Counselling Psychology Student Handbook.pdf - Health Sciences ...

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for this exam is 80%. Should you fail to achieve this mark, you will be required to sit asupplementary exam. (TEACHING WEEK 12– calendar week 14).Grade: Pass, or Fail and repeat.All components of this unit must be passed in order to obtain a final “Pass” grade. Ifsubmitted work is considered to be substandard on more than two occasions, this will incura “Fail” grade and the course must be repeated.Unit TextThere are no required texts for this unit. Seminars will be based on readings that will be madeavailable in the previous week.Please Note: Students are responsible for accessing and reading the required literature priorto class. This literature may be found on the Blackboard site for the unit, which may beaccessed through OASIS.Students must be familiar with the following practice standards which are on Blackboard for the unit:Commonwealth of Australia (2002). National practice standards for the mental health workforce.Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.Page 55 of 88Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

PSYCHOLOGY PRACTICUM 696, 697, 698, 796, 797, 798Unit Index Numbers: 696 (6726), 697 (6727), 698 (6728);796 (314100), 797 (314101), 798 (314102)Tuition Pattern: Field Placement, 2 days per week;AND Seminar, 2 hours/fortnight (for 696/796 only)Credit Points: 25/12.5Unit Requisites: Admission to Master of Psychology course.Satisfactory completion of Psychology Practicum795 and Psychology 701.Unit Coordinator A/Prof Jenny Thornton (Coordinator)(9266 7087) Room: 401:310LecturerA/Prof Jenny ThorntonLearning OutcomesThe student, on completion of these practicum units, will demonstrate behaviour consistent with abeginning level of independent practice as a Counselling Psychologist.Requirements:The first practicum of the programme will take place in the second semester of the first year and willgenerally involve two 7.5-hour days per week for 22 weeks. Attendance at the practicum class isalso required. The second and third placements will be in the first and second semesters of thesecond year (if enrolled full-time) and will also involve two days per week for 22.5 weeks. Over thethree placements a combined total of 133 days should be completed (1000 total placement hours).This should include a minimum of 300 hours of client contact. Supervision should typically be onehour for each placement day (total supervision time at least 133 hours). In addition to treatmentsessions these client contact hours may include duties such as phone screening of potential clients,telephone calls to clients/parents/teachers etc, observation of children at schools, and other relevantwork that is clinical contact. The face-to-face client hours does not include writing notes about the clientor reading material in regards to the presenting problem.Enrolled students of the University undertaking approved placement experience, may be coveredunder the University Personal Accident Insurance Policy and Public Liability and ProfessionalIndemnity Insurance Policy. Please contact the School of Psychology and Speech Pathologyreception (9266 7279) with details of your placement dates prior to commencing your placement.IMPORTANT NOTE: Failure to supply these details prior to your placement will be consideredfailure to meet the placement requirements.Selection:The selection of placements will be based on the requirement that each student experience a rangeof applied settings. Placement in areas with which the student has considerable familiarity is seen asan inappropriate use of training opportunities. Part-time students may be given approval to use theirPage 56 of 88Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

for this exam is 80%. Should you fail to achieve this mark, you will be required to sit asupplementary exam. (TEACHING WEEK 12– calendar week 14).Grade: Pass, or Fail and repeat.All components of this unit must be passed in order to obtain a final “Pass” grade. Ifsubmitted work is considered to be substandard on more than two occasions, this will incura “Fail” grade and the course must be repeated.Unit TextThere are no required texts for this unit. Seminars will be based on readings that will be madeavailable in the previous week.Please Note: <strong>Student</strong>s are responsible for accessing and reading the required literature priorto class. This literature may be found on the Blackboard site for the unit, which may beaccessed through OASIS.<strong>Student</strong>s must be familiar with the following practice standards which are on Blackboard for the unit:Commonwealth of Australia (2002). National practice standards for the mental health workforce.Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.Page 55 of 88Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

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