Counselling Psychology Student Handbook.pdf - Health Sciences ...

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In summary, the Ethics proposal should contain the following:1. Project aims, objectives and methods: A summary of the aims and methods is required.MPsych students should either use their research proposal (if a proposal has been developedfor the project) or an overview of the background, rationale and aims of the project, plus adetailed description of the methods and procedures to be used in the project.2. Informed consent of the participants: You need to demonstrate that the participants will beadequately informed about the project before taking part and that they will take part of their ownfree will. In many cases, you may be able to use a separate information sheet and a consentform to demonstrate informed consent. The use of a consent form is required unless you arguethat by asking a subject to sign a consent form you would be seriously affecting the study, or thewillingness of the subject to participate. If a consent form is not used, you need to argue whyyou believe your participants will have voluntarily taken part in the study. If you intend to use aconsent form, a typical form is attached, which you can adapt for your study. Also attached is anoverview of information that might go onto an information sheet. Adapt these as you think isappropriate for your study. You should attach a copy of the information sheet and consent formto the ethics application if used.3. Confidentiality: You need to state how you will maintain the confidentiality of the participants,both in presenting results to other people and in storing data for processing.4. Other ethical considerations: If you believe that your project has other ethical considerations,discuss them in detail (for example if you want to use invasive procedures such as injections).5. Compliance with NH&MRC guidelines: Read the NH&MRC guidelines on research availableon the above web-site and include a statement which says that you have read them and thatthe research complies with them.6. Appendices: Attach copies of information sheets, consent form or non-standardquestionnaires/materials that you will give to participants (if applicable).The original plus two copies of the Ethics Proposal, including Form A should be forwarded to:Secretary, Human Research Ethics CommitteeC/- Office of Research & DevelopmentCurtin University of TechnologyGPO Box U1987PERTH, WA 6845Proposals are normally processed within two weeks; although the process may take longer, dependingon the availability of ethics reviewers. If you have not heard from the committee within two weeks, or ifyou urgently require ethics approval, then contact the University Secretariat directly. Initial ethicsapproval is granted for one year. The HREC will contact you at a later date to check if your project isstill ongoing and if so, whether any significant changes have been made to the project since ethicsapproval was granted.Note: Ethics Forms C should be submitted to the internal ethics reviewer for the School of Psychology.Page 21 of 88Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

CONSENT FORMThe Human Research Ethics Committee requires all applicants to submit a Consent Form or toshow why this is inappropriate. An adequate consent procedure is necessary to ensure that theinterests of the researcher, the institution, and the participants are properly protected. In other settings,the most common cause for delay in consideration of projects has been an inadequate consentprocedure. Examples of suitable information and consent forms are available from the followingwebsite. participants’ consent is required for all procedures and treatments undertaken on them of aresearch nature. If the Ethics Committee has agreed that written consent is impractical then there mustbe adequate provision in the subject’s introduction to the research project for him/her to decline to beinvolved or to withdraw at any point without prejudice to either party.It is intended that the consent form remain a simple document and that only basic items of a proceduralnature be listed. The information that is required to give informed consent is to be discussed and givenin the Participant Information Sheet.On the advice of the solicitors, it has been recommended that in any case where a research participantis to receive payment for his or her assistance, the required consent form should include the followingstatement:“Acknowledge that I have been informed of my right to withdraw from participation (in thisexperiment) at any time and that any payment made to me is by way of a gratuity forassistance.”An outline for the approved Consent Form is as follows. The witness should be someone other than theresearcher where confidentiality, anonymity and practicality allow.Page 22 of 88Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

CONSENT FORMThe Human Research Ethics Committee requires all applicants to submit a Consent Form or toshow why this is inappropriate. An adequate consent procedure is necessary to ensure that theinterests of the researcher, the institution, and the participants are properly protected. In other settings,the most common cause for delay in consideration of projects has been an inadequate consentprocedure. Examples of suitable information and consent forms are available from the followingwebsite. participants’ consent is required for all procedures and treatments undertaken on them of aresearch nature. If the Ethics Committee has agreed that written consent is impractical then there mustbe adequate provision in the subject’s introduction to the research project for him/her to decline to beinvolved or to withdraw at any point without prejudice to either party.It is intended that the consent form remain a simple document and that only basic items of a proceduralnature be listed. The information that is required to give informed consent is to be discussed and givenin the Participant Information Sheet.On the advice of the solicitors, it has been recommended that in any case where a research participantis to receive payment for his or her assistance, the required consent form should include the followingstatement:“Acknowledge that I have been informed of my right to withdraw from participation (in thisexperiment) at any time and that any payment made to me is by way of a gratuity forassistance.”An outline for the approved Consent Form is as follows. The witness should be someone other than theresearcher where confidentiality, anonymity and practicality allow.Page 22 of 88Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

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