Counselling Psychology Student Handbook.pdf - Health Sciences ...

Counselling Psychology Student Handbook.pdf - Health Sciences ... Counselling Psychology Student Handbook.pdf - Health Sciences ...
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‣ Bipolar Disorders‣ Dysthymic Disorder‣ Personality Disorders• Histrionic• Antisocial• Schizoid‣ Eating Disorders‣ Substance Disorders• Alcohol Related Disorders• Poly-Substance Disorders‣ Psychotic Disorders• Schizophrenia• Delusional DisorderThe assignment (approximately 4000-5000 words) consists of four parts.i) Drawing on relevant literature, define the disorder and briefly describe predisposing,precipitating, and protective factors. Include information on psychopharmacology for thisdisorder.ii) Discuss how you might approach the treatment of a client presenting with this disorder.Review relevant research and clinical literature to substantiate the reasons for yourapproach.iii) Discuss any adaptation to psychotherapy processes that may be necessary to facilitate theefficacy of therapy with a client who presents predominantly with this particular disorder.Such suggested adaptations may include therapy processes, your own assumptions, yourown internal responses, and the therapeutic frame or setting. If you have seen a client withthis disorder, you may incorporate some of your clinical experiences to illustrate yourdiscussion.iv) Append a 2- page summary of your findings about the disorder to the end of yourassignment. Write this with headings that other students/clinicians will find helpful and caneasily follow if they were to see a client with this disorder. These summaries will bedistributed to the whole group. Each student will do a twenty-minute presentation to thegroup summarizing the disorder and treatment implications.3. Assignment 3: Case Formulationi) Part 1 (No more than 3 pages) Utilizing a client from your placement or work, present afull case formulation. This should follow the case formulation presented in this unit andshould include DSM-IV/ICD-10 diagnoses. Ensure you present a brief treatment plan at theend of the case formulation, using cited research literature on this particular disorder.ii) Part 2 (approximately 10 pages) Then, focus on one of the following advancedpsychotherapy processes: therapeutic alliance, empathic attunement, ruptures in thetherapeutic alliance, transference, countertransference, projection, defenses. Define anddiscuss the therapeutic process with reference to the relevant clinical and researchliterature.Page 51 of 88Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

a) Discuss how this process manifested itself in the therapy, how you dealt with it, and theimpact on treatment. Give examples of this process in your discussion. Whereverpossible, use actual excerpts from 1 or 2 sessions to illustrate the process at work.b) Describe what, if anything, you would do differently with this client, in light of youranalysis of the therapeutic process which occurred and its impact on the client.Required readings from:• Antony, M. M & Barlow D. H. (2010). Handbook of Assessment and Treatment Planning forPsychological Disorders. (2 nd Ed). New York: Guilford Press.• American Psychiatric Association (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mentaldisorders (4 th edition). Washington: American Psychiatric Association.• Bateman, A., & Fonagy, P. (2004). Psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder:Mentalization-based treatment. Oxford: Oxford University Press.• Beck, A.T., Freeman, A. Davis, D. (2004). Cognitive therapy of personality disorders (4 thEdition). New York: Guilford Press.• Commonwealth of Australia (2002). National practice standards for the mental healthworkforce. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.• Dimaggio, G., Semerai, A., Carcione, A., Nicolo, G., & Proacci, M. (2007). Psychotherapy ofpersonality disorders: Metacognition, states of mind and interpersonal cycles. London:Routledge.• Clark, D. A & Beck, A. T. (2010). Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders. Science andPractice. New York: Guilford Press.• Glickhauf-Hughes, C. & Wells, M. (1997). Object relations psychotherapy: An individualizedand interactive approach to diagnosis and treatment. Plymouth, UK: Jason Aronson.• *Grant, J. & Crawley, J. (2002). Transference and projection: Mirrors to the self. London:Open University Press.• Lessam, P.A. (2005). Self psychology: An introduction. Lanham: Jason Aronson.• McCullough-Vaillant, L. (1997). Changing character. Short-term anxiety-regulatingpsychotherapy for restructuring defenses, affects, and attachment. New York: Basic Books.• *McWilliams, N. (2011). Psychoanalytic diagnosis: Understanding personality structure in theclinical process (2 nd edition). New York: Guilford Press.• Millon, T. (2011). Disorders of personality: Introducing a DSM/ICD spectrum from normal toabnormal (3 rd edition). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.• PDM Task force. (2006). Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual. Silver Spring, MD: Alliance ofPsychoanalytical Organizations.• Schulte-Markwort, M., Marutt, K., & Riedesser, P. (Eds). (2003). Crosswalks ICD-10-DSM-IV-TR: A synopsis of classifications of mental disorders. Gottingen, Germany: Hogrefe &Huber.• St. Clair, M. (2000). Object relations and self psychology: An introduction. Belmont,CA:Brooks/Cole• *Teyber, E. (2005). Interpersonal process in psychotherapy: A relational approach (5 thEdition). Brooks/Cole.• World Health Organisation (1992). The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and BehaviouralDisorders: Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines. Geneva: W.H.O.Page 52 of 88Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

‣ Bipolar Disorders‣ Dysthymic Disorder‣ Personality Disorders• Histrionic• Antisocial• Schizoid‣ Eating Disorders‣ Substance Disorders• Alcohol Related Disorders• Poly-Substance Disorders‣ Psychotic Disorders• Schizophrenia• Delusional DisorderThe assignment (approximately 4000-5000 words) consists of four parts.i) Drawing on relevant literature, define the disorder and briefly describe predisposing,precipitating, and protective factors. Include information on psychopharmacology for thisdisorder.ii) Discuss how you might approach the treatment of a client presenting with this disorder.Review relevant research and clinical literature to substantiate the reasons for yourapproach.iii) Discuss any adaptation to psychotherapy processes that may be necessary to facilitate theefficacy of therapy with a client who presents predominantly with this particular disorder.Such suggested adaptations may include therapy processes, your own assumptions, yourown internal responses, and the therapeutic frame or setting. If you have seen a client withthis disorder, you may incorporate some of your clinical experiences to illustrate yourdiscussion.iv) Append a 2- page summary of your findings about the disorder to the end of yourassignment. Write this with headings that other students/clinicians will find helpful and caneasily follow if they were to see a client with this disorder. These summaries will bedistributed to the whole group. Each student will do a twenty-minute presentation to thegroup summarizing the disorder and treatment implications.3. Assignment 3: Case Formulationi) Part 1 (No more than 3 pages) Utilizing a client from your placement or work, present afull case formulation. This should follow the case formulation presented in this unit andshould include DSM-IV/ICD-10 diagnoses. Ensure you present a brief treatment plan at theend of the case formulation, using cited research literature on this particular disorder.ii) Part 2 (approximately 10 pages) Then, focus on one of the following advancedpsychotherapy processes: therapeutic alliance, empathic attunement, ruptures in thetherapeutic alliance, transference, countertransference, projection, defenses. Define anddiscuss the therapeutic process with reference to the relevant clinical and researchliterature.Page 51 of 88Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

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