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677kb pdf - Geoscience Society of New Zealand

677kb pdf - Geoscience Society of New Zealand

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number <strong>of</strong> other smaller exposures along theharbour coast between Karaka and ClarksBeach (Fig. 1). Berry also studied a number<strong>of</strong> local drillhole sequences and showed thatthis conglomerate is underlain by earlyPliocene shallow marine Kaawa Shellbed(Opoitian-Waipipian age; Berry, 1986) and isoverlain by widespread rhyolitic pumiceoussands. These latter sediments presumablywere transported down the Waikato River tothis area from the CVZ following the start <strong>of</strong>volcanism in that region sometime after 2 Maago (Briggs et al., 2005). Thus the age <strong>of</strong> theconglomerate must be somewhere within thelate Pliocene (c. 3-2 Ma ago). This wasconfirmed by the discovery <strong>of</strong> the leaf <strong>of</strong> a“brassi” group (large-leaved) beech in one <strong>of</strong>the carbonaceous lenses (R12/f80), a groupthat had largely disappeared from NZ by 1.5-2 Ma ago (Cooper, 2004).Composition and provenance <strong>of</strong> clasts inconglomerate at Kidds BeachThe conglomerate (and modern beachgravels) is dominated by subangular pebbles<strong>of</strong> red-brown cherts and greyargillite/greywacke clearly derived from theWaipapa Group (Table 1). The nearest sourceis the uplifted Hunua Ranges, but red chertsare rare in the southern and western partsclosest to Kidds Beach (Sch<strong>of</strong>ield, 1976,1979). The greatest concentration <strong>of</strong> chertunits outcrop in the north-east Hunuas toWaiheke Island area (also the source <strong>of</strong>McCallum’s red chip used widely onAuckland footpaths). The next most commonclasts are more rounded pebbles and evencobbles <strong>of</strong> cream-white crystalline “vein”quartz. Some <strong>of</strong> this has inclusions <strong>of</strong> chertthat link its source to the Waipapa rocks, butother more massive and more coarselycrystalline quartz is more reminiscent <strong>of</strong> veinquartz typically encountered on CoromandelPeninsula. Other rarer pebble lithologies thatare most strongly linked to a probableCoromandel source are <strong>of</strong> silicified wood,chert, ?sinter, and silicified flow-bandedrhyolite. Rounded andesite pebbles also couldbe sourced from the Coromandel volcanics,but an equally possible source is the Kiwitahiandesites that outcrop along the eastern side<strong>of</strong> the Hunuas (Black et al., 1992). As thecrow flies the nearest andesite source is theWaitakere Ranges to the north-west, but thisseems improbable as it is contrary to thedirection indicated by all the other lithologies.The shape <strong>of</strong> the pebbles reflects acombination <strong>of</strong> their hardness, jointing, anddistance transported. The s<strong>of</strong>test and largestclasts are well-rounded but were locallyderived Waitemata Sandstone. The smallestand most angular pebbles are the red cherts -sourced from the hardest and most closelyjointedrocks but transported c. 30 km. Claststransported the furthest (c. 50 km) are thoseinferred to be derived from the Coromandelvolcanic region. These are all the hardestlithologies in the Coromandel Range (freshandesite, quartz, silicified rhyolite and wood)but even so most have been rounded duringtheir long journey. None <strong>of</strong> the more commons<strong>of</strong>ter lithologies found on CoromandelPeninsula (e.g. rhyolites, ignimbrites, alteredandesites) are present in the conglomerate andpresumably were not hard enough to survivethe journey. The most convincingCoromandel-sourced pebble has vein quartzand andesite together – a combination notseen in the Waitakere Ranges nor Kiwitahiandesites.Table 1. Character <strong>of</strong> the cobbles and pebblesin the Pliocene ConglomerateLithology % Size Shape ProvenanceSandstone 30

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