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Highlander PDF

Highlander PDF

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disarray, they are still out there, and any Immortalthat comes into contact with a Hunter is bestadvised to run for her life, for the Hunters give noquarter and are not bound by the Rules of theGame.The SanctuaryMethos: “You know a little about Buddhistmonks. Some of them come to cherish life somuch that to step on an insect, or harm a bladeof grass becomes a violation of their creed, sothey place themselves under an extreme form ofprotective custody—a Sanctuary of sorts. Well,for an immortal who comes to abhor thebloodshed, there's a similar solution, A way tobe removed from the game forever. The price isunimaginably high, but you are, for all practicalpurposes, protected from the violence withinyou. And it's called The Sanctuary.”Methos, <strong>Highlander</strong>: EndgameAnother important splinter group of theWatchers are the Sanctuary. The Sanctuarybegan as a grand experiment, a voluntary retreatwhere Immortals who had tired of the Game couldhide in absolute solitude, guarded over by menand women who had sworn an Oath to maintaintheir hiding place. Unfortunately, the evil ImmortalKell tracked the Sanctuary down and slaughteredevery Immortal hiding there, save one: ConnorMacLeod, who was set free that Kell might hunthim down later. Kell, too, was defeated at thehands of Duncan Macleod, but the Sanctuary as ithad been was finished. Since then, the SanctuaryWatchers have also become fractured andsplintered, but the Sanctuary itself is no longervoluntary. The Sanctuary Watchers hunt and7abduct Immortals, forcing them into their druginducedstasis in an effort to prevent the Gamefrom ending, and thus keep the Prize from thehands of an evil Immortal.The Mood of <strong>Highlander</strong>Methos: "We're none of us perfect, MacLeod.Not you, not me, not even Darius. And sure notyour friend Steven Keane."Duncan: "You should write fortune cookies."Methos: "Yeah, well, maybe I should. Just solong as I am not writing your epitaph. WhatKeane hates you for, happened. Nothing you dois going to change that. You accept it,MacLeod. It's part of who you are."Duncan: “We talking about me, now?”Methos: “Yes.”Methos and Duncan, 5:16, Forgive Us OurTrespassesImmortals are faster, stronger, more agile, andgenerally superior to humans in almost everyrespect, but the key element is that they are indeedstill human beings, just human beings with a veryspecial gift. Immortals have all of the samepassions and pains as mortal beings, although theiroutlooks and way of dealing with these issuestends to differ due to their extraordinarily longlifespan and the fact that they kill to survive, on adaily basis.These aren’t Slayers or Demon Hunters.They’re not dusting vamps and turning evilsupernatural creatures to puddles of ooze. Rather,they kill others just like them. They look into theirfoes’ eyes, face them in single combat, and cut offtheir heads. They live a “kill or be killed” lifestyle,and live it by a very strict and rigid code, the Rulesof the Game. Immortals who try and removethemselves from the cycle of battle generally windup dead, and those who disobey the Rules findthemselves hunted or punished by whatevermysterious force out there enforces the code. TheRules of the Game are as follows.Holy GroundRamirez: You are safe only on Holy Ground.None of us will violate that law. It’s tradition.

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