Mr. Taieb HADHRI - Invest in Tunisia, The Foreign Investment ...

Mr. Taieb HADHRI - Invest in Tunisia, The Foreign Investment ...

Mr. Taieb HADHRI - Invest in Tunisia, The Foreign Investment ...

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REPUBLIC OF TUNISIA***M<strong>in</strong>istry of Scientific Research, Technologyand Competency DevelopmentStrengthen<strong>in</strong>g knowledge policies<strong>in</strong> <strong>Tunisia</strong>Prof. Taïeb <strong>HADHRI</strong>M<strong>in</strong>ister of Scientific Research, Technologyand Competency DevelopmentCarthage <strong>Invest</strong>ment Forum 2006Thursday, 15-06-2006

Electoral Program 2004 of the President,ZINE EL ABIDINE BEN ALIAs the knowledge-based economy constitutes a basic componentof the new economy and a crucial factor to achieve higher valueaddedactivities, more competitive and developed services and ahigher employability, and because the knowledge-based economyrepresents a prerequisite for the build<strong>in</strong>g of the knowledgesociety, we will seek <strong>in</strong>tegration <strong>in</strong>to the global grid of <strong>in</strong>telligencebased <strong>in</strong>dustries and will endeavour to attract foreign<strong>in</strong>vestments <strong>in</strong> this field.

Assets of the <strong>Tunisia</strong>n EconomyA cont<strong>in</strong>uously grow<strong>in</strong>g economy4,2%4,6%5,3%5,5%2,2%Trends <strong>in</strong> GDP growth1982-1986 1987-1991 1992-1996 1997-2001 2002-2006A Diversified Economy : (Manufactur<strong>in</strong>g 20 % and services for over 54 %)Agriculture and fish<strong>in</strong>gNonmanufactur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dustriesManufactur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dustries37,6%14,2%11,4%Transport and communicationTourismOther services20,0%6,5%10,3%Breakdown of GDP <strong>in</strong> 20043

Assets of the <strong>Tunisia</strong>n EconomyAn Economy open to the Outside World(GDP <strong>in</strong> 2004 = 35149 MTD)Trends <strong>in</strong> <strong>Tunisia</strong>n exports to theEU (<strong>in</strong> MTD)63047586 7662834399912000 2001 2002 2003 2004Attractive country for <strong>Foreign</strong> Direct <strong>Invest</strong>ment (FDI)Trends of foreign or jo<strong>in</strong>tly-ownedcompanies26591426312424551973 1980 1987 1994 20044

Due to Scarce natural resources and to fructifylong term <strong>in</strong>vestment on human resources<strong>The</strong> challenge is :To build a Knowledge Based Economy (KBE)Pillars of KBE are :• Education and Capacity Build<strong>in</strong>g• Research and Innovation• Information and Communication Technologies5

Education and capacity build<strong>in</strong>g<strong>Tunisia</strong> has <strong>in</strong>vested <strong>in</strong> education and tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g• 7% of GDP is devoted to education and tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g• 99% of six years old kids at schoolGeneral Policies : Adaptability of programs, employability of graduatesand rely<strong>in</strong>g on lifelong learn<strong>in</strong>gThrough :• Enhanc<strong>in</strong>g the ratio of teach<strong>in</strong>g staff per student• Work<strong>in</strong>g for the total elim<strong>in</strong>ation of the school dropoutphenomenon.• Teach<strong>in</strong>g at least two foreign languages start<strong>in</strong>g fromprimary school.• Meet<strong>in</strong>g the challenge of quality and keep<strong>in</strong>g up withchanges <strong>in</strong> the field of vocational tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g6

Education and capacity build<strong>in</strong>gIn basic and secondary education the average class sizes aredecreas<strong>in</strong>g :School year1st cycleBasic Education2nd cycleSecondary EducationpupilsClassesAverageclass sizepupilsClassesAverageclass sizepupilsClassesAverageclass size1985 - 19861 285 88339 59932.5265 1197 61434.8157 3504 83232.62005 - 20061 120 42446 42224.1571 98617 91131.9503 53116 70130.17

Higher EducationStudents and graduates until 20308

Higher EducationUniversity enrolment rate ( 20- 24 age)9

Higher EducationIn 2004 : 7,4 ‰ graduates <strong>in</strong> Science & Eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g of theage group 20-29. It will reach 11 ‰ <strong>in</strong> 2009 .Students <strong>in</strong> science and eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g10

Higher Education• 13 Universities (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the Virtual University of Tunis)• 178 public <strong>in</strong>stitutions of higher education− 17 higher schools of Eng<strong>in</strong>eers− 24 higher Institutes of Sciences and Technologies• 20 private <strong>in</strong>stitutions of higher education• 16671 higher education teachers• More than 30000 students <strong>in</strong> computer science and multimedia• 35% of students <strong>in</strong> sciences and technologies,• Higher education Budget ( 5% of NB / 1.72 % of GDP)11

Research and InnovationObjectives :• Promot<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>novation and technology development through supportto <strong>in</strong>novative enterprises, valorisation of research results,re<strong>in</strong>forcement of partnership between research structures and firms• Increas<strong>in</strong>g efforts <strong>in</strong> Federative Research Programs• Enhanc<strong>in</strong>g scientific and technological <strong>in</strong>formation and culture• Re<strong>in</strong>forc<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>ternational cooperation on bilateral and multilaterallevels12

Research and Innovation1,02 % of GDP <strong>in</strong> 2005 1,25 % <strong>in</strong> 2009This budget is allocated to :InfrastructuredevelopmentHuman resourcesdevelopmentResearchProgramsCurrently the national research system is composed of :• High ResearchCouncil headed bythe Prime M<strong>in</strong>ister• National ResearchEvaluation Committee• 31 Research Centres• 139 Research Labs• 624 Research Units• 22 bus<strong>in</strong>ess <strong>in</strong>cubators• 11 technoparks• 14500 Full TimeEquivalentResearchers13

Research and InnovationEvolution of GERD/GDP (<strong>in</strong> %) 1997 - 2006199719981999 2000 2001 2002 20032004200520062009GERD (<strong>in</strong> MD)8997 108 122 153 188 234350379430633GDP (en MD)20901 22701 24939 27303 28741 29887 3220335035 372024017850613GERD/GDP0,43% 0,43% 0,43% 0,45% 0,53% 0,63%0,73%1%1,02%1,07%1,25%GERD/GDP1,41,210,80,60,40,201997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2009YearGERD : Gross Expenditure for R&D14

Research and InnovationIntellectual Property and Patents• In 1994 <strong>Tunisia</strong> adopted a lawdeal<strong>in</strong>g with copyrights and<strong>in</strong>tellectual property• In 2000 : promulgation of a new lawon patents• In 2001 <strong>Tunisia</strong> became a memberof PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty)Registered InternationalPatentsYear Patents application by Total199619971998199920002001Resident483538652822Non Resident1281802001922291561762152382572571782002 29 74 1032003 34 120 1542004 46 223 2692005 56 282 338Total 401 1784 2185Source : INNORPI15

Research and InnovationSome facts :• 78 % of total research <strong>in</strong>vestment is public• 22% from the economic sector and <strong>in</strong>ternational cooperation• Imbalance between the number of scientific publications and patentsSome challenges :• Increase the private sector <strong>in</strong>vestment• Support <strong>in</strong>novative firms and strengthen<strong>in</strong>g partnership between publicresearch structures and firms• Encourage sp<strong>in</strong>-off firms by academics• Dra<strong>in</strong> more <strong>in</strong>ternational <strong>in</strong>vestment <strong>in</strong> R&D16

Research and InnovationAs an answer to these challenges, one of the ma<strong>in</strong> policies :a National Technoparks ProgramIn 2001: promulgation of a law concern<strong>in</strong>g technoparks, to foster<strong>in</strong>novation and competitivenessNew version of this law is ratified (<strong>in</strong> 2006) <strong>in</strong> order to provide a moresuitable management framework and to encourage private publicpartnership17

Research and InnovationBizerteJendoubaGafsaMéden<strong>in</strong>eGammarthSidi ThabetElghazalaBorj CédriaSousseMonastirSfaxLocationElghazalaBorj-CédriaSidi-Thabet<strong>Tunisia</strong>n TechnoparksNetworkICTAdvanced (2)In progress (6)Just started (3)Ma<strong>in</strong> fieldsBiotech, EnergyWater and EnvironmentBiotech & PharmaceuticalSize ofLand65 ha90 ha92 haSousseSfaxMonastirBizerteGammarthMechanics & ElectronicsIT & MultimediaTextile and cloth<strong>in</strong>gFood Process<strong>in</strong>gC<strong>in</strong>ema <strong>in</strong>dustry60 ha60 ha100 ha87 ha1812 ha

Research and InnovationTechnopark’s concept• An environment for scientificresearch and technologicalDynamic relationshipBus<strong>in</strong>ess area<strong>in</strong>novation• A facility dedicated to thetransfer of technology from thelaboratory to the marketplace.• A perfect bus<strong>in</strong>ess & <strong>in</strong>vestmentlocation with high quality<strong>in</strong>frastructureTechnology/Innovation& ServicesSharedServicesEducationR&D19

Information & CommunicationTechnologiesTo set up a modern, high-quality, high-speed andmultiservice <strong>in</strong>frastructure• A series of measures were adopted : the <strong>in</strong>troduction of the e-adm<strong>in</strong>istration,support for private sector <strong>in</strong>vestment <strong>in</strong> IT, promotion of the national software<strong>in</strong>dustry and mass dissem<strong>in</strong>ation of digital culture,• Moderniz<strong>in</strong>g and develop<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>frastructure : improv<strong>in</strong>g telephone networkcoverage and quality, expand<strong>in</strong>g the capacity of the National Internet Network,• Improv<strong>in</strong>g networks for the exchange and dissem<strong>in</strong>ation of <strong>in</strong>formation forvarious purposes (education, research, <strong>in</strong>dustry, service and commerce)20

Information & CommunicationTechnologiesAssets and projections :• 2 Telecom companies (one fully private)• 7 millions connected , a telephone coverage of 70% <strong>in</strong> 2006 (80% <strong>in</strong> 2009)• a digital opportunity for all : half a million PCs’ <strong>in</strong> 2005 ( one millioncomputers <strong>in</strong> 2009)• opportunities for knowledge <strong>in</strong> all regions by establish<strong>in</strong>g Internet servicecentres (publ<strong>in</strong>ets) : more than 300 <strong>in</strong> 2005 (one <strong>in</strong> each village <strong>in</strong> 2009 ).• Internet for all : a network cover<strong>in</strong>g all regions of the country, and <strong>in</strong>creasedconnection capacity to the International Internet network.21

Information & CommunicationTechnologiesAssets and projections :• Elghazala Technopark dedicated to ICT, created <strong>in</strong> 1999• 5 Cyberparks (Monastir, Gafsa, Kef, Siliana, Kasser<strong>in</strong>e)• 4 public Internet Service Providers (ISP) and 5 private ones• 5 national <strong>in</strong>formation networks (RNRT, RNU, RNS, EDUNET, AGRINET)• All these networks are connected to the European Network GEANTthrough Eumedconnect (45 Mb/s)• Free access to 7000 scientific journals and 90 scientific databases(CNUDST / MRSTDC) (a national virtual library <strong>in</strong> 2007)• <strong>Tunisia</strong> is a member of EumedGrid project22

Information & CommunicationTechnologiesWSIS : November 2005• Follow<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>Tunisia</strong>n proposal <strong>in</strong> 1998• <strong>Tunisia</strong> has successfully hosted the second phase of the WorldSummit on Information Society on 16-18 November 2005with<strong>The</strong> participation of 176 UN membersMore than 30000 participantsMany important decisions to reduce the digital divide23

Conclud<strong>in</strong>g remarksBy strengthen<strong>in</strong>g its knowledge policies, <strong>Tunisia</strong> is• Build<strong>in</strong>g a knowledge based economy with a bus<strong>in</strong>essclimate which fosters entrepreneurship and promotes<strong>in</strong>vestment and <strong>in</strong>novation• Pav<strong>in</strong>g the way to become an <strong>in</strong>ternational centre fortrade and services24

Conclud<strong>in</strong>g remarks• <strong>Tunisia</strong> is ranked 40 th , with respect to GrowthCompetitiveness Index, number one <strong>in</strong> Africa andbetter than 6 EU countries (Davos 2005)• <strong>Tunisia</strong> is ranked 35 th , with respect to Bus<strong>in</strong>essCompetitiveness Index , before Italy, Turkey, andMorocco (Davos 2005)25

Given all these assetsbesides a good quality of lifeYou are welcome to <strong>in</strong>vest <strong>in</strong> <strong>Tunisia</strong>Thank you foryour attentionwww.mrstdc.gov.tn

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