Counselling Psychology Student Handbook.pdf - Health Sciences ...

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Please indicate where significant sections may be found on the tape.Assignment 2 Marking Criteria: refer to video rating sheet (class handout)Assignment 3 Essay (50%)Choose a model of therapy with a particular psychological disorder/clinical presentation in mind.(i) Briefly describe the disorder/presentation (including DSM-IV criteria where appropriate)(maximum of 1and a half pages)(ii) Briefly summarise the main psychopharmacological treatments (where appropriate)(maximum of half a page)(iii) Summarise key assumptions and techniques of the model (maximum of two pages)(iv) Present any existing research evidence on the effectiveness of the model. Criticallyevaluate this evidence in terms of the broader debate about evidence based practice(maximum of eight pages)Please note: this essay should be double spaced and presented in APA format with special attentionpaid to grammar, spelling, sentence construction, and referencing.Assignment 4 Video Assignment of interpersonal processes (40 %)Complete a 50 minute videotaped session (using a fellow student as client) demonstrating basiccounselling skills and interpersonal processes. Include a one page critique by a peer and a onepage self-reflection/critique. Please indicate where significant sections may be found on therecording (indicate time elapsed). Your critques should reference both good and poor counsellingbehaviours/responses. In the latter case, please provide examples of behaviours/responses thatwould have been preferable.Assignment 4 Marking Criteria: refer to video rating sheet (class handout)You must achieve a PASS for ALL pieces of assessment in order to pass the unit. Wheregrades are involved, late submission (without prior approval of the unit controller) will incur apenalty @ 10% per day, subtracted from the final mark.Referencing StyleUse APA style (6 th edition)Unit TextsYou will need to purchase the following textbooks in order to complete this unit:• Brems, C. (2001). Basic skills in psychotherapy and counselling. Belmont, California:Brooks/Cole.• Teyber, E. (2011). Interpersonal process in psychotherapy: An integrative model (6 th Ed.).Belmont, California: Brooks/Cole.Page 31 of 88Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

PSYCHOLOGY 703: RESEARCH METHODSUnit Index Numbers: 309519Tuition Pattern: On-line WebCT unitCredit Points: 25Unit Requisites: Admission to the Master of Psychology programme orpermission of Unit CoordinatorUnit Coordinator: Dr Robert Kane(9266 7515) Room: 401.204Lecturer:Dr Robert KaneSyllabusThe focus of this online unit is on quantitative, rather than qualitative, research methodologies. Itconsists of eight core modules, and three elective modules. Students are expected to complete allthe core modules plus two of the three elective modules. On completion of the unit, students shouldbe able to resolve the common methodological problems that have traditionally compromisedresearch in the behavioural sciences.Core modules:1. Pitfalls for new (and not so new) researchers.2. Measuring, analysing and interpreting behavioural change.3. Correlation and causal modeling.4. Multivariate research methods: An applied approach.5. The analysis of data from intact social groups and dyads.6. Statistical power and sample size. An applied approach.7. Single-subject designs.8. Developing screening instruments.Elective modules:1. Structural equation modeling (SEM).2. Meta-analysis: An applied approach.3. Generalised linear mixed models (GLMM)This is an on-line unit, although two computer labs have been scheduled. The computer labs willshow you how to use SPSS and LISREL to implement some of the statistical procedures discussedin the modules. One-on-one meetings are available by appointment. Students who have recentlycompleted 4 th year research methods will be well prepared for the unit. Unfortunately, there are anincreasingly large number of students enrolling in the unit who have not recently completed 4 th yearresearch methods. These students tend to find the unit challenging.Learning OutcomesOn successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:1. Design and conduct research in applied settings.2. Critically evaluate research publications and reports.Page 32 of 88Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

PSYCHOLOGY 703: RESEARCH METHODSUnit Index Numbers: 309519Tuition Pattern: On-line WebCT unitCredit Points: 25Unit Requisites: Admission to the Master of <strong>Psychology</strong> programme orpermission of Unit CoordinatorUnit Coordinator: Dr Robert Kane(9266 7515) Room: 401.204Lecturer:Dr Robert KaneSyllabusThe focus of this online unit is on quantitative, rather than qualitative, research methodologies. Itconsists of eight core modules, and three elective modules. <strong>Student</strong>s are expected to complete allthe core modules plus two of the three elective modules. On completion of the unit, students shouldbe able to resolve the common methodological problems that have traditionally compromisedresearch in the behavioural sciences.Core modules:1. Pitfalls for new (and not so new) researchers.2. Measuring, analysing and interpreting behavioural change.3. Correlation and causal modeling.4. Multivariate research methods: An applied approach.5. The analysis of data from intact social groups and dyads.6. Statistical power and sample size. An applied approach.7. Single-subject designs.8. Developing screening instruments.Elective modules:1. Structural equation modeling (SEM).2. Meta-analysis: An applied approach.3. Generalised linear mixed models (GLMM)This is an on-line unit, although two computer labs have been scheduled. The computer labs willshow you how to use SPSS and LISREL to implement some of the statistical procedures discussedin the modules. One-on-one meetings are available by appointment. <strong>Student</strong>s who have recentlycompleted 4 th year research methods will be well prepared for the unit. Unfortunately, there are anincreasingly large number of students enrolling in the unit who have not recently completed 4 th yearresearch methods. These students tend to find the unit challenging.Learning OutcomesOn successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:1. Design and conduct research in applied settings.2. Critically evaluate research publications and reports.Page 32 of 88Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

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