Highlander PDF

Highlander PDF

Highlander PDF

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Designerùs PrefaceMethos: “I spent years losing myconscience, only for him to go and find itagain.”Methos, 4:21, “Judgment Day”The rules you now hold in your hand are therevised second edition of the <strong>Highlander</strong> Unisystemrules, updated with the release of the AngelRoleplaying Game and the wonderful supernaturalcreation rules therein. I’ve also revamped theQuickening rules to better reflect my own vision ofhow the Quickening works and taking fancomments into account. This also results in aslightly powered-down version of the Immortals,and ones that could possibly be run alongsideother characters in a standard Buffy or Angelcampaign. Unfortunately, you now need the AngelCore Rulebook to get the most out of these rules,rather than the Buffy the Vampire Slayer CoreRulebook, but hopefully it works out for the best.So sit back, roll the dice, and Enjoy! Oh, anddon’t lose your head.-Jason Vey, April 20043IntroductionRamirez: From the dawn of time we came,moving silently down through the centuries,living many secret lives; struggling to reach thetime of the Gathering, when the few whoremain will battle to the last. No one has everknown we were among you…until now.-Ramirez, HighanderThe <strong>Highlander</strong> mythology and universe wasunleashed upon the world in 1985. Originally ascript turned in by fledgling writer/directorGregory Widen as a final project in film school,this epic tale of immortal beings traveling throughtime, untouched by age and disease and driven tobattle for a mysterious Prize that will, legend has it,bestow godlike powers to the victor, touchedmillions. <strong>Highlander</strong> is the story of ConnorMacLeod, a young warrior in a Scottish town in1536. After suffering a wound on the battlefield,Connor makes a miraculous recovery that leadshis village to accuse him of witchcraft and banishhim. Five years later, a stranger shows up at hisdoorstep, claiming that he, like Connor, is immortaland there to teach Connor just what it means to bewhat he is. Connor must learn to fight, because allof his kind are driven to battle to the death inpursuit of a mystical energy called theQuickening. When one single Immortal hasgathered into him all of the Quickening from everyImmortal who has ever lived, he will win the Prize,a mysterious, godlike, and never truly quantifiedpower over all mankind. While disease and agecan never touch Connor, he is susceptible to onetype of injury. If he is decapitated, he dies andloses his Quickening—all of his knowledge andpower, and everything that he is. Connor travelsdown through the centuries to 1985, havingadventures along the way. In the end, Connordefeats his arch nemesis, the Kurgan, and appearsto win the Prize (though we are shown in laterfilms and the series that this is not the case).The film was an underground success, andeven more so when it reached the home videomarket, and in 1991, a sequel was released. This

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