Ch. 5 Review 1 8th Grade US History Chapter 5 review sheet Please ...

Ch. 5 Review 1 8th Grade US History Chapter 5 review sheet Please ...

Ch. 5 Review 1 8th Grade US History Chapter 5 review sheet Please ...

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<strong>Ch</strong>. 5 <strong>Review</strong> 1<strong>8th</strong> <strong>Grade</strong> U.S. <strong>History</strong><strong>Ch</strong>apter 5 <strong>review</strong> <strong>sheet</strong><strong>Please</strong> write your answers on a separate <strong>sheet</strong>.Section 11. What happened to the first American settlement at Roanoke?2. How did investors raise money to start colonies in North America?3. What are three problems that faced Jamestown settlers?4. What was a charter AND why was it important?5. What is the difference between an indentured servant and a slave?6. What was a House of Burgesses and why was it significant? (important)7. Why did King James I take back the Virginia charter and make it a royal colony?Section 21. Why did the Pilgrims want to leave England?2. Why did the Pilgrims sign the Mayflower Compact?3. How did Native Americans help colonists at Plymouth?4. Why did the Separatists go to the Netherlands?5. What was a similarity between Jamestown and Plymouth? What was a difference?Section 31. Why did the Puritans found the Massachusetts Bay Colony?2. Why did some settlers move from Massachusetts to Connecticut and RhodeIsland?3. Why did conflicts arise between the Native Americans and the colonists?4. What was the Great Migration?5. Why did John Winthrop call Boston a “City on a Hill?”

<strong>Ch</strong>. 5 <strong>Review</strong> 26. What was a commonwealth?7. What made Anne Hutchinson such a rebel?8. Explain what the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut were.Section 41. Who first controlled the area known as the New Netherlands?2. How did governor Peter Minuit get the island of Manhattan?3. Why did the English want the Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam?4. How did they get it?5. Who were the first settlers in Pennsylvania?6. Give three examples of things the Quakers did that angered authorities.Section 51. Why was Maryland founded?2. Why did Carolina become two colonies?3. What did the proprietor of Georgia hope to do?4. What were the Toleration Acts and why were they issued? What group was leftout?5. Read the quote from the advertisement for Carolina on p. 143. What was thewriter’s purpose?People to Know:Squanto Anne Hutchinson Roger Williams PilgrimsWampanoags John Smith PocahontasLord Baltimore Puritans Separatists Henry Hudson

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