Georgia Official and Statistical Register 1983-84 - the Digital Library ...

Georgia Official and Statistical Register 1983-84 - the Digital Library ... Georgia Official and Statistical Register 1983-84 - the Digital Library ...
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James G. Ledbetter, Atlanta. Commissioner, Dept. of Human Resources, June I, 1982-date. BornNov. 4, 1941 in Smith Co., Texas.Baylor U., BA, 1963; Stephen F.Austin U., MEd, 1966; U. of Ga.,Ph.D. 1980. Democrat. Presbyterian. US Gov©t. Rehabilitation Services Rep., 1971-78. Deputy Director, Div. of Vocational Rehabilitation, Dept. of Human Resources,1978-80; Director, ibid., 1980-82. Wife, former Wanda Roark;1 son.Janet Bittner, Deputy CommissionerAndy H. Garden, Director, Division of AdministrativeServicesShirley A. Tate, Director, Division of Family and ChildrenServicesJohn Gates, Ph.D., Director, Division of Me ntal Health andMental RetardationJames W. Alley, M.D., Director, Division of Public HealthThomas R. Gaines, Director, Division of RehabilitationServicesMarjorie Young, Director, Division of Youth ServicesRobert W. KinardWilliam B. Kuhlke, Jr.Members- At-LargeWilliam J. Gaston, Jr.Donald L. KunianGeorge W. Mathews, Jr.Harold L. SmithJ.E. (Gene) Sutherland. Ninth Congressional District. Tenth Congressional DistrictGeorge Berry, Atlanta. Commissioner, Dept. of Industry & Trade,July 1, 1983-date. Born in UnionCo., Ga. Graduated Young HarrisCollege; Ga. State U., BBA. Methodist. Asst. Mgr., Hartsfield AtlantaInternational Airport, 1969-72.Commissioner of Aviation, City ofAtlanta, 1978-83. Married; 2 children.W. Milton Folds. Commissioner, Dept. of Industry &Trade, 1976-July 1, 1983. resigned.Stephen C. Reick. Deputy CommissionerJames O. Bohanan. Deputy Commissioner, AdministrationJames A. Steed, Director, International DivisionGeorge D. Rogers, Director, Industry DivisionDEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY AND TRADEThe Department of Industry and Trade is the State economic development agency responsible for the development ofnew and expanded industry; the promotion of internationaltrade and the sale of Georgia products overseas; and the administration of Georgia©s tourism advertising and developmentprogram. The Department operates twelve Georgia WelcomeCenters which promote Georgia©s tourist attractions to travelers. In addition, the Department promotes Georgia as a location for film making and television productions.The Department is administered by a Board of Industry andTrade which is the policy determining body and has suchduties, powers, and authority and jurisdiction as provided bylaw. The Board appoints the Commissioner who serves as theexecutive officer and administrative head of the Department.Authorities and responsibilities of the Department of Industry and Trade are enumerated in OCGA Title 50-7.HISTORY. The Department of Industry and Trade is thesuccessor to the Department of Commerce. It was changed in1972 to a Bureau within the Department of Community Development, then back to a separate Department in 1976.Georgia Board of Industry and TradeAlex Grindler ................ First Congressional DistrictW. Lamar Davis .......... Second Congressional DistrictGeorge C. Woodruff, Jr. ...... Third Congressional DistrictMrs. Deen Day Smith ....... Fourth Congressional DistrictTom Cordy ................. Fifth Congressional DistrictWilliam Yancey Barton ....... Sixth Congressional DistrictC. Max Toles ............. Seventh Congressional DistrictEdward J. (Jerry) Harrell .... Eighth Congressional DistrictF. Douglas Weaver, Director, Research DivisionHanna M. Ledford, Director, Tourist DivisionDEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL ASSISTANCEThe Department of Medical Assistance is authorized toadopt and administer a State Plan for Medical Assistance inaccordance with Title XIX of the Federal Social Security Act of1935, as amended (Act of July 30, 1965, Pub. Law 89-97. 79Stat. 343), provided such State Plan is administered within theappropriations made available to the Department. The Department is authorized to establish the amount, duration, scope,and terms and conditions of eligibility for and receipt of suchmedical assistance.The Board of Medical Assistance establishes the generalpolicy of the Department of Medical Assistance and is authorized to issue rules and regulations governing the administration of the medical assistance program. The Board is appointedby the Governor with Senate confirmation. Comprised of fivemembers, the Board serves a four-year staggered term.Board of Medical AssistanceWilliam Pitts Carr, Chairman ................... AtlantaRonald Tigner ............................... AtlantaAnne McKee Parker .......................... AtlantaBeauty P. Baldwin ....................... LawrencevilleJoseph H. Patterson, M.D...................... Atlanta47

The Commissioner of Medical Assistance is the chief executive officer of the Department of Medical Assistance. He isappointed by and serves at the pleasure of the Governor.Subject to the general policy established by the Board, theCommissioner directs, accounts for, organizes, plans, administers, and executes the functions vested in the Department. Alllegal responsibility for the Title XIX Program rests with theCommissioner, as well as administrative support for the Board.Authority and responsibilities of the Department of MedicalAssistance are enumerated in OCGA Title 49-4.HISTOR Y. An Act of 1957 established a hospital care program for the indigent, administered by the State Board ofHealth and a Hospital Care Council. By an Act of 1960 aHospital Advisory Council for Construction, Licensure andIndigent Care superceded the Hospital Care Council (Ga. L.1960, p. 884). The Medical Assistance for the Aged Act of 1961was established under the Department of Public Welfare (Ga.L. 1961, p. 170).The Georgia Public Assistance Act of 1965 (Ga. L. 1965, p.385) authorized the Department of Family and Children Services to establish, among other categories of public assistance,provision for medical assistance to the aged.The Executive Reorganization Act of 1972 (Ga. L. 1972, p.1015) transferred the functions of the Department of Familyand Children Services to the Department of Human Resources. In the reorganization of the Department of HumanResources (Ga. L. 1975, p. 1211; Ga. L. 1976, p. 685) theBureau of Medical Assistance was created within the Department of Human Resources with responsibility for the management and administration of the Medicaid program. TheGeorgia Medical Assistance Act of 1977 (Ga. L. 1977, p. 384),created a separate Department of Medical Assistance.Aaron J. Johnson, Atlanta. Commissioner, Dept. of Medical Assistance, apptd. Jan. 1983-date.Division of A dministrotion — The Division of Administration includes those functions necessary to support the day-today operation of the Department such as, accounting, budget,personnel, and benefits recovery.Division of Program Management — The Division of Program Management develops reimbursement, coverage andother policies and conducts training for providers in more thantwenty service program areas. Policies are developed, implemented and interpreted based on federal regulations, state laws,and directives of the Board of Medical Assistance.Division of Program Integrity — The Division of ProgramIntegrity is primarily responsible for ensuring compliance withstate and federal regulations. Division staff conduct on-sitefield reviews and investigations of providers and recipients,identify program overpayments and conduct evaluative studiesof service program areas.Systems Management Division — The Systems Management Division coordinates all data processing services for theDepartment and manages the fiscal agent contract for claimspayment. This unit also receives provider inquiries regardingthe status of submitted claims.MERIT SYSTEM OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATIONPersonnel BoardState Merit System of Personnel AdministrationThe State Personnel Board prescribes the general policies foradministering the state merit system. Through the Commissioner of Personnel Administration and by adoption of meritsystem rules and regulations, it governs all phases of personneladministration including recruitment, appointments, promotions, demotions, transfers, separations, job classifications,salary and wage administration, leave of absence, trainingprohibition of political activity, employee appeals, affirmationaction and job counseling. Further, the Board, through theCommissioner, administers a state employees© health insuranceplan covering essentially all state employees, members of theGeneral Assembly, employees of county boards of health andcounty departments of family and children services, and publicschool employees.The five member State Personnel Board is appointed by theGovernor for a five-year term subject to Senate confirmation(Constitution of 1983, Art. IV, Sec. 3, Par I). The Board selectsa chairman from among its members and holds regular meetings at least once a month.MembersLeonard Morris ............................... TiftonIsabel Webster ............................... AtlantaBill Bonn ................................... AtlantaPamela Pryor Fuller .......................... AtlantaRichard K. Babush ........................... AtlantaReese Theus, Chief Hearing Officer, State Personnel BoardThe Commissioner of Personnel Administration, consistentwith Board policy, serves as the chief executive of the statepersonnel administration program and administers the operations of the state merit system. The Commissioner provides theBoard with professional, technical and other assistance as maybe required in the performance of its duties. The Commissionerestablishes the State Merit System of Personnel Administration©s annual budget, including that of the State PersonnelBoard, and appoints and prescribes the duties of the state meritsystem staff.The Commissioner of Personnel Administration, appointedby the Governor after consultation with the State PersonnelBoard and confirmed by the Senate, serves at the Governor©spleasure.Authority and responsibilities of the Commissioner of Personnel Administration are enumerated in OCGA 45-20.HISTOR Y. An Act of 1943 created the State Merit Systemof Personnel Administration under a three member Merit System Council appointed by the Governor for five year terms(Ga. L. 1943, p. 171). The Council established a system ofpersonnel administration which embraced employees of stateand county departments of labor, public welfare and health andappointed a Merit System director. Under the provisions of the1945 Constitution, a State Personnel Board, comprised of threemembers appointed by the Governor and confirmed by theSenate for seven-year terms, superceded the Council. Legislative acts of 1949, 1950, and 1951, extended coverage toemployees of many other state departments. An Act of 1952provided the means by which employees of departments outside the merit system might be brought under its provisions(Ga. L. 1952, p. 221). An Act of 1960 broadened the authorityof the State Personnel Board and provided for the hiring of ahearing officer (Ga. L. 1960, p. 1162). An Act of 1971 com-48

The Commissioner of Medical Assistance is <strong>the</strong> chief executive officer of <strong>the</strong> Department of Medical Assistance. He isappointed by <strong>and</strong> serves at <strong>the</strong> pleasure of <strong>the</strong> Governor.Subject to <strong>the</strong> general policy established by <strong>the</strong> Board, <strong>the</strong>Commissioner directs, accounts for, organizes, plans, administers, <strong>and</strong> executes <strong>the</strong> functions vested in <strong>the</strong> Department. Alllegal responsibility for <strong>the</strong> Title XIX Program rests with <strong>the</strong>Commissioner, as well as administrative support for <strong>the</strong> Board.Authority <strong>and</strong> responsibilities of <strong>the</strong> Department of MedicalAssistance are enumerated in OCGA Title 49-4.HISTOR Y. An Act of 1957 established a hospital care program for <strong>the</strong> indigent, administered by <strong>the</strong> State Board ofHealth <strong>and</strong> a Hospital Care Council. By an Act of 1960 aHospital Advisory Council for Construction, Licensure <strong>and</strong>Indigent Care superceded <strong>the</strong> Hospital Care Council (Ga. L.1960, p. 8<strong>84</strong>). The Medical Assistance for <strong>the</strong> Aged Act of 1961was established under <strong>the</strong> Department of Public Welfare (Ga.L. 1961, p. 170).The <strong>Georgia</strong> Public Assistance Act of 1965 (Ga. L. 1965, p.385) authorized <strong>the</strong> Department of Family <strong>and</strong> Children Services to establish, among o<strong>the</strong>r categories of public assistance,provision for medical assistance to <strong>the</strong> aged.The Executive Reorganization Act of 1972 (Ga. L. 1972, p.1015) transferred <strong>the</strong> functions of <strong>the</strong> Department of Family<strong>and</strong> Children Services to <strong>the</strong> Department of Human Resources. In <strong>the</strong> reorganization of <strong>the</strong> Department of HumanResources (Ga. L. 1975, p. 1211; Ga. L. 1976, p. 685) <strong>the</strong>Bureau of Medical Assistance was created within <strong>the</strong> Department of Human Resources with responsibility for <strong>the</strong> management <strong>and</strong> administration of <strong>the</strong> Medicaid program. The<strong>Georgia</strong> Medical Assistance Act of 1977 (Ga. L. 1977, p. 3<strong>84</strong>),created a separate Department of Medical Assistance.Aaron J. Johnson, Atlanta. Commissioner, Dept. of Medical Assistance, apptd. Jan. <strong>1983</strong>-date.Division of A dministrotion — The Division of Administration includes those functions necessary to support <strong>the</strong> day-today operation of <strong>the</strong> Department such as, accounting, budget,personnel, <strong>and</strong> benefits recovery.Division of Program Management — The Division of Program Management develops reimbursement, coverage <strong>and</strong>o<strong>the</strong>r policies <strong>and</strong> conducts training for providers in more thantwenty service program areas. Policies are developed, implemented <strong>and</strong> interpreted based on federal regulations, state laws,<strong>and</strong> directives of <strong>the</strong> Board of Medical Assistance.Division of Program Integrity — The Division of ProgramIntegrity is primarily responsible for ensuring compliance withstate <strong>and</strong> federal regulations. Division staff conduct on-sitefield reviews <strong>and</strong> investigations of providers <strong>and</strong> recipients,identify program overpayments <strong>and</strong> conduct evaluative studiesof service program areas.Systems Management Division — The Systems Management Division coordinates all data processing services for <strong>the</strong>Department <strong>and</strong> manages <strong>the</strong> fiscal agent contract for claimspayment. This unit also receives provider inquiries regarding<strong>the</strong> status of submitted claims.MERIT SYSTEM OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATIONPersonnel BoardState Merit System of Personnel AdministrationThe State Personnel Board prescribes <strong>the</strong> general policies foradministering <strong>the</strong> state merit system. Through <strong>the</strong> Commissioner of Personnel Administration <strong>and</strong> by adoption of meritsystem rules <strong>and</strong> regulations, it governs all phases of personneladministration including recruitment, appointments, promotions, demotions, transfers, separations, job classifications,salary <strong>and</strong> wage administration, leave of absence, trainingprohibition of political activity, employee appeals, affirmationaction <strong>and</strong> job counseling. Fur<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong> Board, through <strong>the</strong>Commissioner, administers a state employees© health insuranceplan covering essentially all state employees, members of <strong>the</strong>General Assembly, employees of county boards of health <strong>and</strong>county departments of family <strong>and</strong> children services, <strong>and</strong> publicschool employees.The five member State Personnel Board is appointed by <strong>the</strong>Governor for a five-year term subject to Senate confirmation(Constitution of <strong>1983</strong>, Art. IV, Sec. 3, Par I). The Board selectsa chairman from among its members <strong>and</strong> holds regular meetings at least once a month.MembersLeonard Morris ............................... TiftonIsabel Webster ............................... AtlantaBill Bonn ................................... AtlantaPamela Pryor Fuller .......................... AtlantaRichard K. Babush ........................... AtlantaReese Theus, Chief Hearing Officer, State Personnel BoardThe Commissioner of Personnel Administration, consistentwith Board policy, serves as <strong>the</strong> chief executive of <strong>the</strong> statepersonnel administration program <strong>and</strong> administers <strong>the</strong> operations of <strong>the</strong> state merit system. The Commissioner provides <strong>the</strong>Board with professional, technical <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r assistance as maybe required in <strong>the</strong> performance of its duties. The Commissionerestablishes <strong>the</strong> State Merit System of Personnel Administration©s annual budget, including that of <strong>the</strong> State PersonnelBoard, <strong>and</strong> appoints <strong>and</strong> prescribes <strong>the</strong> duties of <strong>the</strong> state meritsystem staff.The Commissioner of Personnel Administration, appointedby <strong>the</strong> Governor after consultation with <strong>the</strong> State PersonnelBoard <strong>and</strong> confirmed by <strong>the</strong> Senate, serves at <strong>the</strong> Governor©spleasure.Authority <strong>and</strong> responsibilities of <strong>the</strong> Commissioner of Personnel Administration are enumerated in OCGA 45-20.HISTOR Y. An Act of 1943 created <strong>the</strong> State Merit Systemof Personnel Administration under a three member Merit System Council appointed by <strong>the</strong> Governor for five year terms(Ga. L. 1943, p. 171). The Council established a system ofpersonnel administration which embraced employees of state<strong>and</strong> county departments of labor, public welfare <strong>and</strong> health <strong>and</strong>appointed a Merit System director. Under <strong>the</strong> provisions of <strong>the</strong>1945 Constitution, a State Personnel Board, comprised of threemembers appointed by <strong>the</strong> Governor <strong>and</strong> confirmed by <strong>the</strong>Senate for seven-year terms, superceded <strong>the</strong> Council. Legislative acts of 1949, 1950, <strong>and</strong> 1951, extended coverage toemployees of many o<strong>the</strong>r state departments. An Act of 1952provided <strong>the</strong> means by which employees of departments outside <strong>the</strong> merit system might be brought under its provisions(Ga. L. 1952, p. 221). An Act of 1960 broadened <strong>the</strong> authorityof <strong>the</strong> State Personnel Board <strong>and</strong> provided for <strong>the</strong> hiring of ahearing officer (Ga. L. 1960, p. 1162). An Act of 1971 com-48

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