ABB Review Special Report - ABB - ABB Group

ABB Review Special Report - ABB - ABB Group

ABB Review Special Report - ABB - ABB Group

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The metallic screen consists of copperwires on a bedding of crepe paper to reducethe mechanical and thermal impacttransferred to the insulation. The numberof wires and the total cross-section dependon the short-circuit requirements ofthe network. Longitudinal water tightnessis achieved by filling the gaps betweenthe screen wires with swelling powder.3Vertical extrusion of XLPE cable insulationExternal protection against mechanicalimpact and corrosion is provided by atough, extruded, laminated sheath madefrom HDPE (high-density polyethylene).A bonded metal foil on the inside of thesheath stops water from diffusing intothe cable.The resulting lean, low-weight cable hasseveral advantages: a greater length ofcable can be wound onto any givendrum; high eddy-current losses in thecable sheath are avoided; the currentcarryingcapacity is optimized.Possible oversheath options are:An extruded conductive layer forouter sheath measurementsAn extruded flame-retardant layer forextra safety in hazardous environmentsAnother option the cable design offers isspace-resolved temperature monitoringwith optical fibers. The fibers are containedin a stainless-steel tube, approximatelythe same size as a screen wire,which is integrated in the cable screen.Monitoring the temperature in this wayenables the cable load to be optimized.screen, which reduces the inducedscreen currents and losses in the AC cablesystem. The complete cable systemwith joint, outdoor terminations and GISterminations, fulfills the requirements ofIEC 62067 in every respect.4Testing of 220–500 kV cablesystemsIn the case of medium-voltage cables itis usual to think in terms of components.Even if these come from differentsuppliers, they can be joined together400-kV XLPE cable. The copper conductor is divided into five segments to reduceskin effect losses.Cable accessoriesIn the early 1990s <strong>ABB</strong> developed prefabricatedjoints for HV and EHV cableswhich are totally dry, ie with neithergaseous nor liquid materials, and maintenance-free.The main electrical partscan therefore be pre-tested in the factory,speeding up on-site installation andreducing the attendant risks. The jointshave integrated sheath insulation inorder to comply with the CIGRE recommendationcontained in Electra 128,which requires them to withstand impulsevoltages of 125 kV between thetwo joint sections and 63 kV to earth.This permits cross-bonding of the cable<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Report</strong><strong>ABB</strong> <strong>Review</strong>49

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