Insight Tarom Primåvarå/Spring 2005EXEMPLARUL DUMNEAVOASTR| / YOUR COPY Prim\var\ / Spring 2005ARADMonumentele cet\]ii-steaMonuments of a Star CitadelBRUXELLESDou\ identit\]i, o singur\ inim\Double Identity, A Single HeartCORINADUMITRESCUTrupul care spune pove[ti / The Body as Story-Teller“Insight TAROM” is published for TAROM by MEDIA ON Publishing Group and A ROND online branding and web solutions company

Insight <strong>Tarom</strong> Primåvarå/Spring 2005EXEMPLARUL DUMNEAVOASTR| / YOUR COPY Prim\var\ / Spring 2005ARADMonumentele cet\]ii-steaMonuments of a Star CitadelBRUXELLESDou\ identit\]i, o singur\ inim\Double Identity, A Single Heart<strong>CORINA</strong><strong>DUMITRESCU</strong>Trupul care spune pove[ti / The Body as Story-Teller“Insight TAROM” is published for TAROM by MEDIA ON Publishing Group and A ROND online branding and web solutions company

CuprinsContents104 SALONUL VIP/VIP LoungeInterviu cu Patrick Gelin, Pre√edinte -Director General al BRD - Groupe Société GénéraleInterview with Mr. Patrick Gelin, President& CEO of BRD - Groupe Société GénéraleITINERARII/Air Treks10 Arad. Monumentele cetå¡ii steaArad. Monuments of a Star Citadel16 Bruxelles. Douå identitå¡i, o singurå inimåBrussels. Double Identity, A Single Heart1624 COVER STORYCorina Dumitrescu. Trupul care spune pove√tiCorina Dumitrescu. The Body as Story-Teller382432 LOCURI DE POPAS/Peaceful RetreatsVacan¡å la ¡aråHoliday in the CountrysideEXPLORATOR/Explorer38 Ceasuri pentru eternitateWatches for Eternity42 Sub semnul amuleteiUnder The Sign of the Amulet2646 TEATRU/TheaterARCA - teatrul din podARCA - Theater in The Attic52 BUCURE{TIUL REDESCOPERIT/Bucharest DiscoveryMuzeul din livadåMuseum in an Orchard58 BEAUX ARTSFrida Kahlo. Un accident numit destinFrida Kahlo. An Accident Named Destiny5860 CUISINECupola. Fascina¡ia gåtituluiCupola. The Fascination of Cooking71 Focus TAROM3

SalonulVIPLoungeInterviu cu Patrick Gelin,Pre√edinte - Director Generalal BRD - Groupe Société GénéraleInterview with Mr. Patrick Gelin, President& CEO of BRD - Groupe Société GénéraleCare a fost prima impresie pe care a¡i avut-odespre România √i cum vede¡i ¡ara noastråacum?În 2001, când am venit în România, √tiam despre¡ara dumneavoastrå doar ceea ce învå¡asem la orele deistorie sau geografie. Când am ajuns aici credeam cåvia¡a va fi dificilå, mai ales pentru un expatriat. Acum√tiu cå m-am în√elat. Dupå aproape patru ani petrecu¡iaici, îmi invit prietenii în concedii. Unii vin probabilpentru a-mi face pe plac, dar to¡i pleacå încânta¡i deceea ce våd în România.Ce destina¡ii turistice române√ti v-au plåcut?România este o ¡arå de o bogå¡ie turisticå impresionantå,√i pu¡ine sunt locurile în care nu ai ce vedea. Îmiplace mult Delta Dunårii, este o regiune foarte frumoaså,toatå zona Bucovinei, regiunea Transilvaniei √iMaramure√ul.Care vå sunt destina¡iile preferate de zbor?¿årile pe care nu le cunosc. Întotdeauna sunt neråbdåtorså aterizez undeva pentru prima oarå.Ce cite√te un bancher la bordul avionului?Atunci când nu lucrez, profit de aceastå pauzå pentrua-mi completa „deficitul“ de lecturå. Timpul pe careîl petrec în avion este adesea pentru mine sinonim culiteratura.Ne pute¡i povesti un scurt moment mai ®What was your first impression of Romaniaand how do you see our country now?When I came to Romania in 2001 all I knew aboutyour country was what I had learned in history and geographyclasses. When I first came here I thought lifewould be difficult, especially for an expat. Now I know Iwas wrong. I have been living here for almost four yearsnow and have already started inviting my friends over onholiday. Some of them probably come just to humourme, but they all leave Romania delighted with what theyhave seen.Which Romanian tourist destinations have youenjoyed most?Romania is an impressively generous tourist destinationand there are places worth seeing almost everywhere.I have especially enjoyed the Danube Delta,which is a beautiful region. I also like all of Bucovina,Transylvania and Maramure√.What are your favorite flight destinations?Those countries I have not yet visited. I am alwaysanxious to land in a place I have never seen before.What does a banker read on board?When I am not working I take advantage of this breakto catch up on my reading. The time I spend on a planeis often dedicated to reading literature.Can you tell us about a special experience ona plane?®4

BRD-GSGîn cifre∫ Cea mai mare bancå privatådin România∫ A doua bancå din Româniadupå cota de pia¡å∫ Profit net (Sep. 2004) -ROL 2,472 miliardeBRD-GSGfacts&figures∫ Biggest thoroughly privatebank in Romania∫ Second bank in Romaniain terms of market share∫ Net profit (Sept. 2004) -ROL 2.472 billion® special pe care l-a¡i petrecut la bordul unui ®avion?Aleg întotdeauna locul de lângå fereastrå, √i privescmereu cu al¡i ochi påmântul våzut din cer sau curgereanorilor.Ce evolu¡ie prevede¡i în ceea ce prive√tepia¡a financiarå româneascå? Ce perspectiveare BRD - GSG pe pia¡a aceasta, ca cea maimare bancå privatå din ¡arå?Pia¡a bancarå din România este poate cea mai concuren¡ialå√i, din acest punct de vedere, cea maipregåtitå pentru aderarea la UE. Cred cå pia¡a bancaråva trece printr-un proces de consolidare, care va face cadoar câteva bånci så domine „ringul“ pe termen mediu.I always chose the seat by the window because it givesme an ever-changing perspective of the earth and theclouds that waft through the sky.How do you predict the evolution on Romania’sfinancial market?What are the prospects on this market forBRD - Groupe Groupe Société Générale, the largestprivate bank in Romania?The Romanian banking sector is probably the mostcompetitive segment of the market and, as such, the bestprepared for EU accession. I believe that the banking sectoris involved in a consolidation process, and in the mediumterm, this will result in just a few banks becoming dominantin the field.Care crede¡i cå este secretul succesului?Cred cå sunt mai multe ingrediente: primul dintreacestea este profesionalismul, cel de-al doilea este perseveren¡a√i, nu în cele din urmå, ambi¡ia... √i uneoripu¡in noroc. ∫What do you believe to be the secret ofsuccess?I think there are many facets to this: the first is professionalism,the second is perseverance, and last but notleast, ambition... and sometimes just a hint of luck. ∫5

EVENIMENTEventNout\]ile sezonuluiSeason’s NewsOptzeci [i cinci de anide avia]ie comercial\ româneasc\Românii nu au dus niciodatå lipså de ini¡iativå în domeniulavia¡iei. Dacå din 1906 Traian Vuia s-a desprins de lasol, iar în 1910 Prin¡ul Bibescu întemeia prima √coalå româneascåde pilotaj. În 1919, politicianul român Nicolae Titulescupropunea la Paris ca avia¡ia så devinå din armå, instrumental progresului. Douåzeci √i trei de state, printre care√i România, au semnat Conven¡ia Interna¡ionalå de Naviga-¡ie Aerianå. Anul acesta se împlinesc85 de ani de la înfiin¡area CompanieiFranco-Române de Naviga¡ie Aerianå(CFRNA). Aceasta transporta pecalea aerului mårfuri √i pasageri perutele Bucure√ti-Belgrad-Budapest-Viena-Praga-Strasbourg-Paris √i Bucure√ti-Istanbul.O tradi¡ie comercialådemnå de urma√ii lui Vuia. ∫NicolaeTitulescu√i cartepo√talå emisåde CFRNANicolaeTitluescu andpostcard issuedby CFRNAEighty-Five Years of RomanianCommercial AviationRomanians have always been in the forefront of aviationinitiatives. Traian Vuia managed to lift off the groundback in 1906, while Prince Bibescu established the first pilotingschool in 1910. In 1919, the politician Nicolae Titulescuproposed in Paris that aviation be turned from a weaponinto an instrument of progress. Twenty-three states,including Romania, signed the International Conventionfor Air Navigation.This year is the 85thanniversary of the establishmentof theFrench-RomanianAir Navigation Company(CFRNA). Thiscompany transportedgoods and passengersby planealong the Bucharest-Belgrade-Vienna-Prague-Strasbourg-Parisand Bucharest-Istanbulroutes. Such acommercial traditionis worthy of Vuia’sdescendants. ∫Ambasadorul whiskey-uluidin Tennessee, în RomâniaLa sfâr√itul lunii februarie, în Româniaa poposit Jimmy Bedford (foto), al √aseleaMaster Distiller din istoria mårcii JackDaniel’s. Acaså, în Lynchburg, Tennessee,supravegheazå tot procesul de produc¡ie,de la måcinare pânå la îmbuteliere, ofunc¡ie dobânditå dupå 20 de ani de lucrula toate etapele fabricårii whiskey-ului. Ela declarat: „Acum suntem pe locul doi înRomânia, dar nu urmårim un record.Urmårim så ne facem produsul la fel debun, så-i men¡inem calitatea √i prestigiul.¬i aici oamenii încep så aprecieze maimult calitatea decât cantitatea.“ JackDaniel’s este una din mårcile de spirtoasede import cu cea mai rapidå cre√tere depe pia¡a româneascå. ∫The Ambassadorof Tennessee Whiskeyin RomaniaJimmy Bedford (photo), the SixthMaster Distiller at Jack Daniel’s, visitedRomania at the end of February. Backhome, in Lynchburg, Tennessee, he overseesthe entire production process, frommash to bottle, a responsibility acquiredover 20 years of working in each stage ofwhiskey-making. He said: “We are now insecond place in Romania, but are not aimingat a record. We just want to ensurethat the product is as good, and maintainquality and prestige. And people herehave started appreciating quality morethan quantity.” Jack Daniel’s has registeredone of the fastest growth rates onthe Romanian imported spirits market. ∫6

HOTSPOTSDe v\zutO bere în Bucure[tiulde alt\dat\A Beer in Old BucharestText: ¬tefana TotorceaPhotos: Constantin Ciocan„Carul cu Bere“, construit înainte de anul1900, a g\zduit de-a lungul vremii numeroaseagape ale aristocra]ilor [i scriitorilorbucure[teni.Un irlandez aflat în Bucure√ti pe la sfâr√itul anilor ’90,a gåsit de cuviin¡å så exclame la intrarea în beråria„Carul cu Bere“: „La naiba, parcå am fi într-o catedralå!“Asta pentru cå interiorul e somptuos, în stil neogotic:picturi murale, vitralii, lambriuri.Localul a fost construit în 1879, dupå planurile arhitectuluipolonez Zigfrid Kofeczincky, devenind, pe la 1900,locul preferat de întâlnire al arti√tilor √i aristocra¡ilorbucure√teni. Aici erau organizate adevårate cercuri literare,un prilej potrivit pentru poetul George Co√buc ca så le facåcinste tinerilor scriitori såraci. Printre obi√nui¡ii casei senumåra √i vestitul dramaturg Ion Luca Caragiale.Pre¡urile nu sunt prohibitive, mâncarea nu este remarcabilå,dar braseria meritå aten¡ie, ca un muzeu al stiluluide via¡å bucure√tean de la sfâr√itul secolului al XIX-lea.Românii î√i pot imagina cå beau alåturi de Nenea Iancu(numele de „alint“ al faimosului Caragiale), iar stråinii pottråi cu încântare atmosfera bucure√teanå belle-époque,u√or solemnå, u√or ironicå. Balcanic-fastuoaså. ∫CONTACT:“Carul cu Bere”, built before 1900,has played host to numerousfeasts of Bucharest’s aristocrats andwriters.On entering the “Carul cu Bere” beer hall, anIrishman visiting Bucharest at the end of the 1990sexclaimed: “Damn, I feel like I’m in a cathedral!”Its interior is sumptuous and neo-Gothic: murals, stainedglasswindows, and wainscoting.The tavern was built in 1879, according to the design ofPolish Architect Zigfrid Kofeczincky, and became a favoritehaunt for Bucharest artists and aristocrats after 1900.Veritable literary circles were organized in this spot, anideal opportunity for poet George Co√buc to treat pooryoung writers. One of the house’s regulars was therenowned playwright Ion Luca Caragiale.Prices are not prohibitive, the food is unremarkable, butthe brasserie deserves attention, as a museum of Bucharestlifestyle at the end of the 19th century. Romanians canimagine what it must have been like to drink by the side ofNenea Iancu (Uncle Iancu - nickname for the famousCaragiale), while foreigners can enjoy the enchantment ofreliving the Romanian belle-époque atmosphere, somewhatsolemn, somewhat tongue in cheek. SomewhatBalkan-style loftiness. ∫Carul cu Bere3-5 Stavropoleos St,BucharestTel: (+4021) 313 7560Bucure√tiul de sfâr√it de secol XIXnu poate fi imaginat fårå vestitul local„Carul cu Bere““Carul cu Bere” is an essential part of late 19thcentury Bucharest

® √an¡uri. În incinta complexului se gåsea o capelå carefusese clåditå odatå cu cetatea. Poarta principalå √iclådirile din interior au fost realizate în stil baroc.Din vremurile trecute a supravie¡uit √i vechiul turn deapå, ridicat în anul 1896. Construc¡ia, cu o înål¡ime de 25de metri, are ea înså√i aspectul unei fortifica¡ii √i se remarcåde îndatå, gra¡ie decora¡iilor care îi împodobesc ferestrele√i balcoanele.Primire la palatUn adevårat colier pre¡ios de palate î√i a√teaptå vizitatorii.Palatul Cenad, Palatul Neumann, Palatul de Justi¡ie,Palatul Finan¡elor, Palatul Szantay ori Palatul Bohu√ sunttot atâtea locuri de popas ce nu trebuie ocolite.Palatul Culturii dateazå din 1911-1913 √i reprezintåcombina¡ia mai multor stiluri: clasic, renascentist italian,gotic francez, baroc francez √i roman. Fa¡ada, în stileclectic, este decoratå cu un basorelief închinat muzelor.Ornamenta¡ia interioarå a fost restauratå între aniiNot far from Romania’s western border,the Mure[ River meanders throughArad, a multi-ethnic and multi-culturalcity, and one of Transylvania’s mostimportant metropolises.Arad was the most populated city in Transylvania atthe beginning of the 20th century. This region hasbeen inhabited for several thousand years. Closer toour times, the Dacians under Burebista built powerfulcitadels at Såvâr√in, Vårådia de Mure√, Cladova, Pecica, Clitand Berindia.Traveller along the path of centuriesThe Dacians were followed by the 9th and 10th centuryprincipality of Glad. The Hodo√-Bodrog Monastery is oneof the oldest Orthodox monastic establishments onRomanian territory, and dates back to the 12th century.Arad enjoyed expansion under the Hungarian crown,® ®ARAD

INTINERARIIAir Treks® 1978-1980, iar fresca este poleitå cu aur. Holul principaleste realizat în stil sécession. Ferestrele sunt originale,art nouveau. Pictura de pe bolta cupolei reprezintåsistemul solar √i cometa Haley. În zilele noastre, PalatulCultural adåposte√te Filarmonica de Stat √i ComplexulMuzeal Arad.Palatul administrativ a fost construit între anii 1872-1874, îmbinând stilul neorenascentist flamand cu stilulprimåriilor medievale târzii. Turnul clådirii are o înål¡imede 54 de metri. Orologiul a fost adus în 1878 din Elve¡ia.În fine, clådirea în care se aflå Teatrul de Stat, la urmaurmei un alt palat al culturii, a fost construitå între 1872-1874, în stil neoclasic. Teatrul de Stat a luat fiin¡å la 1octombrie 1948, iar la 4 noiembrie 1948 a avut loc spectacolulde inaugurare...Farmecul pios al sfintelor bisericiPopula¡ia ora√ului a fost √i este alcåtuitå din români,maghiari, germani, evrei, sârbi. Aradul multi-etnic estedeci, în mod firesc, √i unul multi-confesional, lucru ilustratprin frumoasele biserici, deopotrivå monumente arhitectonice,istorice √i spirituale. Catedrala Ortodoxå Românå„Sf. Ioan Botezåtorul“ a fost construitå între anii1862-1865, în stil baroc. În 1966, interiorul a fost decoratcu fresce bizantine, opere ale pictorului Eremia Profeta.Catedrala Romano-Catolicå, ridicatå între 1902 √i ®® was subjected to Ottoman domination, and was crushedduring the victories of Mihai Viteazu. It was one of the mostflourishing settlements of the Habsburg Empire. It wasaccorded the title of free royal city during the festivitiesattended by Emperor Francis I himself.A history of architecturecarved into the wallsThe municipality is a veritable open-air museum of architecturalstyles and artistic and historic monuments, coupledwith an intensive cultural life that includes theatricalshows, philharmonic concerts, art exhibitions, festivals andfeasts. In the second half of the 18th century, the city alreadyhad its own artistic life, mainly due to the Osztermayerfamily of painters, who painted the most importantOrthodox cathedrals in the Banat area.Architecture afficionados have a wide variety of examples,including Baroque, Renaissance, Eclectic, Classical,neo-Gothic and Sécession styles. The Arad fortress wasraised in the years 1762-1783 on order of Empress MariaTheresa, and is an impressive historic site along the Mure√River. Built in the form of a six-pointed star, the fortifiedstructure was raised at the time with three subterreaneancasemates and several moats. A chapel, built at the sametime as the citadel, stood in the middle of the complex. Themain gate and interior buildings were Baroque-style. ®Ora√ multi-etnic √i multicultural, Aradul nu duce lipså de accente boemeAs a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural town, Arad can offer bohemian moments12

INTINERARIIAir Treks® The old water tower, built in 1896, has also survivedfrom ancient times. The 25-meter construction itself looksmuch like a fortification and is noticeable by virtue of thedecorations that adorn its windows and balconies.Pia¡a Primåriei noapteaThe Town Hall Square by night® 1904, reprezintå stilul renascentist. Clådirea impresioneazåprin monumentalitatea coloanelor √i prinaspectul boltit al intrårii principale. Deasupra por¡ii deacces poate fi admiratå o copie a celebrei „Pietà“ a luiMichelangelo.Biserica Ortodoxå Sârbå „Sfin¡ii Petru √i Pavel“, o piesåa barocului timpuriu, dateazå din anii 1698-1702. Turnul,construit din plåci de bronz, este realizat în stil rococo.În vârful såu stråjuie√te o cruce, fixatå pe un glob.Biserica Catolicå din Aradul-Nou a fost clåditå întreanii 1812-1821, în stil baroc √i a fost declaratå monumentde arhitecturå. Casa parohialå, datând din anul 1725, aadåpostit ini¡ial o mânåstire franciscanå, iar azi este consideratåcea mai veche caså din Arad. De admirat este √iBiserica Evanghelicå Luteranå, ridicatå în 1906, în stilneogotic, cunoscutå √i sub numele de „Biserica Ro√ie“,datoritå exteriorului realizat din cåråmidå ro√ie √lefuitå.Turnul principal al bisericii este înalt de 46 de metri. ∫Received at the palaceA veritable and precious string of palaces await their visitors.The Cenad and Neumann Palaces, the Palaces ofJustice and Finance, the Szantay and Bohu√ Palaces are allstops that must not be missed.The Cultural Palace dates back to 1911-1913 and combinesseveral styles: Classical, Italian Renaissance, FrenchGothic, French Baroque and Roman. The eclectic façade isdecorated with a bas-relief of muses. The interior ornamentationwas restored between 1978-1980, and the frescois polished with gold. The style of the main hall is Sécession,while the windows are original, Art Nouveau. Thepainting in the vaulted dome is of the solar system andHaley’s Comet. Today, the Cultural Palace is home to theState Philharmonic and the Arad Museum Complex.The administrative Palace was built between 1872-1874,combining Flemish neo-Renaissance with the style used inlater medieval City Halls. The building’s tower rises to 54meters and its clock was brought from Switzerland in 1878.The neo-Classical building, in which we find the State Theateris another palace of culture built between 1872-1874.The State Theater was established on October 1, 1948, andits inaugural show took place on November 4, 1948.Arad, un muzeuîn aer liber, presåratcu detalii pitore√tiArad, like an open-airmuseum, hides manypicturesque details

® The pious charm of the holy churchesThe city’s population was and continues to be madeup of Romanians, Hungarians, Germans, Jews, and Serbs.Multi-ethnic Arad is as such also multi-confessional,something that is to be seen in its beautiful churches, allof which are architectural, historic and spiritual monuments.The Baroque Romanian Orthodox “Sf. Ioan Botezåtorul”(“St. John the Baptist”) Cathedral was builtbetween 1862-1865, and the interior was decorated withByzantine frescoes in 1966, all works of the painterEremia Profeta.The Roman-Catholic Church is Renaissance, built between1902-1904, and this building is impressive becauseof the monumental columns and the vaulted main entrance.The access doors contain a copy of Michelangelo’sfamous “Pietà”. The Serbian Orthodox “Sfin¡iiPetru √i Pavel” (“Saints Peter and Paul”) Church, is anearly Baroque building dating back to 1698-1702. Thetower, built from bronze plating, is Rococo, with a crossguarding its tip and set on a globe.The Baroque Catholic Church of Aradul-Nou was builtbetween 1812-1821, and was declared an architecturalmonument. The Parish House dates back to 1725, originallyhousing a Franciscan Monastery, and today consideredthe oldest house in Arad.Another admirable building is the neo-GothicLutheran Church, raised in 1906, and known as the “RedChurch”, because its exterior is made of red polishedbrick. The church’s main tower is 46 meters high. ∫15

INTINERARIIAir TreksDou\ identit\]i,o singur\ inim\Double Identity, A Single HeartText: Andrei CernåtescuPhotos: GuliverUn popas de numai câteva zile, ori ovacan]\ consistent\ în capitala Belgieiînseamn\, dincolo de inevitabilul algoritmturistic, descoperirea unui peisajpentru suflet.Grand Place, în francezå, sau Grose Markt în flamandå,una dintre cele mai frumoase pie¡e europeneGrand Place (in French), or Grose Markt (in Flemish),is one of Europe’s most beautiful squaresOficial, Bruxelles s-a nåscut în 979. Dar legendeleîi situeazå originile mult mai departe, pe lasfâr√itul veacului al VI-lea, când Saint Gorik aclådit o capelå pe mica insulå formatå de cele douå bra¡eale râului Senne. De-a lungul vremii, urbea a devenit dince în ce mai importantå, cu o economie puternicå. Încådin secolul al XV-lea era faimoaså pentru produsele salede lux.Bruxelles a devenit capitala regatului la 21 iulie 1831,odatå cu urcarea pe tron a primului rege belgian,Leopold I, √i a cunoscut o dezvoltare fårå precedent.Cre√tere încununatå în zilele noastre prin „încoronarea“sa drept capitalå a Europei...Feerie în Pia]a MareGrand Place - Grose Markt este una dintre cele maifrumoase pie¡e ale continentului. În Grand Place bateinima ora√ului. Aceastå capodoperå de urbanism estedominatå de Hôtel de la Ville √i La Maison du Roi, edificiigotice înconjurate de stråvechi case ale breslelor, unansamblu al bogå¡iei decorative √i arhitecturale.Tarabele vânzåtorilor de flori, cårora li se alåturåduminica negustorii de påsåri, sunt o atrac¡ie vie, o continuåimproviza¡ie a folclorului modern. La fiecare doiani, în a treia såptåmânå din august, cultivatorii belgienide begonii decoreazå Grand Place cu un superb covor deflori. Tema este de fiecare datå alta. Din aprilie pânå înseptembrie, Grand Place √i clådirile sale sunt luminatenoaptea în acordurile muzicii clasice, iar în timpul verii,terasele care mårginesc pia¡a sunt pline ochi.Minunå¡iile de altådatå pot fi descoperite √i redescoperitela bordul unui tramvai din 1935, care circulå peliniile instalate la sfâr√itul secolului al XIX-lea. Iubitorulde frumos, ca √i acela pasionat så afle cât mai multe, sepot pierde printre exponatele sålilor fascinante ale uneiadevårate constela¡ii de muzee: Muzeul artei vechi, ®Photo: Guliver/GettyImages/Stone/Hideo Kurihara16

® Muzeul de artå √i istorie, Muzeul Militar, Muzeul arteimoderne, Muzeul instrumentelor muzicale, Muzeul arhitecturiimoderne √i multe altele.Manneken Pis, un copil ilustruCel mai celebru båie¡el din Bruxelles poate fi admiratzi √i noapte, imortalizat într-o statuie, la intersec¡ia luiEikstraat cu Stoofstraat, aproape de Grand Place.Sunt multe legende în jurul acestei statui, dar una emai cu seamå cunoscutå în toatå lumea. Se spune cå, prinsecolul al XIV-lea, ora√ul era asediat de o armatå stråinå.Cetatea rezista de ceva vreme, dar du√manii s-au gândit laun plan: så punå foc la poalele zidurilor cetå¡ii. Unbåie¡el pe nume Juliaanske, din Bruxelles, i-a surprins înac¡iune √i a urinat peste fitil, salvând astfel ora√ul.Existen¡a statuii a fost marcatå de peripe¡ii, fiindfuratå de câteva ori. Manneken Pis e un personaj atât deimportant la Bruxelles încât el a fost ales ca membruA stay of a few days, or a longer holidayin the Belgian capital, is more than justan inevitable tourist experience, butrather the discovery of a landscape forthe soul.Brussels was officially born in 979, although legendsdate it back much further, to the end of the 6th century,when Saint Gorik built a chapel on the smallisland between two channels of the Senne River. Over time,the city gained in importance and enjoyed a powerful economy.It was famous for its luxury products as far back as the15th century.Brussels became the capital of the Kingdom on July 21,1831, when the first Belgian King, Leopold I, ascended thethrone. As of that time the city enjoyed unprecedenteddevelopment. Its growth has been further recognized in® our day with its “crowning” as Europe’s capital... ®BRUXELLES

INTINERARIIAir Treks® Grand Place ExtravaganzaGrand Place/Grose Markt is one of the continent’s mostbeautiful squares. The heart of the city beats in the GrandPlace. The square is a masterpiece in urban design, beingdominated by the Hôtel de la Ville and La Maison du Roi,two Gothic edifices surrounded by ancient guild houses, acomplex of decorative and architectural riches.On Sunday, flower vendors are joined by the livelyattraction of bird vendors, a continuous improvisation ofmodern folklore. Every other year, in the third week ofAugust, Belgian Begonia growers decorate the Grand Placewith a superb floral carpet, and its theme is different everytime. From April to September, the Grand Place and itsbuildings are illuminated at night in rhythm with the strainsof classical music, while the outdoor establishments surroundingthe square are full to capacity throughout thesummer.Ancient wonders can be discovered and rediscoveredfrom the board of a 1935 tram, which circulates on rails installedat the end of the 19th century. Lovers of beauty, aswell as those whose passion is to find out as much as possible,can lose themselves in the exhibitions housed in thefascinating halls of a veritable constellation of museums:Museum of Ancient Art, Museum of Art and History, ArmyMuseum, Museum of Modern Art, Museum of Musical Instruments,Museum of Modern Architecture, and manyothers.Manneken Pis, o adevåratå emblemå a ora√uluiManneken Pis, one of Brussels’ landmarks® de onoare în mai multe societå¡i, asocia¡ii √i frå¡ii. Arela dispozi¡ie o garderobå impresionantå. Informa¡iefoarte pre¡ioaså: poate ave¡i norocul ca, în timp ce våafla¡i acolo, Manneken så primeascå un costuma√ nou.Cu aceastå ocazie, el î√i va servi fanii cu bere în loc deapå!Cea mai bun\ bere din lumeBelgienii spun, cu toatå modestia, cå berea lor nu areegal. A√a cå o vizitå la Bruxelles nu poate fi completå fåråun raid într-una dintre pitore√tile berårii, locul cel maipotrivit pentru a afla dacå laudele sunt justificate. A√a sunt,de pildå, „La Mort subite“, „La Bécasse“, „L’Image de NotreDame“, „Le Cerceuil“, „La Porte noir“ ori „La Fleur a papierdoré“. Încerca¡i, în afara berii locale tradi¡ionale, berile defructe (cire√e, piersici) ori puternica Trappiste. Fiecare bereare paharul ei specific. Cunoscåtorii spun cå o bere båutådintr-un pahar care nu i se potrive√te nu mai e atât de ®Manneken Pis: an illustrious childThe most famous boy in Brussels can be admired dayand night, immortalized as a statue, at the crossroadsbetween Eikstraat and Stoofstraat, not far from GrandPlace.There are many legends around this statue, but one ofthem is best known around the world. The legend saysthat, in the 14th century, the city was under siege by a foreignarmy. The fortress was holding from some time,when its enemies thought about a plan: to put fire underthe city walls. A boy from Brussels, named Juliaanske,happened to spy on them and urinated on the fuse, thussaving the city.The statue has been subjected to several mishaps,having been stolen a few times. Manneken Pis is so importantin Brussels that he has been elected an honorary memberof several companies, associations and brotherhoods.He has an impressive wardrobe. Here is some valuableinformation: you might get lucky when visiting Mannekento see him receive a new costume. On such an occasion hewill serve his fans beer instead of water!The world’s best beerBelgians “modestly” claim their beer is unequalled. A visitto Brussels would thus not be complete without a raidon one of the picturesque beer halls, such as “La Mort subite”,“La Bécasse”, “L’Image de Notre Dame”, “Le Cerceuil”,“La Porte noir” or “La Fleur a papier doré”, whereone can decide whether or not the claim is justified. In®18

INTINERARIIAir TreksPhoto: Guliver/GettyImages/TaxiUn ora√ pentru îndrågosti¡i: sårut la galeriile de shopping St. HubertBrussels as a lovers’ city: couple kissing at St. Hubert gallery® bunå la gust. Dacå ¡ii înså cu tot dinadinsul så incluzichiar √i båutura printre atrac¡iile unui traseu mai... cultural,cea mai potrivitå este, fårå îndoialå, o vizitå la Muzeul berii.Capitala Belgiei concureazå Parisul √i Londra prin calitatearestaurantelor sale. Mândria celor mai multe dintre ele,printre atâtea alte preparate de un rafinament desåvâr√it,este „moules frites“, un fel clasic, foarte solicitat de cåtregurmanzi.De v\zut, de admirat, de cump\ratOra√ul este valon √i flamand. Dualitatea personalitå¡iisale se reflectå a√adar √i în arhitecturå. Catedralele √i bisericilegotice stau alåturi de fa¡adele gra¡ioase ale clådirilor dinPlace Royale-Koningsplein, sau casele art nouveau. Ce maie de våzut √i mai ales de fåcut în marele ora√ belgian? Încartierul Heysel, la Brupark a fost reconstituit un sat tipic,cu cafenele √i restaurante. O plajå tropicalå te îmbie laOcéade Océade, iar Kinepolis, unul dintre cele mai maricomplexe cinematografice din Europa pune la dispozi¡ie 24de såli √i un ecran gigantic. Pe platoul Heysel e plasat Atomium,acum în renovare. Aceastå structurå la grani¡a dintresculpturå √i arhitecturå are forma unei molecule de fiermårite de150 de mii de milioane de ori √i este un omagiuadus marilor descoperiri √tiin¡ifice ale secolului trecut.Într-un local datând din 1696, cu o bere excelentå, func¡ioneazå,la primul etaj faimosul Teatru de påpu√i. Frumoaselemarionete interpreteazå piese clasice ori povestiri locale, îndiferite limbi.¬i acum, câte ceva despre shopping... Cele mai cåutate√i apreciate suveniruri sunt celebra √i delicioasa ciocolatå,dantela √i chiar... benzile desenate, considerate în Belgia ®® addition to the tradtional beer, try fruit beers (cherry orpeach) or the strong Trappiste beer. Each beer has its ownglass. Connaisseurs claim the taste of a beer in a glass otherthan its own is not as good.If you insist on making drink part of your cultural quest,you should plan a visit to the beer museum.The Belgian capital competes with Paris and London interms of its restaurants. The pride of most of these restaurants,with their many delectable dishes, includes “moulesfrites” (mussels and french fries), very classical and highlysought after by gourmands.See, admire, buyThe city is Wallonian and Flemish. Its dual personalitycan also be found in its architecture. Gothic cathedrals andchurches stand alongside gracious façades and Art Nouveauhouses at Place Royale-Koningsplein. What else should onesee or do in the great Belgian city? A typical village has beenreconstructed in the Heysel Quarter, at Brupark, with coffeeshops and restaurants. A tropical beach beckons atOcéade Océade, while Kinepolis, one of Europe’s largestmovie complexes has 24 theaters and a giant screen. Onthe Heysel plateau there is the Atomium, now in renovation.This structure half way between sculpture and architecturehas the shape of an iron molecule magnified 150thousand million times, celebrating the great scientificdiscoveries of the last century. In a beer house dating backto 1696, with excellent beer, one finds a famous PuppetTheater on the first floor. The beautiful marionettes performin classical plays or local stories, in several languages.And now, a little about shopping... The most sought after®20

De fiecare datãcând te urci la volan, eºti altul......dar nu ºtii când se poate rupe filmul.Ar fi bine sã treci mai întâipe la noi!concept ASIBAN SA - design Media XPRIMMA SI G U R A R E A¸D E C A R E A V E T I N E V O I

INTINERARIIAir Treks® manifeståri ale unei a √aptea arte, gra¡ie unor personaje ® and best-loved souvenirs are the famous and deliciousfoarte populare, precum Tintin, prezente nu numai între chocolates, lace, and even... comic strips, considered bycoper¡ile albumelor, ci √i pe cravate, tricouri, brelocuri, prosoapeetc.popular characters, such as Tintin, to be found not only inBelgians to be one of the seven arts, due to several veryDuminica e zi de târg la Bruxelles. În pia¡a Sablon se comic books, but also on ties, shirts, key chains, towels, etc.deschide târgul de antichitå¡i, iar în „Place du Jeu de balles“, Sunday is market day in Brussels. Sablon Square hasaproape de Palatul Justi¡iei, se ¡ine un talcioc pitoresc. Rue an antique market, while “Place du Jeu de balles”, near theNeuve e cea mai cåutatå de cåtre amatorii de haine √i încål- Palace of Justice, has a picturesque fair. Rue Neuve is the¡åminte. O zonå comercialå pentru toate gusturile, cuprinzându-i√i pe pasiona¡ii de discuri ori benzi desenate, se în-This commercial district caters to all tastes, even lovers ofmost popular among shoppers for apparel and footwear.tinde între Bulevardul Lemonnier √i Grand Place, incluzând music and comic strips, from Boulevard Lemonnier toRue du Midi. Galeriile Saint Hubert sunt renumite prin Grand Place, including Rue du Midi. The Saint Hubertbuticurile designerilor √i cafenelele îmbietoare. Cât despre Galleries are renowned for designer boutiques and„victimele“ modei, ele trebuie neapårat så-√i rezerve timp enchanting coffee shops. “Victims” of fashion must makepentru o plimbare de-a lungul stråzii Antoine Dansaert. ∫ time for a walk along Antoine Dansaert Street. ∫Photo: Guliver/GettyImages/Taxi/Jon Arnold22

COVER STORY<strong>CORINA</strong><strong>DUMITRESCU</strong>Trupulcare spune pove[tiText: Oltea {erban-Pârâu, ¬tefana TotorceaPhotos: Constantin CiocanLa orice spectacol, tensiunea e aceea[ica la debut: „Emo]ia te construie[te, eaî]i d\uneaz\ doar când e[ti nepreg\tit,“spune Corina Dumitrescu.Ca un spiridu√, î√i croie√te cu u√urin¡å drum prinlabirintul din spatele scenei, trecând rapid pe lângåu√i prin care råzbat vocalize √i acompaniament depian. În fine, se opre√te într-o salå mare, cu pere¡i deoglindå √i ferestre mari. „Eu îmi fac repeti¡ia √i nu må intereseazåcum vå descurca¡i voi cu fotografiile“, zice cålåuzanoastrå, balerina prim-solistå a Operei Na¡ionale Bucure√ti,Corina Dumitrescu.Unii ar putea aprecia o repeti¡ie de balet mai multdecât spectacolul propriu-zis: nici un costum nu î¡iråpe√te aten¡ia de la drama trupului în mi√care. Unele figurisunt abia schi¡ate, abia le ghice√ti; asupra altora dansatorulse întoarce mereu, purtând privitorul fascinat spremiezul mesajului artistic. Corina Dumitrescu viseazå laroluri de compozi¡ie, care så aducå expresivitatea teatralåpe scenå. Dar privind-o dansând, î¡i dai seama cå nu enevoie de nici o expresie suplimentarå: povestea curgefiresc, o spune chiar trupul ei. ¬i, dincolo de toate,ghice√ti pre¡ul: durerile de gambe √i de bazin, labelepiciorului bandajate. Realitå¡i pe care balerina nu lecomenteazå, låsând doar så se în¡eleagå cå timpul √i experien¡afac din ele a doua naturå.Prim Solista Operei Na¡ionale Bucure√tia cålåtorit cu trupa de baletprin toatå Europa; este invitatå permanentåa Baletului Na¡ional din Belgrad,a dansat cu Baletul Na¡ional Sud Coreeanla Seul, cu Baletul din Cipru, √i are proiectepentru Paris, în septembrieThe Principal Dancer of theBucharest National Opera has travelledwith the ballet company all over Europe; she is a permanentguest of the Belgrade National Ballet, has dancedwith the National South Korean Ballet in Seoul,with the Cyprus Ballet, and she has plans in Paris,in SeptemberCorina Dumitrescu:„Dansul este text, codificare a unui mesaj““Dance itself is text, the codification of a message”Cum a devenit Corina Dumitrescu balerinå?Am început gimnastica pe la cinci ani, iar baletul, abia la11 ani, o vârstå destul de târzie, dar, datoritå sportului,aveam deja calitå¡ile pe care √coala le dezvoltå în primii ®24

® ani. Dupå terminarea Liceului de coregrafie, mi-amînceput colaborarea cu Opera Na¡ionalå. Pe deoparte, erasingura alternativå viabilå în România, √i, pe de altå parte,î¡i conferea un statut deosebit. Oamenii påstrau respectulpentru tradi¡ia promovatå de Opera Românå, iar comunitateaartisticå din aceastå institu¡ie culturalå î¡i ofereamereu noi provocåri. ¬i pentru cå provocårile m-au stimulatîntotdeauna, dupå ce am trecut cu succes examenul deadmitere la Facultatea de pedagogie-coregrafie din cadrulInstitutului de Artå Teatralå √i Cinematograficå, m-am mutatla o companie de dans contemporan. Voiam så-miîmbogå¡esc spectrul artistic. Dupå un an √i jumåtate, amluat hotårârea så må întorc la Operå: acesta era drumulmeu. Iar statutul pe care l-am cåpåtat dupå ani de muncåîmi confirmå cå a fost decizia corectå.Care este propor¡ia între baletul clasic √i celcontemporan în cariera dumneavoastrå?De câte ori am avut ocazia, m-am îndreptat √i sprebaletul contemporan. Am √i primit un premiu care m-asurprins √i m-a amuzat. Într-o joacå, fåcusem o coregrafiepentru o balerinå italianå care a participat la Concursul„Oleg Danovski“ de la Constan¡a. Conceptul meu a primitPremiul de coregrafie. Fac asisten¡å la toate baletele luiMihai Babu√ka. Nu må consider, înså, coregraf; eu amdoar idei, pe care le împårtå√esc celui cu care lucrez √icare are abilitatea de a crea pa√ii de pe scenå. Îmi vådviitorul ca asistent coregraf, ca pedagog, ca formator dedansatori. Consider cå experien¡a pe care am cåpåtat-otrebuie dåruitå, √i poate cå, a√a, o parte din mine va fimereu pe scenå.®Apari¡ie feericå în visul lui Don Quijote, pe scenaOperei Na¡ionale Bucure√ti (foto dreapta)Corina Dumitrescu, a fairy-tale apparition in Don Quijote’s dream,on the stage of Bucharest’s National OperaThe Bodyas Story-TellerThere is debut-like pressure before anyperformance. “Excitement builds youup. It affects you only if you areinsufficiently prepared,” says CorinaDumitrescu.Elfishly, she finds her way through the back-stage labyrinth,quickly passing doors from behind which emanatevoices in practice and piano accompaniment.She finally stops in a large room with mirrored walls andbig windows. “I will do my routine and do not care howyou manage to take your photographs,” says our guide,Corina Dumitrescu herself, the principal dancer of theBucharest National Opera.Some people might enjoy a ballet rehearsal more thanthe show itself: there are no costumes to divert your attentionfrom the drama of the moving body. Some movementsare barely hinted at, while the dancer keeps repeatingothers over and over, drawing the gaze of the fascinatedspectator to the core of the artistic message. Corina Dumitrescudreams of compositional parts, roles that bringtheatrical expressivity to the stage. But as you watch herdance, you realize there is no need for additional expressiveness:the story flows naturally, and is told by her ownbody. And, beyond all this, you can guess what the costmust be: pain in the legs and the pelvic area, and bandagedfeet. These are realities which the ballerina does not mention,but which can be inferred as having become in timeand experience second nature.How did your relationship begin with ballet?I started out doing gymnastics at age five, and began takingballet lessons only at age 11. But sports had alreadyprovided the qualities normally developed in the firstschool years. After finishing Choreography High School, Ibegan my collaboration with the National Opera. Thisconferred a special status on me. People had great respectfor the tradition of the Romanian Opera at the time, and theartistic community of this cultural institution always providednew challenges for me. I have always found challengesstimulating, and upon passing the admission to the Schoolof Education-Choreography of the Institute of Theater Artsand Cinematography, I moved to a contemporary dancecompany. I wanted to broaden my artistic horizon. I decidedto return to the Opera a year and a half later, and thiswas my path. The status I have managed to gain after yearsof work confirms that my decision was the right one.What has been the proportion of classical andcontemporary ballet throughout your career?Whenever the opportunity presents itself I opt for contemporaryballet. I even have an award for choreogra- ®27

COVER STORY® Publicul românesc vå identificå pe dumneavoastråcu marile roluri ale baletului clasic...Un adevårat dansator poate så interpreteze orice, de labalet clasic √i neoclasic pânå la dans contemporan √i baletpostmodern... Trebuie så fie deschis oricårei experien¡e. Defapt, dansul contemporan te elibereazå de anumite cli√eepe care le impune cel clasic. A√a cum oamenii nu mai suntcei de acum o sutå de ani, nici dansul nu poate råmâne peloc. De√i Shakespeare are un anumit farmec citit în limbajrenascentist, acum el este adaptat vocabularului contemporan.Tot a√a √i cu mi√carea. Dansul este el însu√i text, codificarea unui mesaj... Folosim pa√i tradi¡ionali, dar trebuieså avem abilitatea de a fi fire√ti, de a ne elibera de cli√ee.Care au fost cele mai importante colaboråriartistice externe pe care le-a¡i avut?Am cålåtorit cu trupa în toatå Europa, am dansat cu BaletulNa¡ional Coreean la Seul, dansez de câteva ori pe ancu Baletul Na¡ional din Belgrad, cu Baletul din Cipru, amproiecte pentru Paris, în septembrie... Am avut destul demul¡i parteneri din alte ¡åri. Aceste experien¡e te ajutå så tedezvol¡i ca artist. Ρi înfrun¡i mai bine emo¡iile, te confrun¡icu stiluri de dans diferite, în raport cu care trebuie så gåse√tiformula de a-¡i påstra personalitatea. Ceea ce te-a ridicatîn ochii publicului românesc te va ridca în ochii publiculuide oriunde. Nu cred cå românii recepteazå actul artisticmai prost decât cei din afarå.Cât de importante sunt partenerul, regia,ansamblul alåturi de care evolua¡i ?Nu fac mofturi când vine vorba så må adaptez condi¡iilordate, mai ales cå scenele române√ti, nerecondi¡ionatede mult, sunt adesea vitrege cu arti√tii.Existå spectacole care merg strunå, de la colaborarea curegizorul, cu ansamblul, √i pânå la sincronizarea cupartenerul. Dar sunt √i situa¡ii în care trebuie så faci anumitesacrificii pentru a ajunge la un numitor comun cu ®Preferå rolurile de compozi¡ie,care necesitå √i aptitudini actorice√tiShe prefers compositional rolesthat also require theatrical abilities® phy, something that was both surprising and amusing. Asa lark I developed a choreography for an Italian ballerina,who performed in the “Oleg Danovski” Competition inConstan¡a, and was awarded the Choreography Prize.I have tried to assist in all of Mihai Babu√ka’s ballets,and believe this will become my calling, alongside teaching.I do not see myself as a choreographer; of course Ido have ideas, but all of these things are inherent, to beshared with whoever one works with, and who has that talentto create the steps on stage. I see myself as having arole as Assistant Choreographer, as a professor, as a danceteacher. I believe that I must share the experience I havegained, and perhaps in this manner a part of me will beeternally present on stage.The Romanian public identifies you with majorclassical ballet roles...I believe that a true dancer is one who can dance anything,from classical to neo-classical, to contemporary dance,to post-modern ballet... One must always be open toany experience. In fact, contemporary dance is somethingthat liberates you from certain clichés that are imposed byclassical dance. Just like people today are different fromthose of a hundred years ago, so too dance has not stoodstill. While Shakespeare has a certain charm when read inthe Renaissance language, it is now adapted to contemporaryvocabulary. It is the same with movement. Dance itselfis text, the codification of a message... We use traditionalsteps, but we must be able to be natural, to free ourselvesfrom clichés.What were your most important foreign artisticcollaborative efforts?I have travelled with the troupe throughout Europe,danced with the Korean National Ballet in Seoul, have dancedseveral times a year with the National Ballet in Belgrade,with the Ballet in Cyprus, I have a project for Paris inSeptember... I have had a significant number of foreignpartners... These are all experiences that help you developas an artist. As such you can better face your emotions, andare placed with companies that have entirely different dancestyles. Of course you must retain your personality. Becausethat which raised you up in Romania can also raiseyou up there. I do not feel that the Romanian public is aweaker receiver than the one abroad.How important are the partner, the stage management,and the ensemble alongside which youevolve?I can easily adapt to conditions, especially because theRomanian stages, lacking reconditioning, are often very badfor the dancers. There are performances where everythingruns very smoothly, including the collaboration with theDirector, the ensemble or the partner. But there are also situationsin which you must make certain sacrifices to beable to arrive at a common denominator, both with yourpartner and with the show itself. I usually look for part- ®

COVER STORY® ceilal¡i √i cu spectacolul în sine. Mi-am cåutat mereu ® ners with whom I have a good understanding, especiallyparteneri de scenå cu care så må în¡eleg. Am nevoie de o on the stage. I need excellent emotional communication,comunicare emo¡ionalå bunå, în logica spectacolului. suitable to the performance.Cum vede¡i baletul românesc pe viitor?Baletul românesc nu e cu nimic mai prejos decât cel alaltor ¡åri. Diferen¡ele pleacå, înså, de la condi¡iile financiare,care îl afecteazå pe dansator nu numai din punct de vederesocial, ci √i artistic. Sunt lucruri pe care le pot modificanu numai cei în drept, adicå Ministerul Culturii, ci √i societatearomâneascå, de la care a√tept så-√i îndrepte privirea√i cåtre artå, nu doar cåtre sport. Cu un minim deindependen¡å båneascå, sunt convinså cå trupa noastrå vaîncepe så atragå interpre¡i, coregrafi, mae√tri √i, nu înultimul rând, va schimba percep¡ia publicului printr-oîmbogå¡ire a repertoriului. Sper ca în curând så devenimcompanie na¡ionalå, astfel ca toate proiectele visate så sepoatå realiza cu mai multå u√urin¡å √i så ne depå√im frustrårileculturale, dovedind cå suntem mai mult decât simpliexecutan¡i. Oricum, viitorul va decide dacå, vorbindromâne√te, am ales corect... ∫What are your hopes for Romanian ballet?I want it to be understood that Romanian ballet is noless professional than that in other countries. The differencelies in financial conditions, which affect the dancersocially and artistically. Some things can be changed notonly by those responsible, such as the Ministry of Culture,but also by Romanian society, whom we expect to turntheir sights to the arts, and not only to sports. With moderatefinancial independence I am convinced that our troupewill be able to attract dancers, choreographers, mastersand, not least, to change the perception of the public witha richer repertoire. I hope we will soon become a nationalcompany, so that all the projects we have dreamed aboutcan be realized with the greatest ease, and we can overcomeour cultural frustrations, proving that we are not justexecutants. In any case, the future will decide if Romanianlanguage has been the right choice for me... ∫Î√i vede viitorul ca formatoare de dansatori: astfel, o parte din ea va fi mereu pe scenåIn future, she sees herself as a teacher of dancers: thus, a part of her will always be on stage30

LOCURI DE POPASPeaceful RetreatsVacan]\ la ]ar\Holiday in the CountryText: {tefana TotorceaPhotos: ANTREC, Paul Antoniu, Mihai Moiceanu/EFIAPNimic nu se poate compara cu un sejurodihnitor. To]i tânjim dup\ m\car unweekend în care s\ ne înc\rc\m bateriileîn sânul naturii.Gazda perfectå alåturi de care pui la cale o astfel deevadare poate fi o familie primitoare dintr-un satromânesc. Acum nu mai este nevoie så ba¡i dinpoartå în poartå pentru a poposi la cåderea serii. Turismulrural românesc a crescut uimitor în ultimul deceniu. Existå√i o asocia¡ie de profil care te poate sfåtui ce så alegi. Cu ajutorulprietenilor no√tri de la ANTREC, vå oferim câteva sugestiipentru o vacan¡å acaså la români.Bucovina de lini[teÎn nordul Moldovei, vecinå cu Maramure√ul, spinårileîmpådurite ale Bucovinei te cheamå så le descoperi. Sezice cå Drago√ Vodå s-a încumetat aici la vânåtoare dezimbri. Låsând în urmå piscurile, a ajuns într-un ¡inutmontan de o frumuse¡e rarå, unde a √i hotårât så întemeiezeun stat. ¬i aståzi tårâmul este prielnic turismuluicinegetic. Prin pådurile de-aici hålåduiesc încå râsul,ursul, mistre¡ul √i cåpriorul.De numele lui Drago√ Vodå se leagå √i legenda ora√uluiVatra Dornei. Pare-se cå Dorna ar fi fost o frumoaså bucovineancådupå care suspina tânårul domnitor. Comorile etnografice√i ospitalitatea proverbialå a bucovinenilor ademenescanual tot mai mul¡i turi√ti amatori de experien¡eautentice.La 22 de kilometri de Vatra Dornei, în Valea Bistri¡eiAurii, satul Ciocåne√ti î√i a√teaptå oaspe¡ii cu bra¡ele deschise.Me√te√ugarii locului sunt faimo√i pentru måiestria¡esåturilor, a covoarelor √i straielor populare. Casele suntîmpodobite cu acelea√i motive care se regåsesc pe hainele¡åranilor. Aceste linii dantelate împodobesc √i ouåle dePa√ti. Pe la jumåtatea lui martie, satul gåzduie√te FestivalulOuålor Încondeiate, cu spectacole de muzicå popularå,parada portului tradi¡ional √i o expozi¡ie cu vânzare de ouå.Dacå rata¡i aceastå simfonie de culoare, din 11 - 15 martie,nu vå necåji¡i. La jumåtatea lui august mai are loc √i FestivalulNa¡ional al Påstråvului. Ve¡i pescui în voie, ve¡i savurapåstråvi √i minunå¡ii culinare rustice.La 50 - 60 de kilometri distan¡å se în√irå månåstirile fortificate√i pictate din secolul al XVI-lea, faimoase în lume:Moldovi¡a, Sucevi¡a, Vorone¡, Arbore, Humor. Iar la vreo 30de kilometri e rezerva¡ia de la Poiana Stampei, unde cre√teo plantå carnivorå unicå în lume, „Roua cerului“. ∫32

Bucovina este pe harta turisticå interna¡ionalå√i datoritå exploziei de culori de pe zidurilebisericilor ei medievaleBucovina is also on the international tourist map becauseof the explosion of color on the walls of its medieval churchesLa Ciocåne√ti, modelul cusåturilorde pe portul popular se regåse√teîn decora¡iunile exterioare ale caselorAt Ciocåne√ti, the pattern from popular apparelcan also be found in the exterior decoration of the housesPhoto: Pierre SoissonsNothing is comparable to a restfulholiday. We all yearn for at least aweekend in which we can charge ourbatteries somewhere in nature.The perfect hosts for such an escapade can be ahospitable family in a Romanian village. It is nolonger necessary to go knocking on differentdoors in search of lodgings at nightfall. Romanian ruraltourism has developed remarkably in the past decade.There is even a professional association that can offeradvice. With the assistance of our friends from theNational Association of Rural, Ecological and CulturalTourism (ANTREC), here are some holiday suggestions.Bucovina: a peaceful landThe wooded ridge of Bucovina, in northern Moldavia,adjacent to Maramure√, beckons you to discovery.It is said that Prince Drago√ hunted aurochs in theseparts. Leaving the peak behind, he reached a breathtakingmountainous area, where he decided to establish astate. This region is even today hunting territory.The legend of the town of Vatra Dornei is also connectedto Prince Drago√. It seems that Dorna was abeautiful inhabitant of Bucovina who had won theyoung prince’s heart. Every year the ethnographictreasures and proverbial hospitality of Bucovinansattract increasing numbers of tourists in search ofauthentic experiences.The village of Ciocåne√ti, 22 km from Vatra Dornei,in Bistri¡a Aurie Valley, awaits its guests with open arms.Local craftspeople are renowned for their mastery inweaving carpets and popular apparel. Their homes aredecorated with the same designs found in peasantapparel. These scalloped lines are also used to embellishthe Easter eggs. The village hosts the EggColoring Festival in mid-March, at which time there arealso popular music shows, traditional apparel paradesand an exhibition for the sale of the eggs. Do notdespair if you miss this show of color from March 11-15,as another National Festival takes place in August dedicatedto the trout. You will be able to fish and taste thetrout, as well as other rustic culinary delights.Along a 50 - 60 km stretch one finds the world-renownedstring of 16th century fortified and paintedmonasteries: Moldovi¡a, Sucevi¡a, Vorone¡, Arbore, andHumor. ∫33

Bran - în inima ]\rii BârseiCuloarul Rucår - Bran se strecoarå spiralat printre MasivulPiatra Craiului √i Bucegi. Drumul √ovåie, cu sui√uri√i întoarceri, pe creste care dezvåluie un peisaj inegalabil.Te √i miri cum a fost posibil så se taie cale acolo unde numaicapra neagrå ar putea trece. Drumul este cålcat demicii întreprinzåtori care te ademenesc cu produse alegospodåriilor: obiecte din lemn, haine din lânå netoarså√i brânzeturi aromate în coajå de pin.La capåtul trecåtorii vegheazå Castelul Bran, o fortårea¡åde secol XIV, construitå la råscrucea drumurilordintre Orient √i Occident. Poalele vechiului castel au protejatmicile comunitå¡i din satele Bran √i Moeciu. De lapensiuni modeste √i pânå la investi¡ii serioase, sunt acoperitetoate gusturile turistice în materie de cazare. Gazdelete primesc cu vin √i brânzeturi, pregåtesc cina cupåstråv de munte √i micul dejun cu miere de albine √i untde caså.Oaspe¡ii au de ales între un program cultural √i unulde relaxare în mijlocul naturii. Iubitorii culturii pot vizita,pe lângå Castelul Bran, √i cetå¡ile såse√ti fortificate de laPrejmer, Hårman √i Râ√nov, ridicate pentru a protejasatele de invaziile tåtarilor prådåtori. Bra√ovul, cufarmecul lui de ora√ medieval, e în apropiere. Iar admiratoriinaturii vor fi încânta¡i, cåci zona abundå în cåråri fermecåtoare√i sate pitore√ti, care ispitesc la plimbåri √i picnicuri:Poarta, Mågura, Simon, Sohodol. Plantele medicinale√i fructele de pådure abia a√teaptå så fie culese, iarpârâurile de munte sunt pline de pe√te. Prin rezerva¡ianaturalå Piatra Craiului hålåduiesc capre negre √i ur√i.Cine se încumetå så facå un traseu de o zi-luminå, nu vauita u√or cårårile din vârful crestelor abrupte ale acestormun¡i. Turi√tii care cautå itinerarii mai u√oare î√i vor gåsidelectarea în poienile cu narcise de la Dumbrava Vadului,un ocean de flori albe la finele lunii mai. ∫Photo: Mihai Moiceanu/EFIAPBran - cåråri fermecåtoare √i sate pitore√tiBran - charming pathways and picturesque villagesBran: in the heart of }ara BârseiThe Rucår-Bran corridor spirals between the PiatraCraiului and Bucegi mountain ranges. The road meandersthrough an unequalled landscape, formerly accessibleonly to the chamois. The path is travelled by manysmall entrepreneurs who tempt you with householdproducts: wooden objects, raw wool apparel, and pineflavoredcheese.Bran Castle guards the end of the road. It is a 14thcentury fortress, built at the crossroads of East andWest. The small communities of Bran and Moeciu villagesstood protected at the foot of the old castle. Hereare pensions and hotels to meet all tastes. Your hostswill receive you with wine and cheese, and prepare amountain trout dinner or a natural honey and homemadebutter breakfast. Guests may choose a culturalprogram or relaxation in the middle of nature.Culture lovers can visit Bran Castle, the Saxonfortresses of Prejmer, Hårman and Râ√nov, or the charmingmedieval city of Bra√ov. Nature lovers will also beenchanted by the abundance of charming paths and picturesquevillages in the area, all enticing for walks andpicnics: Poarta, Mågura, Simon, and Sohodol. Medicinalplants and wild fruits are just waiting to be picked, andthe mountain streams are full of fish. The Piatra CraiuluiNature Reserve, home to chamois and bears, offersunforgettable paths along steep mountain crests. Amore relaxing itinerary is one to the narcissus clearingsof Dumbrava Vadului, a sea of white flowers at the endof May. ∫35

Såsoaicå din Biertanîn port popularSaxon girl from Biertanin traditional costumePhoto: Mihai Moiceanu/EFIAPM\rginimea Sibiului - popular [i medievalÎn secolul al XIII-lea, familii de origine germanå au venitîn Transilvania pentru a fortifica grani¡ele statului √i a-lapåra de nomazii care bântuiau liberi în partea esticå aCarpa¡ilor. A√a s-au nåscut bisericile fortificate din zonaBra√ov-Bran √i Sibiu. Coloni√tii germani au poposit pe36M\rginimea Sibiu: popular and medievalGerman families came to Transylvania in the 13th centuryto fortify the borders of the state and protect it fromthe nomads roaming freely through the eastern portion ofthe Carpathian Mountains. This is how the fortified churchesin the Bra√ov-Bran and Sibiu regions came into® ®

® lângå Cibinum, botezând Sibiul de azi Hermannstadt √i ® being. German colonists settled near Cibinum, namingcontribuind esen¡ial la cultura √i civiliza¡ia’s Sibiu Hermannstadt and contributing greatly to theCa destina¡ie de turism rural, zona atrage foarte mul¡i area’s culture and civilization.vizitatori din Europa Occidentalå. Este recomandabil så The area attracts many visitors from Western Europepoposi¡i într-unul din satele din Mårginimea Sibiului, o interested in rural tourism. We recommend a stop in one ofzonå în care tradi¡iile populare sunt foarte vechi √i bogate, the villages of Mårginimea Sibiului, an area in which populartraditions are ancient and rich, protected with care andpåstrate cu sfin¡enie √i cultivate ca atare. Me√te√ugurile sunttransmise din genera¡ie în genera¡ie. De exemplu, Rå√inari, cultivated as such. Crafts have been passed on from generationto generation. For instance, Rå√inari, a locality inlocalitatea care l-a dat culturii române pe poetul OctavianGoga √i culturii francofone pe faimosul eseist Emil Cioran, which the poet Octavian Goga and the famous essayist Emilse mândre√te cu ¡esåturile sale √i cu portul popular påstrat Cioran were born, also prides itself on its weavings andintact de-a lungul vremii. La Gura Râului, såtenii au inventatinstala¡ii tehnice care func¡ioneazå de secole pe acelea√i Gura Râului, the villagers invented apparatuses that havepopular apparel, well preserved throughout the times. Atprincipii simple: ac¡ionate de apa râului Cibin, piua de worked on the same principle over the centuries: driven byhaine √i presa de ulei sunt adevårate piese de muzeu încå the water of the Cibin River, the fulling mill and oil pressfunc¡ionale.are veritable museum pieces, still in operation.Fie cå vå caza¡i în aceste localitå¡i, fie cå opta¡i pentru Whether you choose accommodation in one of thesesate precum Sibiel sau Tålmåcel, de aici pute¡i porni în localities or opt for a village, such as Sibiel or Tålmåcel, youexcursii de o zi cåtre biserica goticå fortificatå de la Biertan will be able to go out for a one-day excursion from any ofsau mai vechea Cisnådioara, bisericå în stil romanic, de these places to the fortified Gothic church of Biertan or thesecol XII, unicå în ¡arå.older Cisnådioara, a Roman-style church dating back to theDe asemenea, nu rata¡i så petrece¡i måcar o zi la Sibiu. 12th century, the only one of its kind in the country.Centrul vechi stå mårturie pentru o istorie tumultuoaså √i o Do not miss spending at least one day in Sibiu. The oldconvie¡uire armonioaså între etnii. Muzeul Bruckenthal, cu center is witness to a tumultuous history and harmoniouscolec¡ia sa impresionantå de artå occidentalå, a fost inauguratde un nobil local, amator de frumos, la doar câ¡iva ani Museum, with its impressive Western art collection, wascohabitation of various ethnic groups. The Bruckenthaldupå deschiderea Muzeului Luvru în Fran¡a. Cât despre inaugurated by a local nobleman, a lover of beauty, only acultura popularå, la marginea Sibiului, un punct de atrac¡ie few years after the opening of the Louvre in France. A stopobligatoriu este Muzeul de arhitecturå √i culturå popularå is a must at the open-air ASTRA Museum of ArchitectureASTRA, un muzeu în aer liber. ∫and Popular Culture on the margin of Sibiu.∫37

EXPLORATORExplorerCeasuripentru eternitateWatches for EternityText: Dånu¡ UngureanuPhotos: Guliver, www.horologerie-suisse.comAtât de banal odinioar\, ceasul estedin ce în ce mai des preferat ca obiectde lux, perceput ca semn al puterii orial unei clase sociale privilegiate.Cel mai onest stråmo√ al ceasului este legendarulcadran solar, la început doar un toiag înfipt înnisip, acum trei-patru mii de ani. Umbra sa seproiecta în diverse direc¡ii, în func¡ie de diferitele ore alezilei. În ciuda perfec¡ionårilor pe care i le-au adus ingenio√iiacelor vremuri (cadrane special inscrip¡ionate), eralimpede înså cå nimeni nu √tia ora exactå în timpulnop¡ii... Pe la 1500 IC, egiptenii au inventat clepsidra cuapå √i vas gradat. Oricât de curios ar pårea, a trebuit såtreacå încå multe secole pânå când lichidul a fost înlocuitcu nisip.Mecanica ce ia pulsul stelelorPrimul orologiu mecanic s-a nåscut în 1275, dar progreseles-au sim¡it în secolele XVII-XVIII. În 1656,Cristian Huygens a construit pendulul care i-a permis såmåsoare minutele √i secundele. De atunci, pânå în zilelenoastre, ceasurile mecanice au påstrat acest principiu defunc¡ionare.Ceasul brå¡arå a fost realizat în 1904 de cåtre francezulLouis Cartier √i elve¡ianul Hans Wildorf. În 1969-1970au fost comercializate primele ceasuri cu cuar¡. Ceasulatomic, care folose√te în locul pendulului atomii de cesiueste, la ora actualå, cel mai exact. Sistemul permite o preciziede o secundå la un milion de ani. Cercetåtorii încearcåacum så înlocuiascå atomul de cesiu cu „pulsul“unor stele (pulsari). Ceasurile din zilele noastre sunt totmai sofisticate √i polivalente, ele putând indica deceniul,anul, luna, ziua, ora √i secunda, fiind în acela√i timp cronometru,tensiometru, calendar perpetuu, telecomandåori telefon. Ca så nu mai vorbim de ceasul care seadapteazå fusului orar...The watch, once considered somethingvery commonplace, is nowincreasingly viewed as a luxury item, asign of power or of a privileged socialclass.Omega, de la P\mânt la Lun\[i spre Marte„Un pas mic pentru om, un pas uria√ pentru omenire“.La 21 iulie 1969, astronautul american Neil Arm-38Born of... the sunThe truest ancestor of the watch is the legendary sundial, initially just a stick planted in the sand as far back asthree to four thousand years. Its shadow projected® ®

Detaliu dintr-o operå de artå:un ceas SchaffhauserMasterpiece detail: a Schaffhauser watchPhoto: Guliver/GettyImages/Hulton Archive® strong a fost primul om care a pus piciorul pe Lunå.Era ora 2:56 GMT, dupå cum indica ceasul care-l înso¡ea,un Omega Speedmaster... Creat în 1957, ini¡ial pentrucompeti¡iile automobilistice, Omega Speedmaster fuseseales de NASA în 1965, dupå o selec¡ie foarte severå. A fostprezent în misiunile Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, în navetelespa¡iale. Omega Speedmaster Professional i-a salvat pe astronau¡iide pe Apollo 13.Speciali√tii sunt de acord cå Omega este o adevåratå legendå,cu un raport pre¡-calitate imbatabil √i o fiabilitateexcep¡ionalå.Numele vine de la ultima literå a alfabetului grecesc √ile-a fost sugerat în 1894 fra¡ilor suedezi Brandt, de cåtrebancherul lor, pentru a ilustra perfec¡iunea tehnicå pe careo reprezenta la vremea respectivå unul dintre ceasurilerealizate de ei.Primul cronometraj sportiv realizat cu Omega dateazådin 1909, la o curså de... aerostate desfå√uratå la Zürich.Din 1932, numele såu este legat definitiv de istoria mo-®® itself in various directions depending on the time ofday. In spite of improvements (specially inscribed sundials) made by ingenious individuals of the time, it wasclear that no one could tell the exact time at night...Around 1500 B.C. the Egyptians invented the hourglasswith water in a shaped glass, but as strange as itmight seem, it took a further twenty-eight centuries forthe liquid to be replaced with sand.The first mechanical time-piece was born in 1275, butprogress in the field came only in the 17th and 18th centuries.In 1656, Christian Huygens built a pendulumwhich allowed him to measure minutes and seconds, anoperating principle that still exists in the mechanicalclocks of our time.The wristwatch was invented in 1904 by theFrenchman Louis Cartier, and the Swiss Hans Wildorf.The first quartz watches were sold in 1969-1970. TheAtomic clock, which uses cesium atoms instead of a pendulum,is now the most accurate. The system allows ®39

EXPLORATORExplorerPhoto: Guliver/GettyImages® dernå a jocurilor olimpice. A echipat avia¡ia britanicå √iarmata americanå începând din 1917-1918. Din 1919 a båtutrecord dupå record √i este, incontestabil, cea maimedaliatå marcå a tuturor timpurilor.Omega Seamaster a fost preferatul legendarului JaquesYves Cousteau.Speciali√tii de la Omega pregåtesc o serie de ceasurispeciale pentru cucerirea Planetei Ro√ii, o nouå versiunea Speedmaster Professional, numitå „De la Lunå, pe® precision to one second to one million years.Researchers are now attempting to replace the cesiumatom with the stellar “pulse”.Today’s watches are ever more sophisticated andmulti-functional, able to show the decade, year, month,day, hour and second, and include functions such asstopwatch, tensiometer, perpetual calendar, remote control,and telephone, not to speak of watches that canadapt to time changes...Marte“.Omega, from the EarthRafinamentul extremto the Moon and Marscu mitul Rolex“A small step for man, a giant leap for mankind.” OnNu i-au trebuit decât 50 de ani mårcii create de elve-¡ianul de origine germanå Hans Wilsdorf pentru a se impuneca lider absolut între ceasurile de mare claså.Istoricii mucali¡i ai domeniului apreciazå cå apari¡ia luiRolex în lumea ceasurilor poate fi comparatå cu ceea ce aînsemnat frigiderul în anii ’50. E mai mult decât un mit,este o institu¡ie.Mitul este alimentat în bunå parte de dificultå¡ileimense pe care un poten¡ial client le întâmpinå în procurarea,de pildå, a unui Rolex Daytona: pânå la √apte anide a√teptare, dacå i se acceptå comanda. La ocazie, pre¡ulunui astfel de model atinge circa 12.000 de euro pentruun model recent (cu toate cå, teoretic, pre¡ul din catalogeste de 6.000 de euro) sau 30.000 de euro pentru unexemplar din anii ’60-’70, cu cadran special (versiuneaPaul Newman).Numele de Rolex, o prescurtare de la „ceasornicårierafinatå“, a fost creat în 1908. În 1931, Wilsdorf a prezentatceasul cu remontor automat, Rolex Perpetual, √i a interzisconcuren¡ei accesul la aceastå inova¡ie extraordinarånu mai pu¡in de 15 ani. În 1945 a apårut Datejust,primul ceas-brå¡arå etan√, cu remontor automat √i indicatorde datå. În 1953, cuceritorii Everestului au fostJuly 21, 1969, the American astronaut Neil Armstrong wasthe first man to set foot on the Moon. The time was 2:56GMT, according to the watch he was wearing, an OmegaSpeedmaster... Created in 1957, initially for automobileracing, the Omega Speedmaster was later chosen byNASA in 1965 following a very stiff selection. It was theOmega Speedmaster Professional that saved the lives ofthe Apollo 13 astronauts.Specialists agree that the Omega is a veritablelegend, with an unquestioned price-quality ratio, andexceptional reliability.Its name comes from the last letter of the Greek alphabetand was suggested in 1894 to the Swedish Brandtbrothers by their banker to illustrate the technical perfectionof a watch created by them.The first sports stopwatch made by Omega dates backto 1909, for an aerostat race that took place in Zurich. Asof 1932, this brand has been definitely linked to themodern history of the Olympic Games. It became a standardpart of British and American army equipment in1917-1918. As of 1919 it beat record after record as theincontestably most awarded brand of all times.The Omega Seamaster was the preferred watch of legendaryechipa¡i cu ceasuri Rolex Oyster Perpetual. ∫Jaques Yves Cousteau.®40

Primul orologiumecanic s-anåscut în 1275;în 1656, CristianHuygens aconstruitpendulul caremåsuraminutele √isecundele;ceasul brå¡aråa fost realizat în1904 de cåtrefrancezul LouisCartier √i elve¡ianulHans Wildorf; ceasulatomic, pe bazåde atomi de cesiu,este, la oraactualå, cel maiexact, cu oprecizie de osecundå la unmilion de aniThe first mechanicaltime-piece was bornin 1275; in 1656,Christian Huygensbuilt a pendulumwhich allowed him tomeasure minutes andseconds; the wristwatchwas invented in 1904by the Frenchman LouisCartier and the SwissHans Wildorf; the firstquartz watches weresold in 1969-1970;the atomic clock,with cesium atoms,is now the mostaccurate: precisionto one second toone million years® Omega specialists are preparing a series of specialwatches to conquer the Red Planet, a new version of theSpeedmaster Professional, known as “From the Moon toMars.”Extreme Rolex myth refinementIt took a mere 50 years for the brand created by theSwiss Hans Wilsdorf of German origin to impose itself asabsolute leader among high class watches. Jocular historiansof this accessory have likened the appearance of theRolex in the world of watches with the importance of theadvent of the refrigerator in the 1950s. It is more than amyth, it is an institution.The myth is fueled in greater part by the immense difficultya potential client has in procuring a RolexDaytona, for instance: a waiting period of up to sevenyears, and that only provided his order is accepted. Theprice of a recent model can reach some EUR 12,000(although the catalog price is listed as EUR 6,000), orEUR 30,000 for a 1960s-1970s model, with a special face(Paul Newman version).The Rolex name, an abbreviation for “exquisite watchindustry,” was first created in 1908. In 1931 Wilsdorf presentedthe self-winding watch, the Rolex Perpetual, andforebade the use by competitors of this extraordinaryinvention for no less than 15 years. The self-windingDatejust appeared in 1945, the first waterproof wristwatchwith a perpetual date.The Rolex Oyster Perpetual was part of the 1953Everest conquerors equipment. ∫41

EXPLORATORExplorerSubsemnulamuleteiUnder the Signof the AmuletText: ¬tefan ComanPhotos: Guliver, Alice IonescuPhoto: Guliver/GettyImages/Imagebank/Mike Powell42

La începutul primåverii, româncele påstreazå tradi¡ia,purtând talismane cu √nur alb-ro√u: mår¡i√oareIn early spring, Romanian women keep to tradition, wearinglucky charms with red and white threadsMagie? Paranormal? Supersti]ie?Amuletele [i talismanele fac partedin stilul nostru de via]\ pentru simplulmotiv c\ le înc\rc\m cu proprianoastr\ personalitate.Orice obiect poate fi un talisman, un farmec la purtåtorîmpotriva a tot ceea ce pricinuie√te råul. Celebinecuvântate devin amulete, sunt încårcate cu propriullor miracol. Înså puterea depinde de ståpânul lor.Dacå el este un meditativ √i î√i armonizeazå mintea cu for¡aamuletei, va primi degrabå semne puternice. E ca oîn¡elegere între ei doi.Vraja solidå îi då ståpânului sånåtate, noroc, fertilitate,putere, succes. Cåci nevoile omului sunt cotrolate în acela√itimp √i de cåtre zei, √i de cåtre for¡ele råului. A rosti, a scrienumele unui zeu înseamnå a chema puterea lui divinå.Rugåciunile, ofrandele, sacrificiile fac spiritele bune så-√idea binecuvântarea. Talismanele împiedicå spiritele ostileså o ia înapoi.Ochiul √i semnul falic, de pildå, apårå amândouå derele, aceste semne sunt universale √i nemuritoare.Talismanul, amuleta pot fi la modå sau demodate, darmenirea lor råmâne.Babilonul talismanelorVechii asirieni, egipteni √i babilonieni purtau sigilii cilindrice,cu pietre pre¡ioase. Ei îmbråcau straie împodobite cudesene reprezentând luna în cre√tere, pentru alungarearåului. Chiar √i ho¡ii „profesau“ cu propriile lor talismane,confec¡ionate din... mâinile tåiate ale criminalilor.Magic? Paranormality? Superstition?Amulets and talismans have been partof our lifestyle for the simple reasonthat we invest them with our ownpersonality.Any object can serve as a charm against evil. With ablessing, it becomes an amulet with miraculouspower. But this power depends entirely on theowner. If he is meditative and brings his mind in line withthis object, both the amulet and its owner work together.The solid charm brings health, luck, fertility, powerand success. But man’s needs are controlled at the sametime by the gods and the forces of evil. To say or write thename of a god means to call upon his divine power.Prayers, offerings, and sacrifices make the good spiritspour out their blessings. Talismans prevent hostile spiritsfrom taking these back. The talisman and the amulet maybe fashionable or not, but their purpose remains.The Babylon of TalismansThe ancient Assyrians, Egyptians and Babylonianswore cylindrical seals with precious stones. They woulddress themselves in apparel decorated with images of therising moon, to ward off evil. Even thieves “operated”with their own talismans, a criminal’s cut hand.In the Middle Ages, a time of holy relics and lettersfrom Heaven, alchemists waited for the signs of the stars,reciting incantations to subdue the spirits that lend powerto the talisman, the ancient amulet. The most sought after,the Philosopher’s Stone, turned any metal into gold.And talking about stones, gems have always been talismans,because they have the power of healing. The silverpentagram is the most powerful in Pagan witchcraft. Thefrog guards fertility. The scarab, worn by the living andthe dead, is a symbol of resurrection. Its hieroglyph is synonymouswith the saying “he who has come into being” rosy wineAn amulet dating back a long time ago and very popularis the “March amulet” (mår¡i√or), worn on the firstday of March. At first, it was a silver or gold coin tiedwith crossed red and white threads. It was worn by children,girls and young wives. The threads meant that theface would remain “white as a lily and pink as a rose.”The amulet was meant to keep the child clean andhealthy as silver, and protect it from colds in the summer.The “March amulet” was worn until sundown. Pregnantwomen did not stand by as they would have givenbirth to a child with cataracts.Some young women wear their amulets until theend of March, when they put the thread on a rose andspend the coin on wine, white bread and cheese, to ensurethat their face is white as the cheese and pink as® ®43

EXPLORATORExplorer® În Evul Mediu, cel al moa√telor sfinte √i al scrisorilor ® the wine. They must be proud and chosen as the rose,din Rai, alchimi√tii a√teptau semnele astrelor, recitând the queen of flowers.incanta¡ii, pentru a supune spiritele ce dau putere talismanului,stråvechiului amuletum. Cel mai dorit, PiatraFilosofalå, prefåcea orice metal în aur.Apropo de pietre, nestematele au fost √i sunt talismane,cåci puterea lor vindecå. În vråjitoria pågânilor, cea maiputernicå era pentagrama de argint. Broasca ocrote√te fertilitatea.Scarabeul, purtat de vii √i de mor¡i, e învierea dupåmoarte. Hieroglifa sa e sinonimå cu „a deveni“.Charged with the Moon and the SunPeople charge charms with their own intentions,through rituals, in keeping with the phases of the Sunand Moon. Many of these objects are today mass-produced.This in no wise diminishes their symbolic power,but does dilute the energy which the engraver transfersto the object. When a man says: “I obtained an amulet,but nothing out of the ordinary has happened to me,” hemust first consider whether the amulet is real or an imitation.Then he should appeal for the protection of theforce which blessed the object. A great Thai guru, ChaoKhun Nor, said some time ago in simple and clear language:“The fake screams out while the real thing is deafand dumb.”...[i rumen\ ca vinulLa început, demult, o amuletå care în zilele noastre esteprobabil cea mai popularå - mår¡i√orul - era un ban de aursau argint, legat cu fire råsucite: unul ro√u, altul alb. Îl purtaucopiii, dar √i fetele √i nevestele tinere. Firele fac ca fa¡aså råmânå „albå precum crinul √i rumenå ca trandafirul“. Pecopil, amuleta îl fåcea curat √i sånåtos ca argintul. Îl apårade friguri în timpul verii.Mår¡i√orul se punea pânå nu råsårea soarele. Femeiaînsårcinatå nu ståtea de fa¡å, cåci ar fi nåscut un copil cualbea¡å la ochi.Unele tinere îl poartå pânå la sfâr√itul lui martie, cândpun √nurul pe un trandafir √i dau banul pe vin, pe pâinealbå √i ca√, pentru ca fa¡a så le fie albå precum ca√ul √irumenå ca vinul. Trebuie så fie mândre √i alese ca trandafirul,regele florilor.Înc\rcate cu Luna [i SoareleOamenii î√i încarcå farmecele cu propriile lor inten¡ii,prin ritualuri, în fazele Soarelui √i Lunii. Talismanul seumple cel mai bine în descre√terea Lunii, când se elibereazåde negativ. Amuleta se umple la Luna plinå, când capåtå ceamai multå putere. Cea mai puternicå încårcare a uneiamulete se petrece la eclipsa totalå de Soare. A unui talisman- la eclipsa totalå de Lunå. ¬i unele √i altele sporesc înpunctele paradoxale: momentul exact al Lunii pline, clipapreciså a echinoxului sau solsti¡iului.Multe dintre aceste obiecte se fac aståzi în produc¡ie demaså. Acest fapt nu mic√oreazå puterea simbolurilor, însådilueazå puterea pe care gravorul i-o transferå obiectului.Când un om spune „am cåpåtat o amuletå, dar nu mi s-aîntâmplat nimic deosebit“ ar trebui så se gândeascå maiîntâi dacå amuleta cu pricina este veritabilå sau doar oimita¡ie. ¬i apoi, trebuie så cearå protec¡ia for¡ei care abinecuvântat obiectul. Demult, un mare guru thai, ChaoKhun Nor a spus simplu √i limpede: „Falsul ¡ipå în guramare, dar lucrul adevårat este surd √i mut“.Talismanul din vitrin\Cum se aleg talismanele, amuletele? Trebuie så √tii totuldespre forma, greutatea, „carnea“ din care sunt plåmådite.Nu existå excep¡ii, trebuie så cuno√ti fiecare obiect în parte.E mult mai greu så identifici o amuletå veritabilå decâto piatrå pre¡ioaså veritabilå. Ea trebuie cumpåratå a√adar dela cineva care √i-a dus via¡a numai printre amulete. De unde√tii cå ¡i se potrive√te ceea ce ai ales? Întreabå-te mai întâi ®44The talisman in the shop windowHow does one choose a talisman or an amulet? Youshould know all there is to know about its form, weight,leaven. There are no exceptions, and you should knoweach object. It is much harder to identify a real amuletthan it is a veritable gem. It must however be boughtfrom someone who has traded all his life in amulets.How do you know that something is suitable for you?You should first ask what you want it for. People have idealsand contesting motivations. This is why many wear chainswith amulets. But it is said that the amulet is made mostlywith the better part of the mind and eye of its master.Amulet... onlineThere is a flourishing trade on the Internet of somethingthat was once a frightful secret. We quoteabsolutely haphazardly: “Here and now we are uncoveringthe secret that has been hidden for an eternity.Now you can enjoy that secret of the energy whichendows the rich and famous with absolute power... Yes!With this ancient amulet, everything you have everwanted will belong to you. What are you waiting for?Order it today at www...” ∫

Photo: Guliver/GettyImages/Stone+/Kwaku AlstonSe spune cå o amuletå e fåcutå în bunå parte de mintea √i inima purtåtoruluiIt is said that an amulet is made mostly with the wearer’s mind and heart® care î¡i este ¡inta. Oamenii au idealuri √i motive concurente.Mul¡i poartå, de aceea, lan¡uri de amulete. Sespune înså cå o amuletå e fåcutå în bunå parte de mintea √iochiul ståpânului ei.Amuleta... onlineIatå înså √i un exemplu de „adaptare“ a conceptului alecårui rådåcini se pierd în negura timpului: pe Internet sepracticå un nego¡ înfloritor cu ceea ce odinioarå era tainåînfrico√atå. Citåm absolut la întâmplare:„Aici √i acum î¡i dezvålui secretul multå vremenedescoperit. Acum ai secretul puterii energetice, care le dåcelor boga¡i √i faimo√i puterea absolutå...Da! Cu stråvechea amuletå, tot ce-¡i dore√ti î¡i vaapar¡ine. Ce mai a√tep¡i? Comand-o chiar azi, la www...“ ∫45

TEATRUTheaterARCATeatrul din podTheater in the AtticText: Gabriela HurezeanPhotos: Constantin CiocanÎn peisajul cultural bucure[tean aap\rut ARCA, un nou teatru independent.Compania func]ioneaz\ în podulClubului „La Scena“.Teatrul ARCA a fåcut valuri mari în preså încå de ladebut, când s-a auzit cå un bilet la acest teatrucostå 100 de euro. Dar tariful de lux pentru spectacolulintitulat „¬omeri de lux“ a fost valabil numai lapremierå, unde au fost invita¡i oameni cu dare de mânå,care au dorit så sponsorizeze astfel amenajarea poduluiîn care func¡ioneazå ARCA. Spectacolele obi√nuite aupre¡uri asortate cu buzunarele iubitorilor de culturå dinRomânia, de√i ar justifica un pre¡ mai pipårat, atât princalitatea textului, cât √i prin excelen¡a regiei √i distribu¡iaabsolut magnificå!Spectacolul „Top Dogs“reune√te actoride comedie√i mari tragedieni.Victor Rebengiuc,vestit pentru roluldin Regele Lear,te istove√te de râsnumai på√indpe scenå (dreapta)“Top Dogs” brings togethercomic and tragic actors:Victor Rebengiuc,famous for his King Learrole, makes you laughhilariously by just steppingon the stage (right)Ce î[i propune Teatrul ARCA?Ne spune directorul institu¡iei, Victor Scorade¡ (un rafinat√i experimentat comentator al fenomenului teatralde la noi √i din lume): „La Teatrul ARCA ve¡i vedea piesede o mare varietate stilisticå, despre via¡a voastrå, desprevia¡a altora ca voi, de pe alte meleaguri, despre fråmântåri√i probleme de care alte scene refuzå så ia act. Ve¡i vedeaspectacole vii, adevårate, polemice, grave, amuzante, dramatice,muzicale - toate despre oameni vii, despre oamenireali, despre oameni care tråiesc aståzi. Ne-am gândit cåexistå un numår din ce în ce mai mare de regizori √i actoritineri extrem de talenta¡i care, negåsindu-√i locul în institu¡iilede stat, riscå så se piardå, så se deprofesionalizezesau så întoarcå spatele unei arte care are realå nevoie deei.“ Primul spectacol din repertoriul ARCEI a fost un triumf.Fapt care înseamnå cå arti√tii din... „ARCA“ luiScorade¡ √tiu, la modul cel mai clar, ce î√i doresc √i, maiales, ce au de fåcut pentru a-√i materializa proiectele.46®

Claudiu Bleon¡ √iOzana Oancea într-o ceartåconjugalå (stânga)Family fight with Claudiu Bleon¡and Ozana Oancea (left)

TEATRUTheater¬erban Ionescua mai jucat în comedii,dar parcåla teatrul ARCAe mai special!¬erban Ionescuhas played in comediesbefore, but herehe seems evenmore outstanding!® Valeria Seciu într-un rol de comedie!Cum vå spuneam, „¬omeri de lux“ (“Top Dogs”) a avutun succes care a cutremurat din încheieturi podul încårcatcu critici √i oameni de teatru invita¡i så vadå - gratis! -repeti¡ia generalå dinaintea premierei. Acelea√i aplauze auzgâl¡âit fa¡a locului √i la premiera oficialå, publicul fiind, dedata aceasta, plåtitor la greu! Cum se poate ob¡ine unasemenea triumf? Iatå re¡eta: mai întâi, se ia un text excep-¡ional, cum este „Top Dogs“, piesa elve¡ianului UrsWidmer. Subiectul tråie√te intens prin faptul cå på¡aniilepersonajelor pot fi ale oricui. Ni√te oameni foarte bineplasa¡i pe scara socialå, cu func¡ii importante √i retribu¡ii pemåsurå, care se leagånå ferici¡i în convingerea cå nimic nuipoate disloca din fåga√ul vie¡ii lor fårå griji, se trezesc, deodatå,pu√i pe linie moartå. Special pentru ei s-a creatCompania de reconversie a for¡ei de muncå. Desigur, nuorice fel de for¡å de muncå! E vorba numai de managericare au devenit anacronici.Textul lui Widmer, încårcat cu foarte mult umor, câ√tigåîn savoare prin cealaltå componentå de bazå a reu√itei:48A new, independent theater, ARCA,has appeared on the Bucharest stage.The company is working in the attic ofthe “La Scena” Club.The Theater ARCA began making waves at its inception,when it became known that tickets were sellingfor 100 Euros. But this exorbitant fee for theshow entitled “Top Dogs” was only for the Premiere, towhich were invited people of means who wished to sponsorthe outfitting of the attic in which ARCA performs.Tickets to regular shows are sold at prices accessible toRomanian lovers of culture, although these performancesare worth much more, because of the quality of thescript, the excellence of the directing, and the absolutelymagnificent distribution!What does ARCA Theater offer?This is what Victor Scorade¡ (a refined and experiencedcritic of Romanian and international theater)® ®

Corul recalifica¡ilor profesional intoneazå un imn al societå¡ii de consum adaptat la realitå¡ile române√tiThe Choir of reconverted professionals sings a consumers society anthem, adapted to Romanian reality® Theodora Herghelegiu, tânåra √i originala regizoare carea pus în scenå tragicomedia. ¬i n-a pus-o oricum, cialegând actori de elitå, cårora le-a cerut så joace roluri întrutotul surprinzåtoare. Cine ar fi putut, de pildå, så √i-o imaginezepe Valeria Seciu (aceastå mare actri¡å care a strålucit,pânå acum, mai ales în compozi¡ii de dramå) într-un rol cuinepuizabile valen¡e comice? Cine √i-ar fi închipuit cå VictorRebengiuc, tragicul Rege Lear de la „Bulandra“, poate stârnirâsete cu cârcei fåcând, pur √i simplu, câ¡iva pa√i, pe scenå?Pe ¬erban Ionescu l-am mai våzut în roluri pline de haz, darindividul smiorcåit √i mistuit de ipohondrie pe care îlîntruchipeazå acum, le depå√e√te pe toate! La rândul såu,Claudiu Bleon¡ ne då måsura marelui såu talent actoricesc,dar √i muzical, interpretând impecabil celebra canzonetå„O, Sole mio“, cu un text u√or modificat... Mihai Dinvaleface o crea¡ie de zile mari în rolul omnipotentului pus pelinie moartå, Ionel Mihåilescu este fermecåtor, mai ales înscena cu tricotatul månu√ii cu √apte degete, iar OzanaOancea - impecabilå în rolul femeii de succes, al cårei aerprinciar este oarecum ofilit de necesitatea... recalificårii. ®® tells us: “You will see a wide variety of shows at TeatrulARCA, depicting your life, the life of others from abroad,and the anxiety and problems that other stages refuse toacknowledge. You will see live, real, polemic, serious,amusing, dramatic and musical shows, all about real people,about people living today. We felt there was anincreasing number of young and very talented directorsand actors who, for want of a spot in state institutions,risk losing their profession because they need to findsomething else, or because they are forced to turn theirbacks on an art that really needs them.” The first show inthe ARCA repertoire was a success. And this means thatthe artists of Scorade¡’s ARCA know very well what theywant, and especially what must be done to turn their projectsinto a reality.Valeria Seciu as comedian!As we were saying, “Top Dogs” was so successful thatthe joins of the attic groaned under the weight of theatercritics and afficionados, invited to see the general ®49

BUCURE{TIUL REDESCOPERITBucharest DiscoveryMuzeul din livad\Text: ¬tefana TotorceaPhotos: Constantin CiocanÎmpåtimitul inginerDumitru Minovici,care a construit o casåpentru o colec¡ie de artåEngineer Dumitru Minovici,an impassioned art lover whobuilt a house for his collection

Pe [oseaua ce leag\ AeroportulInterna]ional Henri Coand\ de centrulBucure[tiului, o cl\dire de c\r\mid\ro[ie st\ ascuns\ între Casa Presei [iGara B\neasa.München, anii ’30. Un bårbat nu-√i mai poatedesprinde privirea de la vitrina unui magazin deantichitå¡i, în care, pe un fundal de brocart ro√u,troneazå o statuetå germanå din secolul al XV-lea, reprezentându-lpe Sf. Ioan Gurå de Aur. Omul î√i ia inima în din¡i,intrå în pråvålie, întreabå de pre¡. Råspunsul îl face fericit √iachizi¡ioneazå statueta pe loc. De√i comerciantul se oferå såi-o trimitå la hotel gata ambalatå, el preferå så plece cu sfântulîn bra¡e: îl încearcå teama caraghioaså cå negustorul s-arputea råzgândi cu privire la pre¡...®Biblioteca √i biroulinginerului Dumitru Minovici:vitralii, mobilå dintr-uncastel austriac, cår¡i rare,portretul lui Lorenzode Medici, reproduceriale leilor de laLoggia dei Lanzi(Floren¡a)Engineer Dumitru Minovici’slibrary: stained glass, furniturefrom an Austrian castle, rarebooks, the portrait ofLorenzo de Medicis, lionscopied from thoseat Loggia dei Lanzi(Florence)CONTACT:“Eng. Dumitru Minovici”Ancient Western ArtMuseum3 Dr. Nicolae MinoviciSt, BucharestTel: (+4021) 665-7334Museumin an OrchardA red brick building stands hiddenbetween The Press House and B\neasatrain station, along the route that leads todowntown Bucharest from HenriCoand\ International Airport.Munich, 1930s. A man cannot take his eyes off anantique storefront with a 15th century Germanstatue of the golden-mouthed St. John Chrysostomstanding against a red brocade backdrop. He gathersall his courage, goes into the store, and asks the price.The response thrills him and he buys the statue on the spot.Although the shopkeeper offers to send the statue to hishotel properly wrapped, he prefers to leave with the saintin his arms: he fears the merchant might change his mindabout the price...A born collectorThe man in question was Dumitru Minovici, and hecollected art as far back as he could remember. His mothergave him some money to buy a kite when he was eight,but he purchased two reproductions of Italian paintings.As an adult his actions were still childlike. But the situationhad changed. While studying in France, he nurturedhis artistic passion. Upon becoming Director of the oilcompany Credit Minier, the Engineer Dumitru Minovicibegan collecting authentic art. His salary allowed him tosatisfy such “aristocratic” caprices. He had his own art brokerswho informed him as soon as an interesting sale wason the horizon.The objects and their historyOne such acquisition was a walnut bookcase with manuallysculpted rope moulding: a “bargain” from a castlenear Vienna that had been closed down. The Engineergradually filled this with some five hundred books: thecomplete works of Shakespeare, Balzac, Goethe, Schiller,and other rare editions.Once, the Romanian discovered a 16th century fireplacein the courtyard of a peasant in Fiesole. He tried to convincethe owner to sell it, but the latter was determined toleave it to his heirs. After eight rounds of failed negotiations,Minovici was surprised to learn that the peasantdecided to sell. His children were not interested in inheritingsuch “frippery”.A house built for a collectionThe empassioned collector came from an original family.He was the nephew of Doctor Mina Minovici, founder ofthe Romanian Institute of Legal Medicine. Another uncle,Nicolae, set up the Bucharest Emergency AmbulanceService and revolutionized Legal Medicine through a®53

BUCURE{TIUL REDESCOPERITBucharest Discovery® Un colec]ionar înn\scutOmul se numea Dumitru Minovici √i colec¡iona artå decând se √tia. La opt ani, mama îi dåduse bani så-√i ia unzmeu, dar el î√i cumpårase douå reproduceri dupå ni√tepictori italieni. Acum, adultul se purta tot copilåre√te. Darsitua¡ia se schimbase. Ca student în Fran¡a, î√i educase pasiuneapentru artå. Dupå ce a devenit director la companiapetrolierå Credit Minier, inginerul Dumitru Minovici aînceput så colec¡ioneze piese autentice. Salariul îi permiteaså î√i satisfacå astfel de capricii... aristocratice. Avea brokeriilui de artå care îl anun¡au de îndatå ce o achizi¡ie interesantåse ivea la orizont.Obiectele [i pove[tile lorO astfel de achizi¡ie a fost biblioteca de nuc cu torsadesculptate manual: un „chilipir“ dintr-un castel dezafectat delângå Viena. Treptat, inginerul a umplut-o cu vreo cinci sutede volume rare: operele complete ale lui Shakespeare,Balzac, Goethe, Schiller √i alte edi¡ii rare.Altådatå, românul a zårit, într-o curte ¡åråneascå dinFiesole, un √emineu de secol XVI. A încercat så-l convingåpe proprietar så i-l vândå, dar acesta voia så-l lase mo√tenirecopiilor. Dupå opt runde de negocieri cu ¡åranul, toatee√uate, Minovici a fost surprins så afle cå acesta se hotårâse,în fine, så i-l vândå. Copiii nu voiau så mo√teneascå asemenea„vechiturå“.O cas\ croit\ pentru o colec]ieÎmpåtimitul colec¡ionar provenea dintr-o familie originalå.Era nepotul doctorului Mina Minovici, întemeietorulInstitutului de Medicinå Legalå din România. Alt unchi alsåu, Nicolae, a fondat Serviciul de Salvare din Bucure√ti √i arevolu¡ionat medicina legalå printr-o serie de experimenteîndråzne¡e: se... spânzura timp de 6 pânå la 25 de secunde,pentru a în¡elege mecanismul mor¡ii prin √treang. Acestcuraj i-a fost fatal, cåci a fåcut cancer laringian, dar studiulsåu este citat de toate tratatele importante.Nicolae i-a cedat nepotului Dumitru o parte din terenulsåu din nordul Bucure√tiului, unde î√i clådise deja o bijuteriede caså româneascå în stil brâncovenesc. Cunoscutå √isub numele de Casa cu Clopo¡ei, ea a fost donatå în 1936municipalitå¡ii bucure√tene, ca Muzeu de Artå PopularåRomâneascå. În spatele Casei cu Clopo¡ei, inginerul a ridicatîn 1940 o clådire în stil renascentist englez. Arhitecturaitalianul Canella era croitå spre a se potrivi cu obiectelecolec¡iei: √emineul toscan, monumentala tapiserie flamandå√i vitraliul vienez de secol XVII de pe peretele vestical holului de recep¡ie.Salvarea [i supravie]uirea colec]ieiÎn 1945, ocupa¡ia sovieticå instalase un guvern comunistla Bucure√ti. Spectrul na¡ionalizårii plutea amenin¡åtorasupra a tot ce însemna proprietate privatå. Atunci inginerul√i-a donat cåminul Academiei Române, salvând colec¡iade la dezmembrare. Nu mai exista riscul ca bocancii proletariså mår√åluiascå peste covorul de Mosul. Dar în 1948 ®Vitraliu de secol XVIII, våzut de la interior18th century stained glass, seen from inside® series of bold experiments: he hung himself for 6-25 secondsto understand the process of death by hanging. Thiscourage ended up costing his life, as he developed LaryngealCancer, but his research is cited in all major studies.Nicolae left his nephew Dumitru some land in northernBucharest, where he had already built a jewel of aRomanian Brâncoveanu style house, also known as theHouse with Bells. This was donated in 1936 to theBucharest Municipality as a Museum of Romanian PopularArt. In 1940, the Engineer raised nearby an English Renaissancestyle building. The architecture of the Italian Canellawas intended to match the collection items: the Tuscan fireplace,the monumental Flemish tapestry and Viennese 17thcentury stained glass on the western wall of the hall.Safeguarding the collectionIn 1945, the Soviet occupation established a communistgovernment in Bucharest. The specter of nationalizationthreatened all private property. Consequently, the Engineerdonated his home to the Romanian Academy, therebysaving his collection from being divided up. The oldman’s Mosul carpet was not to be trampled on by prole- ®54

Fa¡adele sunt tratate diferit: stil flamand, loggii vene¡iene, creneluri medievale √i ferestre ogivaleOutside, the façades are treated in different styles: Flemish architecture, Venetian loggias, medieval battlements and lancet windows® un potentat a avut ini¡iativa de a transforma muzeul în ® tarian boots. But a potentate attempted to transform thesediu al unei organiza¡ii de tineret. So¡ia inginerului, Ligia, museum into the headquarters of a youth organization. Thea mers în audien¡å la însu√i Petru Groza, premierul de atunci.Acesta î√i fåcea adesea plimbårile matinale prin preajma Groza, who often took his morning walks around the twoEngineer’s wife, Ligia, went to see Prime Minister Petrucelor douå case Minovici, a√a cå a tran√at problema în stilul Minovici houses. He resolved the problem in a style characteristicof that period, namely by screaming at the poten-epocii, strigându-i la telefon potentatului cu ini¡iativå: „Joslabele de pe Muzeul Minovici!“tate over the phone: “Hands off the Minovici Museum!”Oaz\ de lini[te în nordul Bucure[tiuluiPânå de curând, regretata doamnå Ligia Minovici încåîi mai întâmpina pe oaspe¡i cu pove√ti √i amintiri dedemult. Locuia în dormitorul de la etaj, påstrând subsupraveghere atentå casa iubitå prin fereastra ce då spreholul înalt de la parter. Curtea din spate, decoratå cu statui√i bånci de piatrå, are √i un bazina√. În el înotau pe vremuripe√ti exotici care au supravie¡uit iernilor bucure√tene,dar nu √i dezastrului ecologic de la Cernobîl.Primåvara, glicina violetå îmbracå zidurile de cåråmidå.Din curte se poate coborî direct în livada neîmblânzitå amuzeului vecin, acela donat de doctor municipalitå¡ii.Iarna, livada e acoperitå de un strat virgin de zåpadå, iarvara pomii rodesc. Doctorul prevedea, naiv, ca muzeul såse între¡inå din vânzarea fructelor! Chiar dacå azi roadelepåmântului nu pot finan¡a restaurarea caselor √i recondi¡ionareacolec¡iilor, locul råmâne înså un popas fermecåtor,oferit publicului de cåtre o familie de marcå aora√ului. Vechiul spirit aristocratic bucure√tean supravie¡uie√teaici exemplar... ∫Peaceful retreat in northern BucharestUntil recently the late Mrs. Ligia Minovici herselfreceived guests with stories and long-time memories. Shelived in the bedroom on the second floor, lovingly caringfor the house from the window that looked over the highhallway on the ground floor. The rear courtyard, decoratedwith stone statues and benches, also has a small pool.Exotic fish once swam here, and although these managedto survive the Bucharest winters, they succumbed to theCernobyl ecological disaster. In spring, purple wisteriacovers the brick walls. One can reach the orchard throughthe courtyard, and get to the old museum donated by thephysician to the Municipality. A fresh layer of snow coversthe orchard in winter, while the trees bear their fruit insummer. The physician naïvely expected his museum to beable to exist off the fruit of the land! Although this cannotcover the cost of restoration, the place is still a charmingstop, made possible by one of the city’s remarkable families.The old Bucharest aristocratic spirit lives on splendidlyin this spot... ∫55

56În 1939 era o stranie apari¡ie√i pentru Parisul boem,cu fustå popularå mexicanå√i mårgele precolumbiene.A√a a fotografiat-o√i Nicolas Muray la New YorkIn 1939, she looked strangeeven in bohemian Paris, with herMexican skirt and precolumbianbeads. This is how Nicolas Murayphotographed her in New York

BEAUX ARTSFrida KahloUn accident numitdestinText: ¬tefana TotorceaPhotos: Nickolas Muray/International Museumof Photography at George Eastman HousePrin anii ’80 înc\ nu exista în cataloagelede art\. Dar în 1990 o pictur\ a eivalora deja 1,4 milioane de dolari.În 1990, la Sotheby’s, øi în 1991, la Christie’s, douæ picturiale Fridei Kahlo s-au vândut pentru 1,4 øi, respectiv,1,8 milioane de dolari. În 2000, un singur autoportrets-a vândut cu 5 milioane de dolari. S-ar zice cævaloarea ei creøte în proporflie geometricæ în era noastræ,atât de favorabilæ minoritarilor excentrici. Femeie,suferind un handicap, jumætate evreicæ, jumætate nativæsud-americanæ, marxistæ, cu preferinfle amoroase incerte,crescând modest în umbra mai celebrului pictor DiegoRivera, infidelul sofl pe care l-a iubit o viaflæ. Într-uncuvânt, Frida reprezintæ MINORITATEA însæøi, pe toateplanurile.AccidentulSeptembrie, 1925. Prin aglomeraflia devorantæ a oraøuluiMexico City îøi croiesc drum o studentæ øi prietenulei. Tocmai au ieøit de la cursuri. Prind “la mustaflæ” autobuzulspre Coyoacán, periferia boemæ. Alegere fatidicæ:autobuzul se ciocneøte cu un tramvai øi câfliva pasagerimor pe loc. Fiindcæ trei luni e flintuitæ la pat, tatæl îi dæFridei culorile øi uneltele lui de picturæ în ulei. Familiaimprovizeazæ un øevalet fixat deasupra patului, pentru caea sæ poatæ picta culcatæ, încorsetatæ în carapacea deghips. Pe baldachin au instalat o oglindæ care sæ îi serveascæpentru autoportrete.Aøa începe, la optsprezece ani, destinului artistic alFridei Kahlo. Accidentul care i-a ræstignit trupul a transformat-odin viitor medic în pictor færæ studii de pic-În acest autoportret, Frida se reprezintåpe sine cu inima în mâini √i pictând cu propriul sângeIn this self portrait, Frida represents herself holding her heartand painting with her own bloodAn AccidentShe was not listed in the art catalogs ofthe 1980s, but one of her paintings wasworth $1.4 million in 1990.In 1990 and 1991, Sotheby’s and Christie’s sold twopaintings by Frida Kahlo for 1.4 million and 1.8 milliondollars, respectively. In 2000, a single self portrait wassold for 5 million dollars. It can be said that her worthincreases geometrically in proportion with the age we arein, extremely favorable to eccentric minorities. The womansuffered from a disability, was half Jewish, half native SouthAmerican, a Marxist, with unclear sexual preferences,growing humbly in the shadow of the more famous painterDiego Rivera, her unfaithful husband, whom she loved fora lifetime. As such, Frida represents the MINORITY par® excellence, in all respects.®57

„Må pictez pe mine însåmi fiindcå sunt adesea singurå √i îmi sunt cel mai la îndemânå subiect,“ spunea Frida“I paint myself because I am often alone and am my most available subject,” said Frida® turæ. Piciorul, afectat de poliomelitæ în copilærie, s-adeteriorat øi mai mult, dar cel mai mult suferise coloanavertebralæ, secflionatæ în câteva locuri. De aici avea sæ i setragæ moartea, la doar patruzeci øi øapte de ani, dupæ oviaflæ de suferinflæ øi incapacitate fizicæ...Corpul [i singur\tateaFrida extrage din suferinfla trupului un discurs plasticautentic øi cuceritor. Ai putea spune cæ este puflin narcisistæ,deoarece picteazæ mai ales autoportrete. Deseori,din ele priveøte o femeie cu træsæturi native pronunflate øiochi triøti, care te bântuie. Peisajul solitudinii ei agonice:camera goalæ, un deøert bræzdat de hæuri, sau un noman’sland invadat de animale mitice øi vegetaflie luxuriantæ.“Mæ pictez pe mine însæmi fiindcæ sunt adesea singuræøi fiindcæ îmi sunt cel mai la îndemânæ subiect,”spune ea.Realist\ suspect\ de… suprarealismFrida aøterne færæ ezitæri pe pânzæ toate tabuurile corpuluiøi sexualitæflii feminine. Imageria ei îndræzneaflæ øidezinhibatæ îl îndeamnæ pe pærintele suprarealismului,André Breton, sæ decreteze opera ei drept suprarealistæ.Ea afirmæ ironic cæ nu √tia asta √i îi consideræ pe suprarealiøtiniøte “netrebnici cu capul în nori”. Nu cautæ(supra)realitatea recuperatæ prin vis, ci dimpotrivæ, oalege pe aceea imediatæ øi hâdæ, transpunând-o pe pânzæca o purificare prin artæ. Totul e un jurnal intim scris cupenelul: durerile de coloanæ, imposibilitatea de a maipurta o sarcinæ, anorexia de care suferæ dupæ numeroaseleoperaflii, iubirea chinuitoare pentru infidelul DiegoRivera. În ajunul expozifliei din 1938, de la New York –începutul succesului –, Frida spune: “Nu øtiu ce væd ei lalucrærile mele”. Pictura are valoare doar pentru ea însæøi,explorare a propriilor ei probleme, metafore naive aleexperienflei personale.Morbidul inocent [i dispre]ul gustuluicomunLa New York a vizitat-o editoarea revistei mondene“Vanity Fair” (“Bâlciul deøertæciunilor”, o culme a ironiei!).I-a “livrat” cea mai recentæ bârfæ a boemei americane:actrifla Dorothy Hale, o cunoøtinflæ comunæ, se aruncasede la etaj, dupæ o petrecere de adio. ®® The AccidentSeptember 1925. A student and her boyfriend meet inthe consuming crowd of Mexico City, after getting out ofclass. They had just managed to catch a bus to Coyoacán,the Bohemian periphery. This was a fateful choice, as thebus collided with a tram, killing several passengers on thespot. Confined to her bed for three months, Frida’s fathergave her his oil paints. To allow her to paint lying down ina full body cast, her family rigged a fixed easel above herbed. They also set up a mirror on the canopy to make itpossible for her to paint herself.This is how the artistic destiny of Frida Kahlo began atage 18. The accident that crucified her body turned thewould-be physician into a painter with no art education.Her leg, already affected by polio from childhood, furtherdeteriorated, but the greatest damage was that to herspinal cord, broken in several places. This eventuallybrought about her death at only age 47, after a life of sufferingand physical incapacitation...Body and lonelinessFrida was able to extract an authentic and vanquishingartistic discourse from her suffering body. One might sayshe is somewhat narcissistic, as she paints mostly self portraits.Looking out from these is a woman with pronouncednative features and hauntingly sad eyes. Her landscapesagonizingly becry her loneliness: an empty room, adesert furrowed with chasms, or a no-man’s land invadedby mythical animals and luxurious vegetation. “I paintmyself because I am often alone and am my most availablesubject,” she said.A Realist suspected of... SurrealismWithout hesitation Frida covers her canvases with allthe taboos of the female body and sexuality. Her daringand uninhibited imagery moved the father of Surrealism,André Breton, to declare her work surrealist. She respondedironically, claiming not to know this, and accusing surrealistsof being a bunch of “sons of bitches with theirheads in the clouds.” She did not search for the (sur)realityto be discovered in dreams, but rather, chose whateverwas immediate and unsightly, transposing this on canvasin a sort of artistic purification. Everything is recorded inthe intimate journal she kept with a brush: the pain in ®58

Autoportretul dåruitlui Leon Trotsky,pe care l-a gåzduitla ea când acestas-a refugiat în MexicSelf portrait givento Leon Trotsky whenhe stayed at her houseas a political refugeein MexicoUniversul ca fåpturå √i crudå, √i ocrotitoare,care î√i cere tainul de suferin¡å, înghi¡ind via¡a,pentru a o rena√te sub altå formåThe universe seen as both cruel and protective,taking its toll and swallowing up life just to resurrectit in another form® Impresionatæ, Frida a promis o lucrare în memoriadefunctei. Cu speranfla cæ mama actriflei îøi va gæsialinarea cu un frumos portret al fiicei pierdute, editoareaa aøteptat încrezætoare pictura. Când a despachetat-o, asuferit un øoc: în prim plan, pe o scenæ, zæcea însângeratæDorothy, îmbræcatæ de galæ, aøa cum au descris-o invitafliila ultima petrecere. În plan secund, printre nori, sezæreau clædirea din care se aruncase øi corpul ei în cædereliberæ, ca pe o peliculæ fotograficæ supraexpusæ. Aceastaera viziunea Fridei, recviem pentru o væduvæ care nu-øimai gæsise locul în lume, preferând moartea în loculdezonoarei de a cerøi sprijin financiar de la un bærbat.Evident cæ aøa ceva nu putea fi trimis mamei îndoliate…Strig\tul trupului r\stignitÎn „Autoportret cu portretul doctorului Farill”, din1951, Frida apare într-un scaun cu rotile, lângæ tabloulaproape terminat al doctorului, pictând cu sânge øi folosindu-øipropria inimæ ca paletæ de culori. Frida se scriepe sine cu peneleul pe pânzæ, aspirând în mod declaratsæ picteze pur øi simplu lucrurile aøa cum le vede cu propriiiei ochi. Sau cum le simte cu propriul corp, am puteaadæuga. Ea dæ, practic, curs (avant la lettre) îndemnuluiaparflinând feministei Hélène Cixous, care avea sæ spunæ:“Scrie-te: corpul tæu trebuie sæ se facæ auzit. Atunci vorflâøni imensele izvoare ale inconøtientului”.Nu pofli decât sæ o iubeøti sau sæ o respingi imediat.Cu Frida nu existæ cale de mijloc... ∫® her spine, her inability to carry a child, the anorexia shesuffered after numerous operations, and her agonizinglove for the unfaithful Diego Rivera. On the eve of her 1938exhibit in New York, at the start of her success, Frida said:“I have no idea what they see in my work.” Her paintinghad value for her alone, it was a means for her to exploreher own problems, and constituted naïve metaphors of herpersonal experiences.Innocent morbidity and contemptfor ordinary tasteShe was visited in New York by the editor of the societymagazine Vanity Fair (the height of irony!), who “delivered”the latest gossip about an American bohemian:actress Dorothy Hale, a mutual friend, who had thrownherself out of a window after a farewell party. Impressed,Frida promised a work in memory of the deceased. Hopingthat the actress’s mother would find some comfort in theportrait of her lost daughter, the Editor awaited the paintingwith great expectation. She was in for a real shockwhen she unpacked the painting, as it showed a bleedingDorothy, dressed in her evening gown (just as she hadbeen described by her guests at her last party), lying on astage in the foreground. The building from which she hadthrown herself stands in the background among theclouds, with an illustration of Dorothy’s fall superimposed.This was Frida’s vision, a requiem for a widowwho could no longer find her place in this world, and preferreddeath to the dishonor of begging for financial supportfrom men. Such a painting could obviously not besent to her grieving mother...The scream of the crucified bodyFrida appears in a wheelchair in the 1951 “Self-Portraitwith the Portrait of Doctor Farill”, next to the near-finishedportrait of the doctor, painted with blood from a heart usedas a painter’s palette. Frida describes herself with a brushon canvas, aspiring to paint things as she saw them with herown eyes. Or, we might add, as she felt them with her ownbody. In fact, she took the advice of feminist Hélène Cixous,who said: “Write yourself. Your body must be heard. Thenthe huge resources of the unconscious will burst out.”One cannot but love her or reject her instantly. WithFrida there is no middle ground... ∫59

CUISINECUPOLAFascina]ia g\tituluiText: Michael BarclayPhotos: Cupola

Jos p\l\ria în fa]a marilor hoteluridin Bucure[ti, c\ci numai ele ]in aprins\flac\ra pl\cerilor gastronomice înRomânia!Desigur, în ora√ mai existå √i restaurante fabuloasecare nu apar¡in de hoteluri; dar problema este cånumai marile hoteluri pot men¡ine în mod constantstandardele pe care √i le propun, lunå de lunå √i an de an.Cu pu¡ine excep¡ii, celelalte restaurante nu pot face asta,deoarece bucåtarii lor se schimbå la fiecare optsprezeceluni, dezertând spre vase de croazierå sau alte restaurantecare plåtesc mai bine. Înså hotelurile au bani pentru a plåticele mai mari salarii, √i, de asemenea, pot înlocui √i specializaimediat personalul nou angajat în locul celor care sehotåråsc så plece.®Bucåtarul nu aresecrete când gåte√teîn fa¡a oaspe¡ilor.Priv¡i atent√i încerca¡i √i acasåceva similar.There are no Chef’ssecrets when the foodis cooked in front of you.Watch carefullyand try the sameat homeThe Fascinationof CookingI have to take my hat off to the big hotelsin Bucharest, as they alone have beenresponsible for keeping the gastronomictorch alight in Romania.Certainly there are some fabulous non-hotel restaurantsaround the city; but the problem is that onlythe big hotels can consistently maintain the standardsthey set themselves month after month, year afteryear. With few exceptions, the other restaurants cannot doso, as their chefs rotate on average every 18 months tocruise lines or to higher paying restaurants. The hotelshowever have the money to pay the highest salaries and caninstantly replace and train any kitchen employee whodecides to leave.The highest standards for five yearsSo proudly step forward the Cupola restaurant in theMarriott. The executive chef, Nick Hawkes has consistentlymaintained the highest standards for the last 5 years, andcan depend upon a loyal staff following of a further 10 chefsto help him. So his latest creation is a menu he calls“Modern Classics”. The logic behind the name is that foodfashions come and go but we all remember certain classicdishes from years ago which are now almost impossible tofind - unless you go to Cupola.To prove the point, try their “Tournedos Rossini” afavorite from the 1960s. Almost every modern restaurantwhich offers this will give you a fillet steak with chickenliver in rich gravy. But Cupola adheres to the classic version,namely fillet topped with foie gras in a sauce madewith red wine and black truffles. It is simply sensational.Let’s move on to “Shrimp Cocktail” - a dish we all rememberfrom years ago when you got a tiny portion of frozen ®Dupå acest platou,nu ve¡i mai poftiniciodatå la un simplusomon fumé,servit numaicu o feliu¡å de låmâie!You will never eat an oldfashioned smokedsalmon with a sliceof lemon again- after this!61

CUISINE® Cele mai înalte standarde® shrimps in a wine glass (half of which was stuffed withde cinci ani încoacelettice) topped with a simple sauce made from mayonnaiseA√adar, så på√im cu mândrie în restaurantul Cupola, din and tomato purée. To bring this dish up to date, Cupolaincinta hotelului Marriott. Bucåtarul √ef Nick Hawkes a gives you a huge and generous portion of either smallmen¡inut constant cele mai înalte standarde de 5 ani încoace,bazându-se, de asemenea, pe un personal loial, a- Cocktail” sauce.shrimps or “tiger” shrimps in a modern, spicy “Americanvând zece ajutoare. A√adar, cea mai recentå crea¡ie a sa esteun meniu pe care îl nume√te „Clasicii moderni“. Logica din Cuisine as a show in itselfspatele acestui nume este cå √i în gastronomie moda vine √i And whilst I am testing your memory, surely you mustpleacå, dar cu to¡ii ne amintim anumite feluri clasice în recall the fun from years ago when so many dishes werevogå cu ani în urmå, care acum au devenit aproape imposibilde gåsit în afara restaurantului Cupola.tables of guests would sit in silence, all fascinated by thecooked on a trolley at your table. Do you remember howPentru a vå convinge, încerca¡i „Tournedo Rossini“, u- show whilst the chef created a masterpiece in front of theirnul dintre meniurile preferate ale anilor ’60. Aproape orice eyes? Well, Cupola has breathed life back into that traditionrestaurant modern care oferå acest fel îl preparå ca pe o with classic “Beef Tartar” and flambé dishes such as “Beeffripturå de mu√chi cu ficat de pui √i un sos gros. Dar Cupola in Cognac Sauce”, “Banana and Ginger Flambé” and traditional“Crêpes Suzette”.preferå varianta clasicå, adicå un mu√chi acoperit cu foiegras într-un sos de vin ro√u √i trufe negre. E pur √i simplu You can have fresh oysters, “T-Bone Steak” or “Lobstersenza¡ional. Så trecem acum la „Cocktailul de creve¡i“ - un Thermidor”, all of which are rarely seen in Bucharest. Therefel despre care ne amintim cå acum câ¡iva ani consta dintropor¡ie micu¡å de creve¡i congela¡i servi¡i într-un pahar de date with the addition of a most welcome “Gateau ofis good old-fashioned “Smoked Salmon” but brought up tovin (pe jumåtate umplut cu låptuci) √i acoperit cu un sos Caviar” and sour cream. And to go back to the “old days”simplu de maionezå √i piure de ro√ii. Pentru a aduce în actualitateacest fel, Cupola î¡i pune pe maså o por¡ie enormå starved” you are spoiled with a choice of “Fresh Tuna”,before Romanian restaurants became universally “fish√i generoaså de creve¡i mici, a√a zi√ii „creve¡i tigra¡i“, cu sos “Jumbo Prawns“, “Sword Fish”, “Alaskan Halibut”, “Johniute „American Cocktail“.Dory”, “Salmon”, “Sea Bass” and “Bream”.Cupola is more than a walk down memory lane, it is areminder to every young chef in town that a long time agotheir masters learned their profession by cooking all of thedishes on Cupola’s menu superbly. I wonder how many ofthis generation of chefs could come up to Cupola’s standards.Some I am sure, but not that many. ∫Gastronomia ca spectacol în sine¬i, ca så vå pun memoria la încercare, cu siguran¡å vå a-minti¡i ce distrac¡ie era cu ani în urmå, când multe felurierau gåtite pe masa cu rotile chiar lângå dumneavoastrå. Våmai aminti¡i cum comesenii tåceau mâlc, urmårind în lini√te,fascina¡i de spectacol, în timp ce bucåtarul crea o capodoperåchiar sub ochii lor? Ei, bine, Cupola a reînviat aceaståtradi¡ie cu clasicul „Biftec Tartar“ √i felurile flambate precum„Vitå în sos de coniac“, “Flambé de bananå cu ghimbir“ √itradi¡ionalele „Crêpes Suzette“.Mai pute¡i servi stridii proaspete, „Mu√chi de vacå“ sau„Homar Thermidor“, toate acestea adevårateraritå¡i în Bucure√ti. Mai au √i bunul √i demodatul„Somon Fumé“, dar adus în actualitateprin adåugarea binevenitå a unei „Tarte deCaviar“ √i a ceva smântânå. ¬i, dacå e så neamintim cum era „pe vremuri“, când restauranteleromâne√ti erau complet lipsite deorice fel de pe√te, aici vå pute¡i råsfå¡a cu ovarietate de „Ton Proaspåt“, „Creve¡i Uria√i“,„Pe√te spadå“, „Pe√te marin de Alaska“, „Doradå“,„Somon“, „Biban de mare“ √i „Plåticå“.Cupola e mai mult decât o incursiune gastronomicånostalgicå, este un exemplu pentrufiecare tânår bucåtar din ora√: înainte mae√triiînvå¡au meserie gåtind superb toate feluriledin meniul de la Cupola. Må întreb oare câ¡idintre ace√ti tineri bucåtari s-ar putea ridica lastandardele de la Cupola. Cu siguran¡å cå uniiar reu√i, dar nu prea mul¡i. ∫62Cineva a comandat fripturå?Acesta este un „Rossini“. Cred cå provinedin Paradis, sau, oricum, din bucåtåria lorDid somebody order a steak? This is a “Rossini”.I think it came from Heaven, or maybe from their kitchen

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FOCUS TAROMParteneriicode-shareCode-Share PartnersZborurile în regim codesharesunt operate decompania TAROM, saude compania partener\.The code-share flightsare operated either byTAROM or the partnerairline.Din dorin]a de a diversifica serviciile oferite pasagerilor, companiaTAROM a încheiat o serie de contracte în regim code-share cuoperatori aerieni de marcå.TAROM Romanian Air Transport has concluded code-shareagreements with several major airlines in order to enrichand diversify the services offered to its passengers.Cod/Code: SUCod/Code: AFCooperare/Cooperation: MoscowCooperare/Cooperation: ParisSediu/Home base: RussiaSediu/Home base: FranceCod/Code: 9UCooperare/Cooperation: KishinevSediu/Home base: Republic of MoldovaCod/Code: AZCooperare/Cooperation: Milan, RomeSediu/Home base: ItalyCod/Code: OSCooperare/Cooperation: ViennaSediu/Home base: AustriaCod/Code: SNCooperare/Cooperation: BrusselsSediu/Home base: BelgiumCod/Code: OKCooperare/Cooperation: PragueSediu/Home base: Czech RepublicCod/Code: IBCooperare/Cooperation: MadridSediu/Home base: SpainCod/Code: LOCooperare/Cooperation: WarsawSediu/Home base: PolandCod/Code: MACooperare/Cooperation: BudapestSediu/Home base: HungaryCod/Code: RBCooperare/Cooperation: Damascus, AleppoSediu/Home base: Syria72

Rute intercontinentaleIntercontinental Routes7 00New YorkAmmaDestina¡ii operatede Compania TAROMDestinations operated by TAROMDestina¡ii operateîmpreunå cu parteneriiCode-share destinationsWashingtonNew York

14 00 14 00 14 00 14 00mman Beirut Cairo Tel-AvivAleppoTel-AvivCairoBeirutDamascusAmmanDubai

FOCUS TAROMRute europeneEuropean Routes12 00 MadridLondraDestina¡ii operate de Compania TAROMDestinations operated by TAROMDestina¡ii operate împreunå cu parteneriiCode-share destinationsDistan¡a în mile pentru destina¡ii operate de TAROMMileage for all destinations operated by TAROMDestina¡ia/DestinationMile/MilesBucure√ti-Sofia/Bucharest-Sofia 270Bucure√ti-Chi√in`u/Bucharest-Kishinev 270Bucure[ti-Istanbul/Bucharest-Istanbul 280Timi[oara-Viena/Timisoara-Vienna 289Bucure[ti-Salonic/Bucharest-Thessaloniki 318Cluj-Viena/Cluj-Vienna 357Bucure[ti-Budapesta/Bucharest-Budapest 387Bucure[ti-Atena/Bucharest-Athens 472Bucure[ti-Viena/Bucharest-Vienna 531Cluj-München/Cluj-Munich 567Bucure[ti-Var[ovia/Bucharest-Warsaw 579Timi[oara-Milano/Timisoara-Milan 584Sibiu-München/Sibiu-Munich 606Bucure[ti-Praga/Bucharest-Prague 658Cluj-Milano/Cluj-Milan 718Bucure[ti-Roma/Bucharest-Rome 722Cluj-Frankfurt 727Bucure[ti-München/Bucharest-Munich 730Bucure[ti-Larnaca/Bucharest-Larnaca 775Bucure[ti-Aleppo/Bucharest-Aleppo 819Bucure[ti-Milano/Bucharest-Milan 849Bucure[ti-Zürich/Zurich-Bucharest 864Bucure[ti-Beirut/Bucharest-Beirut 891Bucure[ti-Frankfurt/Bucharest-Frankfurt 903Bucure[ti-Moscova/Bucharest-Moscow 926Bucure[ti-Damasc/Bucharest-Damascus 934Bucure[ti-Geneva/Geneva-Bucharest 973Bucure[ti-Tel Aviv/Bucharest-Tel Aviv 975Bucure[ti-Amman/Bucharest-Amman 1016Bucure[ti-Cairo/Bucharest-Cairo 1036Bucure[ti-Bruxelles/Bucharest-Brussels 1092Bucure[ti-Paris/Bucharest-Paris 1152Bucure[ti-Londra/Bucharest-London 1309Bucure[ti-Madrid/Bucharest-Madrid 1528Bucure[ti-Dubai/Bucharest-Dubai 2104Bucure[ti-Washington/Bucharest-Washington 4965Bucure[ti-New York/Bucharest-New York 474275

13 00 13 00 13 00 15 00Paris Frankfurt Rome MoscowMoscowLondonWarsawBrusselsParisFrankfurtPragueZürichMunichViennaBudapestKishinevGenevaMilanBucharestSofiaRomeIstanbulThessalonikiAthensLarnaca

Rute interneDomestic Routes14 00BucharestSatu MareBaia MareSuceavaIa√iOradeaCluj-NapocaTârgu-Mure√BacåuAradSibiuTimi√oaraBucure√tiConstan¡a

FOCUS TAROMBoeing 737-700Avioane în dotare/Total in service 4Flota TAROM se num\r\printre cele mai tinereflote din Europa.TAROM fleet rangesamong Europe’syoungest fleets.Capacitate Capacity 14B+102YVitezå de croazierå Cruising speed 837 km/hAnvergurå Wingspan 34.3 mLungime Length 33.6 mGreutate max. la decolare Maximum takeoff weight 68 t/65.7 tDistan]a maximå de zbor Range 6,000 kmBoeing 737-300Avioane în dotare/Total in service 5FlotaThe FleetPe cursele interne [i externe, TAROM opereazå cutrei tipuri de aeronave, având în dotare un numårde 16 aeronave. Media de vârstå a aeronavelorclaseazå flota TAROM printre cele mai tinere dinEuropa.Capacitate Capacity 26B+84Y/10B+114YVitezå de croazierå Cruising speed 795 km/hAnvergurå Wingspan 28.9 mLungime Length 33.4 mGreutate max. Maximum 56.472 t/60.1 tla decolaretakeoff weightDist. max. zbor Range 3,900 km/4,600 kmATR 42-500TAROM operates three types of aircraft on itsdomestic and international flights. The fleetincludes 16 airplanes. The average age of the aircraftmakes TAROM fleet one of the youngest inEurope.Avioane în dotare/Total in service 7Capacitate Capacity 10B+38YVitezå de croazierå Cruising speed 474 km/hAnvergurå Wingspan 24.56 mLungime Length 22.68 mGreutate max. la decolare Maximum takeoff weight 18.6 tDistan]a maximå de zbor Range 1,778 km78

Câ[tiga]i mile!Earn Miles!Mai multe avantaje acum!Câ[tiga]i mile acum! Completa]i formularul de înscriere [itrimite]i-l, împreunå cu cartea de îmbarcare, la SMART MILESService Center, la orice agen]ie TAROM sau preda]i-l înso]itoruluide bord! Pute]i acumula mile [i pentru zborurile efectuate cu 2luni înainte de a deveni membru! Prezenta]i legitima]ia sau cardulcând rezerva]i bilete [i la ghi[eul de îmbarcare de la aeroport.SMART MILES SUPER este nivelul destinat pasagerilor careacumuleazå peste 35.000 mile sau 40 de zboruri în 12 luni.SMART MILES Service Center17 Splaiul Independentei Bucharest, Romania,Bucharest helpline: 9361Tel.: +4021 3360418/ - 3034411; Fax: +4021 3034412e-mail: smartmiles@tarom.roAvantaje SMART MILES:∫ Simpla înscriere vå aduce un bonus de 1.000 de mile;∫ Pentru rezervårile online (, primi]i bonus în mile;∫ Bilete gratuite pentru titular, înso]itor, sau împreunå;∫ 5 zboruri continentale dus-întors la Clasa Economic vå aduc unbilet gratuit pe curse europene, conform baremului de premii;∫ Folosind serviciile partenerilor no[tri, TAROM Tours, lan]ulhotelier Continental, Clubul de golf Lac de Verde de la Breaza[i AVIS, câ[tiga]i mile [i avantaje.Avantaje suplimentare pentru SMART MILES SUPER:∫ Promovare de la clasa Economic la Business;∫ 10 kg bagaj suplimentar gratuit;∫ Prioritate pe lista de a[teptare;∫ Îmbarcare la ghi[eul Business.More advantages now!Earn miles now! Fill in the enrollment form and send it, with theboarding card, to SMART MILES Service Center, to a TAROMagency or hand it to the flight attendant! You can earn miles forflights made two months prior to the date you opened youraccount! Just show your card when you book a flight and at thecheck-in desk! SMART MILES SUPER is the level conceived forour passengers who have accummulated 35,000 miles or 40flights in 12 months.SMART MILES advantages:∫ Just becoming a member gets you 1,000 miles bonus;∫ You can get additional miles for booking online;∫ Companion tickets and gift tickets;∫ 5 continental round-trip flights get you a free European flight,based on the miles awards table;∫ Using the services of our partners TAROM Tours, ContinentalHotels, Lac de Verde Golf Club in Breaza and AVIS brings youmore miles and advantages.SMART MILES SUPER additional advantages:∫ Upgrading from Economy to Business Class;∫ 10 kg free supplementary luggage;∫ Waiting-list priority;∫ Check-in at the business counter.NOU!Lac de Verde Golf Club,57, Caraiman St, Breaza - Prahova, Romaniatel/fax: +40244 343 525e-mail: www.golfromania.comNoul parteneriat TAROM - Clubul de Golf Lac de Verde vå oferå urmåtoareleavantaje:∫ tarife atractive [i credit în mile pentru cazarea în oricare din cele 3 hoteluriale clubului, lec]ii de golf [i green fee;∫ bonus suplimentar în mile pentru înscrierea în programul SMART MILESprin intermediul Lac de Verde [i pentru înscrierea în Clubul Lac de Verde;∫ posibilitatea de a utiliza milele acumulate în contul SMART MILES pentruachizi]ionarea - la tarife avantajoase - unor pachete de servicii de la Lacde Verde.The new partnership TAROM - Lac de Verde golf club offers you severaladvantages:∫ Attractive fares and credit in miles for accommodation at any of the 3hotels owned by the golf club, golf lessons and green fee;∫ Supplementary bonus in miles for the enrollment in SMART MILES viaLac de Verde and for the enrollment in the Lac de Verde Club;∫ The opportunity to use the accumulated miles in the SMART MILESaccount to buy - at good fares - several service packages from Lac deVerde.∫ Începând din Februarie 2005, membriiSMART MILES pot cumpåra mile pentrucompletarea soldului, în vederea ob]ineriipremiului dorit. Achitarea milelor se va faceîn agen]iile TAROM, înainte de emitereabiletului gratuit. Contul SMART MILES va ficreditat exact cu numårul de mile necesarcompletårii soldului. Milele se pot cumpåranumai în momentul solicitårii unui biletgratuit. Sumele plåtite pentru mile suntnerambursabile. Pe durata unui an se potcumpåra maxim 10.000 mile.∫ Parteneriat TAROM - AVIS. Pentru fiecareînchiriere de ma[ini de la AVIS beneficia]ide tarife preferen]iale [i bonus: 400 milepentru membrii SMART MILES [i 600 milepentru membrii Super SMART MILESNEW!∫ Starting February 2005, the SMART MILESmembers may purchase miles to completethe necessary mileage for getting a freeticket. The missing miles are to be paid atany TAROM office before the free ticketissuance. The SMART MILES account willbe credited with the number of missingmiles. The miles can be purchased onlywhen asking for a free ticket. The paidamounts are not reimbursable. Membersmay buy in total up to 10,000 miles percalendar year.Milele [i pre]urile lor sunt urmåtoarele/The mileage and prices are as follows:0 - 50 miles = 1 EUR; 51 - 1,000 miles = 20 EUR; 1,001 - 2,000 miles = 40 EUR;2,001 - 4,000 miles = 80 EUR; 4,001 - 6,000 miles = 120 EUR; 6,001 - 8,000 miles = 160 EUR;8,001 - 10,000 miles = 200 EUR.∫ Partnership TAROM - AVIS. For each carrental from AVIS you will benefit ofspecial tariffs and bonus: 400 miles forSMART MILES members and 600 milesfor Super SMART MILES members.Pentru detalii vå rugåm så contacta]i SMART MILES Service Center.For details please contact SMART MILES Service Center.79

LA BORDOn BoardGhidul cålåtoruluiThe Traveler’s GuideServicii noi[i informa]ii utilepentru îmbarcareNew servicesand check-inrecommendationsRecomand\ri la îmbarcarePasagerilor care vor cålåtori la Tel Aviv li se recomandå så se prezinte laaeroport cu 3 ore înainte de ora men]ionatå pe bilet. Pentru aceastådestina]ie, ultimul pasager se acceptå cu 45 de minute înainte de oraindicatå pe bilet. La celelalte cursele interne [i interna]ionale ultimulpasager se acceptå cu 30 de minute înainte de ora indicatå pe bilet.Check-in RecommendationsWe strongly recommend that all passengers travelling to Tel Aviv arriveat the airport 3 hours before the departure mentioned in the flight ticket.For this destination, last passenger accepted for the check-in - 45 minutesprior to scheduled departure. For the other domestic and internationaldestinations, last passenger accepted at the check-in counter - half anhour before the hour mentioned in the flight ticket.Tarifepreferen]ialeCopiii sub 2 ani care nu ocupå unloc individual [i au înso]itor beneficiazåde o reducere de 90%.Copiii între 2 [i 12 ani, precum [icopiii sub 2 ani care ocupå locuriindividuale, beneficiazå de reduceriîn func]ie de prevederile tarifeloraplicabile. Dacå mai mul]icopii sub 2 ani au un singurînso]itor adult, numai un singurcopil beneficiazå de reducerea de90%, ceilal]i copii beneficiind dereducerea perceputå pentru copiiiîntre 2 [i 12 ani, chiar dacå nuocupå locuri individuale. De tarifereduse mai beneficiazå [igrupurile turistice sau de tineret.Special faresChildren under the age of 2 whodo not occupy a separate seatand are accompanied by an adultmay benefit from a 90% reduction.Children aged 2 to 12 andthose under 2 who occupy aseparate seat receive a farereduction in accordance with therespective fares. If a single adultaccompanies several childrenunder the age of 2, only one childreceives the 90% reduction, whilethe other benefit from the reductionoffered to children aged 2 to12, even if they do not occupy aseparate seat. Tourist and youthgroups may also receive reducedfares.80

BagajeBagaje de calå. Bagaje admise gratuit la transport (pentru adul]i [icopiii peste 2 ani) - Clasa Business: 40 kg; Economic: 25 kg; pentru copiiisub 2 ani se admite transportul gratuit a 10 kg de bagaj.Bagajele de mânå. Este recomandabil så vå limita]i la un singur bagajde mânå. Greutatea acestuia nu trebuie så depå[eascå 10 kg, iar sumadimensiunilor så nu depå[eascå 115 cm.DIN MOTIVE DE SECURITATE, NU ACCEPTA}I BAGAJE APAR}INÂNDALTUI PASAGER!BaggageChecked Bags. Free luggage allowance (for adults and children over 2years of age) - Business Class: 40 kg; Economy: 25 kg; children undertwo have free luggage allowance for up to 10 kg.Hand luggage. We recommend that you carry only one piece of handluggage whose weight should not exceed 10 kg and whose dimensionsshould be less than 115 cm.FOR SAFETY REASONS, DO NOT ACCEPT BAGGAGE BELONGING TOANYONE ELSE!Animale de companieTransportul animalelor de companie se face obligatoriu în cu[ti. Pentru aputea påråsi ]ara, animalele trebuie så aibå un certificat sanitar-veterinarde înso]ire. În cabinå se pot transporta animalele domestice a cåror greutateînsumatå cu cea a cu[tii nu depå[e[te 8 kg. Pentru buna desfå[urarea zborului, pasagerii sunt ruga]i så nu scoatå animalele din cu[cå în timpulzborului. Animalele mai mari se transportå în cala de bagaje, în locuri specialamenajate. Trebuie fåcutå rezervare pentru animale, iar cu[tile în carevor fi transportate trebuie så fie speciale. TAROM poate pune la dispozi]ieaceste cu[ti standard, contra cost.PetsThe transportation of pets in the hull must be in special containers. Inorder to leave the country, the owner of the domestic animal must have aveterinary certificate for the pet. Domestic animals weighing no more than8 kg in their cages may be transported in the cabin. Passengers are kindlyasked not to let animals out of their cages during the flight. Larger animalsmust be transported in the baggage hull, in assigned areas, and thecontainers for them are special. Regular reservation for pets is a must.TAROM may provide these standard containers for fee.Dispozitive electronice la bordLa bord este interziså aparatura care poate interfera cu echipamentele avionului. Aparatele electricede ras, radiourile [i laptopurile pot fi folosite doar cu aprobare. Telefoanele mobile vor fi închise.Electronic devices on boardIt is forbidden to use electronic devices which may interfere with the equipment of the plane. Electric shavers,radios, and laptops may only be used with the crew’s approval. Mobiles are to be turned off.FumatulFumatul este interzis pe toate cursele interne [i externeale companiei TAROM. Vå rugåm så respecta]i regulile desiguran]å care interzic fumatul la toaletå.SmokingAll TAROM flights on domestic and international routesare no-smoking. Please follow the safety regulationswhich forbid smoking in the toilets.81

LA BORDOn BoardCump`r`turi la bordDuty Free On BoardNu ezita]i s\ v\ face]icump\r\turile în avion!Pute]i pl\ti [i cu card decreditFeel free to do shoppingon board!You can also pay withcredit card82}IGÅRI/CIGARETTESKent Deluxe 100’s box 10ƒKent Silver 4 RC KS box 10ƒKent Blue 8 RC KS box 10ƒMarlboro KS FTB box 10ƒMarlboro Lights KS FTB box 10ƒBenson & Hedges KSF box 10ƒCamel Filters KS box 10ƒDunhill International box 11ƒDunhill International Lights box 11ƒRothmans International box 11ƒCartier Vendôme Lights box 12ƒVogue Superslims Filter box 10ƒDavidoff Classic box 12ƒDavidoff Lights box 12ƒDavidoff Lights Slims box 12ƒSalem Lights KS box 9ƒWest Formula Lights box 7ƒWinston Lights box 6ƒBÅUTURI/SPIRITSWHISKYChivas Regal 18YO 0,70L 35ƒChivas Regal 12YO 0,70L 20ƒThe Glenlivet 12 YO 0,70L 18ƒJohnnie WalkerBlack Label 12 YO 0,75L 18ƒ100 Pipers 1L 10ƒJameson0,70L 10ƒGrants (tube) 0,70L 9ƒJohnnie WalkerRed Label 0,75L 9ƒJ&B Rare 0,75L 9ƒCOGNACMartell VSOP0,70L 20ƒBRANDYMetaxa 5 0,75L 8ƒVODKASmirnoff Red 1L 8ƒDanzka Blue 0,75L 7ƒGINGordon’s SpecialLondon Dry Gin 0,75L 8ƒSeagram’sExtra Dry Gin 0,75L 6ƒBITTERRamazzotti Amaro 0,70L 7ƒVERMUTMartini Bianco 1L 6ƒMartini Rosso 1L 6ƒAPERITIVCampari 0,75L 9ƒLIQUEURBaileys 0,5L 9ƒPARFUM/PERFUMEBVLGARIOmnia EDP Vapo 40ml 38ƒBvlgari BLV Pour HommeEDT Vapo 50ml 32ƒHUGO BOSSBoss Intense EDP Vapo 50ml 35ƒBoss EDT Vapo 50ml 35ƒCACHARELNoa Fleur EDT Vapo 50ml 35ƒLANCÔMETrésor EDP Vapo 50ml 40ƒPoéme EDP Vapo 50ml 40ƒMagie Noire EDT Vapo 50ml 40ƒAttraction EDP Vapo 50ml 40ƒLACOSTELacoste PourFemme EDP Vapo 50ml 32ƒLacoste Pour HommeEDT Vapo 50ml 32ƒARMANIAcqua Di Giò EDT Vapo 50ml 35ƒAcqua Di GiòPour Homme EDT Vapo 50ml 32ƒEmporio Night SheEDP Vapo 50ml 35ƒEmporio Night HeEDT Vapo 50ml 35ƒSensi EDP Vapo 50ml 40ƒSALVATORE FERRAGAMOIncanto EDP Vapo 30ml 25ƒSubtil Pour HommeEDT Vapo 30ml 20ƒPALOMA PICASSOPaloma Picasso EDP Vapo 30ml 30ƒRALPH LAURENRomance EDP Vapo 50ml 35ƒPolo Blue EDT Vapo 75ml 32ƒPrices are available at print time.

Îndoi]i bra]ele}ine]i bra]ele într-un unghi de 90 de grade(coatele jos, mâinile înainte). Ridica]i mâinilela piept [i reveni]i, alternând ambele bra]e.Face]i acest exerci]iu la intervale de 30 desecunde.5Zbura]i confortabil!Fly Comfortably!Arm CurlStart with arms held at a 90-degree angle;elbows down, hands up to chest and backdown alternating arms. Do this exercisein 30-seconds intervals.Genunchii la pieptPrinde]i genunchiul cu ambele mâini[i ]ine]i-l la piept 15 secunde. Cu mâinile pegenunchi, reveni]i la pozi]ia ini]ialå. Alterna]icu celålalt picior. Repeta]i de 10 ori.Knee to ChestBend forward slightly. Clasp hand around leftknee and hug it to your chest. Hold for 15seconds. Keeping hands around knee, slowlylet it down. Alternate legs. Repeat 10 times.61Roti]i glezneleCu picioarele ridicate, roti]i gleznele simultan,mi[când vârful unui picior în sensul acelorde ceasornic, iar pe celålalt, în sens invers(15 secunde). Repeta]i, schimbând sensulmi[cårilor.Ankle CirclesLift feet off the floor. Draw a circle with thetoes, simultaneously moving one foot clockwiseand the other foot counter-clockwise (15seconds). Reverse circles. Repeat if desired.Aplecare înainteCu picioarele pe podea, apleca]i-vå u[orînainte, coborând mâinile pânå vå prinde]igleznele [i råmâne]i astfel 15 secunde.Reveni]i la pozi]ia ini]ialå.Forward FlexWith both feet on floor, slowly bend forwardand walk your hands down the front of yourlegs toward your ankles. Hold stretch for15 seconds and slowly sit back up.72Joc de c\lcâieCu cålcâiele pe podea, întinde]i vârfurile picioarelorîn sus; cu vârfurile picioarelor lipitede podea, ridica]i cålcâiele. Repeta]i lainterval de 30 de secunde.Ridica]i bra]eleRidica]i ambele bra]e deasupra capului.Cu o mânå apuca]i încheietura celeilaltemâini [i trage]i u[or într-o parte. }ine]i strâns15 secunde [i repeta]i în cealaltå parte.8Foot PumpsWith both heels on floor, point your feetupward as high as you can; with the tips ofyour feet on the floor, lift your heels.Repeat with continuous motion in 30-secondintervals.Overhead StretchRaise both arms straight up over your head.With one hand grasp the wrist of the oppositehand and gently pull to one side. Hold stretchfor 15 seconds and repeat other side.3Îndoi]i genunchiiRidica]i piciorul cu genunchiul îndoit,în timp ce contracta]i mu[chiul coapsei.Repeta]i mi[carea [i la celålalt picior,cu o frecven]å de 20 - 30 de mi[cåripentru fiecare picior.Knee LiftsLift leg with knee bent while contractingyour thigh muscles. Alternate legs.Repeat 20 - 30 times each leg.Dezmor]i]i-v\ umeriiDuce]i mâna dreaptå cåtre umårul stâng.Pune]i mâna stângå pe cotul mâinii drepte[i presa]i u[or cåtre umår. }ine]i strâns15 secunde. Repeta]i în cealaltå parte.Shoulder StretchReach right hand over left shoulder. Place lefthand behind right elbow and gently presselbow toward shoulder. Hold stretch for15 seconds. Repeat other side.94Roti]i umeriiÎmpinge]i înainte umerii, apoi înapoi, apoiîn jos, într-o u[oarå mi[care circularå.Shoulder RollHunch shoulders forward, then upward,then backward, then downward, using agentle circular motion.Roti]i gâtulCu umerii relaxa]i, apleca]i urechea cåtreumår [i apoi roti]i u[or gâtul înainte [i sprecealaltå parte, men]inând fiecare pozi]ie timpde cinci secunde. Repeta]i de cinci ori.Neck RollWith shoulders relaxed, drop ear to shoulderand gently roll neck forward and to the otherside, holding each position about five seconds.Repeat five times.1083

LA BORDOn BoardTelefonie la bordulaeronaveiOn Board TelephoneFolosirea mobilelorla bord este interzis\,dar ave]i la dispozi]ietelefoane speciale.Mobiles are not allowedon board, but you canuse our special phone.Cår]i de credit acceptateAccepted Credit CardsInstruc]iuni / Dialling Procedure1Apåsa]i butonul “ON” aflat pe partea lateralå a telefonului.Press the “ON” button on the side of the telephone.2Trece]i cartea de credit validå sau cartela telefonicå AIRCOM prin fanta de citire [i forma]inumårul interna]ional complet, dupå cum este explicat în sec]iunea de mai jos.Slide a valid credit card or an AIRCOM Pre-Paid Card through the slot and dial the fullinternational number, as explained in the section below.3Apåsa]i butonul “LINE”. Dacå apare cuvântul “LINE”, pute]i forma numårul. Dupå ce a]iformat numårul este nevoie de aproximativ 15 secunde pentru a se realiza legåtura.Press the “LINE” button. If the word “LINE” appears you can enter your number. After youhave entered the number the system requires about 15 seconds before a connection ismade.4Dacå apare în mod intermitent cuvântul “ERROR”, a[tepta]i un minut [i repeta]iopera]iunile de la punctele 2 [i 3.If the word “ERROR” starts to flash, wait a minute, and repeat points 2 and 3.5Pentru a sfâr[i convorbirea apåsa]i “CLEAR” [i trece]i butonul aflat pe partea stângå pepozi]ia “OFF ”. Dacå apåsa]i butonul “OFF” fårå a mai apåsa butonul “CLEAR”, taxareaapelului se va prelungi cu încå 10 secunde.To end the call press “CLEAR” and switch the telephone to OFF” using the switch on theleft-hand side. If “OFF” is pressed without pressing “CLEAR”, charging will continue foranother 10 seconds.Formarea num\rului / DialLINE + codul ]årii + codul ora[ului + numårul apelatLINE + country code + area code + numberExemplu / ExamplePentru a forma numårul 1234567 din Bucure[ti, forma]i /To call Bucharest 1234567, dial:LINE 00 40 21 123456784

Prefixeinterna]ionaleInternationalDiallingCodesPute]i apela direct ]årileenumerate mai jos. Pentru]årile care nu sunt men-]ionate în lista de mai jos,vå rugåm så vå adresa]iînso]itorilor de bord.You can dial direct to thecountries listed below.For countries not listed,please check with yourcabin crew.Afghanistan 93Albania 355Algeria 213Andorra 376Angola 244Anguilla 1264Antigua 1268Argentina 54Armenia 374Aruba 297Ascension Island 247Australia 61Austria 43Azerbaijan 994Azores 351Bahamas 1242Bahrain 973Bangladesh 880Barbados 1246Belarus 375Belgium 32Belize 501Benin 229Bermuda 1441Bhutan 975Bolivia 591Bosnia-Hercegovina 387Botswana 267Brazil 55Brunei 673Bulgaria 359Burkina Faso 226Burundi 257Cambodia 855Cameroon 237Canada 1Canary Islands 34Cape Verde Islands 238Cayman Islands 1345Central AfricanRepublic 236Chad 235Chile 56China 86Christmas Islands 61Cocos Islands 61Colombia 57Comoro Islands 269Congo 242Cook Islands 682Costa Rica 506Croatia 385Cuba 53Curaçao 599Cyprus 357Czech Republic 420Denmark 45Diego Garcia 246Djibouti 253Dominica 1767Dominican Republic 1809Dutch Antilles 599Ecuador 593Egypt 20El Salvador 503Equatorial Guinea 240Eritrea 291Estonia 372Ethiopia 251Faeroe Islands 298Falkland Islands 500Fiji 679Finland 358France 33French Guinea 594French Polynesia(Bora-Bora,Moorea, Tahiti) 689Gabon 241Gambia 220Georgia 995Germany 49Ghana 233Gibraltar 350Greece 30Greenland 299Grenada 1473Guadeloupe 590Guam 671Guatemala 502Guinea 224Guinea Bissau 245Guinea Equatorial 240Guyana 592Haiti 509Honduras 504Hong Kong 852Hungary 36Iceland 354India 91Indonesia 62Iran 98Iraq 964Ireland 353Israel 972Italy 39Ivory Coast 225Jamaica 1876Japan 81Jordan 962Kazakhstan 7Kenya 254Kiribati 686Korea North 850Korea South 82Kuwait 965Kyrgyzstan 996Laos 856Latvia 371Lebanon 961Lesotho 266Liberia 231Libya 218Liechtenstein 41Lithuania 370Luxembourg 352Macao 853Macedonia 389Madagascar 261Madeira 351Malawi 265Malaysia 60Maldives 960Mali 223Malta 356Mariana Islands 1670Marshall Islands 692Martinique 596Mauritania 222Mauritius 230Mayotte 269Mexico 52Micronesia 691Moldavia 373Monaco 377Mongolia 976Montserrat 1664Morocco 212Mozambique 258Myanmar 95Namibia 264Nauru 674Nepal 977Netherlands 31New Caledonia 687New Zealand 64Nicaragua 505Niger 227Nigeria 234Niue Island 683Norfolk Islands 672North Korea 850Norway 47Oman 968Pakistan 92Palau 680Panama 507Papua New Guinea 675Paraguay 595Peru 51Philippines 63Poland 48Portugal 351Puerto Rico 1787Qatar 974Reunion 262Romania 40Russia 7Rwanda 250Samoa American 684Samoa Western 685San Marino 378Sao Tomeand Principe 239Saudi Arabia 966Senegal 221Serbia Montenegro 381Seychelles 248Sierra Leone 232Singapore 65Slovakia 421Slovenia 386Solomon Islands 677Somalia 252South Africa 27South Korea 82Spain 34Sri Lanka 94St. Christopher-Nevis 1869St. Helena 290St. Lucia 1758St. Pierreand Miquelon 508St. Vincent 1784Sudan 249Suriname 597Swaziland 268Sweden 46Switzerland 41Syria 963Taiwan 886Tajikistan 7Tanzania 255Thailand 66Togo 228Tonga 676Trinidad & Tobago 1868Tunisia 216Turkey 90Turkmenistan 993Turks and CaicosIslands 1649Tuvalu 688Uganda 256Ukraine 380United ArabEmirates 971United Kingdom 44United Statesof America (USA) 1Uruguay 598Uzbekistan 7Vanuatu 678Vatican City 396Venezuela 58Vietnam 84Virgin Islands UK 1284Virgin Islands US 1340Wallis and Futuna 681Yemen 967Yugoslavia (Serbia &Montenegro) 381Zaire 243Zambia 260Zimbabwe 263Serviciul de asisten]\ clien]iCustomer Service CenterPentru asisten]å sau informa]ii, vå rugåm så trece]icartea de credit prin fanta de citire [i forma]i: 12#.Asisten]a este disponibilå în mai multe limbi, inclusivromânå [i englezå. Apelul dumneavoastrå este gratuit.For assistance or information, please swipe your creditcard and simply dial: 12#. Assistance is available inmost languages, including Romanian and English. Yourcall will be free of charge.Taxe / ChargesTaxa pentru utilizatori este de 10,00 USD/minut (saufrac]iuni de minut), apel taxabil din momentul în careeste realizatå conexiunea (inclusiv pentru apelurile cåtrerobot telefonic).Charge to customer is USD10.00 per minute (or fractionthereof), payable from the moment the caller isconnected (including calls made to answerphones).Responsabilit\]i / LiabilitiesÎn eventualitatea unei func]ionåri defectuoase a sistemului,råspunderea AIRCOM va fi limitatå la contravaloareaconvorbirii. AIRCOM nu va fi responsabil pentru o eventualåpagubå indirectå sau neplåcere. Compania TAROMnu va fi responsabilå pentru nici o pagubå directå sauulterioarå, indiferent dacå este legatå sau cauzatå defolosirea telefonului.In the event of a failure of the system, the liability of AIR-COM shall be limited to the cost of the call. AIRCOM canaccept no responsibility for indirect damage or inconvenience.TAROM shall not be responsible for any damagewhatsoever for direct or consequential damage arisingout of or in connection with the use of the phone.Restric]ii / RestrictionsApelurile cåtre numerele netaxabile sau serviciile deinforma]ii telefonice interna]ionale nu sunt posibile. Însistemul de telefonie de la bordul aeronavei nu se potprimi apeluri telefonice.Toll free numbers and international directory inquiriesare not available. The system cannot accept incomingcalls.Informa]ii / InformationPentru orice întrebåri sau nelåmuriri legate de serviciulAIRCOM, vå rugåm så contacta]i / If you have any questionsor queries regarding the AIRCOM Service, pleasecontact:AIRCOM Service Passenger Support GroupP.O. Box 518, Station B, Montreal,Quebec, Canada H3B 3K3,Fax: 1 (514) 982-3643,E-mail: aircom@sita.aero85

SERVICIIServicesInforma]ii [i rezervåriInformationand BookingPentru rezerv\ri v\ pute]iadresa la agen]iileTAROM, la agen]iile deturism sau pute]i can book tickets atany TAROM office,through any travel agent,or online ( locurilorRezervarea poate fi fåcutå pe Internet (, la agen]iile TAROM sau laagen]iile de turism. Dacå în rubrica „Reservation Status“ apare codul „OK“, loculeste confirmat ferm. Codul „RQ“ indicå faptul cå nu s-a confirmat încå. Dacå întrerupe]icålåtoria pentru mai mult de 72 ore, reconfirma]i la biroul TAROM sau anula]irezervarea. Rezervarea trebuie anulatå cu 48 ore în avans pentru zboruri europene[i cu 72 ore pentru celelalte zboruri. Se poate întrerupe cålåtoria în orice punct depe rutå, dacå este indicat pe bilet. Cålåtoria trebuie så se efectueze în limitaperioadei de valabilitate a biletului.Booking TicketsYou can book tickets online at, through all TAROM agencies or othertravel agencies. “OK” in the “Reservation Status” column on the ticket shows theseat is confirmed, “RQ” indicates the seat has not yet been confirmed. If you interruptyour trip for over 72 hours, you must reconfirm or cancel your flight at the TAROMagency. Postponing or cancelling must be made at least 48 hours prior to departurefor European flights and at least 72 hours for other flights. Postponing along the routeis allowed if noted on the ticket, but only during the ticket validity period.Birouri în România/Domestic officesARAD1 Unirii St. Tel: + 40257 211777Fax: +40257 280777BACÅU1 Nicolae Balcescu St. Tel: + 40234 511462Fax: + 40234 206171BAIA MARE5 Bucuresti Blvd Tel./Fax: + 40262 221624BISTRI}ACoroana de Aur Hotel, 4 Petru Rares St.Tel/Fax: + 40263 216465BOTO{ANI6 Nicolae Balcescu St. Tel: + 40231 518222Fax: + 40231 518222BRA{OV22 Muresenilor St. Ap. 6,Tel: + 40268 406 373, Fax: + 40268 406 373BUCURE{TI17 Splaiul Independentei StTel: +4021 3034444/3034400Fax: + 4021 336041659 Buzesti St.Tel: + 4021 2046464Fax: + 4021 2046424/27Henri Coanda Airport, Bucuresti Ploiesti Rd. 16,5 KmTel: + 4021 2041220/2041224/ 2041355Helpline: 9361 (calling from Bucharest)Online Booking: internet_support@tarom.roCARANSEBE{3-5 Mihai Viteazu St. Tel: + 40255 516325Fax: + 40255 516325CLUJ NAPOCA11 Mihai Viteazu St. Tel: + 40264 530116/432669Fax: + 40264 432524CONSTAN}A15 Stefan cel Mare St. Tel: + 40241 662632Fax: + 40241 614066CRAIOVA2 Calea Bucuresti, Unirea Shopping CenterTel: + 40251 411049; Fax: + 40251 411049IA{I3-5 Arcu St. Tel: + 40232 267768Fax: + 40232 217027ORADEA2 Regele Ferdinand Sq. Tel: + 40259 231918Fax: + 40259 231918PIATRA NEAM}1 Stefan cel Mare St. Tel: + 40233 214268Fax: +40233 214268PLOIE{TI141 Republicii Blvd., Bloc 31 C1/C2Tel: + 40244 595620; Fax: + 40244 595620RE{I}A4, 1 Decembrie 1918 St. Tel: + 40255 215151Fax: + 40255 215151SATU MARE9, 25 Octombrie St. Tel: + 40261 712033Fax: + 40261 712795SIBIU10 Nicolae Balcescu St. Tel: + 40269 211157Fax: + 40269 211157SUCEAVA2 Nicolae Balcescu St. Tel: + 40230 214686;Fax: + 40230 214686TÂRGU MURE{6-8 Trandafirilor St. Tel: + 40265 236200,Fax: +40265 250170TIMI{OARA3-5 Revolutiei 1989 Blvd.Tel: + 40256 493563/200003;Fax: + 40256 490150TULCEAM1 Isaccei St. Tel: + 40240 510493Fax: + 40240 51122786

Agen]iiexterneInternationalBooking OfficesÄÄÄÄÄAUSTRIAViennaSchwechat (18 km)TAROM Office21 Opernring, 1010+43 15818800/5818801+43 1581880016A/P: +43 1700732728BELGIUMBrusselsNational (13 km)TAROM Office34 Adolphe Max Blvd. 1000+32 22186382+32 22198046A/P: +32 27233331BULGARIASofiaVrazhdebna (10 km)Concorde International1000 Sofia 44 Vitosha Blvd.+3592 9331055/56+3592 9331040CYPRUSNicosiaNew Marathon Aviation ltd.2 Naxos St. 1st Floor, P.O. BOX28099, CY 2090+3572 2375266+3572 2374905LarnacaLarnaca International (8 km)New Marathon Aviation ltd.Larnaca International Airport 1st.Floor Off. 86+3574 643266+3574 643268CZECH REPUBLICPragueRuzyne (16 km)TAROM Office8 Soukenicka St. 110 00Prague 1, Nove Mesto+4202 22315076+4202 22315076ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄEGYPTCairoInternational (24 km)Red Sea Tours8-A, Kasr El Nil Str.,+202 5766655+202 5767622A/P: +202 2653954FRANCEParisCharles De Gaulle (26 km)TAROM Office12 Rue des Pyramides 75001+331 47422542/42654366+331 42654367A/P: 0680065495GERMANYFrankfurtInternational (12-km)TAROM Office13 Zeil St., 60313 Frankfurt/Main+4969 295270+4969 292947A/P: +4969 69025231MunichFranz Josef Strauss (37 km)TAROM Office, Munich Airport,PLZ 85326, Terminal 1, Modul C,Room C5 311+4989 97591140+4989 97591141GREECEAthensEleftherios Venizelos Intl(27 km)TAROM OfficeSociete Anonyme of Tourismand Hotels Plotin Air SA14 Flellinon St.,Syntagma, 10557+30210 3316748+30210 3316554ThessalonikiMakedonia (16 km)Town Office85 Timiski St., 546 22+30 2310 4733 76+30 2310 4750 69HUNGARYBudapestFerihegy 2B (16-km)TAROM Office4 Apaczai Csere Janos,Marriott Hotel, Pergola Bldg.+361 2350809/2350810/2350811+361 3172307A/P: +361 2968661ISRAELTel AvivBen Gurion (19-km)TAROM Office5, GordonTel Aviv 63458+9723 5275526/13/22+9723 527 55 32/24A/P: +9723 9792056A/P: +9723 9792059ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄITALYMilanMalpensa (46 km)TAROM OfficeMalpensa Terminal 1, Arrival207 OF., floor 1 B+3902 58581245+3902 5858 9266RomeFiumicino (36 km)TAROM OfficeVia Alessandro Scarlatti 5int 200198+3906 85305045+3906 85305114A/P:+3906 65954033A/P:+3906 65010876JORDANAmmanQueen Alia (35 km)Petra Travel and TourismShmeisani Abdulhamid Sharaf St.+9626 5620760/5620754/5694765+9626 5621749KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIARiyadhKing Khaled (35 km)United Travel AgencySitten Str., Malaz P.O. BOX 6265- Riyadh 11442+9661 4787272+9661 4793811A/P: +9661 2221080KUWAITKuwaitInternational (22 km)Al-Athla TravelAl Homaizi Bldg., Al. Soor St.,Al. Salheih+965 2441041/2441042/2426847+965 2428671LEBANONBeirutInternational (8 km)Al Sawan Co. S.A.R.LAl Sawan Building St., No. 62,Croniche, Rawce, Ain El Tineh+9611 807888+9611 807444REPUBLIC OF MOLDAVIAKishinevKishinev (14 km)TAROM Office3 Stefan cel Mare Blvd.+37322 541254+37322 272618POLANDWarsawOkecie (9 km)TAROM Office84/92 Marszalkowska St. 00-514+4822 6299098+4822 6217293ROMANIABucharestOtopeni (16,5 km)TAROM Head OfficeBucharest-Ploiesti Rd. 16.5 km.,Henri Coanda Intl Airport+4021 2014700/2014701+4021 2014761TAROM Office atHenri Coanda Intl Airport+4021 2041355/2041220/2041224TAROM Sales Offices:17 Splaiul Independentei,+4021/3034444/3034400+4021 3360416/3372036E-mail:,internet_support@tarom.ro59 Buzesti St,+4021 2046464+4021 2046424/2046427E-mail: reservationvictoria@tarom.roagvictoria@tarom.roÄÄÄÄÄÄÄSPAINMadridBarajas (13 km)TAROM Office112 5/B Calle Principe DeVergara, Mad 28002+34 915641883+34 915641901A/P: +34 609056791/9688657SYRIADamascusInternational (29km)Alsham Travel and Tourism 52Fardoss Street P.O. BOX 248+96311 2223630/ 2223332+96311 2222920/ 2247003SWITZERLANDZurichZurich (12 km)TAROM OfficeKlosbachstrasse 45, 8032+411 2529040/ 2529041/2529042+411 2529080A/P: +411 8132414TURKEYIstanbulAtaturk (24 km)TAROM Office30 Cumhuriyet Caddesi, KervanSaray Apt. Elmadag+90212 2307309+90212 2410130UNITED ARAB EMIRATESDubaiInternational (5 km)Al Majid Travel Agency &Tourism Al Maktoum St.,PO-BOX 1020, Deira+9714 2211176/2211849+9714 2276748UNITED KINGDOMLondonHeathrow (24 km)TAROM Office, Town Office,27 New Cavendish St., W1G 9TX+44207 2243693+44207 4872913Airport OfficeHeathrow A/P Office, Terminal 2,Office Block, Room 223,Hounslow, Middlesex TW6-1JW+44208 7455542+44208 8974071UNITED STATES OF AMERICANew YorkJ.F. Kennedy Intl (20 km)TAROM Office Empire StateBuilding, 350 Fift Ave.# 1410New York, NY 10118+1212 5600840+1212 560084587

SERVICIIServicesRezervåri OnlineOnline BookingContact:www.tarom.roe-mail:internet_support@tarom.roBucharest helpline: 9361Tel: (+4021) 3370400,(+4021) 3372037(+4021) 2041057Rezerva]i online dac\ pleca]i din ora[ele de mai josBook online if your travel starts from the cities belowPlec`ri din/Departures from:AradAthensBacåuBaia MareBeirutBrusselesBucharest (Henri Coandå)BudapestClujDamascDubaiFrankfurtIa[iIstanbulLarnacaLondon (Heathrow)MadridMilanMunichOradeaParis (Charles De Gaulle)PragueRomeSatu MareSibiuSofiaSuceavaTârgu Mure[Timi[oaraTel AvivThessalonikiViennaWarsawSistemul de rezervare prin internet disponibil la adresa este rapid,sigur [i comod, ajutându-vå så economisi]i timp. În doar câteva minute, pute]irezerva bilete de acaså, de la serviciu sau de oriunde ave]i acces la un computerconectat la Internet. Ave]i posibilitatea de a lua biletul direct de la aeroport, de laagen]ia TAROM din ora[ul de plecare a cursei pe care s-a fåcut rezervarea sau såîl primi]i prin po[tå (adresa trebuie så fie în aceea[i ]arå în care se aflå ora[ul deplecare în cålåtorie [i, în acest caz, rezervarea trebuie fåcutå cu cel pu]in 7 zileînainte de data plecårii). Dacå sunte]i membru SMART MILES primi]i 500 milebonus la prima rezervare online [i 100 mile bonus pentru fiecare din rezervårileonline ulterioare. Sistemul de rezervåri online se poate accesa de pe paginaprincipalå a TAROM: Pentru moment pute]i så face]i rezervårionline numai pe zborurile cu plecare din ora[ele listate în tabelul de mai sus. Înviitor, vom extinde numårul de destina]ii. Plata biletului se face cu o carte decredit American Express, Eurocard, MasterCard, Visa sau UATP.Toate tranzac]iile prin internet sunt securizate. TAROM folose[te protocolul SSL(Secure Socket Layer) pentru a asigura securitatea informa]iilor furnizatede dumneavoastrå.Nou: Vizita]i pentru a beneficia de oferteleSuperSpecials@TAROM ce vå propun tarife cu pânå la 50%mai mici!The online booking system available at is fast, secure and comfortable,sparing a great deal of your time. In just a few minutes, you can makeyour reservation at ho-me, at work or anywhere you have a computer connectedto the Internet. You have the possibility to get your ticket directly at the airport,at the TAROM offices located in the city of your flight departure or by mail(your address must be in the same country as the city of departure - in this case,the reservation must be done before, at least, 7 days from the time of departure).If you are a SMART MILES member, you get 500 miles bonus at yourfirst online reservation and 100 miles bonus for each following reservations.You can access TAROM’s Internet booking facility by using the quick searchform located at Currently, you can book online only if your tripstarts from one of the cities included in the table above. We plan to expand thenumber of cities available for booking online over the coming months. Paymentis made by credit card (American Express, Eurocard, MasterCard, Visa, UATP).Your transactions on are secured. TAROM uses Secure SocketLayer (SSL) encryption technology to ensure security and protect yourpersonal data.New: Visit and enjoy our newSuperSpecials@TAROM (Internet special offers featuringdiscounts of up to 50%)!88

Birouri de cargoCargo OfficesBirouri interna]ionaleInternational OfficesBirouri în RomaniaOffices in RomaniaDELAMODE ROMANIA SRL111-115 Timisoara Blvd., sect.6, BucharestTel: +402 1 4077411/2/3, Fax: +402 1 4077457EXPEDITOR PREST SRL11 Arcului St, BucharestTel: +402 1 2109666, Fax: +402 1 2109585EXPRESS SPEDITION SRL35 Muresului St, Ap. 2, Cluj-NapocaTel / Fax: +402 6 4433605INTERNATIONAL ROMEXPRESS SERVICE LTD47 Mihai Eminescu St., sect. 2, BucharestTel: +402 1 2110194 / 2117912 / 2111580Fax: +402 1 2116719ROMTRANS S.A.196 Calea Rahovei, P.O. BOX 13-11, BucharestTel: + 402 1 3358920 / 3372019Fax: + 402 1 3373090SERBAN INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORTS9 Batistei St., sect.1, BucharestTel: + 402 1 2110380/1/2/3Fax: + 402 1 2114254/2115504SDV SCAC ROMANIA SRL2-4 Gara Herastrau St., sect.2, BucharestTel: + 402 1 2321032 / 2321052Fax: +402 1 2321011WELZ ROMANIA SRL90 Timisoara Blvd., sect. 6, BucharestTel: + 402 1 4440940 / 4440926Fax: + 402 1 4442957WORLD MEDIA TRANS16 Vasile Parvan St, Timisoara 1900Tel.: +402 56497916Fax: +402 56202380GO TRANS 98288 Calea Serban Voda, bl. 2, ap 8, BucharestTel: + 402 1 2014754, Fax: + 402 1 2014755TNT ROMANIA SRL155 Calea Victoriei bloc D1 Tronson 5,et. 2, sect. 1, BucharestTel: + 402 1 3034504, Fax: + 402 1 3034540UPS SCS ROMANIA SRL42 Simion Barnutiu St, et. 4, ap. 404, TimisoaraTel: +40256 287270, Fax: +40256 287240Bucure[ti - 3 Sulfinei St., OtopeniTel: +4021 2319203/4/5, Fax: +4021 2319207VRK EXPEDITION22 A Pajurei St. bl. 18 et. 3 ap. 15, S. 1, BucharestTel: +402 1 2014620, Fax:+ 402 1 2014619TEEN TRANS RO SRL2 Gheorghe Sincai bl. 4, ap. 92Sos. Bucuresti-Ploiesti Km 16,5, Cladirea BICC,camera 9-10Tel: +4021 2014747/2014670Fax: +4021 2014644TRITON INTERNATIONAL CARGO37, Maguricea St, BucharestTel: + 402 1 2665061/-62Fax: + 402 1 2665063Henri Coanda International AirportKm 16.5, Bucharest - Ploiesti RoadTel: + 402 1 2041910Fax: + 402 1 2014502AUSTRIABRAINWAY TRANSPORTBERATUNGS GmbHA-1300 Wien, Flughafen, Objekt 250Tel: +43 1 70073362/-3Fax: +43 1 70073361BELGIUMAIR SUPPORT BELGIUMBrucargo Building 709, room 123, B-1931ZaventemTel: +32 2 7528680Fax: +32 2 7528686CANADAAIRBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL INC.6291 Dorman Road Unit# 18, MississaugaOntario, Canada, L4V 1 H2Tel: +905 6774295Fax: +905 6774764CZECH REPUBLICCHAPMAN FREEBORN AIRMARKETINGRuzyne Intl. Airport, P.O. BOX 4, PRG 6-16008Tel: +42 0 220115058Fax: +42 0 220115042DENMARKSCANPARTNERS INTERNATIONAL APSFuglebzekvej 14, DK-2770 Kastrup, CopenhagenTel: + 45 32 527676Fax: + 45 32 511412FRANCEGLOBE AIR CARGO SYSTEMBP 10524, 95709 Roissy CDG CedexTel:+33 1 48629703Fax: +33 1 48625335GERMANY GLOBE AIR CARGOPACE AIRLINE SERVICES GmbHWaldecker Strasse 9 D-64546 Moerfelden-WalldorfTel: +49 6105 406645Fax: +49 6105 406690P.C. AIRLINE SERVICES GmbHFlughafen Schonefeld, D-12521 BerlinTel: +49 30 60913550/52Fax: +49 30 60913551/53HUNGARYCHAPMAN FREEBORN AIR MARKET LTD.Rakoczi Ut 1-3, 1088 BUDAPESTTel: + 36 1 2357858Fax: + 36 1 2357859IRELANDNORZEL Ltd. T/A AIRLINE CARGO SERVICESLa Verne, Kilkishen, Co. ClareOmega House, Callinstown Cross, DublinAirportTel.: +353 61478011Fax: +353 61478012ISRAELLIKA BERKOWITZ INTERNATIONALTRANSPORT LTD.P.O. BOX 3216 Rishon Le Zion, 75131Tel: +972 3 9502593Fax: +972 3 9502594ITALYCSD TALEVI SRLVia Corso Garibaldi 15 Ancona,Tel: +39 071206725Fax: +39 071200179NETHERLANDSAERONAUT B.V.Snipweg 101,1118 DP Schiphol ZuidCR Schiphol AirportTel.: +31 20 3163160Fax: +31 20 6536444POLANDMTL A. PERKOWSKITerminal Cargo 53 WirazowaStr. 02-158 WarsawTel.: +48 22 6068749Fax: +48 22 6068749REPUBLIC OF MOLDAVIABALMUS TRADE SRLStr. Chi[inåului 14, ap. 28Tel.: +373 225 24102Fax: +373 225 29341SPAINCRS AIRLINE REPRESENTATIVECalle Violant D’Hongria 82-88 H.O. BarcelonaTel: +34 93 4904145/3011782Fax: +34 93 4903924/3011063Centro de Carga Area, Edificio ServiciosGenerales, Off. 509, MadridTel: +34 91 3937402Fax: +34 91 3937403SUEDIAKALES AIRLINE SERVICESTimmermansgatan 5 Se-216 19 MalmoTel.: + 46 40 363800Fax: + 46 40 363819SWITZERLANDAIRNAUTIC AGFreight Building, West 1-360, P.O. BOX 53,CH-8058 Zürich - AirportTel: +4143 816 3844Fax: +4143 816 3845TAIWANGLOBAL AVIATION SERVICE INC.11/F2, 103, Nan-King E Road Sec. 4 TaipeiTel: +886 2 87122113Fax: +886 2 87123151TURKEYCARGOJET KARGO HIZEMTLERI Ltd.STIKartaltepe Mahallesi Sukru Kanalti Sok SemaA.P No. 40/4 IstanbulTel: +90 212 660 8528Fax: +90 212 660 2955UNITED KINGDOMCARGOJET MANAGEMENT LTD.Unit 16 Gatwick Metro Centre, Balcombe Road,Horley Surey RH6 9GATel: +44 1293 821822Fax: +44 1293 776300UNITED STATESSUNSHINE SERVICE INTL. INC.147-29 183 Street Jamaica NY 11413Tel.: + 01 718 656 1515Fax: + 01 718 244 132489

SERVICIIServicesVacan]e cu TAROMWeekend with TAROMContact:TAROM Tours17 Splaiul Independentei,Bucharest, RomaniaTel: +4021 3370208+4021 3034414/-5Fax: +4021 3370321e-mail: tours@tarom.roOfertele sunt valabile per persoanå, pentru sejururi care includ un weekend.Cuprind transport cu avionul dus-întors, cazare cu mic dejun (sau alttip de serviciu, conform men¡iunii) √i nu includ asigurarea medicalå, taxelede aeroport √i de vizå (unde este cazul). Ofertele pentru destina¡iile cumen¡iunea „1 night BB acc.“ includ doar tarifele de cazare cu mic dejunper persoanå, pentru o noapte, √i nu includ pre¡ul biletului de avion. Lacerere, se pot organiza sejururi flexibile √i pe alte destina¡ii la alegereaclien¡ilor.Offers are valid per person, for stays over the weekend. They includeround trip flight ticket, Bed&Breakfast (except when mentioned otherwise)and do not include airport taxes, medical insurance and visa tax(where needed). Offers for destinations with the “1 night BB acc.” mentiondisplay tariffs only for one night accommodation with breakfast andthey do not include the flight ticket price. One can organize flexible staysat other destinations upon request from our customers.AMSTERDAM - 1 night BB acc.AC HOTEL AMS 3*sgl 82 EUR, dbl 55 EURATHENS - 2 nights (BB)MARINA 3*sgl 254 ƒ, dbl 219 ƒ, trpl 219 ƒBARCELONA - 1 night BB acc.OASIS 2*sgl 74 EUR, dbl 52 ƒ, trpl 48 ƒBERLIN - 1 night BB acc.PARK PLAZA BERLIN 3*sgl 73 ƒ, dbl 46 ƒBRUSSELS - 2 nights (BB)CATALONIA FORUM 3*sgl 315 ƒ, dbl 265 ƒ, trpl 260 ƒDUBAI - 6 nights (BB)PANORAMA 2*sgl 696 ƒ, dbl 578 ƒ90

CAIRO - 4 nights (BB)PHARAOHS 3*sgl 345 ƒ, dbl 318 ƒ, trpl 318 ƒCOPENHAGEN - 1 night BB acc.IBIS COPENHAGEN CROWN 3*sgl 83 ƒ, dbl 49 ƒFRANKFURT - 2 nights (BB)LUXOR 3*sgl 329 ƒ, dbl 281 ƒ, trpl 274 ƒGENEVE - 1 night BB acc.GRAND PRE 4*sgl 72 ƒ, dbl 42 ƒ, trpl 40 ƒHELSINKI - 1 night BB acc.CUMULUS OLYMPIA 3*sgl 72 ƒ, dbl 37 ƒISTANBUL - 2 nights (BB)NANDA 4*sgl 193/186 ƒ, dbl 160/156 ƒAKGUN 3*sgl 177 ƒ, dbl 156 ƒLISBON - 1 night BB acc.HOLIDAY INN LISBON 4*sgl 78 ƒ, dbl 45 ƒ, trpl 37 ƒLONDON - 2 nights (BB)LONDON ROYAL NATIONAL 3*sgl 451/472 ƒ, dbl 375/398 ƒ, trpl373/382 ƒMADRID - 2 nights (BB)FINISTERE 2*sgl 391 ƒ, dbl 352 ƒ, trpl 348 ƒMILAN - 2 nights (BB)RITTER 3*sgl 318 ƒ, dbl 272 ƒ, trpl 258 ƒMUNICH - 2 nights (BB)HOLIDAY INN 3*sgl 343 ƒ, dbl 283 ƒPARIS - 2 nights (BB)DES ARTS 2*sgl 380 ƒ, dbl 314 ƒ, trpl 295 ƒPRAGUE - 2 nights (BB)CITY CLUB 3*sgl 270/281 ƒ, dbl 223/231 ƒROME - 2 nights (BB)GIOTTO 3*sgl 359 ƒ, dbl 318 ƒ, trpl 304 ƒSTOCKHOLM - 1 night BB acc.PARK INN SOLNA 4*sgl 80 ƒ, dbl 46 ƒ, trpl 44 ƒVIENNA - 2 nights (BB)APPARTEMENTHOTEL 4*sgl 365 ƒ, dbl 321 ƒ, trpl 317 ƒZURICH - 1 night BB acc.HILTON APART-HOTEL 3*sgl 83 ƒ, dbl 42 ƒ, trpl 42 ƒTarifele sunt valabileîn momentul editårii revistei√i nu se aplicå în perioadelede târguri, expozi¡ii,sårbåtori locale etcTariffs are availableat print time and theydo not apply for: fair andinternational exhibitionperiods, local holidays etcLegend:4* Hotel ****3* Hotel ***2* Hotel **acc. AccommodationBB Cazare cu mic dejunBed & BreakfastHB DemipensiuneHalf Board91

Mini-Ghidul Bucure[tiuluiBucharest Pocket GuideHOTELURI/HOTELSATHENEE PALACE HILTON,1-3, Episcopiei St.,315 1212BUCHAREST MARRIOTTGRAND HOTEL, 90, Calea13 Septembrie, 403 1901CONTINENTAL,56, Calea Victoriei,260 0661CROWNE PLAZABUCHAREST,1, Poligrafiei Blvd., 224 0034BANCA ION }IRIAC,15, Calea Victoriei,303 2638BANC POST,18 Libertatii Blvd.,336 1124BRD - SOCIETEGENERALE,4, Doamnei St., 313 0571HVB BANK ROMANIA,37, Dr. Grigore Mora St.,203 2222ING BANK,11-13, Kiseleff Ave.,222 1600UNICREDIT ROMANIA,16, Spl. Unirii St,Tel: 330 2900VOLKSBANK ROMANIA,171, Mihai Bravu Blvd.,Tel: 209 4400CENTRE DE AFACERI/BUSINESS CENTERSBUCHAREST FINANCIALPLAZZA, 15, Calea Victoriei,224 0074MODERNINTERNATIONALBUSINESS CENTER,34-36 Carol Blvd., 250 7272SITRACO CENTER, 1,D. Cantemir Blvd., 330 6991WORLD TRADE CENTER,2, Expozitiei Blvd., 224 4147RESTAURANTE/RESTAURANTSLA FATTORIA BUCHAREST35, Emil Pangratti StTel/Fax: + 4 021 230 8350Mobile: +4 0788 374 690Mobile: +4 0788 374 699B~NCI/BANKSABN AMRO BANK,2, Expozi]iei Blvd., WorldTrade Center BucharestTel: +(40 21) 20 20 400ALPHA BANK,6, Gheorghe CantacuzinoSquare, 210 9042BANCA COMERCIALÅROMÂNÅ,5, Regina Elisabeta Blvd.,312 4705; 312 6185ÎNCHIRIERIAPARTAMENTE/SHORT TERM RENTALUNID,35 - 75 ƒ/day - You canhave a comfortable studioor a flat, right in the centerof Bucharest;www.accommodation.roTel: +(4021) 320 8080Fax: +(4021) 327 5699Mobile +(4)0 722 245151BARURI/BARSAMSTERDAMGRAND CAFE,6, Covaci St., 313 7580LÅPTÅRIA LUI ENACHE,2, Nicolae Balcescu Blvd.,315 8508PLANTER’S,10, Mendeleev St.,659 7606TERMINUS PUB & MORE,5, G. Enescu St., 6597606LA FATTORIA MAMAIAFaleza Majestic/MajesticPromenadeTel: + 4 0241 831 010Fax: +4 0241 831 210Mobile: +4 0788 228 202AVALON,5-7 Calea Dorobantilor St.,201 5030BALTHAZAR,Dumbrava Rosie 2 St.,212 14 60/-61CASA CAPSA,36, Calea Victoriei, 3134038LA BASTILLE,72B, Caderea Bastiliei St.,2124914UPTOWN,2, Rabat St., 231 407792

Insight <strong>Tarom</strong> Primåvarå/Spring 2005

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