Georgia Official and Statistical Register 1983-84 - the Digital Library ...

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Management Review Division — This Division is responsible for providing a program of management review services.The Division provides technical and managerial assistance tothe Governor and to state agencies for the identification andsolution of specific problems and the improvement of overalloperations; provides coordination and direction of specialeconomy and efficiency studies; assists in the study, installation, and utilization of data processing systems; and assists inthe implementations of recommended improvements as requested or directed. This Division also supervises the StateClearinghouse and State Data Center. The Clearinghouseserves as the liaison between the Federal Government and theState and local governments regarding a wide range of federalfunding projects and other programs. The Data Center prepares, maintains, and furnishes demographic data for the stateand coordinates and standardizes statistical information.Facilities Management Division — This Division, consistingof an architect and an engineer, provides technical and engineering advice to the Governor and state agencies on mattersrelating to facilities management, design and maintenance,space allocation, and acquisition of major capital outlay.Georgia Council for the Arts and Humanities — The Council, a budget unit within the Office of Planning and Budget, isresponsible for promoting the arts in Georgia through a program of grants and through technical assistance with a goal ofbuilding and strengthening the creative resources of the state.The Council is a 24-member group appointed by the Governor.The day-to-day activities of the Council are handled by afull-time Director appointed by the OPB Director based on theCouncil©s recommendations.Internal Operations Division — This Divison is responsiblefor providing support services to all Divisions and personnelwithin the Office of Planning and Budget and the Governor©sOffice. These services include preparation of the budget, maintenance of agency fiscal records, supervision of purchases,supplies and inventory control, preparations of all graphicmaterials, and performance of all personnel services. This Division also provides these same services to the Office of Consumer Affairs, the Consumers© Utility Counsel, and the Governor©s Committee on Postsecondary Education under the"administrative purposes only" provision of Reorganization.LIEUTENANT GOVERNORThe Lieutenant Governor is President of the Senate and hassuch executive duties as prescribed by the Governor and as maybe prescribed by law not inconsistent with the powers of theGovernor or other provisions of the Constitution (1983 Consti.,Art. V, Sec. 1, Par. VIII). The Lieutenant Governor serves onnumerous boards, authorities, and commissions. The office isbudgeted through the Legislative branch of government.In the case of death, resignation or disability of the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor assumes the office of Governoruntil the next general election, at which time a successor to theGovernor shall be elected for the unexpired term. If the Lieutenant Governor shall become a candidate for the unexpiredterm of the Governor, he shall thereby resign his office asLieutenant Governor, effective upon the qualification of theGovernor-elected for the unexpired term, and his successor forthe unexpired term shall be elected at such election.The Office of Lieutenant Governor of the State was createdby the Constitution of 1945 (Art. V, Sec. I, Par. VII). Althoughlisted as a part of the executive branch, its duties are bothlegislative and executive. The Lieutenant Governor is electedfor a term of four years at the general election in which theGovernor and other constitutional officers are elected. To beeligible for election, the candidate must have been a citizen ofthe United States for fifteen years and a legal resident of thestate for six years immediately preceding the election and shallhave attained the age of thirty years by the date of assumingoffice.Zell Bryan Miller, Young Harris,Lt. Governor of Georgia, 1975-date. Born Feb. 24, 1932 in TownsCo., Ga. Graduated Young HarrisJr. College, 1951; U. of Ga., AB,1957; MA. 1958. Educator. Methodist. Democrat. USMC. 1953-56.Senator, 1961-64. Mbr., State Bd.for Children & Youth, 1964-Aug.15, 1965, res. Dir., State Bd. ofProbation, Aug. 15,1965-June 13,1966, res. Personnel Officer, Bd. of Corrections, July 10, 1967-Aug. 16,1968; Asst. D\r.,ibid., Aug. 16, !968-Jan.22,1970,res.Exec. Secretary to Gov. Lester Maddox, Jan. 22, 1969-Jan.1971. Exec. Dir., Democratic Party of Ga., June 1971-April1973. Mbr. Bd. of Pardonsand Paroles, April 2, 1973-Dec. 31,1973, res.Family details: Married Jan. 15, 1954 in Oconee Co., S.C.,Shirley Ann Carver (born July 15, 1935 in Cherokee Co.,N.C.). Children: Murphy Carver and Matthew Stephen. ZellB. Miller is the son of Stephen Grady Miller and Birdie (Bryan)Miller.Marti Pingree, Administrative Assistant to Lt. GovernorMartha Gillian, Personal Secretary to Lt. GovernorSarah Eby-Ebersole, Press Secretary to Lt. GovernorMary Beasley, Scheduling Assistant to Lt. GovernorOFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATEThe Secretary of State is the major keeper of records for, andissues a wide range of licenses and certificates on behalf of, stategovernment. The Secretary administers the State©s electionlaws and serves as ex-officio commissioner of corporations andsecurities. He also maintains a central record of notaries public,registers governmental lobbyists, keeps the state registry oftrademarks and servicemarks, and administers the licensing ofspecified professions. He manages the official records of stategovernment, including those designated for permanent preservation. He is keeper of the official state flag and the Great Sealof Georgia, provides state liaison with foreign consuls in Georgia, and supplies information on Georgia and state governmentto the public and the media.The Secretary of State is elected at the same general electionin which the Governor is elected. Each term of office is fouryears. Minimum qualifications for the office are citizenship forten years, residence in Georgia for six years, and age of twentyfiveyears.The office is authorized by the Constitution of Georgia.Statutory authorization is listed under the Divisions of thisOffice.HISTORY. The Office of Secretary of State is one of theoldest in Georgia©s executive branch. The Constitution of 1777mentioned "the secretary" of "the governor and the executivecouncil" (Art. XXX, Marbury and Crawford, p. 10) and the29

Act of September 16, 1977 required certain documents relatingto land grants to be filed with "the surveyor general©s office"and"the secretary©s office" (Marbury and Crawford. p. 318). TheConstitution of 1789 declared. "The great seal of the state, shallbe deposited in the office of the secretary . . ."(Art. II, Par. 11,Marbury and Crawford, p. 17), but made no other reference tothe office. It was the Constitution of 1798 that formally established "a secretary of state" and "a surveyor general" (Art. II,Par. 12, Marbury and Crawford, p. 27), who were both, like thegovernor, elected by the General Assembly fora two-year term.The Constitution of 1877 continued only the office of theSecretary of state, who assumed the duties of the SurveyorGeneral.The Constitution of 1877 (Art. 111. Sec. VI I) also empoweredthe Secretary of State to incorporate banking, insurance, railroad, canal, navigation, express and telegraph companies.Other businesses and organizations were incorporated by thestate©s superior courts. Beginning in 1938, copies of applications for incorporation and orders of the superior court judgethereon were required to be filed with the Secretary of State©soffice, which then issued certificates of incorporation (Ga. L.1938, p. 218). In 1976, the legislature directed that all articles ofincorporation should be filed directly with the Secretary©s office(Ga. L. 1976. p. 1102).The Secretary of State first became involved in the management of elections by the Act of February 18, 1873(Ga. L. 1873.p. 26). The legislature transferred the duties of consolidatingand proclaiming election results from the Governor to theSecretary of State in 1921 (Ga. L. 1921. p. 91).The Secretary©s duties relating to professional certificationbegan with two laws of 1908 which created the State Board ofExaminers of Public Accountants (Ga. L. 1908, p. 86) and theState Board of Veterinary Examiners (Ga. L. 1908, p. 88).The legislature first required dealers in securities to registerwith the Secretary in 1913 with passage of the "Georgia BlueSky Law"(Ga. L. 1913. p. 117). then seven years later created aSecurities Commission consisting of the Attorney General, theCommissioner of Commerce and Labor, and the Secretary ofState as chairman.The Department of Archives and History was established asa separate state agency in 1918 (Ga. L. 1918, p. 137), operatingunder direction of a State Historical Commission.The State Government Reorganization Act of 1931 (Ga. L.1931, p. 7) enhanced the Secretary©s powers by abolishing theSecurities Commission and the State Historical Commission,thereby transferring regulation of securities and control of theDepartment of Archives and History to the Secretary of State,and consolidating the examining boards under his administration.Joseph Maxwell (Max) Cleland,Lithonia. Secretary of State, Jan.1983-date. Born Aug. 24, 1942 inFulton Co., Ga. Stetson U., BA,1964; Emory U., MA, 1968.Lambda Chi Alpha. Methodist.Democrat. U.S. Army, Vietnam,1965-68. State Senator, Dist. 55,1971-72; 1973-74. Director. U.S.Veterans Administration, Mar.1977-Feb. 1981.Family details: Joseph Maxwell (Max) Cleland is the son ofJoseph Hugh Cleland and Juanita (Kesler) Cleland and thegrandson of Young L. Cleland and Maud (Cooper) Clelandand of Bob Doc Kesler and Lula (Autry) Kesler.Curtis L. Atkinson, Assistant Secretary of StateAdministration Division Gary O. Childers. Director.Provides administrative support to all divisions in accounting,budgeting, personnel and purchasing. Coordinates grants andcontracts. Processes mail, maintains a warehouse and inventory of supplies and equipment. Under the AdministrativeProcedures Act, compiles all rules and regulations adopted bystate agencies and produces a publication of those agencydirectives (OCG A 45-13-81). Maintains central record of notaries commissioned by Clerks of Superior Courts (OCG A 45-17-4). Receives fees, issues identification and certificates. Performsadmininstrative duties for the Claims Advisory Board (OCG A28-5).Department of Archives and History — Edward Weldon,Director. Administers and provides an archival depository topreserve and make available the official archives and vitalrecords of the State. Develops and administers a state recordsprogram, directed by the State Records Committee, to insurethe retention and availability of government records withadministrative, legal, fiscal, and historical value to the Stateand its citizens. Administers a research library program toprovide information about the State and its citizens to government agencies and the public. Administers and provides a staterecords center in which to assemble and manage records andinformation of value to the State for varying periods of time.Directs the office of Surveyor General, the compilation of theGeorgia Official and Statistical Register, and program activities of the Georgia Historical Society in Savannah. Managesthe State©s interest in Rhodes Memorial Hall. Provides administrative direction to the State©s Native American Employmentand Training Program. Operates under the authority of OCG A36-3 and 45-13.Corporations Division --- Robert K. Hooks, Director.Responsible for the general administration of the Georgia Corporation Code, which includes the filing and certification of alldocuments of incorporation, amendment, merger, dissolution,and resolution; providing information to the general public andlegal community about corporations; and the maintenance ofcurrent register of service of process agents on all domestic andforeign corporations. Investigates corporations as necessary.Handles charters, amendments, mergers, and dissolutions ofstate banks, trust companies, credit unions, insurance companies, savings and loan associations, railroads, steamship, expressand telegraph companies and issues Certificates of Grant forcorporate powers to those corporations. Administers the RealProperty Law as it relates to filing of deeds and related documents for state-owned property. Registers and renews trademarks and servicemarks. Administers the service of processfilings of the Real Estate Investment Trust instruments, multilevel distribution companies and banks acting in a fiduciarycapacity. Administers the filing requirements of an insurancepolicy or bond for outdoor amusement shows. Administers thefiling of bonds under the Georgia Proprietary School Act(OGCA 20-4). Accepts the filings for charitable organizationsand professional fund raisers and solicitors. Administers thefiling of hospital authorities and professional associations. Certifies copies of corporate documents on request. Providesassistance to the legal community as to procedural law indocument filing. Authorized primarily by OCGA 14.Elections Division — Frances Duncan. Director. Administers the Georgia and municipal election codes. Assists in themanagement of state and local elections. Conducts trainingseminars for election officials. Provides election supplies. Certifies candidates and official ballots. Registers campaign financial statements. Issues commissions validating all elected andappointed congressional, state and county officers and gubernatorial appointments. Issues incumbency certifications for theAttorney General. Prepares and publishes "Georgia Official30

Management Review Division — This Division is responsible for providing a program of management review services.The Division provides technical <strong>and</strong> managerial assistance to<strong>the</strong> Governor <strong>and</strong> to state agencies for <strong>the</strong> identification <strong>and</strong>solution of specific problems <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> improvement of overalloperations; provides coordination <strong>and</strong> direction of specialeconomy <strong>and</strong> efficiency studies; assists in <strong>the</strong> study, installation, <strong>and</strong> utilization of data processing systems; <strong>and</strong> assists in<strong>the</strong> implementations of recommended improvements as requested or directed. This Division also supervises <strong>the</strong> StateClearinghouse <strong>and</strong> State Data Center. The Clearinghouseserves as <strong>the</strong> liaison between <strong>the</strong> Federal Government <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>State <strong>and</strong> local governments regarding a wide range of federalfunding projects <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r programs. The Data Center prepares, maintains, <strong>and</strong> furnishes demographic data for <strong>the</strong> state<strong>and</strong> coordinates <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ardizes statistical information.Facilities Management Division — This Division, consistingof an architect <strong>and</strong> an engineer, provides technical <strong>and</strong> engineering advice to <strong>the</strong> Governor <strong>and</strong> state agencies on mattersrelating to facilities management, design <strong>and</strong> maintenance,space allocation, <strong>and</strong> acquisition of major capital outlay.<strong>Georgia</strong> Council for <strong>the</strong> Arts <strong>and</strong> Humanities — The Council, a budget unit within <strong>the</strong> Office of Planning <strong>and</strong> Budget, isresponsible for promoting <strong>the</strong> arts in <strong>Georgia</strong> through a program of grants <strong>and</strong> through technical assistance with a goal ofbuilding <strong>and</strong> streng<strong>the</strong>ning <strong>the</strong> creative resources of <strong>the</strong> state.The Council is a 24-member group appointed by <strong>the</strong> Governor.The day-to-day activities of <strong>the</strong> Council are h<strong>and</strong>led by afull-time Director appointed by <strong>the</strong> OPB Director based on <strong>the</strong>Council©s recommendations.Internal Operations Division — This Divison is responsiblefor providing support services to all Divisions <strong>and</strong> personnelwithin <strong>the</strong> Office of Planning <strong>and</strong> Budget <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Governor©sOffice. These services include preparation of <strong>the</strong> budget, maintenance of agency fiscal records, supervision of purchases,supplies <strong>and</strong> inventory control, preparations of all graphicmaterials, <strong>and</strong> performance of all personnel services. This Division also provides <strong>the</strong>se same services to <strong>the</strong> Office of Consumer Affairs, <strong>the</strong> Consumers© Utility Counsel, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Governor©s Committee on Postsecondary Education under <strong>the</strong>"administrative purposes only" provision of Reorganization.LIEUTENANT GOVERNORThe Lieutenant Governor is President of <strong>the</strong> Senate <strong>and</strong> hassuch executive duties as prescribed by <strong>the</strong> Governor <strong>and</strong> as maybe prescribed by law not inconsistent with <strong>the</strong> powers of <strong>the</strong>Governor or o<strong>the</strong>r provisions of <strong>the</strong> Constitution (<strong>1983</strong> Consti.,Art. V, Sec. 1, Par. VIII). The Lieutenant Governor serves onnumerous boards, authorities, <strong>and</strong> commissions. The office isbudgeted through <strong>the</strong> Legislative branch of government.In <strong>the</strong> case of death, resignation or disability of <strong>the</strong> Governor, <strong>the</strong> Lieutenant Governor assumes <strong>the</strong> office of Governoruntil <strong>the</strong> next general election, at which time a successor to <strong>the</strong>Governor shall be elected for <strong>the</strong> unexpired term. If <strong>the</strong> Lieutenant Governor shall become a c<strong>and</strong>idate for <strong>the</strong> unexpiredterm of <strong>the</strong> Governor, he shall <strong>the</strong>reby resign his office asLieutenant Governor, effective upon <strong>the</strong> qualification of <strong>the</strong>Governor-elected for <strong>the</strong> unexpired term, <strong>and</strong> his successor for<strong>the</strong> unexpired term shall be elected at such election.The Office of Lieutenant Governor of <strong>the</strong> State was createdby <strong>the</strong> Constitution of 1945 (Art. V, Sec. I, Par. VII). Althoughlisted as a part of <strong>the</strong> executive branch, its duties are bothlegislative <strong>and</strong> executive. The Lieutenant Governor is electedfor a term of four years at <strong>the</strong> general election in which <strong>the</strong>Governor <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r constitutional officers are elected. To beeligible for election, <strong>the</strong> c<strong>and</strong>idate must have been a citizen of<strong>the</strong> United States for fifteen years <strong>and</strong> a legal resident of <strong>the</strong>state for six years immediately preceding <strong>the</strong> election <strong>and</strong> shallhave attained <strong>the</strong> age of thirty years by <strong>the</strong> date of assumingoffice.Zell Bryan Miller, Young Harris,Lt. Governor of <strong>Georgia</strong>, 1975-date. Born Feb. 24, 1932 in TownsCo., Ga. Graduated Young HarrisJr. College, 1951; U. of Ga., AB,1957; MA. 1958. Educator. Methodist. Democrat. USMC. 1953-56.Senator, 1961-64. Mbr., State Bd.for Children & Youth, 1964-Aug.15, 1965, res. Dir., State Bd. ofProbation, Aug. 15,1965-June 13,1966, res. Personnel Officer, Bd. of Corrections, July 10, 1967-Aug. 16,1968; Asst. D\r.,ibid., Aug. 16, !968-Jan.22,1970,res.Exec. Secretary to Gov. Lester Maddox, Jan. 22, 1969-Jan.1971. Exec. Dir., Democratic Party of Ga., June 1971-April1973. Mbr. Bd. of Pardons<strong>and</strong> Paroles, April 2, 1973-Dec. 31,1973, res.Family details: Married Jan. 15, 1954 in Oconee Co., S.C.,Shirley Ann Carver (born July 15, 1935 in Cherokee Co.,N.C.). Children: Murphy Carver <strong>and</strong> Mat<strong>the</strong>w Stephen. ZellB. Miller is <strong>the</strong> son of Stephen Grady Miller <strong>and</strong> Birdie (Bryan)Miller.Marti Pingree, Administrative Assistant to Lt. GovernorMartha Gillian, Personal Secretary to Lt. GovernorSarah Eby-Ebersole, Press Secretary to Lt. GovernorMary Beasley, Scheduling Assistant to Lt. GovernorOFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATEThe Secretary of State is <strong>the</strong> major keeper of records for, <strong>and</strong>issues a wide range of licenses <strong>and</strong> certificates on behalf of, stategovernment. The Secretary administers <strong>the</strong> State©s electionlaws <strong>and</strong> serves as ex-officio commissioner of corporations <strong>and</strong>securities. He also maintains a central record of notaries public,registers governmental lobbyists, keeps <strong>the</strong> state registry oftrademarks <strong>and</strong> servicemarks, <strong>and</strong> administers <strong>the</strong> licensing ofspecified professions. He manages <strong>the</strong> official records of stategovernment, including those designated for permanent preservation. He is keeper of <strong>the</strong> official state flag <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Great Sealof <strong>Georgia</strong>, provides state liaison with foreign consuls in <strong>Georgia</strong>, <strong>and</strong> supplies information on <strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>and</strong> state governmentto <strong>the</strong> public <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> media.The Secretary of State is elected at <strong>the</strong> same general electionin which <strong>the</strong> Governor is elected. Each term of office is fouryears. Minimum qualifications for <strong>the</strong> office are citizenship forten years, residence in <strong>Georgia</strong> for six years, <strong>and</strong> age of twentyfiveyears.The office is authorized by <strong>the</strong> Constitution of <strong>Georgia</strong>.Statutory authorization is listed under <strong>the</strong> Divisions of thisOffice.HISTORY. The Office of Secretary of State is one of <strong>the</strong>oldest in <strong>Georgia</strong>©s executive branch. The Constitution of 1777mentioned "<strong>the</strong> secretary" of "<strong>the</strong> governor <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> executivecouncil" (Art. XXX, Marbury <strong>and</strong> Crawford, p. 10) <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>29

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