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Download - Jeannette Rankin Foundation

Download - Jeannette Rankin Foundation

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Instructions for Completing the Application1. Application: Please type or print clearly in ink. Carefullyread the instructions and complete all pages of the application. Ifa question does not apply to you, write “n/a” rather than leave itblank. Applications with incomplete or confusing informationwill be disqualified.2. Personal Statement: This essay is an important part ofthe application. It is your opportunity to share your goals, yourplan for reaching your goals and how your education will benefityou. See page 4 of the application for complete instructions.3. References: You will need to submit two letters of recommendation.These letters will show support for your goals andreinforce the information in your application.Who to ask for a letter: In general, the best letters arepersonalized and express that the reference knows you well. Aletter that includes specific statements about you, not genericcomments that could apply to anyone, will come across asmore enthusiastic and genuine. If you’re already enrolled, it isbest for at least one letter to be written by an advisor, professoror other instructor. Letters may also be written by counselors,employers, co-workers, volunteer supervisors or religious leaders;letters may not be written by family members.How to ask for a letter: Make an appointment to talk toeach person you’ll ask to write a letter. Bring a copy of thisscholarship application, your Personal Statement (if you’recomfortable sharing it), the Letter of Recommendation coversheet, your resume, a list of accomplishments or relatedexperiences, and any other documents you feel might help thereference write a personalized letter. You should ask for lettersat least 3 to 4 weeks before they are needed.Print your name at the top of each cover sheet (pages 5 & 6 ofthe application) before giving one to each of your references,and be sure they return the cover sheets and letters to youbefore the deadline. Letters must be dated within 12 months ofthis application. Do not submit letters from more than tworeferences. We suggest sending a thank you to the referenceonce your application has been submitted.4. Proof of Enrollment or Acceptance:If you are not yet enrolled, send a copy of your acceptanceor welcome letter from the school you will be attendingin Fall 2013. The letter must be dated within 12 months of thisapplication. A letter that states your acceptance is provisional,conditional, or awaiting approval will make you ineligible toapply this year.If you are currently enrolled, please submit your mostrecent transcript, with courses dated within 8 months of thisapplication.If you are currently enrolled, but have not yet completeda full term to receive a transcript, please submitthe acceptance or welcome letter that you received.A note about unofficial transcripts: JRF will accept unofficialtranscripts, but only if both your name and the name ofyour school are printed on it. You may be able to downloadan unofficial transcript from your college’s website or obtain acopy from the Registrar’s Office. If you can’t get an unofficialcopy that prints with both your name and the name of the college,you must submit an official copy. Please contact us if youhave questions concerning your transcript.5. Make a Second Copy of your completed applicationmaterials. JRF will need 2 sets of your full application. If you donot send 2 sets of your full application, your application will bedisqualified.Organize each set in the following order:• the application form,• the personal statement,• the letters of recommendation,• the transcript and/or letter of acceptance.You will need to open and copy all sealed transcripts and letters,unless your reference gives you two sealed copies of the letter ofrecommendation.Paperclip each set and mail both in one envelope. All documentsmust arrive together. JRF is not responsible for matching up applicationmaterials that arrive separately.• Also include one self-addressed, stamped envelope with yourapplication. It will be used to notify you once the recipientshave been selected.Do not provide additional documents such as resumes, diplomas,certificates, photographs, publications or tax forms. Any extramaterials will be discarded upon arrival.All applications and supporting documents become the property ofJRF and will not be returned.6. Mail Both Sets of Your Completed Application,Postmarked by March 1, 2013 to:1 Huntington Rd., #701, Athens, GA 30606.All applications postmarked by March 1 will be accepted, sodo NOT send your application by Priority Mail or overnightdelivery. Applications will not be accepted by fax or e-mail. Beforemailing, remove this instruction sheet to keep for your records.Selection: Selected recipients will be notified by phone.All other applicants will be notified of their status only if aself-addressed stamped envelope is included with the application.Recipients will be listed on JRF’s website by July 1, 2013.All scholarship recipients are selected by a trained committee ofvolunteers, not JRF staff. JRF staff cannot tell applicants who arenot selected why they were not chosen. If you are not selected forthe 2013 school year, you are encouraged to reapply for 2014.If you are currently enrolled, but plan to attend a differentcollege in Fall 2013, please send the most recenttranscript from your current school (showing courses datedwithin 8 months of this application) AND an acceptance letterfrom your Fall 2013 school. If you are not able to obtain thesedocuments before the deadline, you are not eligible this year.JRF Instructions Page 2Apply for Other Financial Aid: For links to other financialaid resources for women and adult students, visitwww.rankinfoundation.org/resources.

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