Counselling Psychology Student Handbook.pdf - Health Sciences ...

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Dissertation Support MeetingsA requirement of your enrolment in the first Research Dissertation unit includes attendance atSupport Meetings while developing and working on your dissertation. Your attendance at thesemeetings is essential. Supervisors are unable to give individual time to those students who do notmake maximum use of class time. You need attend these meetings only while you are enrolled inDissertation Preparation Ia.Dissertation meetings are held fortnightly throughout Semester 2 on Thursday, 2pm – 4pm. They willprovide you with information that is directly relevant to the development of your proposal, and laterwork on your dissertation. Ethical issues and information regarding development of the Ethicsproposal, as well as structural information on writing a proposal are covered.SupervisionPart of your early deliberations in choosing a supervisor should involve a visit to your adviser whowill help to clarify your supervisory needs. If you are stuck for dissertation ideas you may wish toapproach various other members of staff if you: (a) have a few general areas of interest and wish todiscuss these with one or more members of staff or (b) wish to join an ongoing research projectbeing carried out by a staff member. The primary dissertation supervisor must be a Curtin staffmember, however, students may also have an external supervisor or adviser.The ideal is to begin thinking about your research area a few months prior to developing theproposal and carrying out the research. Organise a supervisor, then work together in developing theplan of research and the research proposal. It is typical for supervisors to offer more intensiveadvice at this phase of development, through to submission of the proposal. It is most effective toplan a regular meeting throughout the process of research. It is important that you select asupervisor with whom you can work effectively. It is useful to discuss supervision styles and see howthey fit in with your working pattern. For example, a good fit would be a supervisor who iscomfortable with weekly meetings, and a student who likes regular contact and discussion. A bad ‘fit’would be a supervisor who lets the student set the pace (meetings etc), with a student who prefers amore structured, consistent working relationship (or who knows they need a bit of pressure!). It isimportant to consider supervisor availability with regard to long service leave and study leave.SupervisorsThe role of supervision is to provide academic guidance, advice and support for the researchdissertation to be prepared by the student. It is expected that the supervisor will assist with directingthe student to appropriate reference reading, discuss the theoretical and practical issues associatedwith the development of the proposal and carrying out the research, and provide feedback on draftcopies of the proposal and dissertation. Supervision should occur regularly, the frequencydepending on the phase of the research. For example, meetings may be an hour a week in the earlystages, reduce to half an hour every two weeks as the data are being analysed and the dissertationwritten up. It is expected that the supervisor will provide feedback on no more than two written draftsof each section of the dissertation. All work is expected to be grammatically correct andpresented in APA format.Page 17 of 88Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

Once the student has completed the dissertation, it is marked. In the case of changes beingnecessary, it is expected that the student will liaise with the supervisor until the changes have beencompleted in a satisfactory manner and the final mark awarded.Test LibraryThe Test Library stores a number of psychological tests and research instruments. When planningthe research, it is advisable to check what is available in the Test Library, before sending away forquestionnaires, surveys or other instruments. If you wish to use a particular instrument that is notavailable from the Test Library, there are a number of options: you may purchase the test from theirown funds or approach your supervisor regarding the possibility of purchasing the test from researchfunds.Summary of the Dissertation Process (Attendance at dissertation classes is assumed)Adviser Assists student with identification of the most appropriate supervisor, and early clarificationof ideasSupervisorSupervisorStudentStudentStudentASSISTS student to clarify ideasAdvises co-ordinator of student and topic-Verbally presents proposal in classSubmits written proposal to supervisor by 9 th teaching week of semester 2. Whenstudent and supervisor are satisfied the proposal is distributed to the counselling stafffor approval. The procedure is as follows:Provides two copies of the proposal to the supervisor if he/she is a member of thecounselling staff, or otherwise to the dissertation coordinator.Supervisor or Dissertation CoordinatorDistributes written proposal to counselling staffStaffSupervisorStudentConsiders proposalCommunicates the outcome of staff deliberations to the studentMakes amendments as necessary and submits ethics proposal to supervisor by endof 2 nd teaching week, in first semester of second year. Once approved and signed bysupervisor, the proposal is submitted to the dissertation coordinator.Dissertation CoordinatorSubmits proposal for signature by Head of School andforwards document to the Ethics Committee.StudentStudentPage 18 of 88When Ethics approval has been given, proceeds with data collectionSubmits Literature review by end of 12 th teaching week, first semesterCurtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

Once the student has completed the dissertation, it is marked. In the case of changes beingnecessary, it is expected that the student will liaise with the supervisor until the changes have beencompleted in a satisfactory manner and the final mark awarded.Test LibraryThe Test Library stores a number of psychological tests and research instruments. When planningthe research, it is advisable to check what is available in the Test Library, before sending away forquestionnaires, surveys or other instruments. If you wish to use a particular instrument that is notavailable from the Test Library, there are a number of options: you may purchase the test from theirown funds or approach your supervisor regarding the possibility of purchasing the test from researchfunds.Summary of the Dissertation Process (Attendance at dissertation classes is assumed)Adviser Assists student with identification of the most appropriate supervisor, and early clarificationof ideasSupervisorSupervisor<strong>Student</strong><strong>Student</strong><strong>Student</strong>ASSISTS student to clarify ideasAdvises co-ordinator of student and topic-Verbally presents proposal in classSubmits written proposal to supervisor by 9 th teaching week of semester 2. Whenstudent and supervisor are satisfied the proposal is distributed to the counselling stafffor approval. The procedure is as follows:Provides two copies of the proposal to the supervisor if he/she is a member of thecounselling staff, or otherwise to the dissertation coordinator.Supervisor or Dissertation CoordinatorDistributes written proposal to counselling staffStaffSupervisor<strong>Student</strong>Considers proposalCommunicates the outcome of staff deliberations to the studentMakes amendments as necessary and submits ethics proposal to supervisor by endof 2 nd teaching week, in first semester of second year. Once approved and signed bysupervisor, the proposal is submitted to the dissertation coordinator.Dissertation CoordinatorSubmits proposal for signature by Head of School andforwards document to the Ethics Committee.<strong>Student</strong><strong>Student</strong>Page 18 of 88When Ethics approval has been given, proceeds with data collectionSubmits Literature review by end of 12 th teaching week, first semesterCurtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

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