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the penitentiary. When a person is convicted of armed robbery,the board shall not have the authority to consider such personfor pardon or parole until such person has served at least fiveyears in the penitentiary.(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (b) ofthis Paragraph, the General Assembly, by law, may prohibitthe board from granting and may prescribe the terms andconditions for the board©s granting a pardon or parole to:(1) Any person incarcerated for a second or subsequent timefor any offense for which such person could have been sentenced to life imprisonment; and(2) Any person who has received consecutive life sentencesas the result of offenses occurring during the same series of acts.(d) The chairman of the board, or any other member designated by the board, may suspend the execution of a sentence ofdeath until the full board shall have an opportunity to hear theapplication of the convicted person for any relief within thepower of the board.(e) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Paragraph,the State Board of Pardons and Paroles shall have the authority to pardon any person convicted of a crime who is subsequently determined to be innocent of said crime.SECTION III.STATE PERSONNEL BOARDParagraph I. State Personnel Board, (a) There shall be aState Personnel Board which shall consist of five membersappointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by theSenate. The members of the board in office on June 30,1983,shall serve out the remainder of their respective terms. As eachterm of office expires, the Governor shall appoint a successor asherein provided. All such terms of members shall be for fiveyears. Members shall serve until their successors are appointedand qualified. A member of the State Personnel Board may notbe employed in any other capacity in state government. Achairman shall be selected by the members of the board from itsmembership.(b) The board shall provide policy direction for a StateMerit System of Personnel Administration and may be vestedwith such additional powers and duties as provided by law.State personnel shall be selected on the basis of merit as provided by law.Paragraph II. Veterans preference. Any veteran who hasserved as a member of the armed forces of the United Statesduring the period of a war or armed conflict in which anybranch of the armed forces of the United States engaged,whether under United States command or otherwise, and washonorably discharged therefrom, shall be given such veteranspreference in any civil service program established in stategovernment as may be provided by law. Any such law mustprovide at least ten points to a veteran having at least a 10percent service connected disability as rated and certified by theVeterans Administration, and all other such veterans shall beentitled to at least five points.SECTION IV.STATE TRANSPORTATION BOARDParagraph I. State Transportation Board; commissioner.(a) There shall be a State Transportation Board composed ofas many members as there are congressional districts in thestate. The member of the board from each congressional district shall be elected by a majority vote of the members of theHouse of Representatives and Senate whose respective districtsare embraced or partly embraced within such congressionaldistrict meeting in caucus. The members of the board in officeon June 30,1983, shall serve out the remainder of their respective terms. The General Assembly shall provide by law theprocedure for the election of members and for filling vacancieson the board. Members shall serve for terms of five years anduntil their successors are elected and qualified.(b) The State Transportation Board shall select a commissioner of transportation, who shall be the chief executive officerof the Department of Transportation and who shall have suchpowers and duties as provided by law.SECTION V.VETERANS SERVICE BOARDParagraph I. Veterans Service Board; commissioner, (a)There shall be a State Department of Veterans Service andVeterans Service Board which shall consist of seven membersappointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by theSenate. The members in office on June 30,1983, shall serve outthe remainder of their respective terms. As each term of officeexpires, the Governor shall appoint a successor as herein provided. All such terms of members shall be for seven years.Members shall serve until their successors are appointed andqualified.(b) The board shall appoint a commissioner who shall be theexecutive officer of the department. All members of the boardand the commissioner shall be veterans of some war or armedconflict in which the United States has engaged. The boardshall have such control, duties, powers, and jurisdiction of theState Department of Veterans Service as shall be provided bylaw.SECTION VI.BOARD OF NATURAL RESOURCESParagraph I. Board of Natural Resources, (a) There shallbe a Board of Natural Resources which shall consist of onemember from each congressional district in the state and fivemembers from the state at large, one of whom must be fromone of the following named counties: Chatham, Bryan, Liberty, Mclntosh, Glynn, or Camden. All members shall beappointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by theSenate. The members of the board in office on June 30,1983,shall serve out the remainder of their respective terms. As eachterm of office expires, the Governor shall appoint a successor asherein provided. All such terms of members shall be for sevenyears. Members shall serve until their successors are appointedand qualified. Insofar as it is practicable, the members of theboard shall be representative of all areas and functions encompassed within the Department of Natural Resources.(b) The board shall have such powers and duties as providedbylaw.SECTION VII.QUALIFICATIONS, COMPENSATION,REMOVAL FROM OFFICE, AND POWERS ANDDUTIES OF MEMBERS OF CONSTITUTIONALBOARDS AND COMMISSIONSParagraph I. Qualifications, compensation, and removalfrom office. The qualifications, compensation, and removalfrom office of members of constitutional boards and commissions provided for in this article shall be as provided by law.Paragraph II. Powers and duties. The powers and duties ofmembers of constitutional boards and commissions providedfor in this article, except the Board of Pardons and Paroles,shall be as provided by law.

ARTICLE V.EXECUTIVE BRANCHSECTION I.ELECTION OF GOVERNORAND LIEUTENANT GOVERNORParagraph I. Governor: term of office; compensation andallowances. There shall be a Governor who shall hold office fora term of four years and until a successor shall be chosen andqualified. Persons holding the office of Governor may succeedthemselves for one four-year term of office. Persons who haveheld the office of Governor and have succeeded themselves ashereinbefore provided shall not again be eligible to be elected tothat office until after the expiration of four years from theconclusion of their term as Governor. The compensation andallowances of the Governor shall be as provided by law.Paragraph II. Election for Governor. An election for Governor shall be held on Tuesday after the first Monday inNovember of 1986, and the Governor-elect shall be installed inoffice at the next session of the General Assembly. An electionfor Governor shall take place quadrennially thereafter on saiddate unless another date be fixed by the General Assembly.Said election shall be held at the places of holding generalelections in the several counties of this state, in the mannerprescribed for the election of members of the General Assembly, and the electors shall be the same.Paragraph III. Lieutenant Governor. There shall be aLieutenant Governor, who shall be elected at the same time, forthe same term, and in the same manner as the Governor. TheLieutenant Governor shall be the President of the Senate andshall have such executive duties as prescribed by the Governorand as may be prescribed by law not inconsistent with thepowers of the Governor or other provisions of this Constitution. The compensation and allowances of the Lieutenant Governor shall be as provided by law.Paragraph IV. Qualifications of Governor and LieutenantGovernor. No person shall be eligible for election to the officeof Governor or Lieutenant Governor unless such person shallhave been a citizen of the United States 15 years and a legalresident of the state six years immediately preceding the election and shall have attained the age of 30 years by the date ofassuming office.Paragraph V. Succession to executive power, (a) In case ofthe temporary disability of the Governor as determined in themanner provided in Section IV of this article, the LieutenantGovernor shall exercise the powers and duties of the Governorand receive the same compensation as the Governor until suchtime as the temporary disability of the Governor ends.(b) In case of the death, resignation, or permanent disabilityof the Governor or the Governor-elect, the Lieutenant Governor or the Lieutenant Governor-elect, upon becoming theLieutenant Governor, shall become the Governor until a successor shall be elected and qualified as hereinafter provided. Asuccessor to serve for the unexpired term shall be elected at thenext general election; but, if such death, resignation, or permanent disability shall occur within 30 days of the next generalelection or if the term will expire within 90 days after the nextgeneral election, the Lieutenant Governor shall become Governor for the unexpired term. No person shall be elected orappointed to the office of Lieutenant Governor for the unexpired term in the event the Lieutenant Governor shall becomeGovernor as herein provided.(c) In case of the death, resignation, or permanent disabilityof both the Governor or the Governor-elect and the LieutenantGovernor or the Lieutenant Governor-elect or in case of thedeath, resignation, or permanent disability of the Governor andthere shall be no Lieutenant Governor, the Speaker of theHouse of Representatives shall exercise the powers and dutiesof the Governor until the election and qualification of a Governor at a special election, which shall be held within 90 days fromthe date on which the Speaker of the House of Representativesshall have assumed the powers and duties of the Governor, andthe person elected shall serve out the unexpired term.Paragraph VI. Oath of office. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall, before entering on the duties of office, takesuch oath or affirmation as prescribed by law.SECTION II.DUTIES AND POWERS OF GOVERNORParagraph I. Executive powers. The chief executive powersshall be vested in the Governor. The other executive officersshall have such powers as may be prescribed by this Constitution and by law.Paragraph II. Law enforcement. The Governor shall takecare that the laws are faithfully executed and shall be theconservator of the peace throughout the state.Paragraph III. Commander in chief. The Governor shall bethe commander in chief of the military forces of this state.Paragraph IV. Veto power. Except as otherwise provided inthis Constitution, before any bill or resolution shall becomelaw, the Governor shall have the right to review such bill orresolution intended to have the effect of law which has beenpassed by the General Assembly. The Governor may veto,approve, or take no action on any such bill or resolution. In theevent the Governor vetoes any such bill or resolution, theGeneral Assembly may, by a two-thirds© vote, override suchveto as provided in Article III of this Constitution.Paragraph V. Writs of election. The Governor shall issuewrits of election to fill all vacancies that may occur in the Senateand in the House of Representatives.Paragraph VI. Information and recommendations to theGeneral Assembly. At the beginning of each regular session andfrom time to time, the Governor may give the General Assembly information on the state of the state and recommend to itsconsideration such measures as the Governor may deem necessary or expedient.Paragraph VII. Special sessions of the General Assembly, (a) The Governor may convene the General Assembly inspecial session by proclamation which may be amended by theGovernor prior to the convening of the special session oramended by the Governor with the approval of three-fifths ofthe members of each house after the special session has convened; but no laws shall be enacted at any such special sessionexcept those which relate to the purposes stated in the proclamation or in any amendment thereto.(b) The Governor shall convene the General Assembly inspecial session for all purposes whenever three-fifths of themembers to which each house is entitled certify to the Governorin writing, with a copy to the Secretary of State, that in theiropinion an emergency exists in the affairs of the state. TheGeneral Assembly may convene itself if, after receiving suchcertification, the Governor fails to do so within three days,excluding Sundays.(c) Special sessions of the General Assembly shall be limitedto a period of 40 days unless extended by three-fifths© vote ofeach house and approved by the Governor or unless at theexpiration of such period an impeachment trial of some officerof state government is pending, in which event the House shalladjourn and the Senate shall remain in session until such trial iscompleted.10

<strong>the</strong> penitentiary. When a person is convicted of armed robbery,<strong>the</strong> board shall not have <strong>the</strong> authority to consider such personfor pardon or parole until such person has served at least fiveyears in <strong>the</strong> penitentiary.(c) Notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>the</strong> provisions of subparagraph (b) ofthis Paragraph, <strong>the</strong> General Assembly, by law, may prohibit<strong>the</strong> board from granting <strong>and</strong> may prescribe <strong>the</strong> terms <strong>and</strong>conditions for <strong>the</strong> board©s granting a pardon or parole to:(1) Any person incarcerated for a second or subsequent timefor any offense for which such person could have been sentenced to life imprisonment; <strong>and</strong>(2) Any person who has received consecutive life sentencesas <strong>the</strong> result of offenses occurring during <strong>the</strong> same series of acts.(d) The chairman of <strong>the</strong> board, or any o<strong>the</strong>r member designated by <strong>the</strong> board, may suspend <strong>the</strong> execution of a sentence ofdeath until <strong>the</strong> full board shall have an opportunity to hear <strong>the</strong>application of <strong>the</strong> convicted person for any relief within <strong>the</strong>power of <strong>the</strong> board.(e) Notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing any o<strong>the</strong>r provisions of this Paragraph,<strong>the</strong> State Board of Pardons <strong>and</strong> Paroles shall have <strong>the</strong> authority to pardon any person convicted of a crime who is subsequently determined to be innocent of said crime.SECTION III.STATE PERSONNEL BOARDParagraph I. State Personnel Board, (a) There shall be aState Personnel Board which shall consist of five membersappointed by <strong>the</strong> Governor, subject to confirmation by <strong>the</strong>Senate. The members of <strong>the</strong> board in office on June 30,<strong>1983</strong>,shall serve out <strong>the</strong> remainder of <strong>the</strong>ir respective terms. As eachterm of office expires, <strong>the</strong> Governor shall appoint a successor asherein provided. All such terms of members shall be for fiveyears. Members shall serve until <strong>the</strong>ir successors are appointed<strong>and</strong> qualified. A member of <strong>the</strong> State Personnel Board may notbe employed in any o<strong>the</strong>r capacity in state government. Achairman shall be selected by <strong>the</strong> members of <strong>the</strong> board from itsmembership.(b) The board shall provide policy direction for a StateMerit System of Personnel Administration <strong>and</strong> may be vestedwith such additional powers <strong>and</strong> duties as provided by law.State personnel shall be selected on <strong>the</strong> basis of merit as provided by law.Paragraph II. Veterans preference. Any veteran who hasserved as a member of <strong>the</strong> armed forces of <strong>the</strong> United Statesduring <strong>the</strong> period of a war or armed conflict in which anybranch of <strong>the</strong> armed forces of <strong>the</strong> United States engaged,whe<strong>the</strong>r under United States comm<strong>and</strong> or o<strong>the</strong>rwise, <strong>and</strong> washonorably discharged <strong>the</strong>refrom, shall be given such veteranspreference in any civil service program established in stategovernment as may be provided by law. Any such law mustprovide at least ten points to a veteran having at least a 10percent service connected disability as rated <strong>and</strong> certified by <strong>the</strong>Veterans Administration, <strong>and</strong> all o<strong>the</strong>r such veterans shall beentitled to at least five points.SECTION IV.STATE TRANSPORTATION BOARDParagraph I. State Transportation Board; commissioner.(a) There shall be a State Transportation Board composed ofas many members as <strong>the</strong>re are congressional districts in <strong>the</strong>state. The member of <strong>the</strong> board from each congressional district shall be elected by a majority vote of <strong>the</strong> members of <strong>the</strong>House of Representatives <strong>and</strong> Senate whose respective districtsare embraced or partly embraced within such congressionaldistrict meeting in caucus. The members of <strong>the</strong> board in officeon June 30,<strong>1983</strong>, shall serve out <strong>the</strong> remainder of <strong>the</strong>ir respective terms. The General Assembly shall provide by law <strong>the</strong>procedure for <strong>the</strong> election of members <strong>and</strong> for filling vacancieson <strong>the</strong> board. Members shall serve for terms of five years <strong>and</strong>until <strong>the</strong>ir successors are elected <strong>and</strong> qualified.(b) The State Transportation Board shall select a commissioner of transportation, who shall be <strong>the</strong> chief executive officerof <strong>the</strong> Department of Transportation <strong>and</strong> who shall have suchpowers <strong>and</strong> duties as provided by law.SECTION V.VETERANS SERVICE BOARDParagraph I. Veterans Service Board; commissioner, (a)There shall be a State Department of Veterans Service <strong>and</strong>Veterans Service Board which shall consist of seven membersappointed by <strong>the</strong> Governor, subject to confirmation by <strong>the</strong>Senate. The members in office on June 30,<strong>1983</strong>, shall serve out<strong>the</strong> remainder of <strong>the</strong>ir respective terms. As each term of officeexpires, <strong>the</strong> Governor shall appoint a successor as herein provided. All such terms of members shall be for seven years.Members shall serve until <strong>the</strong>ir successors are appointed <strong>and</strong>qualified.(b) The board shall appoint a commissioner who shall be <strong>the</strong>executive officer of <strong>the</strong> department. All members of <strong>the</strong> board<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> commissioner shall be veterans of some war or armedconflict in which <strong>the</strong> United States has engaged. The boardshall have such control, duties, powers, <strong>and</strong> jurisdiction of <strong>the</strong>State Department of Veterans Service as shall be provided bylaw.SECTION VI.BOARD OF NATURAL RESOURCESParagraph I. Board of Natural Resources, (a) There shallbe a Board of Natural Resources which shall consist of onemember from each congressional district in <strong>the</strong> state <strong>and</strong> fivemembers from <strong>the</strong> state at large, one of whom must be fromone of <strong>the</strong> following named counties: Chatham, Bryan, Liberty, Mclntosh, Glynn, or Camden. All members shall beappointed by <strong>the</strong> Governor, subject to confirmation by <strong>the</strong>Senate. The members of <strong>the</strong> board in office on June 30,<strong>1983</strong>,shall serve out <strong>the</strong> remainder of <strong>the</strong>ir respective terms. As eachterm of office expires, <strong>the</strong> Governor shall appoint a successor asherein provided. All such terms of members shall be for sevenyears. Members shall serve until <strong>the</strong>ir successors are appointed<strong>and</strong> qualified. Insofar as it is practicable, <strong>the</strong> members of <strong>the</strong>board shall be representative of all areas <strong>and</strong> functions encompassed within <strong>the</strong> Department of Natural Resources.(b) The board shall have such powers <strong>and</strong> duties as providedbylaw.SECTION VII.QUALIFICATIONS, COMPENSATION,REMOVAL FROM OFFICE, AND POWERS ANDDUTIES OF MEMBERS OF CONSTITUTIONALBOARDS AND COMMISSIONSParagraph I. Qualifications, compensation, <strong>and</strong> removalfrom office. The qualifications, compensation, <strong>and</strong> removalfrom office of members of constitutional boards <strong>and</strong> commissions provided for in this article shall be as provided by law.Paragraph II. Powers <strong>and</strong> duties. The powers <strong>and</strong> duties ofmembers of constitutional boards <strong>and</strong> commissions providedfor in this article, except <strong>the</strong> Board of Pardons <strong>and</strong> Paroles,shall be as provided by law.

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