Highlander PDF

Highlander PDF

Highlander PDF

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supernatural. Each branch is self-contained, andhas its own methods, problems, andresponsibilities, but all answer to an overalltribunal or Council which enforces the secrecyand non-interference policies that they all seem toengender (remember, Giles is exceptional in hisassistance of Buffy. Most Watchers are expectedto stay back and let their Slayers handle the dirtywork).Introducing an Immortal and the Game intoany other setting is every bit as simple as a goodconcept, which players can work on with theirdirectors. The difficult part is actually on theshoulders of the Director, who must make sure tooccasionally throw in that Immortal opponent tokeep things interesting and plausible for the CastMember in question.On the other hand, introducing other types ofcharacters into the “canon” <strong>Highlander</strong> universemay be a bit more difficult. You could makeOccultism more widespread an ability, perhapsallowing Immortals to get a free level with theQuality, or make it dependent upon age. Toomuch in the way of vampires and ghosts upsets thedelicate balance of the <strong>Highlander</strong> ‘verse, which isby and large very low in the supernatural. There’salso the fact that Immortals play by their own rules,and interference by Slayers and other superswould certainly not be welcome. Still, a hybrid of‘verses is probably easier with Immortals than withany other type of Gothic Action character, andcan be a world of fun to play.18

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