Building the Enterprise - Booz Allen Hamilton

Building the Enterprise - Booz Allen Hamilton

Building the Enterprise - Booz Allen Hamilton

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STRATEGY 8ADOPT AN ENTERPRISEAPPROACH TO THE ACQUISITIONOF GOODS AND SERVICESHistorically, <strong>the</strong> federal governmenthas taken a decentralized, agencycentricapproach to buying goodsthat practically every organizationneeds. In short, <strong>the</strong> government hasnot taken full advantage of its collectivepurchasing power to get <strong>the</strong> bestdeal for <strong>the</strong> taxpayer.Here’s a graphic example: Buyingindividually, agencies spendmore than $500 million a year oncleaning products through nearly4,000 contracts with 1,200 differentvendors. One agency paid $32 for acase of paper towels, while ano<strong>the</strong>rpaid $61 for <strong>the</strong> exact same product. 10Why shouldn’t every agency knowabout and take advantage of <strong>the</strong>lower price? This is what enterprisestrategic sourcing is all about—agenciesusing <strong>the</strong>ir collective buyingpower to drive down <strong>the</strong> prices <strong>the</strong>ypay for common goods and services.Here, too, <strong>the</strong>re is good news.Beginning with <strong>the</strong> Bush administrationand continuing under PresidentObama, <strong>the</strong> federal governmenthas begun to take a more strategicapproach to sourcing. However, ithas focused on consolidating acquisitionstrategies and contracts at <strong>the</strong>department level, ra<strong>the</strong>r than across<strong>the</strong> federal enterprise. We advocate<strong>the</strong> latter. The government, under<strong>the</strong> leadership of <strong>the</strong> Office of FederalProcurement Policy (OFPP)and GSA, should rapidly expand <strong>the</strong>scope of enterprise strategic sourcing,employing goal leaders, portfoliosand cross-cutting accountability.Already, GSA has implemented a10 Dan Tangherlini, “GSA to Launch 10Strategic Sourcing Initiatives,” GSA Blog,Jan. 10, 2013, http://gsablogs.gsa.gov/gsablog/2013/01/10/gsa-to-launch-10-strategic-sourcing-initiatives. Last accessedJul. 26, 2013.Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative.It currently covers four categoriesof common products and services:office supplies, domestic parcel delivery,print management and wirelesstelecommunications services.Through <strong>the</strong> initiative, agencieshave saved more than $200 millionon office supplies since July 2010. Infiscal 2011, <strong>the</strong> domestic parcel deliveryservices program saved morethan $31 million over what agencieswere paying separately for <strong>the</strong> sameservices.GSA plans to add 10 strategicsourcing categories through 2015.To give this effort even more impetus,OMB last year created a leadershipcouncil to expand <strong>the</strong> initiativeand directed each agency to name astrategic sourcing official and sourceat least two new products a year in2013 and 2014. This council has beencharged with identifying five newcommodities and services a yearthrough fiscal 2014, along with executiveagents to develop <strong>the</strong> contracts.This is fine as far as it goes, butit is a cautious approach. To movestrategic sourcing from being a bestpractice to a mandate, <strong>the</strong> presidentshould designate <strong>the</strong> head of OFPPas <strong>the</strong> federal chief acquisition officer(CAO) with administrative authorityequivalent to <strong>the</strong> federal CIO.The federal CAO should develop andexecute a comprehensive enterpriseacquisition strategy. That strategyshould include goals for responsiblyexpanding enterprise-wide strategicsourcing for common goods and services,consolidating multiple-awardcontracts, making prices transparentand increasing share-in-savings contractingwhere appropriate. Achieving<strong>the</strong>se goals will drive down <strong>the</strong>prices and improve <strong>the</strong> quality of <strong>the</strong>myriad goods and services <strong>the</strong> governmentbuys. The EERB, in consultationwith <strong>the</strong> CAO, also shoulddesignate enterprise goal leaders foreach of <strong>the</strong>se initiatives.The enterprise acquisition strategyshould greatly enhance <strong>the</strong> federalgovernment’s enormous buyingpower. It should consolidate <strong>the</strong> government’sdemand for commodities,such as cleaning products, to obtainmassive quantity discounts.For goods and services thataren’t amenable to strategic sourcing,government still can take anenterprise approach by making <strong>the</strong>results of all transactions availableto all government buyers and sellers.“The government has not takenfull advantage of its collectivepurchasing power to get <strong>the</strong>best deal for <strong>the</strong> taxpayer.”20 PARTNERSHIP FOR PUBLIC SERVICE | BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON

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