International Land Coalition - Independent Evaluation Group - World ...

International Land Coalition - Independent Evaluation Group - World ... International Land Coalition - Independent Evaluation Group - World ...
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Annex C 54Page No.Findings47 Members, partners, say ILC successful in facilitating dialogue but only "to some extentin decision-making processes"47 Sponsorship of attendance at 4 big international conferences48 Six countries cited (Guatemala, Philippines, South Africa, Zambia, Uganda, Niger)where ILC "encouraged governments to engage in dialogue." But some respondentsskeptical that it has gone beyond statements of intent.54–55 LAND program since 2003, participatory dialogue processes in Guatemala, Indonesia,Philippines, South Africa.Little evidence yet of improved policy processes or joint action to secure resources. (inSA LAND program halted due shift of policy) But limited gains must be judged againstdifficulty.LAND could become the country focus activity into which KP, NSP, CEF, feed.55 Platform 2002 aimed to present shared positions but nothing further happened.

55 Annex DAnnex D. ILC Members, Council, and SecretariatAnnex Table 6. ILC Members, at the Time of the External Evaluation(Members hold voting rights and may be elected to the Coalition Council.)Institution Country Web sitesALOP - Asociacion Latino-Americana deOrganizaciones e PromocionCosta Rica http://www.alcop.or.crALRD - Association for Land Reform andDevelopmentANGOC - Asian NGO for Agrarian Reformand Rural DevelopmentBangladeshPhilippineshttp://www.alrd@agni.com - Bread for the World Institute United States http://www.bread.orgCCC - Cooperation Committee forCambodiaCEPES - Centro Peruano de EstudiosSocialesCNIRD - Caribbean Network for IntegratedRural DevelopmentCOCOCH - Consejo Coordinador deOrganizaciones Campesinas de HondurasCONGCOOP - Coordinacion de ONG yCooperativesCambodiaPeruTrinidad andTobagoHondurasGuatemalahttp://www.ccc-cambodia.org - Deutsche Welthungerhilfe Germany http://www.welthungerhilfe.deEC - European CommissionELCI - Environment Liaison CentreInternationalFAO - Food and Agriculture Organization ofthe United NationsFENACOOP - Federeacion Nacional deCooperatives Agropecuarias yAgroIndustriales R.L.FEPP - Fondo Ecuatoriano PopulorumProgressioEuropean UnionKenyaInternationalNicaraguaEcuador TIERRA Bolivia http://www.tierra.orgGrupo ALLPA - Comunidades y DesarrolloALLPAICRAF - International Centre for Researchin AgroforestryPeruInternational - Inter-American Development Bank Regional http://www.iadb.orgIFAD - The International Fund forAgricultural DevelopmentIFAP - International Federation ofAgricultural ProducersInternationalInternationalhttp://www.ifad.org

Annex C 54Page No.Findings47 Members, partners, say ILC successful in facilitating dialogue but only "to some extentin decision-making processes"47 Sponsorship of attendance at 4 big international conferences48 Six countries cited (Guatemala, Philippines, South Africa, Zambia, Uganda, Niger)where ILC "encouraged governments to engage in dialogue." But some respondentsskeptical that it has gone beyond statements of intent.54–55 LAND program since 2003, participatory dialogue processes in Guatemala, Indonesia,Philippines, South Africa.Little evidence yet of improved policy processes or joint action to secure resources. (inSA LAND program halted due shift of policy) But limited gains must be judged againstdifficulty.LAND could become the country focus activity into which KP, NSP, CEF, feed.55 Platform 2002 aimed to present shared positions but nothing further happened.

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