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vice, bureaucracy-free communicationamong those who do the work.10. Do you serve and satisfy customers,or go berserk attempting to provideevery customer with an awesomeexperience that does nothing less thantransform the way she or he sees theworld? As global competition heats up,merely making a quality product orservice is not enough. You need tooffer remarkable experiences.11. Do you know that the two biggestunderserved markets are Women andBoomers-Geezers and that to take advantageof these two Monster Trendsrequires realignment of the enterprise?Getting with the program is not aboutsegmentation—it’s about wholesale culturalrealignment of the enterprise.Women = Opportunity No. 1. Womenbuy everything (and they have their ownapproach to purchasing things). Thoseleaders who shortchange this businessopportunity are simply stupid.12. Are your leaders accessible? Dothey wear their passion on their sleeves?Does integrity ooze out of every pore? Is“We care” your implicit motto? Todaythe boss’s mantra is: “Help! Please commityour heart, soul and imagination toinventing clever and wonderful services-solutions-experiences-dreamscome true. Join with me in inventingan adventure, a quest worth our timeand our clients’ time and money.” Atrue partnership among all partiesdemands as a price of entry: unstintingintegrity, total transparency, passionon-our-sleeves,and spirit to burn.13. Do you understand businessmantra #1: Don’t try to compete withWAL*MART on price or China on cost?Clients want either the best or the leastexpensive—business as usual is dead.And I say, “Hurray.” Try instead to be“the only ones who do what we do “—whether the tableau is a one-personaccountancy, a 10-chair beauty salon, a400,000-person behemoth, or yourcareer as newly minted “Brand You.”Cubicle slavery is ending. Commoditystrategies are bankrupt. Passion and commitmentmatter most. Creativity wins.Individuals reign. Re-imagine! TechnicolorTimes demand Technicolor leadersand Boards who recruit TechnicolorPeople who are sent on TechnicolorQuests to execute Technicolor Projects inpartnership with Technicolor Customersand Technicolor Suppliers all of whomare in pursuit of Technicolor Goals andAspirations fit for Technicolor Times. LETom Peters is the author of In Search of Excellence and severalother best-selling books and one of the original contributingeditors of Leadership Excellence. Visit www.TomPeters.com.ACTION: Seek strategic execution excellence.CHANGESUCCESSChange ModelThree stages to success.by Connie HritzCHANGE IS INEVITABLE—and the key tosuccess is adaptability.If you’ve lived through change, you alreadyknow that it occurs one person ata time. If you can bring people throughchange individually, you can managechange successfully. Organizationschange when the people in them change.Change happens at three levels:individual, team, and organization. Asindividuals adapt to change, theiractions shift the team. As their adaptationsand shifts work their way up, theorganization changes. So, focus yourchange management efforts on gettingindividual commitment.Employee attitudes toward changeroughly follow bell-shaped curve: 15percent embrace change; 60 percent areuncertain; and 25 percentresist. Since most employeesare ambivalent, yourideal strategy is to applaudthe minority who embracethe change and move theambivalent group towardcommitment. The resisterswarrant your attention andenergy only as they sabotagethe change.Our three-stage change model is basedon a belief that organizations changeas a result of changes in individuals:Stage 1: AssessDetermine the degree of changereadiness. People tend to fall into sixchange readiness states:Indifference. Some see no need tochange. Behaviors may include apathy,disregard, and an unwillingness to takerisks required to produce the change.Rejection. Some people don’t wantto change. Behaviors may include fearof change, refusal to change, challengingthe business case of the change, anddiscouraging others from changing.Doubt. Some people may focus onthe downside. Behaviors may includeskepticism, suspicion, the search forproof, hesitancy, or questioning.Neutrality. Some people will participatewhen asked, but won’t initiate.Their behaviors include sitting on thefence, indecision, and non-commit-ment, but they will listen and observe.Experimentation. Some people providemomentum for the change withoutbeing committed to it. Behaviorsmay include a willingness to participateand move the change forward.Commitment. Some embrace thechange. They’re eager to learn and performwell. They accept and supportthe change. They collaborate to integratethe change and show dedication.Stage 2: Customize and ImplementTo move people toward commitment,you need to acquire four competencies:Communication. Explain the changeand its drivers, being authentic aboutbenefits and challenges, exploringreactions and implications, and gainingcommitment to next steps.Accountability. Ensure that correctbehaviors bring rewards and resistancebrings undesired consequences.Creating a safe environment. Ensurethat people have a safe place to expresstheir feelings. People can’t commit tochange in a closed environment.Coaching. In coaching throughchange, you focus on feelings and personalimplications. Such coachingtends to release muchdeeper emotions, and meetmuch stiffer resistance.Authenticity and problemsolvingtake precedence.Stage 3: SustainHelp each individualbuild “change muscle.”Since it’s easy for people tofall back into old habits orlose sight of why change is needed,apply four skills:Reinforce key coaching skills.Practice working with people who arein challenging states like rejection.Focus on clearly defined action plans.Use coach-the-coach routines. Observecoaches. Help them grow anddevelop in the role.Refresh coaching skills. Offer follow-uptraining programs: onsite sessions,webcasts, conference calls.Reassess change readiness.Reevaluate to see if you are gettingcloser to total commitment.Changes happen at the individuallevel, and coaching is an effective wayto influence behavior. “Change muscle”enables you to navigate change moreeasily. Cultivate your change resilience,and you’ll be ready for anything. LEConnie Hritz is senior VP of R&D for Omega Performance, aconsulting, training, and coaching firm. Visit www.omega-performance.comor email info@omega-performance.com.ACTION: Observe these three stages.14 May 2008 Leadership Excellence

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