2012-13 Year in Review - Gator Boosters, Inc.

2012-13 Year in Review - Gator Boosters, Inc. 2012-13 Year in Review - Gator Boosters, Inc.

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ATHLETIC EDUCATION FUNDJerry J. Chicone, Jr.EndowmentThe Chicone family, from Orlando,continues their strong GatorBooster support by encouragingthe best on the field and in theclassroom. Their gifts are fundingthe Chicone Family Endowment.Gary and Nancy Condronand Family EndowmentGary, Nancy, Ryan and Shelbyestablished this endowment inhonor of their family. Gary playedbaseball at UF and this is oneway to show his loyalty to andappreciation of a great athleticprogram.The Chicone FamilyEndowmentThe Chicone family, from Orlando,continues their strong GatorBooster support by encouragingthe best on the field and in theclassroom.Jerry J. Chicone, Sr. GolfEndowmentGiven in memory of Jerry J.Chicone, Sr., who loved golf andplayed in every Gator Golf DayTournament until his 95th birthday.Andy Crawford EndowmentEstablished by Andy Crawfordin honor of his love for GatorAthletics.Clewiston Gator BoostersEndowmentAs a tribute to the hard workand dedication of the footballteam and coaches, the followingmen funded the Clewiston GatorBoosters Endowment. Bob Bass,Nigel Miller, Philip Roland, FrankPolhill, Joe Marlin Hilliard, DougLewis, Carrol Redish, Jr., Joe M.Hendry, John Stitt, Warren Howell,Miller Couse, David Miller andBobby Berner.Earl M. “Duke” CrittendenFootball EndowmentIn memory of Earl M. “Duke”Crittenden, former President ofGator Boosters and longtime BullGator for his love and passion ofthe Gator program.The Crittenden FamilyEndowmentThomas M. and HazelH. Donahoo FootballEndowmentA scholarship athlete at Floridaand past president of GatorBoosters, Inc. joined by his wifeas graduates of the University tomaintain excellence in athleticsand education.Malcolm R. Duggan, Jr.Athletic Endowment FundMalcolm and Tammy Dugganof Ocala made a substantialcontribu tion to fund theMalcolm R. Duggan, Jr. AthleticEndowment Fund, recognizingtheir long standing commitment toexcellence in the classroom and incompetition.Billy Donovan BasketballEndowmentThe Robert Gidel family funded thisendowment to recognize CoachDonovan for his commitment to thespirit, substance, and performanceof our basketball program, both onand off the court.Gwen Dulaney FootballEndowmentThis fund was established throughcontributions from friends in honorof Gwen’s dedicated service toGator Boosters.Billy and ChristineDonovanBasketball EndowmentSteve and Debra Viningestablished the Billy and ChristineDonovan Basketball Endowmentin honor of the Donovan family –not only for their commitment toGator athletics but also for theircharacter and godly example. GoGators!!!John Eibner EndowmentFormer Executive Secretaryof Gator Boosters and coach,John Eibner is recognized for hisdedication to the Gator program.ATHLETIC EDUCATION FUNDYEAR IN REVIEW 2012–2013Marion M. CromwellEndowmentMy modest scholarship fund wasestablished in the hope that itwould help to reward academicexcellence, by providing aid fortalented athletes attending UF,from a lifelong Gator, Marion M.Cromwell.Dexter Daniels, Jr. GolfEndowmentEst. by former UF students Velmaand Dexter Daniels, Jr. A formerGator golfer, Dexter and his wife,Velma, gave this endowmentto strengthen the University ofFlorida’s successful golf program.Culpepper FamilyEndowmentIn memory of John BrowardCulpepper, first Chancellor of theBoard of Regents and a Floridanative. His sons, Blair and Bruceand his grandchildren, Betsy,Bruce, Blair, and All-AmericanFootball player, Brad, all graduatedfrom UF.Sam Davis EndowmentThis endowment was createdby the family of Sam Davis in hishonor. He was quarterback andcaptain of the 1933 FightinGators.Culverhouse/HolmesSwimming EndowmentA near drowning incident in theCaribbean involving two closefriends led to this commitmenttoward excellence in swimmingat the University of Florida.Senator Paula DockeryEndowmentEstablished in honor of SenatorPaula Dockery and 100 Years ofFlorida football.Gene Ellenson EndowmentAlfred McKethan funded his thirdendowment in recognition of GeneEllenson, former Gator BoosterExecutive Secretary and popularfootball coach.Gene Ellenson TrustThis trust was established byfriends of Gene Ellenson. CoachEllenson spread his “positivemolecule” on Gator athletics for35 years.Barbara and Phil EmmerLady Gator EndowmentOur endowment is made torecognize and support the nationalleadership of Jeremy Foley andAnn Marie Rogers in their inspiringpromotion and development ofwomen’s athletic programs at theUniversity of Florida.Ellis Family FootballEndowmentEllis Family Endowment is createdto repay the Gator program for allthe great memories it has providedto our family.Ed Evans FootballEndowmentFernandez FamilyEndowmentWilliam E. ElmoreMemorial endowmentThe Athletic Association fundedthis endowment to honor Bill’shard work and dedication toathletics through service on theAthletic Board.Fernandez FamilyEndowmentThe Fernandez Family Foundationestablished this gift in order tobenefit the scholarship program inthe sports of soccer and baseball.YEAR IN REVIEW 2012–20135657

ATHLETIC EDUCATION FUNDEstablished in 19www. fgtc.org7F Club EndowmentF Club Endowment #2F Club Endowment #3F Club Endowment #4F Club Endowment #5F Club Endowment #6F Club Endowment #7F Club Endowment #8F Club Endowment #9F Club Endowment #10Established by the F Club in honorof all former letterwinners and willbenefit future athletes in all sports.FightinGator TouchdownClub Endowment #1Club Officers: Terry Nelson,Neil Malphurs, Paul Allen,Tommy Hicks, Charlie Snowden,Ronnie NederEndowment #2Club Officers: Guy Dennis, EddieGoff, Roy Boles, Bobby Joe Green,Jimmy Carter, Buz MacLeanEndowment #3Club Officers: Bob Jones,Alan Hitchcock, Buckley Shaw,Alan Pankratz, Chuck Clemons,Badger MoringEndowment #4Club Officers: Bob Benthall,Marty Karle, Tom Tumbleson,Wade Townsend, Jeff James,Tommy HamiltonFlorence L. and Edwin C.Fetterman AthleticEndowmentEstablished by Richard R. andAnna F. Gutekunst for women’sathletics.Endowment #5Club Officers: Marty Karle,Len Buffington, Mike JerrellEndowment #6Club Officers: Johnny Hornes,Mike Tanner, John HowellEndowment #7Club Officers: Timothy Deegan,Michael Croy, Billy Combs,Darren PorterGATOR TALESTo honor the great Gatormemory of, John A. Pandak, Sr.Class of 1951, lettered inswimming and was a WorldWar II Veteran. John wasextremely honored that heserved under George S. Pattonand drove the tanks. Johnutilized the G.I. Bill to go theUniversity of Florida, alsoearning a scholarship in swimming. While he studiedfor his degree in Education at UF, he met his wife of61 years, Barbara L. White. With his UF degree ineducation, he taught world history for 35 years andcoached swimming at both Dupont High School,Jacksonville, FL and McArthur High School,Hollywood, FL. John and Barbara’s children are Mary,John A. Jr., Lee and Susan. John’s passion for UF wasSWIMMING AND FOOTBALL, GO GATORS…Loraine Sadler GarciaFamily EndowmentWe love the Gators and enjoybeing a part of the University ofFlorida family. Go Gators!Gator Bowl AssociationFootball EndowmentThis endowment was fundedout of the proceeds of the 1994Outback Steak house Gator Bowl inappreciation for the use of Ben HillGriffin Stadium.Gator Basketball CoachesEndowmentEstablished by Tom and JaneJohnson in honor of theoutstanding coaching by the men’sbasketball coaching staff.Gator Golf Professional“Major” ChampionsProceeds from the Gator GolfClassic were used to create thisgolf endowment to honor Gatorgolfers who have won golf’s majorchampionships — Tommy Aaron,Mark Calcavecchia, Bob Murphy,Andy North and Deb Richard.Gator Booster Board ofDirectors EndowmentThis endowment was created torecognize past, current and futuremembers of the Gator BoosterBoard of Directors for theirdedication to excellence.Gator TouchdownChallengeBull Gator, Bryan Kornblau,provided a leadership challengegift for this innovative endowmentproject. He pledged $1,000 pertouchdown scored during the 1996football season and challengedother Gator fans to do the same.ATHLETIC EDUCATION FUNDFlorida Goal-LinersEndowmentFlorida Goal-Liners raised themajority of the funds through salesof “Gator Championship Recipes.”The endowment was presented atthe UF vs. Auburn football gameOctober 19, 2002.Lew Friedland SwimmingEndowmentLew Friedland and daughtersAmber and Audrey, all Gatorgrads, love the Gators and loveswimming.Florida Monthly/Kristen,Doug, Cristian Gabriel,Britney Elizabeth Cifers/Millennium FundDoug Cifers, President/Publisherof Florida Living Magazine,established this endowment tohonor the magazine, family andfriends of the Millennium FootballReunion.Gator Tip-Off ClubEndowmentGator Tip-Off ClubEndowment #2The Gator Tip-Off Club is proud tosupport the University of Floridamen’s basketball program throughfundraising efforts to endowscholarships for student-athletes.Gator U.S. Amateur Golfchampions endowmentProceeds from the Universityof Florida Golf Classic createdthis endowment to honor GatorU.S. Amateur Champions, DonnaHorton White, Steve Melnyk, BobMurphy, Fred Ridley and DebRichard.Gatorade FootballEndowmentGatorade has funded two footballendowments in recognition ofthe role of Gator football in thedevelopment of Gatorade.YEAR IN REVIEW 2012–201358The Terry and Kerry FrostVolleyball EndowmentThe Frost family of Bartow expresstheir support for the Gators byfunding a volleyball endowment inthe name of Terry Frost and KerryFrost Callahan.Gainesville QuarterbackClub Football endowmentGainesville QuarterbackClub FootballEndowment #2Gainesville QuarterbackClub FootballEndowment #3Gainesville QuarterbackClub Footballendowment #4Gainesville QuarterbackClub Footballendowment #5Gainesville QuarterbackClub Footballendowment #6Gainesville QuarterbackClub Footballendowment #7Gatortown GatorsScholarship FundFundraising efforts of this grouphave funded this endowment insupport of football.Bill and Eloise Gay FootballEndowmentLongtime Gator fan and prominentJacksonville businessman, Bill,and his wife, Eloise, in a loyalshow of support, made a gift toathletics to fund the EllensonBoard Room and to create thisfootball endowment.Michael Gold MemorialFootball EndowmentThe estate of Michael Goldestablished this memorial footballendowment to honor Michael, alifelong Gator fan.YEAR IN REVIEW 2012–201359

ATHLETIC EDUCATION FUNDEstablished <strong>in</strong> 19www. fgtc.org7F Club EndowmentF Club Endowment #2F Club Endowment #3F Club Endowment #4F Club Endowment #5F Club Endowment #6F Club Endowment #7F Club Endowment #8F Club Endowment #9F Club Endowment #10Established by the F Club <strong>in</strong> honorof all former letterw<strong>in</strong>ners and willbenefit future athletes <strong>in</strong> all sports.Fight<strong>in</strong>’ <strong>Gator</strong> TouchdownClub Endowment #1Club Officers: Terry Nelson,Neil Malphurs, Paul Allen,Tommy Hicks, Charlie Snowden,Ronnie NederEndowment #2Club Officers: Guy Dennis, EddieGoff, Roy Boles, Bobby Joe Green,Jimmy Carter, Buz MacLeanEndowment #3Club Officers: Bob Jones,Alan Hitchcock, Buckley Shaw,Alan Pankratz, Chuck Clemons,Badger Mor<strong>in</strong>gEndowment #4Club Officers: Bob Benthall,Marty Karle, Tom Tumbleson,Wade Townsend, Jeff James,Tommy HamiltonFlorence L. and Edw<strong>in</strong> C.Fetterman AthleticEndowmentEstablished by Richard R. andAnna F. Gutekunst for women’sathletics.Endowment #5Club Officers: Marty Karle,Len Buff<strong>in</strong>gton, Mike JerrellEndowment #6Club Officers: Johnny Hornes,Mike Tanner, John HowellEndowment #7Club Officers: Timothy Deegan,Michael Croy, Billy Combs,Darren PorterGATOR TALESTo honor the great <strong>Gator</strong>memory of, John A. Pandak, Sr.Class of 1951, lettered <strong>in</strong>swimm<strong>in</strong>g and was a WorldWar II Veteran. John wasextremely honored that heserved under George S. Pattonand drove the tanks. Johnutilized the G.I. Bill to go theUniversity of Florida, alsoearn<strong>in</strong>g a scholarship <strong>in</strong> swimm<strong>in</strong>g. While he studiedfor his degree <strong>in</strong> Education at UF, he met his wife of61 years, Barbara L. White. With his UF degree <strong>in</strong>education, he taught world history for 35 years andcoached swimm<strong>in</strong>g at both Dupont High School,Jacksonville, FL and McArthur High School,Hollywood, FL. John and Barbara’s children are Mary,John A. Jr., Lee and Susan. John’s passion for UF wasSWIMMING AND FOOTBALL, GO GATORS…Lora<strong>in</strong>e Sadler GarciaFamily EndowmentWe love the <strong>Gator</strong>s and enjoybe<strong>in</strong>g a part of the University ofFlorida family. Go <strong>Gator</strong>s!<strong>Gator</strong> Bowl AssociationFootball EndowmentThis endowment was fundedout of the proceeds of the 1994Outback Steak house <strong>Gator</strong> Bowl <strong>in</strong>appreciation for the use of Ben HillGriff<strong>in</strong> Stadium.<strong>Gator</strong> Basketball CoachesEndowmentEstablished by Tom and JaneJohnson <strong>in</strong> honor of theoutstand<strong>in</strong>g coach<strong>in</strong>g by the men’sbasketball coach<strong>in</strong>g staff.<strong>Gator</strong> Golf Professional“Major” ChampionsProceeds from the <strong>Gator</strong> GolfClassic were used to create thisgolf endowment to honor <strong>Gator</strong>golfers who have won golf’s majorchampionships — Tommy Aaron,Mark Calcavecchia, Bob Murphy,Andy North and Deb Richard.<strong>Gator</strong> Booster Board ofDirectors EndowmentThis endowment was created torecognize past, current and futuremembers of the <strong>Gator</strong> BoosterBoard of Directors for theirdedication to excellence.<strong>Gator</strong> TouchdownChallengeBull <strong>Gator</strong>, Bryan Kornblau,provided a leadership challengegift for this <strong>in</strong>novative endowmentproject. He pledged $1,000 pertouchdown scored dur<strong>in</strong>g the 1996football season and challengedother <strong>Gator</strong> fans to do the same.ATHLETIC EDUCATION FUNDFlorida Goal-L<strong>in</strong>ersEndowmentFlorida Goal-L<strong>in</strong>ers raised themajority of the funds through salesof “<strong>Gator</strong> Championship Recipes.”The endowment was presented atthe UF vs. Auburn football gameOctober 19, 2002.Lew Friedland Swimm<strong>in</strong>gEndowmentLew Friedland and daughtersAmber and Audrey, all <strong>Gator</strong>grads, love the <strong>Gator</strong>s and loveswimm<strong>in</strong>g.Florida Monthly/Kristen,Doug, Cristian Gabriel,Britney Elizabeth Cifers/Millennium FundDoug Cifers, President/Publisherof Florida Liv<strong>in</strong>g Magaz<strong>in</strong>e,established this endowment tohonor the magaz<strong>in</strong>e, family andfriends of the Millennium FootballReunion.<strong>Gator</strong> Tip-Off ClubEndowment<strong>Gator</strong> Tip-Off ClubEndowment #2The <strong>Gator</strong> Tip-Off Club is proud tosupport the University of Floridamen’s basketball program throughfundrais<strong>in</strong>g efforts to endowscholarships for student-athletes.<strong>Gator</strong> U.S. Amateur Golfchampions endowmentProceeds from the Universityof Florida Golf Classic createdthis endowment to honor <strong>Gator</strong>U.S. Amateur Champions, DonnaHorton White, Steve Melnyk, BobMurphy, Fred Ridley and DebRichard.<strong>Gator</strong>ade FootballEndowment<strong>Gator</strong>ade has funded two footballendowments <strong>in</strong> recognition ofthe role of <strong>Gator</strong> football <strong>in</strong> thedevelopment of <strong>Gator</strong>ade.YEAR IN REVIEW <strong>2012</strong>–20<strong>13</strong>58The Terry and Kerry FrostVolleyball EndowmentThe Frost family of Bartow expresstheir support for the <strong>Gator</strong>s byfund<strong>in</strong>g a volleyball endowment <strong>in</strong>the name of Terry Frost and KerryFrost Callahan.Ga<strong>in</strong>esville QuarterbackClub Football endowmentGa<strong>in</strong>esville QuarterbackClub FootballEndowment #2Ga<strong>in</strong>esville QuarterbackClub FootballEndowment #3Ga<strong>in</strong>esville QuarterbackClub Footballendowment #4Ga<strong>in</strong>esville QuarterbackClub Footballendowment #5Ga<strong>in</strong>esville QuarterbackClub Footballendowment #6Ga<strong>in</strong>esville QuarterbackClub Footballendowment #7<strong>Gator</strong>town <strong>Gator</strong>sScholarship FundFundrais<strong>in</strong>g efforts of this grouphave funded this endowment <strong>in</strong>support of football.Bill and Eloise Gay FootballEndowmentLongtime <strong>Gator</strong> fan and prom<strong>in</strong>entJacksonville bus<strong>in</strong>essman, Bill,and his wife, Eloise, <strong>in</strong> a loyalshow of support, made a gift toathletics to fund the EllensonBoard Room and to create thisfootball endowment.Michael Gold MemorialFootball EndowmentThe estate of Michael Goldestablished this memorial footballendowment to honor Michael, alifelong <strong>Gator</strong> fan.YEAR IN REVIEW <strong>2012</strong>–20<strong>13</strong>59

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