing Circuits forone year or more, or in four out ofsix quarters.March 2007 VI-4 The FE-PA Companies have hadcircuits that have beenconsistently showing up on the5% worst performing circuit listfor two years or longer.Take additional actions on circuitsthat stay on the 5% worstperforming circuit list for more thana year and develop solutions toimprove overall reliability on thesecircuits.Conduct a more useful staffingstudy.December 2007 VI-5 FirstEnergy has implemented awork management process at thethree FE-PA Companies whichforecasts line worker staffingbased on historical and futureworkload.None.Exhibit II-1Page 4 of 12

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