Georgia Official and Statistical Register 1983-84 - the Digital Library ...

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Chapter IIISTATE AGENCIESDEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESThe Department of Administrative Services provides administrative services to all State Departments. These servicesinclude fiscal affairs, purchasing, printing, electronic data processing, communications, motor pools, and other general services as listed below under each Division.The Commissioner of the Department is appointed by andserves at the pleasure of the Governor, with confirmation by theSenate.The Department is authorized by OCGA Title 50, Chapter 5.HISTORY. The Department of Administrative Serviceswas created by the Executive Reorganization Act of 1972 (Ga.L. 1972, p. 1125), which transferred to the department mostfunctions previously performed by the State Purchasing Department, the State Treasurer, the State CommunicationsCommittee and the Advisory Council on Georgia GovernmentDocuments. The Department also assumed the functions of theSecretary of State relating to the inventory of real property.Thereafter, the Department©s authority was expanded by theTelecommunications Consolidation Act of 1973 (Ga. L. 1973,p. 1261), the Small Business Assistance Act of 1975 (Ga. L.1975, p. 1619), the State Space Management Act of 1976 (Ga.L. 1976, p. 252), and the Disposition of State Owned SurplusProperty Act of 1979 (Ga. L. 1979, p. 1071).Larry L. Clark, Marietta. Commissioner. Dept. of Administrative Services, Dec. 6, 1983-date.Born Mar. 30, 1947 in Fulton Co.,Ga. Ga. State U., 1969; U. of Ga.Baptist. Democrat. Wife, formerPamela Melissa Lowery; 3 children.Richard E. Millsaps, Sr., Commissioner. Dept. of Administrative Services, Sept. 1, 1981-Aug. 1983, deceased.The Commissioner's OfficeOffice of Internal Administration — Robert L. Mathis,Director. The Internal Administration Division provides centralized administrative support services for the Department.These services include accounting, payroll, budgeting, procurement, operations analysis and contracts administration.Also, this office provides accounting, budgeting and payrollservices for the Superior Courts of Georgia.Office of Personnel Services — Martha Drum Hazelton.Director. This office administers the comprehensive personnelprogram for the employees of the Department of Administrative Services. The program includes selection procedures, compensation, career development, promotions, transfers, performance appraisal, employee relations activities. Merit Systemliaison and Equal Employment Opportunity and AffirmativeAction.Other responsibilities of the Commissioner©s Office includethe coordination of the Small and Minority Business Program,41the Department©s Legal Unit, Public Relations and Management Analysis Functions.Fiscal Division — Claude L. Vickers, Director. Fiscal Division responsibilities include accounting for the receipt anddisbursement of public funds, investment of State funds,administration of the workmen©s compensation program andthe State©s self-insurance program, administration of theretirement program and investment of State employee insurance funds. The Fiscal Division is also responsible for themaintenance and development of all Statewide accounting andaccounting related systems.General Services Division — Richard J. Weiskittel, C.P.M.,Director. The Division is a cluster of four support servicesnecessary for the routine operation of the agencies of Stategovernment.Printing Services provides general printing, binding, graphicdesign and typesetting, and quick turnaround rapid copyservices.Motor Vehicle Services operates a vehicle rental service forstate agencies, a motor vehicle repair facility for state vehicles,and provides gasoline and oil services to state vehicles. Theyalso develop policies for motor vehicle management and provide technical assistance concerning motor vehicle specifications and maintenance.Mail and Courier Services provides for the delivery of interoffice mail to agencies in the Capitol Hill area. Delivery servicesby courier are provided to agencies in the metro Atlanta area bycontractual arrangement.Central Supply purchases centrally, office. EDP, and papersupplies and sells them to State agencies, local governments,and local school systems at a cost savings.Information and Computer Services Division — Robert L.Alien. Deputy Commissioner and Director. The responsibilityfor utilization of electronic data processing was assigned to theDepartment of Administrative Services. The Division wasorganized with the transfer of 570 personnel positions and allState-owned computer hardware except that owned by theDepartment of Labor and the University System. This Divisionperforms services related to application systems design anddevelopment, computer operations and the EDP Equipmentacquisition.Purchasing and Surplus Property Division — Thomas M.Bostick, Director. The Division assumed all the duties andresponsibilities of the Department of Purchasing and Supply.The Division directs and manages the State procurement program, an activity with an annual purchasing volume of goodsand services exceeding three hundred million dollars. ThisDivision is also responsible for the collection and disposal of allstate-owned surplus property and distribution of federal surplus items to eligible State and Local Government units, privatenon-profit health and educational agencies.Space Management Division — William D. Proctor, Director. This Division was established to manage the assignment,design and utilization of administrative space used by Stateagencies and to acquire such space through a lease arrangementon an as-needed basis.

Telecommunications Division — George A. Christenberry,Jr., Director. The 1972 Reorganization Act transferred all ofthe functions of the State Communications Committee createdin 1969 to the Department of Administrative Services. Underlegislation established in 1973, the Department©s Telecommunications Division has the full responsibility of designing, implementing and administering all telecommunication servicesused by State government.In 1975 and 1977 additional legislation was enacted broadening the area of the Division©s responsibility. Now included arethose of radio frequency planning and coordination for Stateand Local governments and planning, reviewing, and coordinating the use of a Statewide emergency telephone number"911" system for all governmental levels.DEPARTMENT OF AUDITS AND ACCOUNTSThe Department of Audits and Accounts examines andaudits, at least once a year, the books and accounts of everyState officer, department, agency, authority, board, commission and institution, and every local school system and official,and to that end he is given the power to conduct investigationsand subpoena witnesses. He not only examines the cashaccounts of those receiving money from the State, but alsoprotects all physical properties purchased with State money.His audits and examination, together with opinions andrecommendations, are reported annually to the General Assembly and the Governor, as is also a detailed and comprehensivereport of the salaries paid to and expenses incurred by everyperson on the payroll of the State.Georgia law requires the State Auditor have a minimum offive years experience as an accountant in the Department, orsimilar government agency, or as a certified public accountant.The General Assembly is responsible for electing the StateAuditor, who serves until a successor is chosen. If the positionbecomes vacant while the General Assembly is not in session,the Governor appoints a successor who serves until the nextsession. Various Acts of the General Assembly provide for theAuditor©s membership on a number of boards, commissions,and authorities.The Department of Audits and Accounts operates under thelegal mandate prescribed in OCGA 50-6.HISTORY. The Department of Audits and Accounts wasestablished by the Act of December 6, 1923 (Ga. L. 1923, Ex.Sess., p. 7). Although the basic responsibilities of the Department concerning units of state government have remainedbasically the same, it was not until 1931 that the powers, dutiesand functions previously vested in the state school auditor weretransferred to the Department of Audits and Accounts (Ga. L.1931, p. 7, 9, 40). A 1943 Act provided for the election of theState Auditor by the General Assembly (Ga. L. 1943, p. 361).William M. Nixon, Atlanta. StaleAuditor, Depi. of Audits, 1976-date. Born Aug. 7, 1925 in Richmond Co., Ga. Ga. Tech Class of1947. Chi Phi. CPA. Independent.Baptist. US Navy-WW II, 1943-46. Auditor, Dept. of Audits,1949-76. Wife, former MarionPettyjohn; I daughter.DEPARTMENT OF BANKING AND FINANCEThe Department of Banking and Finance was created by theExecutive Reorganization Act of !972(Ga. Law 1972, p. 1198).The Department is assigned all of the duties and responsibilitiesformerly held by the Superintendent of Banks, the Departmentof Banking and the Georgia Building and Loan Commissioner.In this capacity the Department and the Commissioner havefull and exclusive jurisdiction and supervision over all statechartered banks, bank holding companies, credit unions, holding companies, state savings and loan associations, and building and loan associations, as well as all money order companies, fiduciary investment companies, and international bankingagencies licensed to do business in Georgia. The Department isfurther responsible for supervising the activities of any businessdevelopment corporations chartered pursuant to the BusinessDevelopment Corporation Act of 1972.The Department performs examinations of the books andrecords of all financial institutions within its jurisdiction andsuch institutions are required to file other reports throughouttheir business year. The Department has the authority to takepossession of, close and liquidate any such financial institutionwhich has found to be insolvent, operating in an unsafe andunsound manner, or violating the provisions of its charter orthe laws of Georgia. Every application for charter or otherlicense to do business by such financial institutions is investigated carefully by the Department before the institution ispermitted to engage in business. No change of the legal status orclass of such institution may be made without the Department©sprior consent.The chief officer of the Department is the Commissioner. Heis appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice of theSenate for a four-year term of office. The minimum qualifications for the office include at least five years© experience in anexecutive position in bank management or bank supervision,and that the Commissioner be at least thirty-five years of age.The Commissioner has the authority to appoint a DeputyCommissioner and to employ examiners and other necessarypersonnel as he may need to discharge the duties imposed onhim by law.Authorities and responsibilities of the Department of Banking and Finance are enumerated in OCGA Title 7.HISTOR Y. The Department of Banking was established in1919 (Ga. L. 1919, p. 135) to regulate the banking business.Prior to 1919 banks were supervised by the State Treasurer.Robert M. Moler. Deputy CommissionerEdward Derrill (Jack) Dunn,Atlanta. Commissioner. Dept. ofBanking and Finance, 1972-date.Born May 18, 1925 in ThomasCounty, Ga. Ga. State U., BSC,1950; Woodrow Wilson LawSchool, LLB, 1954. Banker.Democrat. Episcopalian. Mason.US Navy-WW II. 1943-46. Wife,former Betty Hall; 4 children.Reece V. Morris, Deputy Commissioner. AdministrationJohn B. Kline, Deputy Commissioner. Bank SupervisionCharles W. Burge, Deputy Commissioner. Thrift Institutions42

Chapter IIISTATE AGENCIESDEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESThe Department of Administrative Services provides administrative services to all State Departments. These servicesinclude fiscal affairs, purchasing, printing, electronic data processing, communications, motor pools, <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r general services as listed below under each Division.The Commissioner of <strong>the</strong> Department is appointed by <strong>and</strong>serves at <strong>the</strong> pleasure of <strong>the</strong> Governor, with confirmation by <strong>the</strong>Senate.The Department is authorized by OCGA Title 50, Chapter 5.HISTORY. The Department of Administrative Serviceswas created by <strong>the</strong> Executive Reorganization Act of 1972 (Ga.L. 1972, p. 1125), which transferred to <strong>the</strong> department mostfunctions previously performed by <strong>the</strong> State Purchasing Department, <strong>the</strong> State Treasurer, <strong>the</strong> State CommunicationsCommittee <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Advisory Council on <strong>Georgia</strong> GovernmentDocuments. The Department also assumed <strong>the</strong> functions of <strong>the</strong>Secretary of State relating to <strong>the</strong> inventory of real property.Thereafter, <strong>the</strong> Department©s authority was exp<strong>and</strong>ed by <strong>the</strong>Telecommunications Consolidation Act of 1973 (Ga. L. 1973,p. 1261), <strong>the</strong> Small Business Assistance Act of 1975 (Ga. L.1975, p. 1619), <strong>the</strong> State Space Management Act of 1976 (Ga.L. 1976, p. 252), <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Disposition of State Owned SurplusProperty Act of 1979 (Ga. L. 1979, p. 1071).Larry L. Clark, Marietta. Commissioner. Dept. of Administrative Services, Dec. 6, <strong>1983</strong>-date.Born Mar. 30, 1947 in Fulton Co.,Ga. Ga. State U., 1969; U. of Ga.Baptist. Democrat. Wife, formerPamela Melissa Lowery; 3 children.Richard E. Millsaps, Sr., Commissioner. Dept. of Administrative Services, Sept. 1, 1981-Aug. <strong>1983</strong>, deceased.The Commissioner's OfficeOffice of Internal Administration — Robert L. Mathis,Director. The Internal Administration Division provides centralized administrative support services for <strong>the</strong> Department.These services include accounting, payroll, budgeting, procurement, operations analysis <strong>and</strong> contracts administration.Also, this office provides accounting, budgeting <strong>and</strong> payrollservices for <strong>the</strong> Superior Courts of <strong>Georgia</strong>.Office of Personnel Services — Martha Drum Hazelton.Director. This office administers <strong>the</strong> comprehensive personnelprogram for <strong>the</strong> employees of <strong>the</strong> Department of Administrative Services. The program includes selection procedures, compensation, career development, promotions, transfers, performance appraisal, employee relations activities. Merit Systemliaison <strong>and</strong> Equal Employment Opportunity <strong>and</strong> AffirmativeAction.O<strong>the</strong>r responsibilities of <strong>the</strong> Commissioner©s Office include<strong>the</strong> coordination of <strong>the</strong> Small <strong>and</strong> Minority Business Program,41<strong>the</strong> Department©s Legal Unit, Public Relations <strong>and</strong> Management Analysis Functions.Fiscal Division — Claude L. Vickers, Director. Fiscal Division responsibilities include accounting for <strong>the</strong> receipt <strong>and</strong>disbursement of public funds, investment of State funds,administration of <strong>the</strong> workmen©s compensation program <strong>and</strong><strong>the</strong> State©s self-insurance program, administration of <strong>the</strong>retirement program <strong>and</strong> investment of State employee insurance funds. The Fiscal Division is also responsible for <strong>the</strong>maintenance <strong>and</strong> development of all Statewide accounting <strong>and</strong>accounting related systems.General Services Division — Richard J. Weiskittel, C.P.M.,Director. The Division is a cluster of four support servicesnecessary for <strong>the</strong> routine operation of <strong>the</strong> agencies of Stategovernment.Printing Services provides general printing, binding, graphicdesign <strong>and</strong> typesetting, <strong>and</strong> quick turnaround rapid copyservices.Motor Vehicle Services operates a vehicle rental service forstate agencies, a motor vehicle repair facility for state vehicles,<strong>and</strong> provides gasoline <strong>and</strong> oil services to state vehicles. Theyalso develop policies for motor vehicle management <strong>and</strong> provide technical assistance concerning motor vehicle specifications <strong>and</strong> maintenance.Mail <strong>and</strong> Courier Services provides for <strong>the</strong> delivery of interoffice mail to agencies in <strong>the</strong> Capitol Hill area. Delivery servicesby courier are provided to agencies in <strong>the</strong> metro Atlanta area bycontractual arrangement.Central Supply purchases centrally, office. EDP, <strong>and</strong> papersupplies <strong>and</strong> sells <strong>the</strong>m to State agencies, local governments,<strong>and</strong> local school systems at a cost savings.Information <strong>and</strong> Computer Services Division — Robert L.Alien. Deputy Commissioner <strong>and</strong> Director. The responsibilityfor utilization of electronic data processing was assigned to <strong>the</strong>Department of Administrative Services. The Division wasorganized with <strong>the</strong> transfer of 570 personnel positions <strong>and</strong> allState-owned computer hardware except that owned by <strong>the</strong>Department of Labor <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> University System. This Divisionperforms services related to application systems design <strong>and</strong>development, computer operations <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> EDP Equipmentacquisition.Purchasing <strong>and</strong> Surplus Property Division — Thomas M.Bostick, Director. The Division assumed all <strong>the</strong> duties <strong>and</strong>responsibilities of <strong>the</strong> Department of Purchasing <strong>and</strong> Supply.The Division directs <strong>and</strong> manages <strong>the</strong> State procurement program, an activity with an annual purchasing volume of goods<strong>and</strong> services exceeding three hundred million dollars. ThisDivision is also responsible for <strong>the</strong> collection <strong>and</strong> disposal of allstate-owned surplus property <strong>and</strong> distribution of federal surplus items to eligible State <strong>and</strong> Local Government units, privatenon-profit health <strong>and</strong> educational agencies.Space Management Division — William D. Proctor, Director. This Division was established to manage <strong>the</strong> assignment,design <strong>and</strong> utilization of administrative space used by Stateagencies <strong>and</strong> to acquire such space through a lease arrangementon an as-needed basis.

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