ABB Review Special Report - ABB - ABB Group

ABB Review Special Report - ABB - ABB Group

ABB Review Special Report - ABB - ABB Group

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3Start panel showing a transformer modelwith basic data4TEC users can easily access more detailed informationas well as transformer or tap-changer documentation.about your transformer. This ‘knowledge’begins with the transformerdesign data. Next, temperatures andloss-related parameters obtained fromthe transformer heat-run test are fed in.So much data is transferred to the TECsystem that it becomes a virtual transformercopy. Each transformer hasits own fingerprint, with all the parametersneeded for optimized control.The model created by TEC works insimulated conditions but reacts in thesame way that a real transformer would.The main parameters are processed inthe TEC cabinet and transferredto the station PC via a single opticfiber. They are made available to theoperator via easy-to-use software anda display.TEC and Industrial ITIndustrial IT [1] has been introduced by<strong>ABB</strong> as an architecture for seamlesslyinterconnecting all our <strong>Group</strong>’s products,solutions and processes. More thanthat, it allows our customers, servicepartners and third parties to connectwith them too. Industrial IT enables thetotal integration of business processeswith real-time and lifetime data management.As a consequence, utilities will beable to substantially improve the efficiencyof their business.Utility assets, such as power transformers,are prime candidates for such realtimeintegration. And TEC is an idealmeans of integrating them. It will becertified to Level 2 (Integration), meaningthat it will not only be informationenabled and capable of connection toand working well in an Industrial ITsystem, but also be able to exchangeextended data, like status and maintenancedata, via defined protocols. Systemswith Industrial IT Enabled componentsoffer a variety of advantages,including ‘plug and produce’ capability.Disturbances are reduced at the sametime that flexibility is increased.Feature overviewTEC offers a whole range of functionsdesigned to let utilities use their transformersto the maximum. Until now,service criteria have been based on loadassumptions and the results of the lastservice. TEC changes all this. Real-timeinformation opens up new possibilitiesfor optimizing operation and maintenance.Cooling/overload forecastTraditionally, transformer cooling is atwo-step system, with the option of50 % or 100% capacity. With TEC, sixsteps are possible, according to load,ambient conditions and cooler status.The coolers are controlled individuallyand can be started prior to an anticipatedload increase. This reduces thermalstress and adds hours of operation atmaximum capacity.TEC advanced cooling control is basedon algorithms that calculate the heatlosses and the number of coolers requiredto dissipate them. It also keepstrack of the number of hours each fan isin operation and runs all motors accordingly.As input, TEC receives data onthe actual and/or predicted load andambient conditions. Armed with this information,the system is able to respondimmediately to load peaks, and thecooling capacity can be better adaptedto actual demand. Further, it can simulatethe results for a specific load conditionor forecast the maximum overloadduration based on the hot-spot results.Real-time status/availabilityThe parameters measured during serviceare compared with the simulated values.The transformer model detects discrepanciesand indicates potential malfunctionsand/or normal wear in the transformeritself, the cooling equipment andthe tap-changer.Real-time information from temperaturesensors and from optional moisture sen-<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Report</strong><strong>ABB</strong> <strong>Review</strong>27

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