Building the Enterprise - Booz Allen Hamilton

Building the Enterprise - Booz Allen Hamilton

Building the Enterprise - Booz Allen Hamilton

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CONCLUSIONOn July 8, 2013, President Obama told his Cabinetto develop an “aggressive management agenda… that delivers a smarter, more innovative andmore accountable government for its citizens.”The president said he wants this agenda to build onhis first-term objectives: <strong>the</strong> delivery of services that citizensexpect in smarter, faster and better ways; identificationof new ways to reduce waste and save taxpayers’money; and an increase in transparency by opening hugeamounts of government data to <strong>the</strong> American people.We wholeheartedly agree with <strong>the</strong>se goals, but believe<strong>the</strong> administration has <strong>the</strong> opportunity to go evenfur<strong>the</strong>r by embracing <strong>the</strong> strategies in this report. Thepresident could accomplish all he has outlined and a greatdeal more by taking a coordinated enterprise-wide approachto managing government missions and internaloperations ra<strong>the</strong>r than relying on <strong>the</strong> narrow programandagency-centric framework now in place.In fact, <strong>the</strong> Obama administration is pursuing manyelements of it already. The Government Performance andResults Modernization Act of 2010 provided a foundationfor moving government in this direction, and <strong>the</strong> administrationhas named goal leaders who are implementing aseries of cross-agency priority goals. OMB and GSA arespearheading an expansion of strategic sourcing, and <strong>the</strong>federal CIO and CIO Council are helping agencies findeconomies and efficiencies through shared services andresources.What remains is to join <strong>the</strong>se disparate efforts into <strong>the</strong>aggressive agenda <strong>the</strong> president seeks and to drive <strong>the</strong>mto full-scale execution. President Obama and his managementteam can accomplish this by making enterprisegovernment <strong>the</strong> focal point of management reform. Thiswill take sustained attention, enthusiastic evangelism,powerful leadership and unity of purpose. Though muchof what we recommend is within <strong>the</strong> power of <strong>the</strong> executivebranch to attain, truly achieving enterprise governmentwill take coordination and consultation with thosemembers of Congress who value and support improvedgovernment performance and some legislative changes.The success of this management agenda depends on<strong>the</strong> care, dedication, talent, expertise and evidence employedin crafting <strong>the</strong> enterprise performance plan thatis at its core. Drafting it must be <strong>the</strong> top priority of <strong>the</strong>President’s Management Council and a key accomplishmentof <strong>the</strong> Cabinet and White House staff. <strong>Enterprise</strong>government cannot endure unless <strong>the</strong> president and <strong>the</strong>management council name a cadre of excellent, capableand intrepid goal leaders. And <strong>the</strong>y cannot overcome <strong>the</strong>stovepipes of current agency structure without a willing,well-prepared, mobile and modernized civil service.These are not small changes. They will not beachieved without collaboration and contention. Yet <strong>the</strong>yare unavoidably necessary lest we fail in effectively performinggovernment’s critical missions. No single agencycan accomplish any one of <strong>the</strong>m alone, especially in thisera of austerity.BUILDING THE ENTERPRISE 23

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