Highlander PDF

Highlander PDF

Highlander PDF

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and ailments (though not missing limbs) will becured, and the Immortal will be in the peak ofhealth.If the new Immortal is lucky, another Immortalwho has a good heart will find them and teachthem about what they are and the Rules of theGame. If they’re incredibly unlucky, an Immortalwhose intentions aren’t so pure will find them first,and their Immortal existence may not last for verylong. There are those who learn what they need toknow through experience, but these are certainlynot the longest lived members of their species.The WatchersDuncan: "For thousandsof years Immortals havefought, and Watchershave observed. One day,there'll only be one of usleft, and someday maybenone at all. Somebody has to record that we'velived, somebody has to record the history thatwe've seen and the lessons we've learned.Someone who feels, someone who knows.Someone who has honor, like you."Duncan, 5:2, End of InnocenceOne important theme to keep in mind whenpresenting the world of <strong>Highlander</strong> is that of secrets.Immortals must keep their identities secret, lest theworld find out and hunt them out of fear. Inaddition, there are secret societies lurking aroundevery corner. The most important of these secretsocieties, of course, are the Watchers. Watchers in<strong>Highlander</strong> are a secret society of mortal men andwomen who know the secret of the Immortals, butwho themselves are unknown to the world atlarge, and even to the vast majority of the Immortalpopulation. Watchers observe the Immortals, andrecord their exploits for posterity, out of the firmbelief that the experiences of these extraordinarymen and women should be retained for allposterity, should not be lost when their heads fallfrom their shoulders. Thus, throughout history eachidentified Immortal has had a mortal assigned toobserve and record his exploits, but never tointerfere with his progress. Every Watcher takes asacred vow to observe and record, but to neverinterfere. On occasion, Watchers have broken thisvow and befriended Immortals; Joe Dawson isperhaps the most notable among them due to hisfriendship with Duncan MacLeod, and his violationof his vows led to him being put on trial by theWatchers, with his very life in the balance.Eventually, he was exonerated due to theappearance of Adam Pierson (actually the ancientImmortal Methos, disguised as a Watcherresearcher) with an antique diary thatdemonstrated just how friendship betweenWatchers and Immortals could be beneficial. Thetrial led to some serious tension between Joe andDuncan, and Joe eventually quit the Watchers,only to rejoin at MacLeod’s behest. The Watchersare trench coats, dark glasses, and secretmeetings, but as Joe says in the series, “it wasnever meant to be that way.” Indeed, it eventuallycame to light that the Watchers were secretlyfounded by the Immortal Methos, and have servedtheir purpose for thousands of years. It is onlyrecently that said purpose has become muddledand blurry due to the self-importance of certainleading members of the organization.Unfortunately, some Watchers decide thatfate can’t be left to the Immortals. There are splintergroups of the organization that attempt to takematters into their own hands. Perhaps the mostdangerous of these splinter groups are the Hunters.The HuntersThe Hunters, founded by an evil man namedJames Horton, have decided that all immortals areabominations to be tracked down and destroyed.All former Watchers themselves, they stole copiesof all of the Watchers’ files and journals, andbegan a campaign of slaughter that left dozens ofImmortals dead behind, their Quickening scatteredto the ether. Among those murdered was Darius, aFranciscan monk who was a father figure toDuncan. Duncan set out on a quest to avenge hisfriend, and the Hunters were crippled when Hortondied at MacLeod’s hand, but while they are in6

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